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YCC Clinical Trials Operational Planning Communications

As the YCC Clinical Trials operational planning initiative moves into the Design Phase, there are multiple ways to stay engaged and up-to-date. Distribution lists for Principal Investigators and Sub-Investigators on CTO-managed studies and CTO staff continue to be used, as well as the opt-in list of other interested staff. Relevant communications are also posted to this website and sent via regular email updates.

If you are NOT a CTO staff member or investigator on a CTO-managed trial but WOULD like to receive email communications regarding the YCC Clinical Trials operational planning initiative, please follow the link below to register for the optional communications list:

In addition, for each Step of the Design Phase (there are four Steps total), the planning team will be seeking volunteers for the Step Advisory Teams. The Advisory Teams are a select group of faculty and staff members who will review and provide feedback on the completed materials and workflows prior to rollout. Occasionally the planning team will send out calls for volunteers and if interested you can respond to

The Clinical Trials operational planning team looks forward to keeping you informed throughout this effort.