Center for Gastrointestinal Cancers CME: NETS
Center for Gastrointestinal Cancers CME: NETS
March 18, 2022March 17, 2022
Presentations by: Drs. Pamela Kunz, Sajid Khan, and Mariam Aboian
- ID
- 7571
- To Cite
- DCA Citation Guide
- 00:00So welcome everyone,
- 00:01my name is Doctor Pamela Koons
- 00:03and I am a GI medical oncologist.
- 00:05I am the director of the Center for
- 00:09Gastrointestinal Cancers at Yale Cancer
- 00:11Center and Smilow Cancer Hospital.
- 00:13This is our kickoff for
- 00:15our spring CME series.
- 00:17For the Center for GI cancers we are
- 00:19starting tonight on neuroendocrine tumors
- 00:21and I will be your host on Thursday,
- 00:24April 21st.
- 00:24We will have a CME on rectal cancer
- 00:27hosted by Doctor Michael Cicchini,
- 00:29and on Thursday, May 19th.
- 00:31We will have a CME on gastric
- 00:33cancers hosted by Doctor Jill Lacy.
- 00:38So this evening I have the pleasure
- 00:41of hosting and moderating this
- 00:44talk on neuroendocrine tumors.
- 00:46I will be giving a brief overview of Nets
- 00:49101 and then we'll help moderate the Q&A.
- 00:52I'm joined by Doctor Miriam,
- 00:53a boy and an assistant professor
- 00:56of radiology and nuclear medicine,
- 00:58and she will be speaking about
- 01:00the role of molecular imaging and
- 01:02theranostics in care of patients with
- 01:04Nets and doctor Saj Khan and associate
- 01:07professor of surgery and surgical.
- 01:09Allergy and Section chief
- 01:11of Hepato Pancreato,
- 01:12biliary and mixed tumors will be
- 01:14joining us this evening and talking
- 01:17about the surgical management
- 01:18of pancreas and small foulness.
- 01:21So I will just go ahead and get started,
- 01:23so I'm just for our audience.
- 01:25Each of our talks will be about 20 minutes.
- 01:27Please feel free to put questions
- 01:29in the chat or Q&A throughout.
- 01:32We will try to respond with
- 01:34a typed response throughout,
- 01:36but we will also have time at the end
- 01:39for a through Q&A and you can ask them.
- 01:42These are my disclosures,
- 01:45so I'm going to talk briefly about the
- 01:47epidemiology and nomenclature of Nets.
- 01:49Talk about characteristics that I
- 01:51think really impact treatment selection
- 01:54for patients and then talk about
- 01:56treatment for hormone and tumor control.
- 01:59I usually like starting with a little
- 02:01bit of history so neuroendocrine
- 02:02tumors and the description of
- 02:05Nets goes back to the late 1800s,
- 02:08and it was really in the early 1900s that.
- 02:11Doctor Urban door for a German
- 02:14pathologist coined the term carcinoid.
- 02:17It meant cancer like and he described
- 02:19and felt that there were five key
- 02:21characteristics that they were.
- 02:23These tumors were small and multifocal
- 02:26had undifferentiated cellular formations,
- 02:28had well defined borders,
- 02:30no metastatic potential,
- 02:31and were slow growing and harmless,
- 02:33and though he contributed really important
- 02:36early knowledge about this disease,
- 02:39we now know that many of these
- 02:41characteristics are not true.
- 02:43And I think the term carcinoid
- 02:46and cancer like, unfortunately,
- 02:47really slowed the field in terms of our
- 02:51recognition that these are in fact cancers.
- 02:53The term carcinoid is really fallen
- 02:55out of favor and instead we are
- 02:58using the term neuroendocrine tumor
- 03:01and then by which primary site.
- 03:03So we have seen an explosion of advances,
- 03:06both therapeutics and diagnostics
- 03:09really since 2011.
- 03:10So in the 1980s we had strept
- 03:13Zosyn and Ivy alkylating agent,
- 03:15and octreotide that was initially
- 03:18approved for hormone control,
- 03:20and then since 2011 we have had
- 03:23therapeutic advances in the areas
- 03:26of biologics of everolimus and snib
- 03:30somatostatin analogs of lanreotide
- 03:32to look just at for carcinoid.
- 03:34Syndrome, Ludo date in 2018.
- 03:37We'll talk about some of the.
- 03:39Other systemic agents and then also
- 03:42some of the imaging agents that
- 03:44are listed above the timeline.
- 03:46I like also sort of nailing down the
- 03:49point that Nets are really not that rare,
- 03:53so they are rare by incidents,
- 03:54so incidents being the number of
- 03:57patients diagnosed per year and for
- 04:00this is based on a large Sears study
- 04:03conducted in 2017 and the incidence
- 04:05rate for Nets is about 7 per 100,000
- 04:08and this is in the yellow line on the
- 04:10figure compared to the blue line,
- 04:12which is the incidence of all
- 04:14malignant neoplasms which has
- 04:15remained relatively stable.
- 04:17However, the the prevalence of
- 04:19neuroendocrine tumors is actually the
- 04:22second highest prevalent GI malignancy.
- 04:25It exceeds stomach and pancreatic
- 04:28adenocarcinoma combined,
- 04:29and that's likely because this is a
- 04:32more indolent disease and patients
- 04:34live for many years more commonly with
- 04:37the low grade neuroendocrine tumors.
- 04:39Nets are epithelial neoplasms
- 04:41derived from neuroendocrine cells
- 04:43throughout the body,
- 04:44most commonly found in the GI tract,
- 04:46but also in the lungs and other sites,
- 04:49and most grow slowly in comparison with
- 04:51their adenocarcinoma counterparts.
- 04:53The majority are sporadic and the
- 04:55minority are associated with familial
- 04:57syndromes such as me and 1,000,000 two.
- 05:00Von Hippel,
- 05:01Lindau and Neurofibromatosis
- 05:02pathognomonic for this disease is
- 05:05the fact that somatostatin receptors
- 05:07are present on the cell surface
- 05:09in about 80 to 90%.
- 05:10Of netson,
- 05:12this is typically with somatostatin
- 05:14receptor type 2.
- 05:16The diagnostic work up and I will
- 05:17say if you take away one thing from
- 05:20this is that the cross sectional
- 05:21imaging is really the mainstay of how
- 05:23we monitor the patients with Nets.
- 05:26Either a multiphasic CT and that
- 05:29arterial phase is critical if
- 05:31you're ordering a CT scan or an
- 05:34MRI somatostatin receptor.
- 05:35Imaging is important but is not
- 05:37the primary modality with which
- 05:39we image these patients.
- 05:40These are done commonly at time of
- 05:42diagnosis and for patients with
- 05:44metastatic disease we may do them.
- 05:46Annually or every two years,
- 05:48somatostatin receptor imaging
- 05:49is now used with gallium 68,
- 05:52dotatate pet or copper 64,
- 05:54and I'm going to actually.
- 05:55This will be a little bit of a teaser.
- 05:57I'm going to let doctor a boy
- 05:59and talk more about somatostatin
- 06:00receptor based imaging.
- 06:02The tissue diagnosis we like to
- 06:04know the primary site if we can
- 06:06identify it and four key data
- 06:08elements are important when you're
- 06:10looking at a pathology report.
- 06:12The Who grade Ki 67 mitotic index.
- 06:16Degree of differentiation.
- 06:17We'll talk about that in a moment.
- 06:20And then tumor markers or hormones
- 06:22are important for this disease,
- 06:24but I will say that tumor markers such
- 06:27as chromogranin or neuron specific
- 06:30enolase or pancreas statin often
- 06:32fluctuate and may not actually track
- 06:35with what's happening radiographically.
- 06:38The field has swung away from
- 06:41using these and I often don't use
- 06:44chroma granite a now because really
- 06:46the gold standard is the imaging.
- 06:48Hormones,
- 06:48however,
- 06:49such as serotonin or 24 hour urine 5 hiaa,
- 06:54which is a byproduct or a metabolite
- 06:56of serotonin.
- 06:57Those can be useful and should be
- 07:00tracked overtime.
- 07:02So I find that there are really six key
- 07:05characteristics that impact treatment
- 07:07hormone status stage and burden of
- 07:10disease grade and differentiation.
- 07:12Pace of growth,
- 07:14primary site and somatostatin
- 07:15receptor status.
- 07:16I'll spend just a moment on each
- 07:18of these just to really set
- 07:20the stage in terms of how we
- 07:21talk about and think about
- 07:23treatments for nuts.
- 07:24So a functional neuroendocrine tumor is
- 07:27defined as a patient who has symptoms
- 07:30from a measurable hormone that's
- 07:32in either the urine or the blood.
- 07:34Carcinoid syndrome is a
- 07:36classic example of that.
- 07:3810% of patients with small intestine
- 07:40Nets have carcinoid syndrome,
- 07:41and it's due to production of peptides and
- 07:44am means such as serotonin or five hiaa,
- 07:47and it can cause Flushing Venus
- 07:50telangiectasis as shown in this
- 07:52picture on on the left diarrhea.
- 07:54Bronchospasm, valvular fibrosis,
- 07:57and hypotension.
- 07:58This is also a picture of a of
- 08:01the pulmonary and tricuspid
- 08:03valves that are very fibrotic.
- 08:05Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors can also
- 08:07secrete hormones in about 40% of patients,
- 08:11most commonly insulin,
- 08:13followed by gastrin,
- 08:15Glucagon and vaso intestinal polypeptide,
- 08:18and the symptoms are really defined by
- 08:20the hormones secreted and nonfunctional.
- 08:22Nets are defined as patients who are
- 08:25either asymptomatic or have symptoms
- 08:27that are not from hormone access.
- 08:32So stage and grade.
- 08:33I think this is I really try to
- 08:36describe this to patients 'cause
- 08:38I think for patients in particular
- 08:40this can be very confusing.
- 08:41So to this audience however,
- 08:44stage is very familiar term.
- 08:46What's interesting is that
- 08:48the AJC staging criteria have
- 08:50only included Nets since 2010.
- 08:53This is a really nice picture here
- 08:55of a localized pancreatic net,
- 08:57which will show in the video and
- 09:00a metastatic pancreatic net with
- 09:02high degree of liver burden.
- 09:04As you can see here,
- 09:05grade is really what the cells
- 09:07look like under the microscope.
- 09:08Low grade is slower,
- 09:10growing higher grade is faster growing.
- 09:12We really base this on the Ki
- 09:1467 in mitotic index.
- 09:16The 2019 digestive WHO
- 09:18classification is the most recent.
- 09:21I'm next to the Red Arrow is a.
- 09:23New change that was made to this
- 09:25so we have well differentiated.
- 09:27Net grade 1/2 and three and poorly
- 09:31differentiated nurkin carcinoma
- 09:33grade 3 and that's divided into
- 09:36small cell and large cell.
- 09:38When I didn't put on this slide
- 09:39is kind of the breakdown of the
- 09:41Ki 67 in mitotic index,
- 09:43but really the take away from
- 09:45this is that clinically we treat
- 09:47the grade one and two well
- 09:49differentiated Nets very similarly.
- 09:51This well differentiated grade 3
- 09:53net is a relatively new category.
- 09:56I think that we have to treat
- 09:58based on the individual patients
- 10:00biology bulk of disease.
- 10:02The poorly differentiated nerdacon
- 10:04carcinomas are treated very differently.
- 10:06That will not be the primary topic of.
- 10:09Kind of the subsequent slides on treatment.
- 10:11That's typically those patients are
- 10:13typically treated with platinum at openside.
- 10:16So pace of growth,
- 10:17something I was getting to really
- 10:18does inform our treatment selection.
- 10:19We may need a patient with a
- 10:21metastatic low grade net who has very
- 10:24stable disease or slow progression,
- 10:25or may have more rapid progression.
- 10:27Some of those patients may not
- 10:29need treatment initially.
- 10:31Observation may be appropriate,
- 10:33whereas others may have high burden
- 10:36of disease or symptoms from tumor
- 10:38bulk and they may need treatment.
- 10:41Primary site matters,
- 10:42I know this is a GI focused talk,
- 10:45but Nets can happen in almost any
- 10:47organ in the small intestine.
- 10:49Most commonly that is one of the most
- 10:52common sites we see commonly in the ilium,
- 10:55but we will also see pancreatic
- 10:57Nets and other Nets in the GI tract,
- 11:00and many clinical trials and treatments
- 11:02are really tailored based on primary site.
- 11:05Therefore,
- 11:05FDA approvals are sometimes limited
- 11:08specifically to primary sites.
- 11:10One example of that.
- 11:12Is synonym for pancreatic Nets.
- 11:15We now know that somatostatin
- 11:17receptor status is critical both
- 11:19for diagnosis and therapy.
- 11:21Again,
- 11:21I'm going to let Doctor boy and go into this.
- 11:24This is an interesting picture
- 11:25just to show an octreoscan which
- 11:27has now really completely been
- 11:29replaced by gallium dotate.
- 11:31This is the same patient image with an
- 11:34octreoscan and a gallium 68 dotate pet,
- 11:37and you can see that the resolution is
- 11:40far superior with the pet based imaging.
- 11:42So now we're going to launch in the next
- 11:45sort of the final half of my presentation
- 11:47on general treatment categories for nuts.
- 11:49I will go into some of the specifics
- 11:51just so that you have access to this.
- 11:53If you choose to watch this again,
- 11:56so we have 4 main categories,
- 11:58somatostatin analogs, peptide receptor,
- 12:01radionuclide therapy, biologics,
- 12:03and cytotoxic chemotherapy,
- 12:04I am going to really focus my conversation or
- 12:10presentation tonight on antitumor treatments.
- 12:14Just a brief comment that we know.
- 12:15So not a statin.
- 12:16Analogs were really initially developed
- 12:18for a hormone control and remain as the
- 12:20primary tool that we use for hormone control,
- 12:23but I'm not going to go
- 12:24into just for sake of time.
- 12:25Details on hormone control tonight,
- 12:28so somatostatin receptors
- 12:30and and theranostics again,
- 12:32I'm going to just use this to
- 12:33talk about some of the therapies.
- 12:35Dr Abovyan will go into this as well,
- 12:38but in terms of my cartoon here,
- 12:40imagine you have a patient in population
- 12:42for whom you would like to select out.
- 12:44Do they have a receptor on the
- 12:46surface of their cells?
- 12:47We do in fact have that.
- 12:49So with the gallium 68 or copper 64 pets,
- 12:52we select out those
- 12:53patients using that imaging,
- 12:54and then we in fact have a targeted
- 12:56therapy that goes to that target.
- 12:58So that's theranostics Dr.
- 12:59Boy and will focus on that.
- 13:01When I described this to patients,
- 13:03I used the lock and key
- 13:05description or analogy.
- 13:06I think that helps them understand
- 13:09why we use somatostatin analogs,
- 13:11why we use the Dota Tate imaging.
- 13:13So think of the somatostatin
- 13:15receptor as the lock, the.
- 13:17Key is the peptide,
- 13:20and then there's a reporting unit.
- 13:22So for somatostatin analogs,
- 13:24we actually have two trials that
- 13:27demonstrated antitumor effect.
- 13:29The Pro MID study demonstrated the
- 13:32effect of octreotide versus placebo,
- 13:34and the clarinet study demonstrated the
- 13:37effectiveness of lanreotide versus placebo.
- 13:39Both had a primary endpoint of of
- 13:43the permits that it was time to
- 13:45progression and that the clarinet
- 13:47study was progression free survival
- 13:48and they both should have benefit
- 13:50over placebo octreotide.
- 13:52Is not formally does not have a
- 13:55formal FDA label for antitumor effect.
- 13:58It is primarily in hormone control,
- 14:00but it is.
- 14:01These two agents are often
- 14:02used interchangeably.
- 14:03Landry Tide was FDA approved
- 14:05in 2014 as an antitumor agent.
- 14:10I'd like to put this up because I
- 14:11get asked this a lot. So how do we
- 14:13think about dosing for tumor control?
- 14:15Octreotide LARC is usually used at the
- 14:1830 milligram I am monthly dose and
- 14:21lanreotide at 120 milligrams deep. Subq.
- 14:23There is no need to overlap with short
- 14:27acting unless it's a functional tumor.
- 14:29I think there was data years ago that we
- 14:31needed to do a test dose to test for allergy.
- 14:34That's not generally needed in
- 14:36practice and there is little data
- 14:38to support the routine use.
- 14:40Above standard dose of somatostatin
- 14:42analogues for tumor control.
- 14:44The side effects include nausha, diarrhea,
- 14:47cholelithiasis, and hyperglycemia.
- 14:51I'm going to go through these quickly.
- 14:53I have them just kind of as placeholders,
- 14:54but Doctor Brian will talk about these,
- 14:56but we've had incredible advances in
- 15:00the diagnostics for Nets as well and
- 15:02there is a very handy paper and I have
- 15:05this here just as a reference on the
- 15:07appropriate use criteria for somatostatin
- 15:09receptor PET imaging and new under consumers.
- 15:13That's a great reference.
- 15:14And then in the therapy is something that
- 15:17also Doctor Boy and will discuss and
- 15:19specifically around the Netter one phase,
- 15:22three clinical trial.
- 15:23So I'll mention it just in passing
- 15:25that this was a study I had the
- 15:27opportunity to serve as a key.
- 15:28I when I was at Stanford.
- 15:30It's a randomized study that really
- 15:32set the stage for using their Gnostics
- 15:35and and specifically alluded it,
- 15:37and that's it.
- 15:38Was a positive study.
- 15:39I will give.
- 15:40I will give that punchline away
- 15:42for Doctor O'Brien.
- 15:43But moving on to some of the
- 15:45other systemic therapies,
- 15:45I will spend a few minutes on so.
- 15:48Everolimus is approved for pancreatic
- 15:50net and non functional GI and lung Nets.
- 15:53This is an inventory inhibitor.
- 15:56There were sister studies Radiant
- 15:58three and Radiant four and.
- 16:02Both of them showed a progression
- 16:04free survival benefit in
- 16:05these patient populations,
- 16:06and they were both approved.
- 16:08So for pancreatic net in 2011 and
- 16:11for GI and lung Nets in 2016.
- 16:14And tyrosine kinase inhibitors also
- 16:16have a role in neuroendocrine tumors.
- 16:18Sonett nib was approved on the
- 16:21basis of this randomized study in
- 16:23patients with well differentiated
- 16:25advanced pancreatic Nets.
- 16:26So that's the one that I said we don't
- 16:28yet have a tyrosine kinase inhibitor
- 16:31approved for small bowel Nets.
- 16:32This was also approved on the
- 16:34basis of a PFS benefit.
- 16:36You'll notice that most neuroendocrine
- 16:38tumor clinical trials have progression
- 16:40free survival as a primary endpoint,
- 16:42and that's because OS.
- 16:45Is an impractical endpoint given
- 16:47that patients tend to receive many
- 16:50subsequent therapies after these
- 16:52clinical trials and it be given
- 16:54the indolence of the disease,
- 16:56it would be too difficult,
- 16:57practically speaking,
- 16:58to use overall survival.
- 17:00So this was approved in 2011.
- 17:04Sir Afatinib is not yet FDA approved.
- 17:06It is under FDA review.
- 17:09At present,
- 17:09this was on the basis of two
- 17:11large studies conducted in China
- 17:13and then a phase one.
- 17:14Two study that has been
- 17:16conducted in the United States
- 17:18in a more traditionally Western population.
- 17:20But this was positive in both
- 17:23pancreatic and extra pancreatic Nets.
- 17:26And is, I suspect that at some
- 17:28point this spring or summer,
- 17:30we will have a decision from the FDA.
- 17:34I'd like to mention a study on
- 17:36chemotherapy that I had the opportunity
- 17:38to lead for pancreatic Nets,
- 17:40so this was a study of temozolomide versus
- 17:44capecitabine intimas Olumide for grade
- 17:46one or two metastatic pancreatic Nets.
- 17:49This was a study that ultimately
- 17:51demonstrated that Caped M was superior to
- 17:55temozolomide alone and median progression.
- 17:58Free survival was about 23 months
- 18:01for the combination versus 14 months.
- 18:04For Thomas Olumide at the time
- 18:06of the initial analysis,
- 18:08it appeared as if there was an
- 18:11overall survival benefit benefit.
- 18:13Stay tuned.
- 18:14We have the final analysis submitted
- 18:16to ASCO for an updated analysis.
- 18:20I think one of the key takeaways
- 18:22of this is that we see a higher
- 18:24response rate than we've seen really
- 18:26for any of the other therapies.
- 18:28I did not go into that,
- 18:29but somatostatin analogues, mtor inhibitors,
- 18:33tyrosine kinase inhibitors all have a
- 18:36you know 5% or less objective response rate.
- 18:39So for patients with pancreatic Nets
- 18:42who need objective tumor shrinkage,
- 18:44these are actually very good
- 18:46therapies to think about.
- 18:48So let's wrap this up.
- 18:50I think I have.
- 18:51Two slides left.
- 18:51So how do we really think about
- 18:53sequencing that these treatments?
- 18:54It's very confusing.
- 18:55We're actually in a fortunate place
- 18:57now of having a number of therapies,
- 18:59but it gets very difficult to know
- 19:00what order in which we should use them,
- 19:02so this is adapted from Nancy CN guidelines,
- 19:05so I would say commonly a first
- 19:07line treatment is either observation
- 19:10or octreotide or lanreotide,
- 19:12but where it gets very confusing as
- 19:14thinking about second line therapies.
- 19:16So I have a handy table to
- 19:18help you think about that,
- 19:19and I've put them in.
- 19:20Order of how I generally will think
- 19:23about using them.
- 19:24I often will consider using PRT or Ludo
- 19:27tape or lutathera as the as it's also
- 19:31called in the second line setting.
- 19:33It has a modest response rate of
- 19:35about 18% along PFS and is well
- 19:38tolerated and we do have to take care
- 19:41if patients GFR is less than 30 but
- 19:43we are developing more experience with them.
- 19:46The chemotherapy tamela mining capecitabine
- 19:49has the highest response rate.
- 19:51And should be considered for
- 19:53patients with pancreatic Nets who
- 19:55need an objective response.
- 19:57It does have higher adverse
- 19:58events for older patients.
- 20:00I will sometimes consider temozolomide alone.
- 20:03Forever Elemicin soon if they
- 20:05both have very low response rates,
- 20:06the PFS is about a year best for
- 20:09low volume disease,
- 20:10but I find that the adverse event
- 20:13profile is tough for both of these.
- 20:15Everyone ever really miss in
- 20:17particular is good for insulinoma
- 20:19because it can cause hyperglycemia,
- 20:21but it's tough and can cause
- 20:24pneumonitis and the hyperglycemia
- 20:25can be difficult for patients
- 20:28with uncontrolled diabetes.
- 20:29So takeaways I hope you've
- 20:31learned that Nets are not
- 20:32that rare. They are deserving
- 20:34of high quality basic,
- 20:35translational and clinical research efforts.
- 20:37We've had incredible advances
- 20:39in the last 10 years.
- 20:41PRT is really a game changer
- 20:42and I expect the next decade of
- 20:44clinical trials to be looking
- 20:46at better patient selection,
- 20:48minimizing toxicities and increasing
- 20:50efficacy and multidisciplinary care
- 20:52and team science is really key for this
- 20:56disease so I am going to stop share.
- 20:58I think I'm close to time.
- 20:59I am going to pass the baton to
- 21:02Doctor Abovyan and then Doctor Boyd
- 21:03if you can then pass that baton
- 21:05when you're done to Doctor Khan and
- 21:07then we will do a Q and a great.
- 21:16Thank you doctor Kuntz. This was fantastic.
- 21:19Sam my screen.
- 21:32So I'm going to talk about the
- 21:34role of molecular imaging,
- 21:36and there are Gnostics in the care of
- 21:38patients with neural neoplasms I'm in.
- 21:40I'm at Yale Department of Radiology
- 21:43and I am in a nuclear medicine
- 21:46and new radiology sections.
- 21:50For disclosures, I have a research
- 21:53collaboration with vistage imaging and I do
- 21:56clinical trials with Blue Earth diagnostics.
- 21:58We're going to start a little bit
- 22:00with standard imaging, CT, and MRI,
- 22:02but we're not going to focus on this
- 22:05imaging modalities because they're pretty
- 22:08well understood in the community and just
- 22:11kind of going over the basics of it.
- 22:14For carcinoid tumors, we can do very
- 22:17nice chest imaging with CT of the chest.
- 22:20We can do contrast and noncontrast imaging,
- 22:23and here is an example of
- 22:25a lung carcinoid lesion.
- 22:27For pancreatic neuroendocrine
- 22:29tumors we can do CT imaging.
- 22:34Enhance CT imaging,
- 22:35but we can also do MRI and here you
- 22:39see actually a patient with pancreatic
- 22:42tail or entropy neoplasm that is
- 22:45heterogeneous solid and partially cystic
- 22:47and you can see that it's actually
- 22:49sometimes difficult to evaluate.
- 22:53We can also do MRI imaging with
- 22:56abdominal MRI.
- 22:57You can do it with contrast
- 22:58and without contrast,
- 22:59and you can evaluate in this particular
- 23:04patient static liver lesions within the.
- 23:08This MRI pretty well and this actually
- 23:09is same patient that progressed in
- 23:11development has to season the liver.
- 23:15But we want to also start imaging
- 23:19beyond standard anatomical imaging
- 23:21with molecular imaging and with
- 23:24standard and understandable imaging
- 23:25we can see a lot of the basics of
- 23:28the of of the anatomy you can see
- 23:31actually delineate the borders of
- 23:32the tumor and where they're located,
- 23:35but it's really hard to say what is
- 23:38the characteristics of the tumor,
- 23:40so we're very good at defining the
- 23:42anatomy and the location and the extent
- 23:45of the disease and location of disease.
- 23:47But not so much in terms of is
- 23:49the same neuroendocrine tumor.
- 23:51If you just look at the lover?
- 23:52Or is this something else?
- 23:55What's really nice is that you can
- 23:58actually use targeted imaging to describe
- 24:01the receptors on the surface of tumors,
- 24:04and you can characterize these.
- 24:06Reset these unjust imaging
- 24:08without having to do a biopsy.
- 24:11And this is an example of
- 24:13a gallium dotatate PET,
- 24:14which I'll describe this little alphabet.
- 24:16So soup in the next few slides,
- 24:19but what it allows you to do
- 24:22is to visualize semantics.
- 24:24Some of some analog binding
- 24:27to a somatostatin receptor,
- 24:30and being able to see it light
- 24:32up on this Cam.
- 24:34I'm so glad Doctor Kunz mentioned
- 24:36that tree a scam that used to be
- 24:38the standard way of trying to see
- 24:41some exciting receptor receptor
- 24:43expression on tumors.
- 24:45And as you can see,
- 24:46these are not very good images
- 24:47and they're very hard to see.
- 24:50And it's very difficult to
- 24:51tell where the tumor is,
- 24:53and this is actually the same
- 24:54patient I showed you earlier.
- 24:56With pancreatic tail tumor,
- 24:58and you can barely see
- 25:01where this illusion is,
- 25:03and this is a planar imaging,
- 25:05and if we did SPECT,
- 25:07we could localize it to
- 25:09the left upper quadrant,
- 25:11but it would be very difficult to
- 25:14localize it to the pancreas very well.
- 25:16Also, if there were smaller lesions,
- 25:18we wouldn't be able to see it.
- 25:20And here's an example of a trio
- 25:23scan being lined up right next
- 25:25to door dotate scan gallium
- 25:28dotatate pet in the same patient,
- 25:30and you can see how many
- 25:32lesions are being missed.
- 25:33An actress can that can be
- 25:35clearly seen on the pet C team.
- 25:39But going to the dough depart a
- 25:43lot of folks ask me Doda what,
- 25:45what is this Doda and the alphabet soup
- 25:49of gallium dotatate gallium dooda talk
- 25:53lutetium dotatate usually confuses folks,
- 25:56but there's actually a very nice logic to it.
- 25:59So let's go over that,
- 26:01because then you will never question
- 26:04what what these are. So first,
- 26:07let's talk about labeling in chemistry.
- 26:10When you're thinking about pet pet
- 26:13radionuclides such as gallium and copper,
- 26:16which are used for imaging and pet,
- 26:18you cannot just attack,
- 26:20give them to the patient,
- 26:22they're actually toxic,
- 26:23so you need to keep them in the cage,
- 26:26and this is a doda cage,
- 26:28so you would kill 8 the
- 26:30gallium 68 in this doda cage,
- 26:33and what's really nice about this cage.
- 26:35It has a couple of.
- 26:36Four different arms and to these arms you
- 26:40can actually attach your targeting molecule,
- 26:43so in this case it's actually
- 26:45a tight analog Tate,
- 26:48so you attach this peptide to the
- 26:50doda and you have your radionuclide
- 26:53chelated inside of the Doda.
- 26:56So there's a very logical name to this.
- 26:59This value attach it through
- 27:01the ARM gallium Doda date.
- 27:03Very simple, right?
- 27:05So now that you understand.
- 27:07This kind of logic it it becomes very
- 27:10easy to understand how we mean these
- 27:13scans and with the labeling you can
- 27:17actually really be able to see this.
- 27:21So this is a gallium dotate PET CT in
- 27:24a patient with multiple metastases.
- 27:28Some medicine receptor positive liver
- 27:30metastases and you can actually see
- 27:32that there is also a period where
- 27:34did metastasis in the lymph node
- 27:36that's outside of the liver and
- 27:38here you have kidneys and bladder.
- 27:42So it really helps you evaluate
- 27:45the patients in terms of the
- 27:47appropriate use criteria.
- 27:48I'm so glad Doctor Kunz had a full
- 27:51slide on this in terms of evaluating.
- 27:54Not all patients need to be getting gallium
- 27:57daughter take pets and there's there.
- 28:01We're still truly evaluating exactly where
- 28:03and when we should be doing these scans,
- 28:07but there's several indications
- 28:10that should that that can.
- 28:12That are appropriate and some of
- 28:15the most most indicative are the
- 28:18initial staging after histologic
- 28:20diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumor
- 28:21and localization of primary tumor
- 28:24and patients 'cause there this.
- 28:26This skin is so sensitive form
- 28:28for for lesions,
- 28:29so you'll be able to see it and
- 28:32then the other very common.
- 28:34Very important point is selection
- 28:36of patients for some meta stat
- 28:38and receptive targeted therapy
- 28:40which we'll talk about it.
- 28:42Later now what's really nice about this
- 28:45therapy and this is where it's really
- 28:49revolutionary in medicine is that you
- 28:52can use this method to image your tumor,
- 28:55so you have your radionuclide.
- 28:57You have your cage and you
- 29:00have your targeting peptide,
- 29:01but then after you image the tumor,
- 29:04all you have to do is to pop this one
- 29:07out and pop lutetium 177 in so you keep.
- 29:12A molecule the same.
- 29:13You keep the targeting the same but.
- 29:18The radionuclide now is actually emitting
- 29:21beta particles that can can act as a
- 29:27therapeutic for neuroendocrine tumors.
- 29:29So this would be called very logically.
- 29:32I know you're you're thinking about this.
- 29:34Lu teach to Doda tape.
- 29:36There you go. Very simple.
- 29:39So we imaged with gallium dotatate
- 29:41and we treat it with lutetium
- 29:43dotatate and the only thing that
- 29:45changed was the radionuclide inside.
- 29:48So you know this drop whatever we imaged.
- 29:51That's exactly where the treatment went.
- 29:54Now we don't just have to do lutetium,
- 29:57we can also use other radionuclides
- 30:01such as alpha emitters and here
- 30:04at Yale we're now are approved to
- 30:06start doing this and it's very
- 30:08exciting new development to start
- 30:10doing these therapies in patients.
- 30:13So how do these alpha and beta emitters work?
- 30:17Well for lutetium and this is an image from.
- 30:23AAA a website where basically describes
- 30:27the mechanism of luthera and you
- 30:31administer the drug intravenously.
- 30:34The drug gets taken up into the
- 30:37neuroendocrine tumor sides.
- 30:38The drug binds to the receptors
- 30:40on the tumor sides and gets
- 30:42internalized inside of the cell.
- 30:44Through endocytosis and the radionuclide
- 30:48emits its particles beta particles,
- 30:51or if using that actinium type of therapy.
- 30:56Luther, it's really the beta
- 30:58particles because it's lutetium
- 31:00177 and that can cause DNA damage.
- 31:03And once you have DNA damage you can
- 31:05that can lead to tumor cell death.
- 31:08And that's and that's the main mechanism.
- 31:11So to just kind of overview this again
- 31:15in terms of image guided therapy,
- 31:17you can select patients for whether
- 31:20they are eligible for this kind of
- 31:23therapy with your imaging agent,
- 31:26gallium dotatate.
- 31:27And you can see if the patient expresses
- 31:30this amount of statin receptors in the body,
- 31:33and in this particular patient
- 31:35there are multiple metastatic lesion
- 31:37that can take up the targeting.
- 31:38Molecule,
- 31:39then you bring the patient in and
- 31:42you provide intravenous therapy.
- 31:44And that is basically the same
- 31:47as the imaging agent,
- 31:48except it has the radionuclide
- 31:50that causes DNA damage.
- 31:52And what's really interesting
- 31:55is that lutetium can also emit.
- 31:59Image trace that you can see on camera
- 32:02on gamma camera and you can basically
- 32:05see exactly where lutetium dotatate went.
- 32:08Now it's not as crisp
- 32:10and beautiful as pet CT,
- 32:11but you can actually see
- 32:14where this therapy went.
- 32:16And you can actually start
- 32:18doing those symmetry.
- 32:20These images so this kind of technology
- 32:24allows selection of right patient
- 32:26and providing the right drug for
- 32:29the patient and in neuroendocrine
- 32:31tumors that has really changed how
- 32:34we change how we treat patients.
- 32:36So the indications for lutetium dotatate.
- 32:41So these are the GI neuroendocrine tumors
- 32:44and they have to be well differentiated.
- 32:47G1 and G2 tumors.
- 32:49We need to confirm some metastatic
- 32:51receptor expression and that can be
- 32:54done with gallium dotatate PET CT.
- 32:57We're still allowed to use octreoscan
- 32:59and sometimes we will use it if
- 33:01insurance will deny that the pet city,
- 33:03but you really want to be
- 33:05doing this with a pet CT.
- 33:07We also evaluate bone marrow function,
- 33:09renal function, and liver function.
- 33:11Yes, and this is the point where nuclear
- 33:15medicine physicians are starting to
- 33:18become partners with oncologists and
- 33:20surgeons in treatment of these patients.
- 33:23Because we no longer just read the
- 33:25images were actually evaluated.
- 33:26Whether the patient is eligible
- 33:28for the study and we evaluate,
- 33:30follow up, and we do those symmetry.
- 33:33And this is of patient oriented,
- 33:36patient facing role for nuclear
- 33:39medicine physicians and radiologists.
- 33:42Now.
- 33:44Even though the letter one has
- 33:46established the parameters for
- 33:48treatment of patients with Sarah,
- 33:51but we are still,
- 33:53we're still figuring out the exact
- 33:56guidelines for which patients will
- 33:58benefit most, and they're still.
- 34:00There's a lot of active research
- 34:02going on in this field,
- 34:03and it's very exciting to be part of
- 34:05this field as we're expanding beyond
- 34:08the netter one. Trial indications.
- 34:12But you're probably thinking,
- 34:14well, what about FDG?
- 34:16GS News and pretty much every
- 34:19other oncological indication.
- 34:21How about your endocrine tumors?
- 34:23Well, a lot of the well differentiated
- 34:28G1 on your endocrine tumors are
- 34:30actually not hypermetabolic,
- 34:31so we there's really no no role
- 34:33for our DG in the in the well in
- 34:36the well differentiated once,
- 34:38and there is the spectrum
- 34:40that the tumors will express.
- 34:44A lot of this medicine receptor
- 34:46and will not have as much.
- 34:48Hypermetabolic activity,
- 34:49but the higher grade tumors.
- 34:52Then you're in different parts.
- 34:53Sonoma is Angie 3 tumors.
- 34:56They will have hypermetabolic
- 34:59activity and there's still a lot of
- 35:02Gray area in between them as well,
- 35:03because sometimes they look the
- 35:05lower grade tumors will also
- 35:07have hypermetabolic activity,
- 35:09but in nuclear medicine we
- 35:11have this idea that there's
- 35:12dedifferentiation that happens.
- 35:14So this is a patient with a
- 35:16well differentiated neuron,
- 35:17different tumor.
- 35:18With multiple somatostatin receptor
- 35:20avid lesions and this is a patient
- 35:24that had dedifferentiation that
- 35:25neural different from which the
- 35:28tumor is now hypermetabolic,
- 35:29and this tumor may actually be a
- 35:32photo piknic Ondo Dotate pet as well,
- 35:35or it can actually expect express
- 35:37sounds of medicine receptors,
- 35:38but not as many.
- 35:40So the exact point where we
- 35:42would treat these patients,
- 35:44particularly the ones that have FDG uptake.
- 35:48Is still not fully evaluated,
- 35:50but hypermetabolic activity
- 35:52within these tumors is seen as
- 35:55a poor prognostic marker.
- 35:57So in terms of PRT treatment,
- 36:01the details for this treatment
- 36:02is we do right now.
- 36:04Standard dose of 200 millicuries
- 36:06every eight weeks and we do 8 cycles.
- 36:10During the therapy we do an amino
- 36:13acid infusion for renal protection
- 36:15and we provide antiemetics for nausea
- 36:20and patients usually will continue
- 36:22somatostatin and lock therapy at
- 36:24this during PRT treatment now.
- 36:26None of you are thinking well. What if?
- 36:30How do how do we treat a patient?
- 36:34Every single patient with the same dose?
- 36:37And you're thinking right,
- 36:39the whole field of theranostics right
- 36:43now and treatment PRT treatment
- 36:45is moving towards personalized
- 36:47of symmetry and that is becoming
- 36:51a big talking point with Society
- 36:53of nuclear medicine and molecular
- 36:56imaging and major initiatives.
- 36:58Industry are being taken.
- 37:02And the reason is there,
- 37:04nastix agents are becoming more and
- 37:07more available for different cancers
- 37:10and in prostate cancer will have a
- 37:13new theranostic agent that's very
- 37:15likely to be FDA approved next month.
- 37:19And with that targeted therapy,
- 37:21you want to think about it in a couple
- 37:23different ways and just in terms of
- 37:25global way with with their Gnostics,
- 37:27you can image the targets such as
- 37:29location of the tumors and that way
- 37:32you can provide targeted therapy
- 37:34in terms of location of the tumor,
- 37:36because you can see where the drug
- 37:38is and then you can just exchange the
- 37:41radionuclide and and target that therapy.
- 37:43You can also think of targeted therapy
- 37:45in another way where you target as
- 37:47particular step in the mechanism of.
- 37:49Therapy, and that is targeting
- 37:53a specific pathway step.
- 37:55So for FDA approved radiopharmaceuticals
- 37:58there's really been an explosion
- 38:02in the recent years.
- 38:03So it we really kind of started with
- 38:06a cold see lemon cooling for prostate
- 38:10cancer and gallium dotatate was
- 38:12approved when you're entering tumors
- 38:14in 2016 and then was followed by
- 38:17Gallium Delta talk and the difference
- 38:19between Tate and talk is in the peptide
- 38:22portion of the targeting agent.
- 38:25And in there they work pretty much
- 38:28the same in terms of ability to
- 38:31detect some metastatic receptors.
- 38:33We also now have a copper 64
- 38:37labeled DOTATATE and.
- 38:40The therapy for lutetium builder did was.
- 38:44He has also been FDA approved for
- 38:46quite a while now and it was basically
- 38:48approved based on the meter one trial,
- 38:51which showed improved progression
- 38:53free survival in these patients and I
- 38:57really appreciate Doctor Koontz going over.
- 39:00For this so for future directions we
- 39:04have to evaluate PRT efficacy and
- 39:08higher grade neuroendocrine neoplasms.
- 39:10We're also working on personalized symmetry,
- 39:14so providing the right dose to the
- 39:17patient and hopefully see better
- 39:19outcomes in patients,
- 39:21and we need to evaluate indications
- 39:23for re treatment of patients.
- 39:26So after they completed the four
- 39:28cycles of therapy,
- 39:29what are the indications for repeat?
- 39:31Treatment another cycle of therapy
- 39:34and also of the alpha therapeutics.
- 39:37And another thing that we're working
- 39:40on here at Yale is personalized tumor
- 39:43directed analysis with basically doing
- 39:49volumetric assessment of the different
- 39:51metastases and generating growth
- 39:54curves for each individual lesion in
- 39:58the in volumetric form and following.
- 40:01Physical growth parks and figuring out
- 40:04which lesions are growing and needs
- 40:07targeted therapy through different
- 40:09ways and which ones are not so, so.
- 40:15In conclusion,
- 40:15cross sectional imaging with CT and
- 40:18MRI can can diagnose and follow
- 40:20in your Endocrine meal Plaza.
- 40:23And it's they're really excellent ways
- 40:27to do imaging for these patients, but.
- 40:31And molecular imaging of somatostatin
- 40:34receptor expression allows for better
- 40:37molecular characterization of new rendering.
- 40:40Neil plasm's.
- 40:41Gallium Dotatate pet is very sensitive
- 40:44for detection of metastatic lesions
- 40:47and allows to evaluate whether patient
- 40:50is is eligible for PRT lutetium
- 40:53dotatate therapy is established
- 40:55and allows to treat some medicine
- 40:59and receptor tumors expressing
- 41:01some extra.
- 41:04Staten receptor expressing neuron doctrine,
- 41:06neoplasms, and it allows us to
- 41:09visualize the location of the therapy
- 41:12and many advances for personalized
- 41:13therapy are being evaluated right now,
- 41:16so stay tuned to this field 'cause
- 41:18it's really changing how we're
- 41:20managing their endocrine schermers.
- 41:22I really want to thank you for your time
- 41:26and pass the Bhutan to doctor Sajid Khan.
- 41:41You're on mute. Doctor Khan.
- 41:57OK, OK, I think I'm unmuted now.
- 42:00I'm is that right?
- 42:02OK, yes, OK, alright.
- 42:04Thank you Doctor rebellion that
- 42:06was just an outstanding talk.
- 42:08I learned a lot from that talk and I'm sure
- 42:10other people in the audience learned a lot.
- 42:12And Doctor Kunz talk was also at standing.
- 42:16So, uh, you know, so I'm going to
- 42:18spend the next 20 minutes talking to
- 42:20you from a slightly different perspective,
- 42:22and one that will include the surgical
- 42:26management of neuroendocrine tumors.
- 42:27And since just the surgical management
- 42:30of neuroendocrine tumors is a
- 42:32large topic in and of itself,
- 42:35no, over the next 20 minutes,
- 42:37I'll focus specifically on
- 42:38pancreas and small bowel,
- 42:39new render consumers and and I'd love to
- 42:43ask answer any questions towards the end.
- 42:46First time I have no disclosures.
- 42:50So this is a a slide from a paper that
- 42:54Doctor Kuhn said side didn't hurt talk for.
- 42:57Looking at it from the
- 42:59end where they looked at.
- 43:02Sear based study of the incidence of
- 43:05neuroendocrine tumors over the course of
- 43:08time and what's striking about this talk,
- 43:11and this is kind of the punch line.
- 43:13One of the points that Romans made
- 43:15is neuroendocrine tumors are not
- 43:16necessarily a rare anymore because
- 43:18the incidence of these is rising and
- 43:21this includes the focus of this talk,
- 43:24which will include pancreas
- 43:25neuroendocrine tumors and as you can see,
- 43:27there's been a very steady and
- 43:29then more recently,
- 43:30a steeper rise in the incidence of pancreas.
- 43:33Under consumers and in green over here,
- 43:36a small bowel or under consumers.
- 43:382 and that'll be the focus of this talk.
- 43:41I'm sure many people in
- 43:42the audience know that.
- 43:44Many of our patients are getting scans.
- 43:46A cross sectional imaging,
- 43:48and they're often incidental findings.
- 43:51And oftentimes these are how
- 43:53neuroendocrine tumors are discovered
- 43:54as our other kinds of tumors as well,
- 43:57and I'm sure that's driving the higher
- 44:00incidence that that we're seeing over time.
- 44:03So the interesting thing about
- 44:05neuroendocrine tumors is that the
- 44:07survival for neuroendocrine tumors is,
- 44:10generally speaking,
- 44:10favorable when we and the focus
- 44:12again will be on pancreas.
- 44:14Neuroendocrine tumors and small
- 44:16bowel neuroendocrine tumors and
- 44:18the survival is dependent on grade,
- 44:22and we're not going to talk too
- 44:24much about grade three grade 4 door
- 44:26under consumers and much of what
- 44:28we see are grade one and grade tuna
- 44:31under consumers and the survival.
- 44:33Is is usually favorable and that leads to.
- 44:38That the perspective of how these new
- 44:40entrants should be managed and you know,
- 44:43and you know I'm going to give you my
- 44:46perspective as a surgical oncologist.
- 44:48And I think we all have our
- 44:49own perspectives on things.
- 44:50And as a surgical oncologist at
- 44:53longer progression free survivals,
- 44:55the longer survivals impact how?
- 44:57What kind of surgical management
- 44:58we offer to our patients.
- 45:02So for the talk, we'll break it up
- 45:04into the remainder of the talk.
- 45:05Will break it up into three different.
- 45:08Sessions one will be the pink
- 45:10richner endocrine tumors,
- 45:11which I'll talk about first.
- 45:13I'll follow that with the small
- 45:15bowel and are under consumers.
- 45:16And lastly, we talk about metastatic
- 45:19neuroendocrine tumors as well.
- 45:21These are common surgical scenarios
- 45:23that maybe some of your patients
- 45:26have experienced and and hopefully
- 45:29this will provide some types.
- 45:32So in regards to the pancreas
- 45:35narender consumers.
- 45:36So you know,
- 45:36I think in order to understand
- 45:38if someone needs an operation,
- 45:40one needs to just understand the
- 45:41basics of the neuroendocrine tumors.
- 45:43And you know these are some of the points
- 45:44that are important to a surgical oncologist.
- 45:46When we see patients who think
- 45:48christner under consumers.
- 45:49I'm I'm very interested in tumor
- 45:51biology and I could tell that to
- 45:53rebooting is also from her very
- 45:54elaborate talk and pink Krishna
- 45:56render from rumors arise from the
- 45:58endocrine cells of the pancreas,
- 46:00which are important to understand
- 46:03and they account for 3% of
- 46:06pancreas tumors altogether.
- 46:08So still pancreatic ductal
- 46:10adenocarcinomas and other kinds
- 46:12of tumors comprise majority but 3%
- 46:15of pink christner under consumers
- 46:17are comprised of by peanuts.
- 46:19The median age at diagnosis is 60
- 46:22years and the survival is longer
- 46:24than that anchors adenocarcinoma,
- 46:26so that's very important point
- 46:28to understand is as all of us
- 46:30in the audience have.
- 46:31I'm sure I can understand,
- 46:33and they're obviously people.
- 46:35Some celebrities over the years that
- 46:38we have observed that have been
- 46:39diagnosed with these kinds of tumors.
- 46:41Both adenocarcinoma.
- 46:42I think Christina render consumers.
- 46:45The note status is very important,
- 46:47so patients with node negative
- 46:50peanuts tend to
- 46:51have them. Sorry to interrupt you,
- 46:53your slide is not projecting it maybe.
- 46:57Yep, there you go. Perfect, thanks.
- 47:01Sorry, so the survival is very
- 47:03important based on the nodal status.
- 47:05So patients with no negative peanuts have
- 47:09a very favorable survival at 136 months.
- 47:12The addition of noteworthy metastasis
- 47:15to lymph nodes decreases at survival
- 47:18to 77 months and one patient
- 47:21present with distant metastases.
- 47:23This survival is 24 months and
- 47:26you know that's important to
- 47:28understand because 60% of patients
- 47:30do present with distant metastases.
- 47:32And I think that plays into
- 47:34the decision making process.
- 47:35So for how to treat the patient
- 47:38to optimally and as doctor Kunz
- 47:40had mentioned during her talk,
- 47:41majority of cases are sporadic
- 47:43and some are familiar.
- 47:48Pink Reisner under consumers are
- 47:50nonfunctioning tumors and and
- 47:52functioning tumors and and by this what
- 47:55I mean is that nonfunctioning tumors
- 47:57do not produce clinical symptoms,
- 48:00even though the tumors can't
- 48:01still produce hormones,
- 48:02but they don't produce enough
- 48:04hormones that cause clinical symptoms.
- 48:05The nonfunctioning tumors,
- 48:08now in the updated literature,
- 48:11revealed account for about
- 48:1375% of these tumors.
- 48:14I think some of this has to do with
- 48:15these smaller new render consumers,
- 48:17the child.
- 48:17Talk a little bit about that are
- 48:19diagnosed more and more frequently
- 48:21in that number has increased over
- 48:24overtime and then functioning tumors,
- 48:26so functioning tumors are tumors
- 48:27that have hormone hypersecretion that
- 48:29does lead to clinical manifestation.
- 48:32The six types are listed here,
- 48:34which are insulinomas most
- 48:35commonly that we see Glucagon,
- 48:37omas,
- 48:38gastrinomas VIP,
- 48:39omas Mathis adenomas and others
- 48:41as well functioning tumors tend
- 48:43to have better survival than
- 48:46nonfunctioning tumors and part of this.
- 48:48Probably is patient present symptom
- 48:49with symptomatology earlier than
- 48:51non functioning tumors and that
- 48:52might lead to a better survival
- 48:54ultimately because it was diagnosed
- 48:56or earlier on in the process.
- 49:00So when a surgical oncologist,
- 49:02if you come to Yale Surgical and
- 49:03I see one of the Yale surgical
- 49:05oncologists you know there are
- 49:07certain things that we think are
- 49:08important to to guide our principles
- 49:10of of sort of surgical management of
- 49:12patients for assessing a patient.
- 49:14For that and our goals for surgery are
- 49:16the first is to maximize local control,
- 49:19so I think that's a very important point
- 49:20for not just bankers neuroendocrine tumors,
- 49:22but in general for other types
- 49:25of neuroendocrine tumors as well.
- 49:27Another goal is to increase ones.
- 49:29Quality of Life OK,
- 49:30so sometimes that even non functioning
- 49:32tumors can have an adverse effect
- 49:33on the individuals quality of life.
- 49:35So surgery can improve, increase funds,
- 49:38quality of life progression.
- 49:40Free survival is an important point
- 49:42as well too given the the the the
- 49:44behavior of these tumors a lot of times
- 49:47we focus on progression free survival
- 49:49and not as much as overall survival.
- 49:52So progression free survival is very
- 49:53important for this kind of tumor.
- 49:55Generally speaking we aim for
- 49:57R0 resection margins and that's
- 49:59something we strive for for many.
- 50:01Kinds of search conchology
- 50:03operations and that just simply means
- 50:05microscopically and grossly negative.
- 50:07We'll talk a little bit more about.
- 50:08There's some different that's
- 50:09not always the case,
- 50:10but that's for some of the metastatic tumors.
- 50:12But we are usually striving for
- 50:15an artist or section and the other
- 50:17final goal is we try to alleviate
- 50:18clinical symptoms,
- 50:19and this is very important for those
- 50:21with the functioning or underprint tumors.
- 50:23And and with the source of the hormone,
- 50:26hypersecretion is removed.
- 50:27It can substantially alleviate ones
- 50:30clinical symptoms in the completely.
- 50:32Address it altogether.
- 50:34And we also, you know,
- 50:35with our surgeries and a lot of
- 50:38these pancreas cases can be major
- 50:40operations and us.
- 50:41But we do try to limit our short
- 50:44term morbidity and the long term
- 50:46morbidity as well too in the few.
- 50:48See one of the surgical oncologists at Yale.
- 50:50We our role is taking this
- 50:52into consideration.
- 50:55So, so I'm gonna give you some
- 50:58specific surgical scenarios here
- 50:59that may be of some use and you know
- 51:02one scenario includes a patient that
- 51:04presents the localized non metastatic
- 51:06pancreas neuroendocrine tumor.
- 51:08And generally speaking,
- 51:09we respect the for the resection is feasible.
- 51:11The meeting survival in the
- 51:15literature is 7.1 years,
- 51:17but the important thing to understand,
- 51:19and is that about half the patients
- 51:22do recur at two almost three years.
- 51:25So recurrence free survival is
- 51:27important to consider here as well,
- 51:29so so many patients to recur.
- 51:34Another common scenario are these small
- 51:36pink trees that are under 15 years,
- 51:38so these are pink creature under
- 51:39consumers that when we when
- 51:41we say that there are small,
- 51:42we're thinking 1.5 to 2 centimeters in the
- 51:45depends on which studies you're looking at.
- 51:47There's a good study out of
- 51:48the University of Chicago.
- 51:49There's another good study out of
- 51:51Massachusetts General and then that's
- 51:53where this number of less than two
- 51:55centimeters or 1.5 to 2 centimeters comes up,
- 51:58because given the behavior
- 52:00of neuroendocrine pancreas,
- 52:01neuroendocrine tumors in general.
- 52:03Sometimes surgery is not
- 52:05necessary for these patients,
- 52:07but I would recommend careful
- 52:11observation and you know each patient
- 52:14is an individual and we need to every
- 52:17patient should be evaluated individually
- 52:19and and but oftentimes patients with
- 52:22smaller tumors can be observed,
- 52:25you know, and I just want to make
- 52:26a quick comment about that.
- 52:27And that being said,
- 52:28you know if there's a young
- 52:29patient that's diagnosed with.
- 52:30They say, for example,
- 52:321.8 centimeter neuroendocrine
- 52:33tumor that's in.
- 52:35Yeah,
- 52:35in her late 20s or so,
- 52:38you know one can make a reasonable argument
- 52:40that with a longer life term expectancy,
- 52:42maybe that might not be the person we tried.
- 52:44Decide to observe with the small neuron
- 52:46consumer and we do survey these patients.
- 52:48And if there are changes to
- 52:50their cross sectional imaging,
- 52:51which is an important point
- 52:53for neuroendocrine tumors,
- 52:54we will consider them per section.
- 52:58Another scenario that sometimes
- 52:59comes up is a locally advanced and
- 53:01metastatic on fund, resectable.
- 53:05Patient in that kind of a scenario,
- 53:07you know, sometimes we consider
- 53:09palliative surgery with some
- 53:11of the options listed here,
- 53:13and that's sometimes a scenario
- 53:15and then limited liver metastases.
- 53:18We're going to talk at the last
- 53:19third of this talk a little bit more
- 53:22about metastatic disease and in some
- 53:24patients with limited liver metastases.
- 53:26Will will use a asynchronous approach
- 53:28where the primary tumors are addressed
- 53:30and the liver tumors is addressed,
- 53:32or we considered a surgery in a staged.
- 53:35Fashion.
- 53:37So for all of these for sections I'm
- 53:40I just figured I'd share some patient
- 53:43examples for you to try to put it
- 53:46into some perspective and and the
- 53:48first patient I'd like to present is
- 53:51an 80 year old male who presented
- 53:54with hypoglycemic episodes and he had
- 53:56what's called the Whipple's triad,
- 53:58which we've heard about,
- 54:00and for Pinkerton are under consumers,
- 54:03what we teach our residents is, you know,
- 54:05if if you're ones considering a functional.
- 54:08Increased our hundred tumor work up
- 54:09starts with the biochemical workup and
- 54:11this patient did have a biochemical
- 54:13work work up,
- 54:14which indeed was consistent with insulinoma.
- 54:17After the biochemical work up,
- 54:18then we preceded with the localization
- 54:20studies to identify where this tumor
- 54:23is located and and in this patient.
- 54:25Here, this is the the frontal
- 54:28images and and it shows.
- 54:30I don't think my arrow is projecting here,
- 54:32but there's a hyper enhancing mass in
- 54:36the head of the pancreas which is seen.
- 54:39And that is sometimes the look
- 54:40of how a neuron tumor shows
- 54:42up on cross sectional imaging,
- 54:44and we performed a pancreaticoduodenectomy
- 54:47with an extended lymphadenectomy on this
- 54:50patient specimen seen on the right,
- 54:52and interestingly,
- 54:53immediately the patients hypoglycemic
- 54:55episodes were completely resolved and
- 54:58provided this gentleman with many,
- 55:00many years of custom free life.
- 55:06Next, I'd like to transition to
- 55:09small bowel neuroendocrine tumors.
- 55:11And these are tumors that are
- 55:14submucosal neoplasms which primarily
- 55:16arise from the jejunum and the ileum.
- 55:18And there they do have
- 55:20neuroendocrine differentiation,
- 55:21just like some of these other tumors
- 55:23that we're talking about today.
- 55:25They have an ability to secrete
- 55:28functional hormones and a means they
- 55:30are the most common tumor of the
- 55:32small bowel with malignant potential.
- 55:34Which is interesting because this is
- 55:36shifted because when I was in intern
- 55:39almost 20 years ago now we used to not
- 55:42look at small bowel neuronal tumors as
- 55:45the most common small bowel tumors.
- 55:47We would think more of adenocarcinoma
- 55:49and then more often even benign tumors.
- 55:51But interestingly,
- 55:52now neuroendocrine small bowel
- 55:54tumors are the most common.
- 55:56Small bowel tumor with Fullington potential.
- 56:00Nearly a third of these tumors arise
- 56:02relatively close to the ileocecal valve,
- 56:05and that the reason that's important
- 56:07is our operative decision making
- 56:09takes that into consideration.
- 56:11Many patients present with multifocal
- 56:13disease that's also very important.
- 56:15When I talk about surgical approaches,
- 56:18and about 35% of patients
- 56:21present with distant metastases,
- 56:23so surgical resection is a preferred
- 56:25frontline treatment for these patients.
- 56:29And the reasons for that is number one.
- 56:31It can improve survival.
- 56:33Number two can reduce the risk
- 56:36for developing metastatic disease.
- 56:38#3 can alleviate symptoms and
- 56:41finally #4 it can prevent or delay
- 56:43the onset of symptom development,
- 56:44and that's important as we
- 56:46talk a little bit more here.
- 56:49So you know.
- 56:49So like I thought it would be
- 56:51useful to go over some scenarios
- 56:52that some of your patients may
- 56:54present with into the hospital.
- 56:55And 11 scenario is in east symptomatic
- 56:59prime patient that the patient presents
- 57:01with asymptomatic disease with the
- 57:04primary tumor without distant metastases.
- 57:06So even though these patients
- 57:08present with asymptomatic disease,
- 57:10in retrospect,
- 57:11many of them will have some symptomatology.
- 57:15And they won't know about it until
- 57:17after they've had their surgery.
- 57:19But that symptomatology may have prompted
- 57:21their imaging in the 1st place and
- 57:23the cross sectional imaging Dr Booing
- 57:25can speak to this better than I can,
- 57:27but oftentimes it shows something such
- 57:29as a mesenteric or small bowel mass,
- 57:32which is hyper enhancing.
- 57:34Speculated or calcified,
- 57:36and interestingly in the operating room,
- 57:38you know,
- 57:39the speculation is something we
- 57:41really appreciate because these
- 57:43tumors in the OR or the mesenteric
- 57:44mass in the OR tend to be fixed,
- 57:46fixated posteriorly,
- 57:47as opposed to something that
- 57:50some freely movable,
- 57:52which is the case with some of
- 57:54the benign small bowel tumors
- 57:55and even small biologists.
- 57:57Another scenario is an asymptomatic
- 57:59primary tumor with distant metastasis.
- 58:02I'm going to talk a little bit
- 58:04about about that.
- 58:04In the last scenario,
- 58:05because I think that's going to
- 58:07be an important thing to go over.
- 58:10And and and symptomatically.
- 58:12You know, sometimes these neuroendocrine
- 58:14tumors present with the bowel obstruction,
- 58:17abdominal pain, bleeding,
- 58:18and the and the so-called
- 58:21carcinoid syndrome as well so.
- 58:25An approach that is important is
- 58:27expectations for our patients suffer.
- 58:29Patient knows what to expect in a non
- 58:31emergent setting prior to undergoing
- 58:33a surgical and conchological section.
- 58:35It goes along way for their
- 58:37satisfaction down the road.
- 58:38That's something that our
- 58:40our group at Yale uses.
- 58:42So we talked to our patients ahead of
- 58:46surgery and one thing that we talked
- 58:48to our patients about is sometimes that
- 58:50because of the multifocality of these tumors,
- 58:53larger areas of small bowel
- 58:54need to be respected.
- 58:55Lead to increased frequency of
- 58:58their bowels of bowel movements.
- 59:00We also consider perceptibility.
- 59:01A lot of it comes down to the mesenteric
- 59:04artery and the vein superior mesenteric,
- 59:06artery and vein.
- 59:07That's something we strongly consider for
- 59:10respectability for these guys into tumors,
- 59:12we and the surgery usually entails,
- 59:15and indirectly or small bowel
- 59:17resection with a lymphadenectomy.
- 59:18Sometimes it involves resection
- 59:20of a mesenteric mass,
- 59:22which is how a patient may present,
- 59:24and in the operating room.
- 59:26It's very important to palpate
- 59:29for synchronous tumors,
- 59:30so so open operations are preferred
- 59:32and I just want to spend just a
- 59:35minute talking about that as well too.
- 59:37So we do a lot of laparoscopic and
- 59:40minimally invasive surgery at at Yale.
- 59:42A lot of our operations are done
- 59:44in that manner,
- 59:45and the way I look at laparoscopy
- 59:47and minimally invasive surgeries
- 59:48that it should be a tool to provide
- 59:51a good oncologic operation.
- 59:53It shouldn't not be the other way around,
- 59:55meaning someone should not get.
- 59:56A minimally invasive surgery just
- 59:58for the sake of getting minimally
- 60:00invasive surgery,
- 01:00:01but so so for the way we approach
- 01:00:03these are we usually will do them.
- 01:00:05Laparoscopic Lee roulette,
- 01:00:06metastases and sometimes we could
- 01:00:08make a very small incision and
- 01:00:10eviscerate the tumor and palpate
- 01:00:12the entire small bowel to make
- 01:00:14sure that they're synchronous.
- 01:00:15Tumors are are not missed,
- 01:00:16which sometimes is the case with
- 01:00:18true laparoscopic operations.
- 01:00:19For these small bell,
- 01:00:21any tease we value for distant
- 01:00:24metastases and sometimes consider a
- 01:00:26cholecystectomy and a lot of that.
- 01:00:27Ends up being a conversation with the
- 01:00:30surgical oncologist and medical oncologist,
- 01:00:32and about this patient may be a
- 01:00:34candidate for lanreotide in the
- 01:00:36future which can predispose to the
- 01:00:38development of gallstones. Uhm?
- 01:00:41So so a few scenarios.
- 01:00:43So patient presents with an incidental
- 01:00:46finding on cross sectional imaging.
- 01:00:48You know our suggestions are the
- 01:00:50patient should be evaluated by a
- 01:00:52surgical oncologist per section
- 01:00:53the patient presents,
- 01:00:55with an isolated mesenteric
- 01:00:57mass or small bowel mass,
- 01:00:59and the reasons we consider surgery
- 01:01:01are again, it could be diagnostic.
- 01:01:03Sometimes these tumors are not
- 01:01:04always new render consumers,
- 01:01:06but they usually are when we look
- 01:01:07at it with our radiologists,
- 01:01:09but sometimes they're not,
- 01:01:10so it's something to consider.
- 01:01:12In,
- 01:01:12the operation is potentially curative
- 01:01:14and this is very important.
- 01:01:16It can avoid future symptoms
- 01:01:18of bowel obstruction,
- 01:01:19bleeding or ischaemia,
- 01:01:20which sometimes happens in these
- 01:01:22small bells are under primary.
- 01:01:23Tumors are left alone,
- 01:01:25so that's an important point to
- 01:01:27mention and we and we do see
- 01:01:28that sometime and again with the
- 01:01:30patient that had an arrangement
- 01:01:32in which was being observed and
- 01:01:34so and the patient can present
- 01:01:36with some symptoms down the road.
- 01:01:39And of course it can avoid reduced risk.
- 01:01:41For tests.
- 01:01:44Another scenario is an asymptomatic
- 01:01:46primary with distant metastasis,
- 01:01:47and again this can be.
- 01:01:50This would suggest to be evaluated
- 01:01:52by a surgical oncologist and and
- 01:01:54the reasons for surgery in order
- 01:01:56to avoid future complications and
- 01:01:59metastasis and and discomfort.
- 01:02:02This kind of an approach can
- 01:02:03still provide a profession free
- 01:02:04survival advantage.
- 01:02:08And then and then, if patients.
- 01:02:10Sometimes patients present symptomatically
- 01:02:12and impatient that's presenting
- 01:02:14symptomatically should probably just get
- 01:02:15to the operating room and be seen by a
- 01:02:18general surgeon in the local hospital.
- 01:02:19Because sometimes these patients you
- 01:02:21know don't have room to be transferred,
- 01:02:23and they and acute ballot traction
- 01:02:25should just usually be managed
- 01:02:27locally and the reasons for this.
- 01:02:29Of course the obvious it
- 01:02:31alleviates her symptoms.
- 01:02:32That it can be diagnosed
- 01:02:34and be potentially cured.
- 01:02:36And a patient example here is an
- 01:02:39asymptomatic patient patient with
- 01:02:41an asymptomatic small bell NET.
- 01:02:43This is a 59 year old male who presented
- 01:02:45with a 4.2 centimeter hyper enhancing
- 01:02:47mesenteric mass on CT for abdominal pain,
- 01:02:50which resolved by the time we evaluated
- 01:02:54him and then this picture shows a CAT scan
- 01:02:57with a hyper In Sync 4.2 centimeter mass,
- 01:03:00which we ended up taking to
- 01:03:02the OR and resecting which is
- 01:03:04showing all the way in the right.
- 01:03:06And we did an enbloc small bowel
- 01:03:09resection with the mesenteric mass
- 01:03:11and the and the surgical pathology
- 01:03:14revealed multifocal tumors.
- 01:03:16Node positive disease without metastasis,
- 01:03:19and it was a grade one tear.
- 01:03:22And finally,
- 01:03:23I'll end this session by submitting
- 01:03:25metastatic here under consumers.
- 01:03:27So again,
- 01:03:28some perspective on things from
- 01:03:30a surgeon's perspective that so
- 01:03:31the reason we find this important
- 01:03:33is because the third patient,
- 01:03:34present with cysteine metastasis
- 01:03:36in the liver,
- 01:03:37happens to be the most common
- 01:03:39site of metastasis.
- 01:03:40Metastasis is important because
- 01:03:42it negatively affects revival as,
- 01:03:44as we know,
- 01:03:45and that's the case with all cancers,
- 01:03:47and there's a increased risk of
- 01:03:49death compared to an individual
- 01:03:51that has localized disease.
- 01:03:53Clinical presentation can
- 01:03:54include hormonal symptoms,
- 01:03:56and that's more often the case
- 01:03:57for small bowel and any tease.
- 01:03:59This could be diarrhea,
- 01:04:01wheezing and flushing,
- 01:04:03and sometimes the patients could
- 01:04:05have valves are right sided valvular
- 01:04:07disease which can lead to heart failure.
- 01:04:10Increase your under.
- 01:04:11Consumers are important.
- 01:04:12They're at their often nonfunctional
- 01:04:16in cases of metastasis.
- 01:04:18The goal for the arguments supporting
- 01:04:21surgery for metastatic any teas
- 01:04:23are the first in the important
- 01:04:25thing is to control the tumor
- 01:04:27burden and by respecting ones
- 01:04:29metastatic neuroendocrine tumors.
- 01:04:31The progression free survival improves
- 01:04:34the patients as a whole and you know
- 01:04:38the literature can show five year
- 01:04:40overall five year survival up to 74%.
- 01:04:42That's overall survival,
- 01:04:43but the important thing to understand
- 01:04:45is there's a high risk of recurrence.
- 01:04:47Despite that kind of an approach,
- 01:04:49so even though I'm talking
- 01:04:50about 5 year old roll survival,
- 01:04:52if 74% the recurrence rate
- 01:04:54is nearly is over 80%.
- 01:04:57But there is benefit to doing
- 01:04:58this because it can provide
- 01:04:59effective symptom control,
- 01:05:00particularly for functioning tumors.
- 01:05:01It could prevent or delay the
- 01:05:04sequelae of carcinoid syndromes.
- 01:05:05It can improve one's performance
- 01:05:07status and pain,
- 01:05:09and this is the case more for
- 01:05:12nonfunctioning tumors and the number
- 01:05:13has shifted us to the number of the
- 01:05:15percent of tumor that we'd like to site,
- 01:05:17or reducing individual.
- 01:05:17And there was a time where.
- 01:05:19We used to think more along the
- 01:05:21lines of 90% but more recent
- 01:05:23literature has suggested that that
- 01:05:25number might be closer to 70%.
- 01:05:27Reduction of the tumor burden,
- 01:05:29and it's important if one can
- 01:05:30have this kind of cytoreduction,
- 01:05:32and we usually try to remove the
- 01:05:34primary tumor in the regional disease
- 01:05:36in this 70% number that I mentioned.
- 01:05:38But even if one does not have their
- 01:05:41primary tumor that's identified.
- 01:05:42One can still consider a cytoreductive
- 01:05:44surgery if greater than 70% of the
- 01:05:47disease burden that's clinically
- 01:05:49present can be addressed.
- 01:05:50And extrahepatic disease is not a
- 01:05:52contraindication to the surgical
- 01:05:54site or reduction.
- 01:05:57The tools that we use in surgical
- 01:06:00oncology for Cytoreduction,
- 01:06:01and I'm focusing a little bit more
- 01:06:02on the liver because I'm very
- 01:06:03biased towards the liver and, uh,
- 01:06:05I like operating the liver and then
- 01:06:06this ends up being the most one
- 01:06:08of the most common sites for the
- 01:06:09most common cited medicine disease.
- 01:06:11For any tease, we often will try to do
- 01:06:13what's called prank while sparing resections,
- 01:06:15because, as I mentioned before,
- 01:06:17many of these patients were occur and
- 01:06:20and they can have a longer survival,
- 01:06:23and they can recur in the liver,
- 01:06:24so we try to do prank whispering resections.
- 01:06:26Impossible understanding that.
- 01:06:27Well, if there's another recurrence
- 01:06:29down the road,
- 01:06:31it can allow the patient for a
- 01:06:33second liver operation or liver
- 01:06:35directed therapy down the road.
- 01:06:36But sometimes we do need to perform
- 01:06:39major head protect me as given the
- 01:06:41distribution of the testis is sometimes
- 01:06:43we consider a microwave ablation where
- 01:06:46we put a probe into the center of the
- 01:06:48tumor or sometimes our interventional
- 01:06:50radiology colleagues who are very
- 01:06:52adept at doing that can do that as well too.
- 01:06:54And if they can do it in
- 01:06:56the last invasive fashion,
- 01:06:57that's always.
- 01:06:57Investing for the patient and surgical
- 01:07:00site or rejection should be attempted
- 01:07:02when it's anatomically feasible and it
- 01:07:04can be performed with a low morbidity.
- 01:07:07So I'll end with a patient example,
- 01:07:10and this is a 62 year old male who,
- 01:07:12when I had seen him,
- 01:07:14was five years after the status posted,
- 01:07:16dissipate protect me for nonfunctioning
- 01:07:18tankers or under consumer one of his smile.
- 01:07:22Medical oncologists was surveying
- 01:07:23him and and identified enlarge.
- 01:07:26Enlarge incompat exclusions on
- 01:07:28surveillance cross sectional images.
- 01:07:31And this doesn't show everything,
- 01:07:32but this is a patient that had three
- 01:07:35tumors when we had seen seen him,
- 01:07:37one in the left lateral liver,
- 01:07:39one in the left medial liver,
- 01:07:41and then one in the right liver.
- 01:07:42And and then we went ahead and we
- 01:07:45actually needed to do a a major
- 01:07:47liver section for the left side,
- 01:07:49and apparently sparing resection on the
- 01:07:51right side to clear all of the disease.
- 01:07:54And and we did a cholecystectomy
- 01:07:56in this case as well too,
- 01:07:59and the pathology revealed
- 01:08:01for neuroendocrine tumors,
- 01:08:02which were identified in the liver,
- 01:08:04which were well differentiated.
- 01:08:09So the surgical manager of papers at
- 01:08:11small bowel neuroendocrine tumors,
- 01:08:12the incidence is rising.
- 01:08:15Section of primary neuroendocrine tumors.
- 01:08:17This clinical benefit and we've shown that,
- 01:08:20and I've shown that the pancreas for
- 01:08:22under consumers those non functioning,
- 01:08:23functioning and for small Val
- 01:08:25any teas and finally surgical
- 01:08:27site of reduction for metastatic.
- 01:08:29Any tease has clinical benefit at
- 01:08:31greater than 70% of the tumor burden.
- 01:08:34Which percentage.
- 01:08:34OK, thank you for your time.
- 01:08:42Thank you to doctors appointment and con.
- 01:08:44Those were both great presentations,
- 01:08:47so I think what we'll try to do is
- 01:08:49tackle some of the questions that
- 01:08:51have come through the chat and I also
- 01:08:53have some questions for the two of
- 01:08:55you and we can have a conversation.
- 01:08:56So one of the the first questions
- 01:09:01that came through is I think this
- 01:09:03was in reference and Doctor Boy
- 01:09:04and maybe I'll direct this to you.
- 01:09:06Is can the Ludo dictate treatment?
- 01:09:12PRT if it started early I'm
- 01:09:16can we achieve cure from this?
- 01:09:20And particularly if the cancer load is low,
- 01:09:23that's I think aspirational,
- 01:09:25but I will allow you to maybe
- 01:09:27comment some on that.
- 01:09:29What are the goals of treatment and in
- 01:09:30what setting do we typically use it?
- 01:09:33Yeah, this is a really great question now.
- 01:09:38The indications for which PRT is
- 01:09:41being used for right now is for.
- 01:09:44For well differentiated tumors,
- 01:09:46and when we do the therapy majority of the
- 01:09:50tumors actually do not decrease in size,
- 01:09:55but it does slow their growth,
- 01:09:57so there's significant improvement
- 01:09:59in progression. Free survival.
- 01:10:01So no, this is not a cure,
- 01:10:04but it does improve symptoms and
- 01:10:07improve survival. In patients.
- 01:10:11So that's for the lutetium.
- 01:10:14We still have a lot of other therapies in in
- 01:10:18the pipeline that we're still evaluating,
- 01:10:20but the goal is not cure.
- 01:10:22The goal is extension of life
- 01:10:24and improvement of symptoms.
- 01:10:27Thank you, there was another question that
- 01:10:30I think perhaps Doctor Khan can answer.
- 01:10:32So and I think you addressed this
- 01:10:35a little bit in the course of your
- 01:10:37presentation such so is it possible
- 01:10:39that we maybe can't find the primary,
- 01:10:42but we do see metastatic disease.
- 01:10:45You touched on that a little bit in the
- 01:10:47course of your surgical indications,
- 01:10:49but maybe you can address that some. Yes,
- 01:10:51yeah, so that's not an uncommon scenario.
- 01:10:54Back spoons, and that's very good question.
- 01:10:57And you know it is all worth it to look
- 01:11:00for the primary tumor and do a thorough
- 01:11:03exhaustive look for the primary tumor.
- 01:11:05However, the primary tumor cannot be found.
- 01:11:08There is benefit towards some.
- 01:11:10If a patient has a resectable
- 01:11:12metastatic disease,
- 01:11:13which could be said or reduced to over 70%,
- 01:11:16and the morbidity is is not very high.
- 01:11:21Uh, I would still recommend
- 01:11:23consideration for surgical cytoreduction
- 01:11:25because of the improvement in
- 01:11:26the professional free survival.
- 01:11:30And I'll just comment this.
- 01:11:31You know, entity of unknown primaries is
- 01:11:33certainly something that we come across,
- 01:11:35although I will say I think that's less
- 01:11:38in the era of gallium 68 PET scans.
- 01:11:40I think we are often identifying
- 01:11:43the primary a little bit more
- 01:11:45easily with better imaging so,
- 01:11:47but we do still see that I have a
- 01:11:50couple of questions actually there.
- 01:11:51I think there is one more in the Q&A
- 01:11:53from the audience, so this is something.
- 01:11:56Maybe I'll tackle first,
- 01:11:57but would welcome comments
- 01:11:58from from my partners.
- 01:12:00Here, so some cancers,
- 01:12:02even lung adenocarcinomas,
- 01:12:04had endocrine secretion.
- 01:12:05How can we treat that?
- 01:12:07I didn't personally spend a lot of time
- 01:12:09talking about how we treat hormone control,
- 01:12:11but I think for certainly for many
- 01:12:15patients with neuroendocrine related
- 01:12:17hormones secretion we the mainstay is
- 01:12:20really using somatostatin analogs.
- 01:12:22First they were approved on the
- 01:12:24basis of controlling hormones,
- 01:12:26specifically carcinoid syndrome,
- 01:12:27which is diarrhea and flushing.
- 01:12:30They are also indicated in some.
- 01:12:31Other forms of hormones secretion,
- 01:12:33including gastrinomas and others.
- 01:12:38But we also try to PSI to reduce or
- 01:12:41kind of reduce the bulk of the tumor,
- 01:12:44either through surgery as Doctor Khan
- 01:12:47indicated or other systemic treatments
- 01:12:49that have the ability to shrink the tumor.
- 01:12:52So cytotoxic chemotherapy can do that.
- 01:12:55Doctor Khan, I think, spoke about
- 01:12:56some of the like oblated procedures.
- 01:12:59We often we didn't talk tonight a
- 01:13:01lot about liver directed treatments,
- 01:13:03but I think that when patients
- 01:13:06have secretion of hormones,
- 01:13:07we really it's tricky.
- 01:13:09Because we need to think about
- 01:13:11both managing the hormones and
- 01:13:12managing the tumor itself.
- 01:13:14So doctor,
- 01:13:14can you have any other comments on that?
- 01:13:17Yeah, I know, I think those are why you
- 01:13:20know if if if an individual has a patient.
- 01:13:23If a if a provider has a patient with,
- 01:13:25you know neuroendocrine tumor general,
- 01:13:27but in this specific scenario
- 01:13:29it's good to have them evaluate
- 01:13:31in a multidisciplinary fashion.
- 01:13:32Because surgery.
- 01:13:33I'm not saying everyone needs surgery
- 01:13:36and sometimes systemic options are
- 01:13:39much more effective at controlling
- 01:13:41these symptoms than surgical options.
- 01:13:44And and I think that's why you
- 01:13:45know an active discussion by a
- 01:13:48multidisciplinary tumor board.
- 01:13:49Is it is very beneficial for the patient,
- 01:13:52but you know if if one is able
- 01:13:54to control you,
- 01:13:54know a high burden of disease like
- 01:13:56I threw the number of 70% out there.
- 01:13:58That's that's for surgical literature.
- 01:14:00But I don't know if this is true or not,
- 01:14:02but perhaps that would is true for
- 01:14:05non-surgical approaches as well too.
- 01:14:07And I think if we're able to
- 01:14:08address the source of where the
- 01:14:10hormones are being separated from,
- 01:14:11we could probably really provide some
- 01:14:12good clinical abilities to our patients.
- 01:14:15Right, right now I agree.
- 01:14:16Good doctor Brian.
- 01:14:17I have a question that comes up almost
- 01:14:20in many of my patient interactions
- 01:14:23and also when I'm teaching trainees
- 01:14:25this actually just came up yesterday.
- 01:14:28How do we interpret SUV on Gallium 68 pet?
- 01:14:32Should we pay attention to it?
- 01:14:34Is it different than how
- 01:14:35we think about FDG pet?
- 01:14:39Oh yeah, that's a great question.
- 01:14:41It's a we can give a whole
- 01:14:43lecture tracer uptake,
- 01:14:46so I would I would think too.
- 01:14:50I I do recommend to, so it's a.
- 01:14:52It's a general unit of Tracer
- 01:14:55update that's generalized
- 01:14:56to patient body weight.
- 01:14:59But the the big issue?
- 01:15:05Hope we lost Doctor Abovyan there for a
- 01:15:08moment. So hopefully she will be back.
- 01:15:09I can text her, we technical issues.
- 01:15:13Related to the tax, there will be a
- 01:15:15doctor boy and we lost you for
- 01:15:17just a minute. Maybe you can
- 01:15:19repeat the last portion of that.
- 01:15:22Oh sorry, I was having Internet connectivity
- 01:15:24issues so so in terms of that SUV is
- 01:15:27it's a it's a way to measure tracer
- 01:15:29uptake normalized to patient body weight.
- 01:15:32And it is a semi quantitative that measure.
- 01:15:35Now there's a whole field of
- 01:15:38quantitative pet that requires very
- 01:15:40complex mathematical modeling.
- 01:15:41And here at EO.
- 01:15:43Under the guidance of Doctor Rich Carson,
- 01:15:46their leader leaders,
- 01:15:47they go pet center in quantitative PET
- 01:15:49imaging and we're still trying to figure
- 01:15:51out how to apply to clinical practice
- 01:15:53because it's not used in clinical practice.
- 01:15:55But as UV is kind of a poor man's
- 01:15:58approach to try to quantitate so
- 01:16:00it's a semi quantitative measure,
- 01:16:02but I would really focus on looking
- 01:16:05at the CVS within a specific tracer.
- 01:16:08So if you're going to compare
- 01:16:11SUV values only,
- 01:16:12compare them between gallium dotate scan.
- 01:16:15Don't compare them between gallium
- 01:16:17dotate and don't talk or gallium dotate,
- 01:16:19and if you're so,
- 01:16:21if you have a patient that's
- 01:16:23being imaged with MTG pad,
- 01:16:24then you can compare the SUV values.
- 01:16:28But if you're patient change
- 01:16:30significantly so supposedly lost a
- 01:16:32lot of weight in between the scans,
- 01:16:35then you have to be really careful
- 01:16:37and usually in nuclear medicine
- 01:16:40when we do the reports,
- 01:16:42we do mention the numbers
- 01:16:44'cause everybody wants some.
- 01:16:45Connotation,
- 01:16:45but we do try to use language as
- 01:16:49well because it is it's it is
- 01:16:52a semi quantitative analysis.
- 01:16:55Thank you, yeah that's helpful.
- 01:16:58Doctor Khan I have a question that
- 01:17:00comes up a lot in tumor board.
- 01:17:02You know, I think I'd
- 01:17:04love to hear from you of.
- 01:17:06Are there situations or or notable
- 01:17:08situations where you're like?
- 01:17:10Gosh, I really wish I saw this
- 01:17:12patient earlier, like when?
- 01:17:14When should medical oncologists or surgeons
- 01:17:16in the community be thinking about surgery?
- 01:17:20When should it be on their radar?
- 01:17:21I'd say specifically for metastatic disease.
- 01:17:24OK, you know
- 01:17:27the first. Maybe I can also answer
- 01:17:29one about non metastatic disease.
- 01:17:31Some you know. I think if one identifies
- 01:17:34a hypervascular mesenteric mass,
- 01:17:35I would consider that I
- 01:17:37wouldn't just sit on it.
- 01:17:39I would consider sending it to
- 01:17:40one of the surgical oncology,
- 01:17:41or at least one of the general
- 01:17:43surgeon to evaluate for for it,
- 01:17:44because you know,
- 01:17:45every so often we do see a patient that
- 01:17:48has had this followed a cross sectional
- 01:17:51imaging and then presents with you
- 01:17:53know some sort of a problem with the.
- 01:17:55Primary small bowel related issue.
- 01:17:57Whether it's this kimia infarct
- 01:17:59or balance truction and then it
- 01:18:01becomes more of an emerging problem.
- 01:18:03And it's something that I probably
- 01:18:04could be less of a bigger operation
- 01:18:07for metastatic disease as well too.
- 01:18:09So actually,
- 01:18:10the last patient I presented was being
- 01:18:13followed for awhile because the the
- 01:18:17tumors were were visible and I had
- 01:18:20given a talk on liver metastasis about.
- 01:18:22You know around that time and
- 01:18:24then the the individual who.
- 01:18:26Caring for that patient was didn't
- 01:18:28realize that surgical options
- 01:18:29and options for that patient,
- 01:18:31so I think if a patient is known to
- 01:18:34have a neuroendocrine tumor and perhaps
- 01:18:36present was the liver metastases,
- 01:18:38I think it's worth it for that
- 01:18:40patient to be seen by GI medical
- 01:18:42oncologist or surgical oncologist.
- 01:18:43Because I do think that we can
- 01:18:47provide a good progression free
- 01:18:49survival benefit for most patients
- 01:18:50in that kind of a scenario.
- 01:18:52If with a good multidisciplinary approach.
- 01:18:58Great thank you and doctor Brian.
- 01:19:01Maybe I'll ask you one one more and sort of.
- 01:19:04I'd say a really exciting direction
- 01:19:06and something you and I are
- 01:19:08partnering on is really thinking
- 01:19:10about a theranostics program.
- 01:19:12Can you speak to how you think the field
- 01:19:14is changing and how we are likely to see
- 01:19:18the development of theranostics programs?
- 01:19:21Sort of in multiple locations,
- 01:19:23but maybe the value of that.
- 01:19:25What that means and and sort of how
- 01:19:27nuclear medicine docs are going to be.
- 01:19:29Providing direct patient care.
- 01:19:32Oh, thank you. Yes,
- 01:19:33this is a very exciting field and
- 01:19:35I just came back from Society of
- 01:19:37Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
- 01:19:39Therapeutics conference where we met
- 01:19:42for several days and talked about
- 01:19:44how different sites across USA are
- 01:19:47starting the theranostics centers and
- 01:19:50their layout plans and how they're
- 01:19:52going to be treating the patients.
- 01:19:54And this is really changing
- 01:19:56radiology and nuclear medicine.
- 01:19:58We are now going back to senior patients.
- 01:20:01We're now we're now becoming.
- 01:20:03Parts of teams with oncologists and
- 01:20:05surgeons and really practicing together
- 01:20:08and with radiation oncology as well and
- 01:20:10we're really practicing together as a
- 01:20:13team in terms of taking care of patients.
- 01:20:17There's sites where patient is being
- 01:20:20seen by their GI oncologist and followed
- 01:20:23up by a visit with nuclear medicine Doc
- 01:20:27to discuss PRRT and the specifics of
- 01:20:30radiation based therapy radionuclide.
- 01:20:34Therapy and that really helps patients
- 01:20:37in terms of understanding what
- 01:20:38they're going to be undergoing and
- 01:20:41their side effects and the risks.
- 01:20:43The nuclear medicine physicians
- 01:20:44are following up on the patients
- 01:20:46and are involved in in the care.
- 01:20:48So another thing that's really helpful
- 01:20:51is that we're starting to combine
- 01:20:53chemotherapy with radionuclide therapy
- 01:20:55and trials and trying to see how we can
- 01:20:59improve the efficacy of these therapies.
- 01:21:01And the only way to do it
- 01:21:02is to work together.
- 01:21:04So it's a really exciting team
- 01:21:06based approach that's happening
- 01:21:08across the country and it's it's
- 01:21:11really gonna change radiology
- 01:21:12and how we care for our patients.
- 01:21:17Not very exciting, I think.
- 01:21:19Lots of opportunities for asking for
- 01:21:21for both providing really excellent
- 01:21:23patient care and I think you know
- 01:21:25one thing we can speak to is really
- 01:21:28the importance of multidisciplinary
- 01:21:29care for the care of these patients.
- 01:21:31I think the intent was to have three
- 01:21:33different disciplines represented on
- 01:21:34on this panel tonight and I think
- 01:21:36we all certainly work together and
- 01:21:38caring for our patients with Nets.
- 01:21:41So I think what we can do is
- 01:21:43I don't see other.
- 01:21:44I don't know if Doctor Boyd or
- 01:21:46Doctor Khan you had any other
- 01:21:47burning questions for each other
- 01:21:48or anything that has come up.
- 01:21:53If not, I really want to thank the
- 01:21:55two of you. Certainly for your time
- 01:21:58and and excellent presentations,
- 01:22:00I want to thank our audience for
- 01:22:02their time and and listing tonight.
- 01:22:05This will. This has been recorded
- 01:22:06so we will make this available to
- 01:22:09the Community and stay tuned for our
- 01:22:13future GCM E series in April and May.
- 01:22:16We will promote those and hope
- 01:22:17that some of you will listen again.
- 01:22:19So thank you and have a wonderful evening.