Addressing Social Determinants and Health-Risk Behaviors to Reduce Cancer Burden and Eliminate Cancer-Related Disparities
Addressing Social Determinants and Health-Risk Behaviors to Reduce Cancer Burden and Eliminate Cancer-Related Disparities
October 05, 2022Information
- ID
- 8139
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- DCA Citation Guide
- 00:00All right. Good afternoon, everyone.
- 00:02We're going to go ahead and get started here.
- 00:05It's my pleasure to introduce
- 00:07Doctor Herman Pogosian.
- 00:09She's an associate professor at
- 00:11Yale University School of Nursing.
- 00:12She received her Bachelor of Science in
- 00:15nursing from Jonkoping University in Sweden,
- 00:17and she received her pH.
- 00:19D from the American University
- 00:20of Armenia and her PhD from the
- 00:22University of Massachusetts, Boston.
- 00:24Doctor Pogosian completed a postdoctoral
- 00:27fellowship and interprofessional
- 00:28health services research at the
- 00:30Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing.
- 00:32At the University of California, Davis.
- 00:34Her research focus is on cancer
- 00:37epidemiology and survivorship
- 00:38research with a particular interest
- 00:40in cancer health disparities,
- 00:42lung cancer screening survivors and their
- 00:44social network members including families,
- 00:47friends and others.
- 00:48Doctor proposing is the principal
- 00:50investigator of an NCI funded R1
- 00:52that is investigating social networks
- 00:54and effective states in the context
- 00:56of smoking behaviors among adults
- 00:58diagnosed with tobacco related cancer.
- 01:00Please join me in welcoming Dr Prozium
- 01:02to Yale Cancer Center grand rounds.
- 01:04Thank you.
- 01:09Thank you. Good afternoon everyone and
- 01:13thank you Michael for the kind introduction.
- 01:16And I'm very excited to be here today
- 01:18and to share some of my work with you.
- 01:21And I'll be talking a little bit about
- 01:24lung cancer screening in the US and also
- 01:26tobacco use among cancer survivors.
- 01:29So just to give a little bit
- 01:32of a background information,
- 01:35we know that lung cancer is the 2nd
- 01:39leading cause of cancer and the leading.
- 01:42Leading cause of cancer related death
- 01:45in the US in both men and women,
- 01:47and this year it is estimated that
- 01:50there will be about 236,000 new
- 01:54lung cancer cases and about 130,000
- 01:57deaths from lung cancer.
- 02:01But when we look at the incidence and the
- 02:04mortality rates for lung cancer by race,
- 02:06ethnicity,
- 02:07certain racial and ethnic minorities groups,
- 02:11they suffer more from lung cancer and
- 02:15they have worse clinical outcomes
- 02:18compared to white individuals.
- 02:20And in fact,
- 02:22African American men have the highest
- 02:25rate of lung cancer incidence rate
- 02:28and the highest mortality rate.
- 02:31Compared to other racial ethnic groups
- 02:34and just for example one of the studies,
- 02:38our earlier study that we published
- 02:40in general thoracic oncology,
- 02:42we found that black patients who had
- 02:47got surgery for their lung cancer,
- 02:50they had much lower post operative
- 02:53mental health related quality of
- 02:56life compared to white patients
- 02:58undergoing lung cancer surgery.
- 03:01And also in terms of survival like
- 03:03there is again significant difference
- 03:06in in a five year survival comparing.
- 03:10Racial ethnic minority groups
- 03:12with white individuals,
- 03:13the five year survival.
- 03:15The overall five year survival.
- 03:16All stages combined is.
- 03:20Among all the races is 22% but when
- 03:23you compare the black individuals have
- 03:26much have lower five year survival
- 03:28from lung cancer compared white and
- 03:32lung cancer has has a poor prognosis.
- 03:36And early detection of lung cancer is
- 03:39kind of the key to improve survival
- 03:42among patients diagnosed with lung cancer.
- 03:46And unfortunately a lot of work
- 03:48has been done showing that.
- 03:51The early diet,
- 03:52the only less than 20% of patients are
- 03:55diagnosed with early stage lung cancer.
- 03:58Some of the studies suggest even like 16%,
- 04:00around 16% are diagnosed with stage
- 04:03one lung cancer when the more curative
- 04:05treatment options are available
- 04:07that help to improve the survival
- 04:10among these patients and last kind
- 04:12of 10 years or so about the sodium.
- 04:17Screening for lung cancer with low
- 04:20dose computed tomography has been
- 04:22shown to reduce lung cancer mortality
- 04:24among individuals at higher risk,
- 04:26so one of them well known.
- 04:28The study conducted in trial in the US
- 04:31national lung cancer screening trial
- 04:33showed that screening with low dose
- 04:35computed tomographic decreases lung
- 04:37cancer rate mortality rate by 20%
- 04:40and another study recently that came
- 04:44out more recently Nelson study trial.
- 04:47And from Netherlands,
- 04:48they showed that up to 26% reduction
- 04:51in lung cancer mortality among those
- 04:54who got screened for lung cancer
- 04:57with low dose computed tomography.
- 05:00So the and then since 2013,
- 05:03we have a guideline in place by
- 05:05US Preventive Service Task Force
- 05:08recommending annual lung cancer
- 05:10screening for high risk individuals.
- 05:13And those individuals are asymptomatic
- 05:15adults ages 50 to 80 years old and
- 05:19current and former smokers who quit
- 05:21within the past 15 years and they have
- 05:24at least 20 pack years of smoking history.
- 05:27So this guideline was updated last year.
- 05:30To March of 2021 before the March 2021
- 05:35the age range age started 55 years 55
- 05:40to 80 years old and then the Smoking
- 05:42Pack history was 30 pack year history.
- 05:45So they decreased last year the the
- 05:48guideline the criteria of 20 pack
- 05:50year sister instead of 30 and 20
- 05:53pack year sister means that someone
- 05:55smokes at least one pack of cigarettes
- 05:58per day for at least 20 years.
- 06:02And Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
- 06:05Services provides coverage for annual
- 06:07lung cancer screening with low dose
- 06:10computer tomography for eligible individuals.
- 06:14And Affordable Care acts mandate
- 06:16private insurance companies to
- 06:19cover lung cancer screening.
- 06:21So one of the main one of the
- 06:24main reason that the screening
- 06:26guideline was updated the decrease
- 06:29the age and decrease the smoking.
- 06:31Great because?
- 06:34A lot of work has been done showing
- 06:36that black individuals were less
- 06:38often eligible under that guideline
- 06:40for lung cancer screening despite
- 06:43they have developing lung cancer
- 06:45at much younger age and they have
- 06:48a lower smoking intensity.
- 06:50So it was hard to meet at 30 at
- 06:52least 30 pack years of smoking,
- 06:54smoking history criteria and and
- 06:56also they have like when you look at
- 06:59the smoking prevalence comparing non
- 07:01Hispanic whites and non Hispanic blacks.
- 07:04They have kind of a little bit
- 07:06like similar smoking rates,
- 07:08but they have much higher blocking
- 07:10the doors have much higher incidence
- 07:13rate from lung cancer,
- 07:15mortality rate from lung cancer.
- 07:17They are diagnosed with much earlier
- 07:19age and they have a lower in smoking
- 07:23intensity compared to white.
- 07:24So that's why they expanded the
- 07:27kind of change the criteria with
- 07:29the hope that that more racial and
- 07:31ethnic minorities group will meet.
- 07:34Lung cancer screening criteria,
- 07:37so become eligible.
- 07:39And with that, with the earlier guideline,
- 07:42the about studies show that about
- 07:458,000,000 adults were eligible
- 07:47for lung cancer.
- 07:48With a new guideline about 14.5 million
- 07:51adults are eligible for lung cancer.
- 07:54And there have been studies showing
- 07:57that when they changed the guidelines
- 07:59just few came out that more like with
- 08:02the new eligibility criteria,
- 08:04higher proper high proportion
- 08:07of African Americans meet.
- 08:09Lucky meets the criteria for
- 08:12lung cancer screening. So.
- 08:14The current rate for lung
- 08:17cancer screening is very low.
- 08:20The utilization,
- 08:20the uptake of lung cancer screening
- 08:22is very low in the US the new
- 08:25report that came out about in
- 08:262019 was 6.6% and then 2020 it
- 08:30dropped a little bit to 6.5%,
- 08:33but there have been some studies
- 08:35done and also our work that
- 08:38showed a little bit higher rate.
- 08:40So that's so,
- 08:41but this the new report
- 08:43showed much lower rate.
- 08:45That's why I just wanted.
- 08:46To bring to bring this numbers
- 08:48here and a lot of work has been
- 08:51done to show that lung cancer
- 08:53screening rate uptake is much lower
- 08:56among African American individuals
- 08:59or Russian ethnic minorities
- 09:00compared to white minorities.
- 09:02But the guy since guideline
- 09:04changed last March,
- 09:06there's still a lot of work need
- 09:08to be done to kind of have that
- 09:10clear understanding of the lung
- 09:12cancer screening uptake by race,
- 09:14ethnicity and there has been.
- 09:16Reports show saying that estimating
- 09:19that if we implement national lung
- 09:23cancer screening we could prevent up
- 09:26to like 6000 deaths in the US so but
- 09:31unfortunately the uptake is very low.
- 09:34So we are interested in this study.
- 09:37So since some work has been done to
- 09:39show like uptake is low and then the
- 09:41uptake specifically it is much lower
- 09:43among racial and ethnic minorities.
- 09:45So we were interested to conduct
- 09:48this study to understand the
- 09:50intention of high risk individuals
- 09:52to get screened for the for lung
- 09:55cancer if their primary care
- 09:56provider if the healthcare providers
- 09:59recommended it so specifically.
- 10:03In this study,
- 10:04we investigated the association
- 10:06between worry about future health
- 10:09issues of smoking and intention
- 10:12to undergo recommended lung
- 10:14cancer screening with low dose
- 10:17computed tomography within the
- 10:19next three months when if the
- 10:22healthcare provider recommended it.
- 10:26This was a cross-sectional survey
- 10:28who conducted the online survey.
- 10:30We used Qualtrics research panel
- 10:33to recruit study subjects.
- 10:35In this study we included 152 adults
- 10:38aged between 55 to 74 years old with
- 10:42at least 30 pack years of smoking.
- 10:45So this was part of a much larger
- 10:47study we had that we looked into
- 10:50electronic cigarette use as well
- 10:52and the total sample size of
- 10:54the original study was eight.
- 10:56121 and out of 800 twenty 152 who
- 11:00made the criteria of at least
- 11:02having 30 pack years of smoking.
- 11:04So we used 30 pack years of smoking
- 11:07because of the prior guideline for
- 11:10lung cancer screening and the age
- 11:12range we used 55 to 74 based on
- 11:15the national lung cancer screening
- 11:18eligible eligibility criteria.
- 11:20The outcome variable was the intention
- 11:23to undergo lung cancer screening
- 11:25with low dose computed tomography
- 11:27within the next three months if if
- 11:30healthcare provider recommended it
- 11:32and the predictive was the worry
- 11:35about health consequences of smoking.
- 11:37It also collected some covered
- 11:39coverage as well.
- 11:41We used Stata to conduct descriptive
- 11:44statistics and logistic regression,
- 11:47so this table shows sample characteristics.
- 11:50Majority of them were about 80%
- 11:53were ages between 55 to 64 years
- 11:58and about 60% were male.
- 12:01We oversampled a racial and ethnic
- 12:04minoritized individuals in our sample.
- 12:07So about
- 12:1021.7% self reported as black
- 12:14individuals and 42.8% self reported
- 12:17as white and 12.5% as Asians.
- 12:21And we had like 25% of the sample.
- 12:25We are Hispanics.
- 12:27In terms of the income,
- 12:29kind of a little bigger portion of
- 12:32the participants 36.8% had the lower
- 12:36than 25,000 annual household income.
- 12:42So we found that majority
- 12:46of the samples about 86.2%,
- 12:49they're willing to undergo lung
- 12:51cancer screening if healthcare
- 12:53provider recommended it so.
- 12:55And also found that 67.7%
- 12:59were very much worried,
- 13:02moderately or very much
- 13:04worried about them smoking
- 13:05related health consequences.
- 13:09So in this this table shows the
- 13:12participants smoking history and the
- 13:15mean pug years tobacco smoking was
- 13:1850.8 and the mean number of years
- 13:20they've been smoking cigarette was
- 13:2444.9. So in the in the regression analysis,
- 13:29we found that, you know, high individuals,
- 13:32high risk individuals who were
- 13:35moderately or very much worried about
- 13:37the health consequences of smoking.
- 13:39They are much more willing to undergo
- 13:43recommended lung cancer screening.
- 13:45We didn't find difference by age groups
- 13:47and but we also found that men had much
- 13:51the men had much higher odds of reporting
- 13:54willingness to undergo lung cancer.
- 13:57Training if they were recommended by
- 14:00their healthcare provider compared
- 14:02to female and also the interesting
- 14:04finding where the black individuals,
- 14:07those self reported black individuals
- 14:09at high risk for developing lung cancer.
- 14:12They were they had much lower
- 14:15odds ratio of reporting,
- 14:17willingness to undergo recommended
- 14:19lung cancer screening and we didn't
- 14:23find differences in by by ethnicity.
- 14:29So for the conclusion and the study we
- 14:32it was obvious that many individuals at
- 14:35high risk for developing lung cancer,
- 14:38they were willing to get screened for lung
- 14:43cancer and but the screening by race,
- 14:47ethnicity, African self reported
- 14:49black individuals have much lower
- 14:52odds of being willing to get screened
- 14:55and I think like that.
- 14:56So this was a quantitative study,
- 14:58one of the steps will be I think.
- 15:00To conduct kind of qualitative
- 15:02study just to understand why they
- 15:05don't want to get screened.
- 15:07So with this only we know that yes the
- 15:10percentage is lower and they don't want.
- 15:12But I think that we need kind of to
- 15:15go more in depth to understand like
- 15:17why they don't want to get this life
- 15:21saving screening and we should have
- 15:23like a public health initiative to
- 15:26increase awarenesses of lung cancer
- 15:28screening among specifically among.
- 15:30Racial and ethnic minorities groups,
- 15:33and there has been some some other
- 15:36studies showing that the awarenesses
- 15:39public among general population about
- 15:42lung cancer screening is quite low.
- 15:46So we should do some public health
- 15:49initiatives to increase that awarenesses.
- 15:55So one of the interesting thing for the
- 15:57for getting screened for lung cancer
- 15:59is the sheer decision making visits.
- 16:01So CMS mandates that healthcare
- 16:04providers have to have a shared decision
- 16:07screening visit with with patients then
- 16:11refer them to lung cancer screening.
- 16:14So during that visit healthcare providers
- 16:16need to identify if the patient is eligible
- 16:19for screening based on their age and.
- 16:22Smoking history and they also need
- 16:25to discuss about benefits and the
- 16:28risks of lung cancer screening.
- 16:30They need to use your decision making
- 16:32aid that talks about risks and benefits
- 16:34of lung cancer screening and during
- 16:36that visit they also need to discuss
- 16:38about that if with current smokers
- 16:40they need to discuss emphasize the
- 16:42importance of quitting smoking and
- 16:44if those who are former smokers,
- 16:46they need to discuss the importance
- 16:48of being existent from from smoking.
- 16:51So we conducted.
- 16:52And I use this study to understand
- 16:54like just rate of patient provider
- 16:57discussion about lung cancer screening
- 16:59is it happening or not happening and
- 17:01then to understand how it is related to.
- 17:05Quite attempts so specifically in this
- 17:08study invested in investigated the
- 17:10relationship between patient provider
- 17:12discussions about lung cancer screening
- 17:15and smoking quit attempts among adults
- 17:17eligible for lung cancer screening.
- 17:19So I used this data from that main
- 17:22the study that I mentioned earlier,
- 17:25like 821 subjects.
- 17:27Out of them,
- 17:28282 met the criteria of at least
- 17:3120 pack years of smoking history.
- 17:34So outcome variable was the the quit attempt.
- 17:38They tried to quit smoking within
- 17:40the past 12 months.
- 17:42And for the predictor variable,
- 17:44participants were asked the question
- 17:46at any time in the past year.
- 17:48Have you talked with your doctor or other?
- 17:50Other health professional about having
- 17:53a test to check for lung cancer.
- 17:58So this is the the sample
- 18:01characteristics again.
- 18:02So majority were between 55 to 64 years
- 18:06of age female 62% and 26% were identified
- 18:12as self identified black individuals,
- 18:1618% self identified Asian individuals
- 18:19and 37% white individuals.
- 18:21And in terms of lung cancer screening it
- 18:25was kind of surprising to see that much.
- 18:28Majority of them 84% did not have
- 18:31discussion with their healthcare
- 18:33provider about lung cancer screening.
- 18:36Even if even though they were at
- 18:37high with the new guideline they are,
- 18:40they were they are at much higher risk
- 18:43for developing lung cancer screening
- 18:45because we use a 20 pack years the
- 18:48criteria to include study subjects.
- 18:50Only 16% reported that they discussed.
- 18:56But discussed have had a discussion with
- 18:59their provider about lung cancer screening.
- 19:02So this table shows participants smoking
- 19:06history and about the mean park year
- 19:10of tobacco use was 39.4 and the mean
- 19:14number of years they smoked cigarette was
- 19:1644.4 and majority of the participants.
- 19:2059% of the participants had at least 30 or
- 19:24more pack year smoking history and 39% of
- 19:29the participants they tried to quit smoking.
- 19:33In the past year we also asked participant
- 19:37what which what methods they used
- 19:41to help them to quit smoking and the
- 19:44surprisingly a lot of them reported.
- 19:47Switching to electronic cigarette,
- 19:49use that with the hope that it
- 19:53will help them to quit smoking.
- 19:56But we know from the later evidence
- 19:58that that's not the case.
- 20:00It's it.
- 20:01It doesn't help individuals to
- 20:04quit smoking and stay existence
- 20:07successfully for a longer time.
- 20:10And so in the regression analysis
- 20:13we found found that those who had
- 20:17discussion with their healthcare
- 20:19providers about lung cancer screening,
- 20:21they're much more likely to try to
- 20:24quit smoking compared to those who did
- 20:27not have discussion we didn't find.
- 20:30I didn't find the differences by
- 20:33race or ethnicity,
- 20:35and also didn't find the differences
- 20:38in them in the having.
- 20:40Non cancerous discussion would healthcare
- 20:42providers by race and or or ethnicity.
- 20:47So,
- 20:48so one of the the main finding of
- 20:50many individuals who are eligible
- 20:53for lung cancer screening,
- 20:55they don't do, they don't get,
- 20:57they don't have a discussion with their
- 21:00healthcare providers about lung cancer
- 21:02screening which is kind of required
- 21:04mandated by CMS before getting screen.
- 21:07So they have to have the shared
- 21:09decision making and also.
- 21:11And the one the some other
- 21:15research shows that improving,
- 21:18providing education training for
- 21:20healthcare providers about lung
- 21:22cancer screening kind of will help
- 21:25to improve the lung cancer uptake.
- 21:27So the having the discussion with
- 21:30patients about lung cancer screening
- 21:32it kind of it helps to kind of
- 21:35improve the lung cancer screening
- 21:37uptake as well as it will improve,
- 21:40it will help patients to get motivated.
- 21:42Try to quit smoking and maybe
- 21:44eventually help them to quit smoking.
- 21:47So also another way is then
- 21:49people who get screened,
- 21:51there has been another work
- 21:53including our earlier.
- 21:54So those who get actually get to the
- 21:57point to get screened for lung cancer.
- 22:00So they are more motivated to
- 22:03try to quit smoking.
- 22:05So that's why like this are
- 22:07kind of very much related.
- 22:08So first helping patients to
- 22:10quit smoking or referring them
- 22:12to lung cancer screening.
- 22:13So help them also to to quit smoking.
- 22:20And so one of the other big part of my
- 22:23work has been focused on understanding
- 22:27tobacco use among cancer survivors,
- 22:30and I use the NCI definition for cancer
- 22:33survivors and individuals are considered
- 22:35cancer survivors from the time of
- 22:38diagnosis through the balance of life
- 22:40and their family members, caregivers,
- 22:43friends are all impacted by the survivorship
- 22:47experience and they're included.
- 22:49And this definition, so we know that.
- 22:54And do two major advancement in cancer
- 22:58screening or detection and treatment.
- 23:01So many individuals these days live
- 23:04with the history of cancer diagnosis.
- 23:07In fact, in 1971 about 3,000,000
- 23:11individuals who live in cancer history.
- 23:13And as of January this year about 18
- 23:16million individuals are living with
- 23:19cancer history and it is projected
- 23:21to increase significantly by 2014.
- 23:24There will be about 26 million
- 23:27cancer survivors.
- 23:28So in order to maximize the
- 23:31overall well-being of this growing
- 23:33population of cancer survivors,
- 23:35identifying the health risk behaviors and
- 23:38helping them to change will help will
- 23:41help improve their overall well-being.
- 23:43And one of the health risk behaviors
- 23:45is tobacco use is,
- 23:47which is still prevalent among among
- 23:51individuals diagnosed with cancer even
- 23:52though a lot of work has been done.
- 23:55And tobacco use decreased significantly
- 23:57over the past five decades.
- 24:00Still,
- 24:00many individuals continue to
- 24:03smoke after the cancer diagnosis,
- 24:06and the prevalence of the tobacco
- 24:09use varies by by by cancer type.
- 24:14And those who are diagnosed with
- 24:16the tobacco related cancer,
- 24:17they have the highest rate of smoking
- 24:20compared to those who are not diagnosed
- 24:23with tobacco related cancers.
- 24:25And we know that continued tobacco use
- 24:28among cancer survivors significantly
- 24:30reduces the cancer treatment effectiveness
- 24:33and it worsens treatment side effects,
- 24:36reduces overall survival.
- 24:38It also increases the risk of
- 24:41recurrence and symptom burden and also.
- 24:43Increases the risk of smoking related
- 24:46comorbidities and we know that there are,
- 24:50there is a.
- 24:52Evidence based tobacco treatment
- 24:55guidelines available in the US and
- 24:57that healthcare provider that would
- 25:00help health healthcare providers to
- 25:02use that to follow that guideline
- 25:04to help individuals smokers to
- 25:07quit quit smoking.
- 25:09So the gold standard for tobacco
- 25:13treatment is using combining the use
- 25:17of pharmacotherapy and behavioral
- 25:20intervention and healthcare.
- 25:22Providers.
- 25:23First they need to assess and
- 25:25document tobacco use,
- 25:27then provide advice to quit those who smoke,
- 25:31and then assist them with their
- 25:33pharmacotherapy and behavioral counseling.
- 25:36And they also own a regular basis.
- 25:38They have to reassess smoking status
- 25:41among former smokers to make sure they
- 25:44are still absent from tobacco use.
- 25:47And then we conducted this study
- 25:50so to understand how how cancer
- 25:53programs are implementing this
- 25:56evidence based tobacco treatments.
- 25:58So we conduct in this study we know
- 26:02that from other work that tobacco
- 26:05use still is prevalent among among
- 26:08individuals diagnosed with cancer.
- 26:10So in this study we just wanted to
- 26:14understand more like how this evidence based.
- 26:17Michael,
- 26:17Guideline is implemented and then the
- 26:21results we found that only 7% of those.
- 26:27Cancer programs in the Northeast region,
- 26:30they had optimal integration of the
- 26:33guidelines into their into their
- 26:36delivery system and only about 39%
- 26:40of this program had a had a system
- 26:43in place that healthcare providers
- 26:46they can easily identify screen for
- 26:50tobacco use and then document the
- 26:53tobacco use and also only 25% they had.
- 26:56System in place that they could easily
- 27:00prescribe pharmacotherapy and refer
- 27:02them to a counseling so and so all
- 27:06found that the tobacco treatments
- 27:10were not delivered consistently
- 27:12and routinely among among cancer
- 27:15survivors so and one of the some
- 27:18of the Bears identified in the.
- 27:21Oh, identified in the work related
- 27:24to not having the optimal strategy in
- 27:26place to identify to screen for tobacco
- 27:29use and document a lot of providers.
- 27:32They reported the limited time,
- 27:34so they didn't have enough time
- 27:36to screen for that as well.
- 27:38And then.
- 27:40Limited reimbursement for clinicians
- 27:43to provide tobacco treatment was
- 27:46also another another barrier.
- 27:49So NCI identifies as well like that
- 27:54the screening for tobacco use,
- 27:56documenting tobacco use and treating
- 28:00is kind of has and hasn't been that
- 28:03well in the in this country and
- 28:05since in 2017 is NCI launched Cancer
- 28:10Center cessation initiative which
- 28:12was funded part of the NCI Cancer
- 28:16Moonshine Program and the overall like.
- 28:20Long term goal of this.
- 28:24Of this initiative is that to provide
- 28:27funding to cancer centers and to help
- 28:31them to build an implement sustainable
- 28:34tobacco cessation treatment programs
- 28:37that can help healthcare providers
- 28:41routinely address tobacco sensation
- 28:45among cancer survivors and since 2017,
- 28:50fifty two NCI designated cancer centers.
- 28:54You said this funding and yells
- 28:56Cancer Center is one of those 52
- 29:00and there has been some studies
- 29:02already came out showing kind of
- 29:05positive outcome those centers who
- 29:07got the funding that they have them.
- 29:11Kind of a system in place to identify
- 29:14to screen and document tobacco use
- 29:17and help smokers to quit smoking,
- 29:20but it's been since 2017 so like
- 29:23I think sustainability should be
- 29:26evaluated so for longer term to
- 29:29see if if it's still moving on.
- 29:32So from.
- 29:35From my work and from the work of
- 29:38other researchers kind of we understand
- 29:41how the we know that tobacco use
- 29:44is still is a problem is is still.
- 29:49And common among individuals were diagnosed
- 29:52with lung individuals who had cancer.
- 29:55So we decided to conduct this study
- 29:58and it was funded by NCI to understand
- 30:02the role of social networks and
- 30:05affective States and in smoking
- 30:08behavior among cancer patients.
- 30:10So I have done some work looking at the
- 30:12role of social networks and I'm sure you
- 30:14know like the Yale has a big team who
- 30:16looks at the social network as well.
- 30:18It really shows how important it is to.
- 30:21Involve your social network members
- 30:23to help to change the smoking behavior
- 30:26or health risk behaviors.
- 30:28But when you look at the intervention
- 30:31side like smoking cessation programs,
- 30:33those are mostly focused on an
- 30:35individual and we know that those if
- 30:38they get a treatment get the referral.
- 30:41But when they go back home,
- 30:43like get the treatment by get home in
- 30:45their network and someone is in the
- 30:48network smoking it increases their
- 30:49chance of like starting smoking.
- 30:51So that's why so we discount,
- 30:53we are hoping,
- 30:54hoping that we can develop social
- 30:56network best smoking cessation
- 30:58interventions for patients diagnosed
- 31:00with tobacco related cancers.
- 31:01So hopefully we can help them to quit
- 31:05smoking and stay quit for a longer term.
- 31:08So on this grant I am working with them.
- 31:13Team then if I have like really great team,
- 31:16excellent collaborators from
- 31:18Dana Farber Cancer Institute,
- 31:20Northeastern University and Dartmouth College
- 31:23and I have a consultants from MGH and.
- 31:28And University of Pennsylvania,
- 31:31we just started the recruitment.
- 31:33So this is the specific aims.
- 31:36Basically we want to understand
- 31:38the role of social network members,
- 31:41how they impact the smoking behavior
- 31:44of cancer population and also we want
- 31:48to know that how the cancer diagnosis.
- 31:51Impacts on the social network
- 31:54members smoking behavior.
- 31:55So I have done some work to look into
- 31:59the the cancer diagnosis that it
- 32:02kind of motivates network members to
- 32:05change their health risk behaviors.
- 32:07So this is a mixed method design.
- 32:11The phase one we're conducting it's
- 32:14a quantitative approach.
- 32:16We're using egocentric social network
- 32:18approach to identify tobacco late,
- 32:21hence individual stagnant with tobacco
- 32:23related cancer and then after the
- 32:26phase one and date it's a one year
- 32:29follow up and we'll we're conducting
- 32:31a best line then three months,
- 32:33six months and 12 months and then after 12.
- 32:37Months do we want to do a qualitative
- 32:41dieting interviews with the cancer
- 32:43survivor and self identify significant
- 32:45network member to understand how do
- 32:48they impact on their health risk behaviors,
- 32:51their relationship.
- 32:52So we just started a screening,
- 32:55we are recruiting from Dana Farber
- 32:58Cancer Institute and we are.
- 33:00So we have some discussions that maybe
- 33:02later we can open up to the recruitment
- 33:05to include your Cancer Center.
- 33:07As well.
- 33:09So this is just the illustration
- 33:11of the egocentric social network.
- 33:13So basically all information,
- 33:15the ego here represents the the
- 33:17individual diagnosis tobacco related
- 33:19cancer and then network members
- 33:22they are who they identify.
- 33:24So,
- 33:25so far actually it's going well
- 33:28and so collect
- 33:29collecting the social network data is
- 33:33quite rich and so we are doing via zoom,
- 33:38so our program manager. Michael?
- 33:41Research coordinator, they meet via zoom,
- 33:43so we collect the data via zoom
- 33:45and so far it's been great and
- 33:48we'll see how it's going to be.
- 33:51Our sample size is 4 point 24129,
- 33:56so hopefully we can reach our sample
- 33:59size and then to see how the the
- 34:03role of social network in the.
- 34:05And the smoking behavior.
- 34:07So this is I would like to thank
- 34:10everyone that helped me to to build
- 34:12my program of research and what I did,
- 34:15my education and the team and everyone
- 34:18that I'm working with and if you have any
- 34:22questions I'll be happy to to answer.
- 34:25Thank you.
- 34:27Good.
- 34:34Questions for Doctor Symposium?
- 34:40We have at least. OK, go ahead. Thank you.
- 34:46Do you see a correlation between
- 34:48either willingness to quit or
- 34:51willingness willingness to screen?
- 34:53I thought that for either your personal
- 34:56studies with the number of pack years,
- 34:58also with their accuracy with the risk of.
- 35:03The risk of getting token cancer efficiently.
- 35:07So thank you. So for the willingness of the
- 35:11the being willing to go to get screening.
- 35:15We include everyone with at least
- 35:1730 pack years, but I didn't look
- 35:20at by like are you saying like
- 35:23categorized between 30 to 404075?
- 35:27Yeah, we didn't. We didn't look at that.
- 35:31We didn't look at that,
- 35:33but there have been some work that
- 35:35they look like having the park
- 35:38here as a continuous variable.
- 35:40So when it increases,
- 35:42their intention also increases to
- 35:44screen from other researchers work.
- 35:47But we just we didn't
- 35:49look at that separately.
- 35:53I actually had a related question to that.
- 35:55So for those, so in your study,
- 35:57you looked at whether or not a
- 36:00conversation with their provider
- 36:01about lung cancer screening then
- 36:05impacted their willingness or
- 36:06their attempts to quit, correct.
- 36:09I was wondering if actual.
- 36:11So that was the discussion.
- 36:12I was wondering if there was any idea
- 36:15to look at actual people who actually
- 36:17received lung cancer screening and
- 36:18then whether or not that then directly
- 36:20impacted their willingness to quit.
- 36:22So yeah, that's actually.
- 36:23That's like I have like some research
- 36:26project working on like we have to do like
- 36:29a longitudinal to see if they get the,
- 36:31if they have the referral,
- 36:32the discussion, then the referral,
- 36:35then the actual screening,
- 36:36if it helps them to quit
- 36:39smoking so from other works.
- 36:41So that's all like when I saw the the
- 36:43the literature review we did people who
- 36:45actually get to that point who get screened,
- 36:48they are more likely to be motivated
- 36:51and they make quit attempts but
- 36:53we know that the smoking.
- 36:55Is like just they need to get help.
- 36:58Just trying the quit attempt is a first step
- 37:01but successfully quit they need to get help.
- 37:04So in our study we just
- 37:06looked only the discussion.
- 37:07We didn't follow up,
- 37:09it was just cross-sectional.
- 37:10We didn't follow up to see if
- 37:12they actually screened and then
- 37:14if they screened they steal.
- 37:15The quit attempts are higher
- 37:17or lower and also the.
- 37:19I'm in that say I looked
- 37:22on the use the criteria,
- 37:24updated criteria 20 pack years.
- 37:27So one of the explanation can be
- 37:29such a low rate of discussion that
- 37:32healthcare providers they didn't know
- 37:34that the guideline would be changed.
- 37:37So I looked at 20 but the
- 37:40study collected 2017 so.
- 37:43It might have been lower,
- 37:45so if the guideline was updated earlier.
- 37:49So we have a question from
- 37:50the chat from Doctor Silver,
- 37:52she asked under resource,
- 37:53patients poor as well as ethnic and
- 37:56racial minoritized groups are more
- 37:57likely to roll their own cigarettes
- 38:00due to expense and maybe under
- 38:01counted when it comes to pack years.
- 38:04Any thoughts about trying to
- 38:06capture those who do not bypass?
- 38:09So yeah, that's a very important
- 38:11question and that's a good question.
- 38:13So yes, that's another issue.
- 38:16But in order to Umm the way to measure it,
- 38:20it's very difficult if they
- 38:22roll their own cigarettes.
- 38:24So that's kind of one of the limitation
- 38:27that we're going to miss those
- 38:30population just healthcare providers,
- 38:32they have to follow whatever CMS mandates.
- 38:35So first they have to count their
- 38:38tobacco use, then they each and then meet
- 38:41the guidelines so without, so that's.
- 38:43The limitation is it will be very
- 38:45hard to identify those people
- 38:47who roll their own cigarettes.
- 38:49So one of the requirements that
- 38:51they have to meet to smoke at least
- 38:5320 pack years of a cigarette,
- 38:55that's the history.
- 39:02OK. Well, I have one. I have one
- 39:03other additional question.
- 39:04This is a pretty big picture one now.
- 39:07So and that first study that
- 39:09you presented presented,
- 39:09you said that you found about 86%
- 39:12of the patients or the participants
- 39:14had reported a willingness to
- 39:17undergo lung cancer screening.
- 39:19However, like an actual real-world
- 39:21practice that the percentage
- 39:23actually who are eligible,
- 39:24who actually do undergo screening
- 39:26is under 10%, correct.
- 39:27Do you have any thoughts about like what
- 39:30that disconnect is or ways to study it?
- 39:32Or even down the roadways
- 39:34to address it potentially.
- 39:35So yeah that's very important.
- 39:38So even though they are Wheeling,
- 39:40I think we have to kind
- 39:42of so they meet a lot of,
- 39:44there has been a lot of work song,
- 39:46so they meet, they get discussion,
- 39:47they get referral that they have to
- 39:49screen and then they don't show up.
- 39:50So like that's why screening rate
- 39:52is low and I think there would be
- 39:55like community enrich like programs
- 39:57or like the patient navigator.
- 39:59So I think they should be
- 40:01some system in place.
- 40:02That whoever like during the
- 40:05discussion during the sheer decision
- 40:07making visit expressed willingness
- 40:09to go through the screening.
- 40:12So I think we have to have some,
- 40:14some system in place that we can follow up
- 40:17and to see today make the screening or not.
- 40:20So for now it's high they want but.
- 40:23An actual number of last
- 40:26year of 2020 was 6.5%.
- 40:29So those two numbers are very different.
- 40:32So we had like,
- 40:33we don't have that.
- 40:35System to identify follow
- 40:36up and bring them back
- 40:39and other, you know,
- 40:40other cancer screening also
- 40:42saw a dip in the 202020.
- 40:44Yeah, because yeah,
- 40:46that could be impacting.
- 40:49States. So that report that I presented
- 40:52some from that they showed like in
- 40:54some states it's quite stable and then
- 40:57some states were higher or lower.
- 40:59So it wasn't like across
- 41:01the US that it dropped,
- 41:03there were states were doing much
- 41:05better compared to other states.
- 41:11Any final questions for Doctor
- 41:13Pogosian about this important work?
- 41:17Well, thank you, everyone.
- 41:18So, Umm for being here for this time.
- 41:22And I just want to say like,
- 41:24I'm new at Yale. It's been not new.
- 41:26It's been a year and I'll be very
- 41:29much interested if you have any
- 41:31similar research interests or areas,
- 41:33I'll be happy to collaborate
- 41:35with any one of you. OK.
- 41:38Thank you. Thanks for coming.
- 41:39Thanks so much, everyone.