Therapeutic Targeting of Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer
January 29, 2024Yale Cancer Center Grand Rounds | January 26, 2024
Presented by: Dr. Scott Armstrong
- ID
- 11232
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- DCA Citation Guide
- 00:00Good morning everybody.
- 00:01It's so nice to see everybody here.
- 00:03So let's get started.
- 00:04So this is a special occasion
- 00:06and actually nobody better than
- 00:08Doctor Armstrong to present the
- 00:10Lecturer in honour of Lance Tallman.
- 00:12So this series was established
- 00:15in 2012 by Doctor Marvin Sears.
- 00:17Dr. Sears was a long time chair
- 00:19and founder of the Ophthalmology
- 00:21and Visual Sciences at Yale,
- 00:23and he established this lecture
- 00:24series series in honour of his mother,
- 00:27Lance Tallman,
- 00:27who passed away from leukemia.
- 00:29And it really was the first lecture series
- 00:31dedicated solely to hematologic malignancies.
- 00:33So hematologists are always
- 00:35delighted and it's really intended
- 00:37to bring to Yale pioneers,
- 00:39you know,
- 00:40who study malignant hematologic diseases
- 00:43and then bring treatments to the patient.
- 00:46There's actually nobody better than to give
- 00:48today's lecture than Doctor Scott Armstrong.
- 00:51Doctor Armstrong is the
- 00:52President of Dana Farber,
- 00:54Boston Children's Cancer and Blood
- 00:56Disorder Center and the Chairman of
- 00:59the Department of Pediatric Oncology
- 01:00at Dana Farben Cancer Institute.
- 01:02And since 2016,
- 01:05he serves as the Associate Chief of
- 01:07the Division of Hematology Oncology
- 01:09at Boston Children's Hospital and
- 01:11was previously the Director of the
- 01:13Center for Abidinex Research at
- 01:15Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
- 01:17Center and Professor of Pediatrics
- 01:19at Weill Cornell Medical College.
- 01:21I'm not going to go back to
- 01:23medical degrees and all this,
- 01:24so good to have you here.
- 01:25So Roger Armstrong really has you know
- 01:28pioneered research in in epigenetics
- 01:33and studying pediatric cancers,
- 01:34right.
- 01:35And we always learn that studying
- 01:37cancer for example in Pediatrics can
- 01:39then really enlightened mechanism
- 01:41of disease also for adult patients.
- 01:43And I think it's super,
- 01:44super exciting to hear your talk
- 01:46today really bringing basic mechanism
- 01:48all the way from the lab to benefit
- 01:50so many of our patients and we're
- 01:52incredibly excited to have you here.
- 02:01Thank you for the nice introduction
- 02:02and and for the lectureship and
- 02:04the plaque that's very nice.
- 02:06And thank you for coming today.
- 02:08It's not the most beautiful
- 02:09day to be out walking around.
- 02:10So I appreciate you you making it here.
- 02:13And as Stephanie said,
- 02:15I'm going to talk to you today
- 02:17about work we've been doing over
- 02:20the past couple of decades now
- 02:23focused on originally a relatively
- 02:26rare subset of leukemia and then
- 02:28move to more common leukemias
- 02:31and maybe even beyond leukemias.
- 02:33And as many of you probably know
- 02:35that the concept of targeting
- 02:37chromatin or epigenetic based
- 02:39mechanisms been around for quite
- 02:41some time and there have been some
- 02:43therapeutic advances in that regard.
- 02:44But it's been it's stops and
- 02:46starts I would say along the road
- 02:48and hopefully I can convince you
- 02:50that we're maybe finally starting
- 02:52to make some significant go get
- 02:54some significant insights there.
- 02:56So these are my disclosures.
- 02:57I do consult for a number of biotech
- 02:59companies trying to convince them that
- 03:01these mechanisms are relevant that's
- 03:03and sometimes I'm able to do that.
- 03:05And then this patent on amended inhibition,
- 03:08NPM one AML.
- 03:08I'm going to talk about NPM one AML.
- 03:11And more important disclosure is these
- 03:12are the people that do the work.
- 03:14I don't do the work and I'm very lucky
- 03:17to have tremendous fellows in the lab.
- 03:20And actually all of these fellows other
- 03:22than Emily who soon will leave the
- 03:24lab to go start her own have started
- 03:27their own independent lab based careers now.
- 03:30So this is the outline of the
- 03:31talk I'm going to introduce you.
- 03:33Many of you probably know a lot of
- 03:37this to the MLL or CAT or MLL or KMT
- 03:41two ACI can't even remember what the
- 03:44other name is for complex and MLL
- 03:47rearranged leukemias and then move to
- 03:50the therapeutic development of small
- 03:52molecules that target those complexes.
- 03:54Talk a little bit about the clinical
- 03:56translation and resistance mechanisms
- 03:57that we're starting to see to those
- 04:00molecules and then talk about the
- 04:02potential role in other cancers.
- 04:03And as I already mentioned the,
- 04:05the concept of the OR the
- 04:08relevance of epigenetics.
- 04:10And just for those of you that
- 04:11are that are purists in the
- 04:13epigenetic and chromatin space,
- 04:14I will interchangeably use
- 04:16epigenetic and chromatin biology.
- 04:17Actually there there is a group of
- 04:20people that think those two things are
- 04:22not the same thing and the concept
- 04:24that these mechanisms are relevant and
- 04:26cancer has been around for quite some time.
- 04:28This is not a new idea and epigenetics
- 04:31really encompasses many different
- 04:33types of modifications of chromatin,
- 04:36DNA methylation,
- 04:37histone modifications,
- 04:38complexes have proteins that
- 04:41read those histone modifications.
- 04:43The nucleos,
- 04:44there's nucleosome remodeling complexes
- 04:45that you've probably heard about.
- 04:47The bath complex also are
- 04:49frequently mutated in cancer.
- 04:50So we've known that this is relevant,
- 04:52but what to do about it has been
- 04:54a little bit harder to understand
- 04:56and the the kind of simple
- 04:58concept is, is these mechanisms
- 05:00control developmental gene expression
- 05:02and if we were smart enough we'd
- 05:05figure out how to therapeutically
- 05:06target them and reverse those cancer
- 05:09causing gene expression mechanisms and
- 05:11hopefully we're starting to get there.
- 05:13There are some FDA approved drugs that
- 05:15you probably know about H TAC inhibitors
- 05:18and DNA methyl transferase inhibitors.
- 05:19I would say whether or not those molecules
- 05:22are working via epigenetic mechanisms,
- 05:25still a little bit of a question,
- 05:26but indeed those were the first ones
- 05:29that could be working via these some of
- 05:32these mechanisms that were FDA approved.
- 05:34So this is the leukemia that I became
- 05:37most interested in as a fellow
- 05:39back in the late 1990s.
- 05:40Now those are leukemias with
- 05:43rearrangements of the KMT 2A or
- 05:46or MLL gene and in Pediatrics as
- 05:49mentioned I'm a pediatric oncologist.
- 05:52This rearrangement when found in
- 05:53infants with AOL predicts a very poor
- 05:56prognosis and in pediatric leukemia
- 05:58therapy we're actually not used to that.
- 06:00We cure most of our patients with
- 06:02AOL and we find a subset that has a
- 06:05less than 40% long term survival.
- 06:07We that's unusual and this subset
- 06:09is that if an infant comes in that
- 06:12has ALL and has a rearrangement of
- 06:14this gene that it's probably in
- 06:16the 4050% long term survival now.
- 06:23And so back in the late 90s I joined
- 06:26Stan course Meyer's lab to start to
- 06:28learn about that and then obviously
- 06:30ultimately to start my own lab.
- 06:32So this is the the wild
- 06:34type MLL or KMT 2A protein.
- 06:37It's very large, it's in the nucleus,
- 06:39it's about 500K Daltons,
- 06:41makes it has made it difficult to study.
- 06:44It has a number of different
- 06:46domains and is bound to chromatin.
- 06:48We've known that for over 20 years.
- 06:50And when the translocation occurs that
- 06:52in terminus of MLL is fused to the
- 06:54C terminus of what's 100 different
- 06:56fusion proteins also making a little
- 06:59bit complicated to understand.
- 07:00And this is just the history that
- 07:02I won't go through in too much
- 07:04detail other than to say that the
- 07:06wild type MLL protein is was shown
- 07:08in the mid 90s by Stan Course,
- 07:10Mars Group and others to control
- 07:13development of blood system of
- 07:15hematopolysis through presumably
- 07:16control of the homeotic or hox
- 07:18genes that are important in many
- 07:20types of development and but
- 07:22in blood development as well.
- 07:24And that was really actually
- 07:26pointed to that concept by studies
- 07:28done even before that in fly,
- 07:30in fruit flies and Drosophila,
- 07:32showing that the trithorax gene,
- 07:33which is the Drosophila homologue is
- 07:36important for development as well.
- 07:38And then Mike Cleary and Terry,
- 07:40rabbits showed in very nice mouse
- 07:42studies in the late 90s that
- 07:44the MLL fusion proteins indeed
- 07:46do directly induce leukemia.
- 07:48And then David Alice's group showed
- 07:50that in the wild type MLL is a histone
- 07:53modifying enzyme modifies histone H3
- 07:54on lysine 4 through this enzymatic
- 07:56domain here at the C terminus.
- 07:59So this was really the first well
- 08:02characterized chromatin regulator
- 08:03that is known to drive tumor genesis.
- 08:07And so that was really why in the
- 08:10early early 2000s a lot of labs
- 08:12jumped on this to thinking maybe
- 08:14this would give us some insight into
- 08:16chromatin based mechanisms and cancer.
- 08:19So to summarize a lot of work that
- 08:21we did talk thinking about cells
- 08:23of origin of of this type and
- 08:25other types of leukemia.
- 08:26Not going to get into that too
- 08:27much today because I want to
- 08:29get to the therapeutic part.
- 08:30But we were able to show that the
- 08:31MLO fusion when we put it into either
- 08:33stem cells or progenitor cells,
- 08:35either mouse or human,
- 08:36that the MLO fusion can drive
- 08:38the development of leukemia from
- 08:40multiple different cell types
- 08:41in hematopoietic development.
- 08:43And these concepts have now been
- 08:45shown in other types of tumors.
- 08:46But at the time that was a
- 08:48relatively new concept.
- 08:49But what more importantly what it
- 08:50let us do is really characterize
- 08:52the gene expression program that's
- 08:54driven by this MLL fusion protein
- 08:57when we put it into in this case
- 08:59a mouse progenitor cell.
- 09:00And we could look very quickly to
- 09:02see what types of gene expression and
- 09:05chromatin based changes happened when
- 09:07the MLL fusion binds to chromatin.
- 09:09And our work and many,
- 09:11many people's work across the
- 09:13the world with this model
- 09:14originally developed by Mike Cleary's
- 09:16group have I would say that MLO
- 09:19fusion driven leukemia now is about
- 09:20as well characterized mechanistically
- 09:22this as any type of leukemia,
- 09:25probably any type of cancer
- 09:27largely because of this model.
- 09:28So we know where the fusion binds throughout
- 09:31chromatin, which genes it controls.
- 09:33We now have mechanisms of turning the fusion
- 09:35off and we can see what genes get shut off.
- 09:37We understand now quite a bit
- 09:39about what the MLL fusion does.
- 09:42Exactly how it does it is
- 09:44still a little bit unclear,
- 09:46but that is what we and others
- 09:48are really working on now.
- 09:50And of course that is what we
- 09:51need to know and under in order
- 09:53to develop hopefully therapeutics
- 09:55that can target these mechanisms.
- 09:57So this is a very simple actually
- 10:00summary of how the MLL fusion works.
- 10:03So here in Gray is the ML AF9 fusion,
- 10:06the in terminus of MLL bound to
- 10:08some of the proteins normally found
- 10:10in the MLL complex Menon and Ledge
- 10:13F here and those help localize
- 10:15the fusion protein to chromatin.
- 10:17And then the C terminal part of the
- 10:19fusion brings in a number of complexes
- 10:22is histone methyl transferase .1 L,
- 10:23which is a histone H3 lysine
- 10:2679 methyl transferase And this
- 10:28so-called super elongation complex,
- 10:30which is really a fundamental complex
- 10:33for controlling transcription broadly,
- 10:35not just in this setting.
- 10:36Certainly the MLL fusion drags these
- 10:40chromatin regulatory and transcriptional
- 10:42control proteins and complexes to its
- 10:45target genes to drive gene expression.
- 10:48So with that level of understanding,
- 10:51it became easier to go to pharma and
- 10:53biotech and to get them interested
- 10:55in developing small molecules that
- 10:57might target these mechanisms.
- 10:58Even though at the time no one knew
- 11:01if these were mechanisms be relevant
- 11:03beyond this relatively rare disease
- 11:05which is probably A couple thousand
- 11:07patients per year in the United States.
- 11:09But I'll show you,
- 11:10I think we think that indeed and
- 11:12in fact we have now shown in in
- 11:14patients that it it actually is.
- 11:16So each, as I mentioned,
- 11:17each of these labels in red is a small
- 11:20molecule that's been developed to target
- 11:22various components of this large complex.
- 11:25And to summarize broadly on molecules
- 11:28that target the complexes on the right,
- 11:30the kind of general
- 11:32transcriptional complexes,
- 11:33the problem there has primarily been
- 11:35toxicity that actually not too surprising
- 11:38you turn off transcription broadly,
- 11:40we can do that with some of
- 11:41our chemotherapeutic drugs.
- 11:42It's relatively toxic on the
- 11:44left side and to date the problem
- 11:47has actually been efficacy,
- 11:49meaning we can do pre clinical studies
- 11:51and I'll briefly load to this with
- 11:53.1 actually get really impressive
- 11:55changes in gene expression and such.
- 11:57But then we go into patients with
- 11:59the .1 inhibitor get a little bit
- 12:02of clinical signal and but unable
- 12:04to maintain that clinical response.
- 12:07But but toxicity has not primarily
- 12:09been a problem for the molecules
- 12:11on the left side of this figures
- 12:13and that's kind of where we've
- 12:15focused. And I'm going to talk a
- 12:17lot about this protein Menon here,
- 12:19which is really a scaffolding protein
- 12:22that's bound to the MLL fusion
- 12:24and helps keep it on chromatin.
- 12:25I'll show you more about that in a minute.
- 12:28Men and as an important part of the
- 12:30Amylo complex was first demonstrated
- 12:32in 2004 by Michael Cleary's group.
- 12:34And now there are many small molecules.
- 12:36I'll talk about the one we've been
- 12:38working on that disrupt this interaction.
- 12:40I'll show you how in a minute.
- 12:42And that really that concept,
- 12:44the first chemical biology done around
- 12:46this was done by Yolanda Grimbeck is due
- 12:49in Michigan where they developed the
- 12:51first small molecule to bind to minute.
- 12:53So just quickly I'm going to
- 12:55this is kind of jumping ahead,
- 12:56but it's a concept that I think is
- 12:59important in terms when we think
- 13:01about targeting chromatin complexes
- 13:02in leukemia or other diseases.
- 13:04So if this is a even more simplified
- 13:07view of the ML AF9 bound to chromatin
- 13:10through its adapter proteins and
- 13:11bring it in this case the .1 complex.
- 13:14I told you that we worked actually
- 13:16over a decade ago now with a
- 13:19company called Epizyme to make small
- 13:21molecule enzymatic inhibitors of .1.
- 13:23We've shown with genetic studies
- 13:25that that is an important component
- 13:27of this complex and that histone
- 13:29modification that it put places
- 13:31is important for controlling MLO
- 13:33fusion driven gene expression.
- 13:35And that went into clinical trials and
- 13:37we were able to a couple of patients
- 13:39actually went into to remission
- 13:41and many had some response but it
- 13:43they were all pretty transient.
- 13:44And I'm going to show you that
- 13:47that's not the case with the min an
- 13:49inhibitor and this summarizes why
- 13:51we think that is that if you the .1
- 13:54L inhibitor inhibits the enzymatic
- 13:55activity of this protein,
- 13:57but the whole complex remains stuck
- 13:59on chromatin.
- 14:00So it's actually doesn't take a
- 14:02lot for the cell to figure out how
- 14:04to deal with the fact that that
- 14:06enzymatic activity is no longer there.
- 14:08Whereas what I'm going to show
- 14:09you with the MLL Menin inhibitor,
- 14:10it actually disrupts the whole complex
- 14:13and much of the complex lifts and
- 14:15the fusion protein lifts off of
- 14:17chromatin and we think that probably
- 14:19is why the the Menin inhibitor
- 14:22approach is more dramatic.
- 14:24So in 2019 we published the small
- 14:26molecule that we were working on which
- 14:28was at the time called BTP 5O469.
- 14:31The version of it that's in the clinic
- 14:33is called Syndex 5613 or Revu Minib.
- 14:35Get to that in a minute.
- 14:37And this is a very potent small
- 14:39molecule that binds to this pocket on
- 14:41men and this is the men and protein.
- 14:43This is the crystal structure of this
- 14:45protein here in purple and blocks
- 14:48the interaction between men and
- 14:51and the MLL fusion and that leads
- 14:53to as I mentioned the loss of this
- 14:55complex on chromatin,
- 14:56but interestingly enough only
- 14:58does it at very selected sites.
- 15:00This complex actually remains on on
- 15:03chromatin and the wild type complex which
- 15:06would also be potentially disrupted
- 15:08by this molecule remains on chromatin
- 15:11at many sites throughout the genome.
- 15:13But there's a very selected group
- 15:16of genes loci where it's lost.
- 15:18The importance of that is,
- 15:19is that we know genetic inactivation of MLL
- 15:23broadly is toxic that to hematopoietic cells.
- 15:26But there's some reason that this
- 15:28mechanism seems to be only important
- 15:31at certain developmental loci.
- 15:33And we think that may be why we're not
- 15:35seeing tremendous toxicity that you
- 15:37could imagine by lifting this chromatin
- 15:39complexes off the genome broadly.
- 15:41And this is just one example of
- 15:43a preclinical PDX study that we
- 15:46did with an MLL rearranged AML.
- 15:48All of you probably know what
- 15:49PDX studies are,
- 15:50inject the human leukemia into
- 15:52immunodeficient mice and treat the mice here
- 15:55with two cycles if you will of of therapy.
- 15:57And the beauty of this experiment is
- 16:00from a technical standpoint is Syndax
- 16:03actually supplies us with mouse chow
- 16:06that's impregnated with the drugs.
- 16:08So you don't actually have to dose the mice.
- 16:11People in the lab love that fact.
- 16:13So basically you inject the leukemia,
- 16:15change the food and come back in
- 16:16a month and see what happened.
- 16:18And it's obviously not quite that simple,
- 16:19but so we were able to do these experiments
- 16:22with much more speed and much less pain
- 16:25than they than they often can take.
- 16:27And so you can see here that the the
- 16:29mice that were treated with the the MIN,
- 16:31an inhibitor essentially the AML
- 16:33in this PDX model was eradicated,
- 16:36which as most of you know who
- 16:38do these types of experiments.
- 16:40That's not the how these experiments
- 16:42usually go.
- 16:43You might see a prolongation of survival
- 16:46but not this degree of response.
- 16:49Same thing in a model that a lot
- 16:51of people use,
- 16:52this retroviral model of ML AF9
- 16:54that we've used a lot as well,
- 16:55which does lead to a very aggressive
- 16:59mouse AML.
- 17:00And you can see here,
- 17:02we've treated mice that have gotten
- 17:04these cells injected with the,
- 17:06the min,
- 17:06an inhibitor for this period of
- 17:08time and in fact,
- 17:08it eradicated the disease in this model.
- 17:11So that is again very different from
- 17:13what most of the graphs will look like
- 17:16when you do an experiment like this.
- 17:18So really indicating that
- 17:20there's significant potential.
- 17:22So I'm going to switch diseases or
- 17:24switch subtypes of leukemia and tell
- 17:26you a little bit about a different
- 17:28subtype that one is interesting and
- 17:31two actually kind of changed the
- 17:33level of interest from biotech and
- 17:35pharma because it's way more common
- 17:38and that's NPM one mutant AML.
- 17:40And I keep saying that because as
- 17:43you can probably tell in paediatrics
- 17:44and other rare cancers,
- 17:46we're constantly and many of you
- 17:48probably recognize this when we're
- 17:50talking about drug discovery and development,
- 17:52having to convince people to work
- 17:54on the diseases we're interested in
- 17:56because they're indeed quite rare.
- 17:58When you go from 1000 to 2000 patients per
- 18:00year in the United States to 15 into 17,000
- 18:03patients per year in the United States,
- 18:05you actually get a lot more interest.
- 18:07And so that's one of the
- 18:09reasons beyond just the the,
- 18:11the mechanistic interest that
- 18:12I think this is important.
- 18:14So Michael Kuhn, when we were in New York,
- 18:17a fellow at the time asked
- 18:20the question of well, OK,
- 18:21we know that the MLO rearranged leukemias.
- 18:23This is a gene expression data for
- 18:25the HOX genes and MIS ones from Tim
- 18:28LAYS group in a bunch of AM LS,
- 18:30and you probably know how to read these.
- 18:31Each row here is AG in each
- 18:33column with leukemia sample.
- 18:34And here's the MLL rearranged group OX,
- 18:37A cluster we know that's long known.
- 18:39In fact, some of the microarray data
- 18:41that I did as a fellow demonstrated
- 18:43that the Hox A cluster is expressed in
- 18:46MLL rearranged leukemias as is MIS one.
- 18:48Those are two targets of the ML effusion
- 18:51that have been worked on for many decades.
- 18:54It turns out in the NPM one mutant
- 18:56leukemia as you can see here on the right,
- 18:58they have the Hox A cluster as
- 19:01well and B cluster,
- 19:02another Hox cluster and MIS one.
- 19:04So this has also been known for some
- 19:07time that this subset of AML and PM one
- 19:09mutant also tends to express the Hox genes.
- 19:11So Michael using CRISPR which in
- 19:152016 was still relatively new did
- 19:18a what's called a domain scan.
- 19:19I won't get into the details of that,
- 19:21but the point being that the inactivation
- 19:24of MLL and ultimately I mean of men
- 19:27and MLL led to differentiation and
- 19:30ultimately death of NPM one mutant AML cells.
- 19:33And the concept being at the time
- 19:36that the disruption of MLL and
- 19:38Menon in the NPM one state somehow
- 19:41leads to a decrease in the Hox gene
- 19:44expression and therefore ultimately
- 19:46a enemies one expression and therefore
- 19:49ultimately changes in gene expression.
- 19:52Hannah Okleman,
- 19:52who was a a fellow in the lab just
- 19:54recently moved back to Germany
- 19:56to start her own lab,
- 19:57then demonstrated that similar to
- 20:00the MLL fusions that NPM 1 mutations
- 20:04in mouse models could transform
- 20:06multiple hematopoietic cell types,
- 20:09stem cells a little bit more significantly
- 20:11more efficiently than progenitors,
- 20:12but also could transform progenitors
- 20:15as well and.
- 20:17Needless to say,
- 20:18there was still a question as to kind of
- 20:21mechanistically how all this was working.
- 20:23I'm going to summarize some chip seek
- 20:26data here that really shows that at
- 20:29least at this level of understanding,
- 20:32it's quite similar to what we see
- 20:34with the MLL rearranged leukemia.
- 20:37So these are NPM one mutant cell
- 20:39lines where we're doing chromatin
- 20:41immunoprecipitation for men and for
- 20:43example either in a control setting in
- 20:47black PMSO treated cells or the min
- 20:49inhibitor treated cells and you can see
- 20:51that min and comes off of chromatin.
- 20:53We know that when we treat
- 20:54with the min inhibitor
- 20:55min and lifts off of
- 20:57chromatin MLL shown here.
- 20:58Now this is wild type MLL because
- 21:01it's a mutant in PM one setting
- 21:03doesn't come off the Hawks loci.
- 21:04We'd seen that in the MLL fusion setting
- 21:07as well but does come off of MES 1.
- 21:09So this is that concept that I show you
- 21:12that certain loci respond differently to
- 21:14the min and inhibitor and this is showing
- 21:17the RNA SEC or the gene expression.
- 21:20And you can see that when there's
- 21:22a correlation between loss of MLL
- 21:24occupancy and loss of gene expression
- 21:26and this is that looking at that more
- 21:28broadly by what's called a GSDA analysis.
- 21:30So the point being that much like what we saw
- 21:33in the MLL fusions in the NPM one setting,
- 21:36you treat with the men inhibitor
- 21:37men and comes off of chromatin.
- 21:39The MLL protein itself comes off of
- 21:41chromatin at about 100 to 150 loci
- 21:43and those genes lose their expression
- 21:46when the cells differentiate.
- 21:48And then if we go into PDX studies to
- 21:51NPM one mutant flip 3 ITD Co mutant,
- 21:54these are relatively aggressive AM LS.
- 21:57You can see again pretty impressive
- 22:00response in the PDX setting.
- 22:02And for the people who start do these
- 22:04types of experiments in the audience,
- 22:07we actually as you probably know the
- 22:09standard way to do this is put in
- 22:11leukemia into an immunodeficient mouse,
- 22:13the first sign of any leukemia in
- 22:14the peripheral blood of those mice,
- 22:15you start treating them.
- 22:17We actually waited in this experiment
- 22:19on the right until the mice were ill
- 22:21and started treating them and actually
- 22:25we could recover essentially 4 out of
- 22:27five of the mice and eradicate the disease.
- 22:30So we stacked the deck against us and
- 22:32we're still able to to make that or
- 22:35extend the the survival of those mice.
- 22:37So to summarize this at this point
- 22:39we the MIN inhibitor and NPM one
- 22:42mutant AML induces differentiation,
- 22:44reverses leukemia,
- 22:46genic leukemic gene expression,
- 22:48certain genes like MIS one removes
- 22:51MLL from those loci and we get
- 22:54dramatic responses.
- 22:54So that was exciting and that was
- 22:57enough to get Janssen and Ichi
- 22:59and the various other large
- 23:01pharmaceutical companies interested in,
- 23:03in small molecule development
- 23:05of Menon inhibitors.
- 23:06But it's still there was still
- 23:08something here we don't quite or didn't
- 23:12quite understand is why is it that
- 23:14the NPM one mutant AML is depending
- 23:17so much on the MLL Menon complex.
- 23:20So Hannah dug into that as well.
- 23:22You guys probably know this,
- 23:23but this is just a little bit
- 23:25about the mutant NPM one protein.
- 23:27It's shown here.
- 23:29Schematically,
- 23:30it's found mostly in the nucleolus
- 23:33in the wild type setting,
- 23:35but when the mutation occurs,
- 23:37it's a mutation in this nuclear
- 23:39or localization signal that then
- 23:41leads to a nuclear export signal.
- 23:43So the mutant in PM one is largely
- 23:45found in the cytoplasm and that
- 23:47was recognized by the people who
- 23:49initially described this mutation.
- 23:51However,
- 23:52there is some
- 23:54that remains the mutant in PM one
- 23:57in the nucleus and we've taken
- 23:59advantage of a system that many of
- 24:01you probably know about where you
- 24:04can now by CRISPR mediated homologous
- 24:06recombination actually tag if you will,
- 24:10whatever gene or protein of interest with a
- 24:13degradable version of FK PP12 shown here.
- 24:16And actually this cell line was made
- 24:18by Peggy Goodell's group in at Baylor
- 24:21and you have a mutant NPM one protein
- 24:23that has this degradable version
- 24:25of F KBP 12 and you can treat them
- 24:27with a small molecule Protac that
- 24:29will degrade the whole thing.
- 24:30So you can degrade the mutant oncoprotein
- 24:33and look fairly rapidly after degradation
- 24:35as to what's happening and here's
- 24:37how rapidly you get degradation.
- 24:39By 60 minutes you've got about half
- 24:41of the mutant protein gone and by 120
- 24:44minutes essentially all of us gone.
- 24:45So it's relatively rapid and these
- 24:47types of experiments are quite
- 24:49illuminating because you really have
- 24:51very tight control over over the system.
- 24:56And what we see is that we get
- 24:59differentiation when we degrade the
- 25:01mutant onca protein and ultimately
- 25:03apoptosis of the cells as well.
- 25:05And this is just the Western blot looking.
- 25:07We can actually separate the mutant
- 25:09protein from the wild type because
- 25:11it's tagged,
- 25:11it's here and you can see that here.
- 25:14This is the cytoplasmic prep,
- 25:15the nuclear prep and the chromatin
- 25:17prep and here's the mutant in PM one
- 25:19and we can control that by degrading
- 25:21it to show that that signal actually
- 25:23is what we think it is.
- 25:25And in fact there is a fair amount
- 25:27of the mutant in PM one in the
- 25:28nucleus and on chromatin.
- 25:30Then if we do chip seek to say
- 25:32where is it in the nucleus and
- 25:34where are where is it on chromatin.
- 25:36You can see here with with two different
- 25:39antibodies in black that the NPM one mutant,
- 25:42NPM one protein is bound to many
- 25:44of the similar genes that we've
- 25:46learned about with the MLL fusion,
- 25:48the Hox cluster MIS one.
- 25:50And when we degrade it that signal goes away.
- 25:52And I keep saying that because
- 25:54particularly with chip seek experiments,
- 25:55the opportunity for background signal
- 25:57is real and this is makes you feel
- 26:00much better that the signal that
- 26:02you're looking at is indeed the
- 26:04signal that you are interested in.
- 26:05And now you actually can go to primary
- 26:07patient samples with those antibodies
- 26:09and see the NPM one protein mutant
- 26:11NPM one protein bound there as well.
- 26:13And here's the list of the top 50
- 26:15or so genes to which the mutant
- 26:17NPM one protein is bound.
- 26:18And you can see as some of these genes
- 26:20that I've already talked about OX,
- 26:22A&B cluster and a number of other genes
- 26:24that we tend to pay attention to and
- 26:26stare at when we're talking about MLL or
- 26:29looking at MLL rearranged leukemias as well.
- 26:33So,
- 26:34but is it controlling gene expression.
- 26:36So now we have mutant
- 26:38NPM one protein bound to
- 26:40interesting sites in on chromatin
- 26:42and we can degrade it and show
- 26:44that that signal is specific.
- 26:46And now what happens to transcription?
- 26:48So this was 24 hours later,
- 26:50quite a bit later.
- 26:51Most of those genes that I just showed
- 26:53you where the NPM one protein is bound,
- 26:55their expression is down and
- 26:57this is an approach called pro
- 26:59seek which I won't get into the
- 27:00details as to how one does this.
- 27:02So many of you,
- 27:03some of you who work on transcription
- 27:04probably know this technique.
- 27:06But essentially it measures the
- 27:08amount of bound RNA polymerase 2 out
- 27:10throughout the length of the gene as a
- 27:12surrogate for transcriptional activity.
- 27:15And what we can see that as quickly
- 27:17as 30 minutes after treatment of the
- 27:19cells with the NPM one protein degrader,
- 27:22you're already seeing a decrease in
- 27:24transcription at those sites where
- 27:26the NPM one was previously bound.
- 27:28And and if you look at it across
- 27:30the the the all express genes
- 27:32you don't see those changes.
- 27:33So in fact it's the NPM one protein's
- 27:37bound there and somehow controlling
- 27:40transcription of these genes.
- 27:42And one of the ways it's doing
- 27:44it is by keeping RNA Pol two,
- 27:46CK nine that that super elongation
- 27:48complex that I told you is critical for
- 27:50transcription bound to those genes.
- 27:52So when we treat with the degrader
- 27:54NPM one comes off and then much
- 27:56of the transcriptional apparatus
- 27:58comes off of those genes as well.
- 28:00So it's maintaining a state that allows
- 28:03for those critical complexes including
- 28:06pole two to to bind to those low side.
- 28:09I'm going to go through the details of
- 28:12this but just to kind of summarize it
- 28:15that when we degrade mutant in PM one,
- 28:17we lose RNA polymerase two occupancy
- 28:19where the NPM one was previously
- 28:21bound within an hour.
- 28:23So off goes NPM one,
- 28:24off comes pole two and a number
- 28:26of other histone modifications
- 28:28like H3K27 acceleration,
- 28:29some of you know associated with various
- 28:32types of gene expression decreases
- 28:34and then the histone modification,
- 28:36other histone modifications start
- 28:38to decrease somewhat later.
- 28:39For those of you interested in transcription,
- 28:41we can talk more about this in detail later,
- 28:43but it looks like it's like when
- 28:45we degrade the mutant in PM one,
- 28:47the decrease in gene expression
- 28:48is actually biphasic.
- 28:49There's so initially there's a decrease
- 28:52of about 50% probably because pole 2
- 28:55is not quite as there's not as much
- 28:58pull two and other complex occupancy.
- 29:00And then after about 3 days we
- 29:02see a dramatic another dramatic
- 29:04decrease in gene expression.
- 29:06We think that's because now the
- 29:09histone modifications are starting
- 29:12to come in and and work together
- 29:14with whatever the previous mechanism
- 29:15was to fully shut off transcription.
- 29:20So how does this connect to to Menon?
- 29:26So
- 29:31there we go. So we now if you
- 29:33treat with the MIN inhibitor,
- 29:36what happens to this chromatin bound in
- 29:39mutant in PM one and I'll just quickly
- 29:42summarize it by saying you can see here
- 29:45here's the mutant in PM one we treat
- 29:47with the MIN inhibitor doesn't come
- 29:49off the hogs locus but it actually
- 29:50does come off of the mis one locus
- 29:52exactly where we're seeing MLL come off,
- 29:54same thing down here and if you compare
- 29:57that the gene expression again those are
- 29:59the genes that are losing expression.
- 30:02So to summarize what I'm saying here is
- 30:04that when we degrade the mutant NPM one
- 30:07protein with this degrader molecule,
- 30:09we lose RNA pole two CDK 9 and
- 30:12ultimately .1 at those loci.
- 30:14When we treat with the min inhibitor we
- 30:16do the same thing but at a subset of
- 30:19the loci where the NPM one is bound.
- 30:21So very similar to what's happening
- 30:24with the MLL fusion.
- 30:25However, we're now looking to see if
- 30:28indeed the mechanisms are identical.
- 30:30And it turns out that while some
- 30:31of the complexes are overlapping,
- 30:33these are the mechanisms are
- 30:35not perfectly identical.
- 30:37That is,
- 30:37some complexes are important
- 30:39in the MLO fusion,
- 30:41not an NPM one and vice versa.
- 30:42So we're trying to work through those
- 30:45details because as you can imagine,
- 30:47the next step that we want to do
- 30:48is come in and target some of these
- 30:50other complexes with small molecules.
- 30:51So to summarize this part before,
- 30:53now I move to the clinical translation.
- 30:56There are a subset of leukemias that have
- 30:59high level Hox gene expression MIS one,
- 31:01another transcription factor
- 31:02called PBX three.
- 31:04This actually accounts for about
- 31:0640% of human AML and it's ones
- 31:10with these genetic abnormalities,
- 31:13MLO rearrangement,
- 31:14NPM 1 mutation and I'm actually more
- 31:19relatively rare but more common than
- 31:21in adults rearrangement called Newt 98
- 31:24rearrangements in both pediatric and adult.
- 31:26So again accounting for
- 31:28about 40% of patients.
- 31:31So that all while all that was happening,
- 31:35Syndax and another company called cure
- 31:37oncology that many of you know about,
- 31:40we're developing small molecules
- 31:42here Syndax 5613 and here Cure's
- 31:46what's now Zyftominib and these
- 31:47I'll show you some of this,
- 31:49the data from the Cindex trial
- 31:52and some mechanism of resistance.
- 31:54And as I mentioned essentially
- 31:56when the NPM one story came out,
- 31:59we were called by Janssen and actually
- 32:01another couple of other pharmaceutical
- 32:03companies and at least these three
- 32:05now have MIN inhibitors that are
- 32:06right on the tails if you will of
- 32:08the cure of development and Cindex.
- 32:11So this is so now we're into
- 32:15patients with the Syndex 5613.
- 32:17This is just date some of
- 32:19the data from the phase one.
- 32:21This is one of the first patients
- 32:23that was treated at Dana Farber and
- 32:26we were able to get the peripheral
- 32:27blood and here are the blast.
- 32:29And you can see this is with
- 32:31Revumenib that day three,
- 32:32not much has happened.
- 32:33Day seven start to see a decrease
- 32:35in peripheral blast,
- 32:36day 14 further decrease and by day 30
- 32:39at least the peripheral blood blasts
- 32:41are in this case essentially gone.
- 32:44Florian Perner is a postdoc
- 32:45who was doing this.
- 32:46He sorted these cells and looked
- 32:48at gene expression and in fact the
- 32:50gene expression changes that we see
- 32:52here look very similar to what we
- 32:53had seen in the preclinical studies
- 32:56not being a clinical trialist.
- 32:58I'm going to summarize the whole
- 33:00phase one right here with a lot
- 33:02of work from a lot of people and
- 33:04this was published last year.
- 33:07This is the Revue Minib Phase
- 33:09one with Syndex 5613.
- 33:10The other name for it,
- 33:1268 patients with relapsed
- 33:15refractory leukemia.
- 33:16As you probably know,
- 33:17many of these patients have had
- 33:19tremendous numbers of cycles of
- 33:21various types of therapies and the
- 33:24CR rate depending on how you count
- 33:26CRS and for those of you who do
- 33:27clinical trials and A and all we can
- 33:29talk about that is somewhere in the
- 33:3040% range with an overall response
- 33:32rate of about 50% and a median
- 33:35duration of response about nine months.
- 33:37So for in relapse refractory setting,
- 33:39these are actually pretty impressive
- 33:42numbers and the cure oncology
- 33:44small molecule seems to be doing
- 33:47something having similar activity.
- 33:48And in fact some of that data from
- 33:51Janssen was also just printed presented
- 33:53at ASH and it looks like the activity
- 33:55of that molecule is is similar.
- 33:57So indeed there looks like
- 33:59there's significant clinical
- 34:01activity of this approach.
- 34:02This lot slide just reminds me to
- 34:05point out and and then now I'm talking
- 34:08to people who are doing AML clinical
- 34:10trials in the in the audience.
- 34:12An interesting phenomenon that
- 34:13you know better than I do,
- 34:16but that is influencing how these
- 34:17drugs are are able to be developed
- 34:19and that is when you treat patients
- 34:21with them in an inhibitor,
- 34:23many of them will develop this syndrome
- 34:25called differentiation syndrome.
- 34:27But in this setting it looks a little
- 34:30different clinically I'm told,
- 34:31than the differentiation syndrome
- 34:32that you usually see when you
- 34:34treat patients with acute per
- 34:36myelocytic leukemia with ATRA.
- 34:37In fact patients have died from
- 34:40this differentiation syndrome and
- 34:42so that has prompted the FDA to
- 34:44call this a dose limiting toxicity.
- 34:46Think about what that means.
- 34:47It means that your your your dose limiting
- 34:51toxicity is actually occurring as a
- 34:53result of efficacy of your molecules.
- 34:56So we can talk about what So I think
- 34:58the FDA is fighting against the the
- 35:00the some things that they shouldn't be,
- 35:02but that's a that's a whole other soapbox
- 35:05that we can talk about if we want to.
- 35:07That would be like for those of you
- 35:08who treat patients with ALL saying you
- 35:10start to see a little tumor lysis syndrome,
- 35:11we'd better stop treating them
- 35:13because that's bad. No, that's good.
- 35:16So with all this in mind and the
- 35:19clinical activity looking interesting,
- 35:21we figured that it was much like
- 35:23any single targeted agent,
- 35:24there was likely to be some mechanism
- 35:27of resistance to that targeted agent.
- 35:29And right about the time we started
- 35:31thinking about this the Broad Institute
- 35:33developed this screening based on or
- 35:36screening approach based on single
- 35:38nucleotide base editing which in fact
- 35:40what you can do is tile in this case
- 35:44Menon the whole length of the gene
- 35:47with guides that will mutate not
- 35:49every nucleotide because of the way
- 35:51that it's designed but where you can
- 35:53mutate the majority of amino acids
- 35:55across the length of that protein
- 35:59to to basically do an in a
- 36:02cellular mutagenesis screen
- 36:03to see if you can phenotypes.
- 36:06So what Florian decided to do is to
- 36:08get that base editor library made
- 36:10for the minute gene treat cells with
- 36:13the min an inhibitor and see if there
- 36:16were mutations that made the cells
- 36:18resistant to the min an inhibitor.
- 36:21And in fact there were there shown here
- 36:23in two different MLL rearranged lines
- 36:25and interestingly enough we we kind of
- 36:29looking back this was probably silly.
- 36:31We looked at this,
- 36:32the new technique and there's a
- 36:34little bit of noise and we didn't
- 36:36know exactly what to make of
- 36:38it looked kind of interesting.
- 36:39Florian put it in the drawer and kind
- 36:41of didn't do too much more with it
- 36:43until we got a call from Ross Levine
- 36:46and Etan Stein at Memorial Sloan Kettering.
- 36:48Actually,
- 36:49I got a like emergent text from Ross
- 36:51which I thought something really bad
- 36:52had happened and he said we have to talk now.
- 36:55So I called him and he said we
- 36:57found mutations in Menin in samples
- 36:59from patients that have progressed
- 37:01on the Menin inhibitor.
- 37:03And great, you know,
- 37:05what are they?
- 37:06And in fact the first one was this
- 37:08mutation 3 andine 349.
- 37:10So we dug Florian's data out and
- 37:13we're like holy cow,
- 37:14the patients are getting the same
- 37:16mutation that the base header screen
- 37:18had suggested they might get even though
- 37:21we weren't confident in our in our data
- 37:23to go ahead and start studying that.
- 37:25But Needless to say with that information,
- 37:27we started studying this in quite a bit
- 37:30of detail and we went to send X and
- 37:32got samples from a number of patients.
- 37:34And it looks like within two to
- 37:37three months about 40% of the
- 37:40patients had developed.
- 37:41They weren't in fluorid
- 37:42relapse or progression,
- 37:43but had developed a clone with
- 37:46this a min and mutation in them.
- 37:49That's what this is showing here and
- 37:50here is like and those mutations
- 37:52were not present at screening.
- 37:53So this is just a pie chart in
- 37:55red here showing you the size of
- 37:57the clone that has developed the
- 37:58min and mutation.
- 37:59So this is acquired selective
- 38:02mutational resistance to the men,
- 38:04an inhibitor which as most of
- 38:06you probably know is considered
- 38:08a validation of the therapeutic
- 38:10targeting the kinase world when this
- 38:12happens and essentially we think
- 38:14it's saying the same thing here and
- 38:16we found a both in patients with MLO
- 38:18rearranged an NPM one mutant AML.
- 38:20So this is the, if you will,
- 38:22the gold standard for that validation
- 38:24of a therapeutic target in patients
- 38:26that that that you put so much pressure
- 38:29on the target that the cancer mutates.
- 38:31It's such that it's no longer effective.
- 38:33I'll show you why in a minute.
- 38:35And of course as most of you know,
- 38:37we can have to have combinations
- 38:39anyway and we were able to show that
- 38:41we can do the same thing in PDX models.
- 38:43So we take our MLL rearranged
- 38:45or NPM one mutant models,
- 38:46treat them with in an inhibitor and
- 38:49in some cases but not all they will
- 38:52develop the mutations that we see in
- 38:55in the patients and mechanistically
- 38:57we we know how this is working.
- 38:59I won't go into all the details but
- 39:01this is just one chip seek experiment.
- 39:03In the wild type setting you can
- 39:05see Menin comes off of chromatin,
- 39:06this is chip seek increase in
- 39:08concentrations of the Menin inhibitor.
- 39:10But if you have mutated Menin in that
- 39:12cell line, it no longer comes off.
- 39:14And we know now biochemically it's
- 39:17because the binding affinity of the
- 39:19Menin inhibitor has been shifted
- 39:21significantly as a result of those mutations.
- 39:23And in fact,
- 39:24we know this now at the crystal
- 39:26structure level and we know
- 39:28exactly why that's the case.
- 39:29So here's revuminib bound to Menin.
- 39:32You can see over here on the right,
- 39:35these amino acids
- 39:39M327T349-G331, all these are mutations
- 39:40that have been found in patients.
- 39:44Interestingly enough,
- 39:45the wild type MLL protein does not
- 39:49use those amino acids to anchor
- 39:51and that's actually an important
- 39:53concept because if you develop
- 39:55the mutation that where men and
- 39:58the MLL can no longer interact,
- 40:00those cells won't survive that.
- 40:02So that that that's not an
- 40:03option for the cells.
- 40:04They have to mutate something that
- 40:06doesn't affect MLL but does affect
- 40:08the the binding of the inhibitor.
- 40:10And in fact that's exactly what they've done.
- 40:12They've mutated this region of men and
- 40:15that has plays no role in MLL binding.
- 40:18And the way that that happens is
- 40:20essentially right here the yellow
- 40:22is the the min inhibitor bound to
- 40:24wild type min and the purple is the
- 40:27min inhibitor bound to mutant min.
- 40:28And and you can see essentially what's
- 40:31called a steric clash which so the the,
- 40:33the min inhibitor is pushed out a
- 40:35little bit here because of these
- 40:37changes in the amino acid and that
- 40:40leads to a 10 to 100 fold decrease
- 40:42in affinity of this molecule.
- 40:44So this is I find this amazing
- 40:47because it's rare that you get to see
- 40:50molecularly the difference between
- 40:51response and resistance which is really
- 40:54essentially a few angstroms here of
- 40:57this Menon inhibitor binding to to Menon.
- 41:01So this we're we're continuing to work
- 41:04on mechanisms of resistance in the past
- 41:06five or last five or 10 minutes here.
- 41:08I'll tell you about some others,
- 41:11but just getting back to a little
- 41:13bit to that comment I made about
- 41:15dose escalation and stopping your
- 41:18dose escalation before you perhaps
- 41:20get to full potential efficacy.
- 41:22And now we see that we're developing or
- 41:25patients are developing mutations that
- 41:27all they do is shift the curve a little bit.
- 41:31It does make you wonder if you'd had a
- 41:33higher dose and a higher concentration
- 41:35earlier on if you might have prevented
- 41:38the cells from developing those mutations.
- 41:40So we with send X luckily providing
- 41:43us food now with varying amounts
- 41:45of the min an inhibitor.
- 41:47We were able to do a dose response
- 41:49experiment in a PDX model with increasing
- 41:52concentrations of the min an inhibitor.
- 41:54And you can see here that at
- 41:56the lowest concentration point,
- 41:58O3 3%, you see no response.
- 42:01At the minimal the medium concentration
- 42:03here you do see a response and the
- 42:06leukemias progress and the vast majority
- 42:08of them will have developed the mutation.
- 42:10If you then go threefold
- 42:12more of them in an inhibitor,
- 42:14you get a much longer response.
- 42:16In fact,
- 42:16maybe some of them here are cured of the
- 42:19disease and when the resistance occurs,
- 42:21it occurs without the min and mutations.
- 42:23So in fact,
- 42:24a higher concentration does at
- 42:26least in this model prevent the
- 42:28development of those mutations.
- 42:30So you can see if you stop your dose
- 42:32escalation right here because you're
- 42:34getting differentiation syndrome
- 42:35and somebody tells you you have to,
- 42:38you're actually setting up a
- 42:39situation where you're going to
- 42:41get acquired resistance mutations.
- 42:44Having said all that,
- 42:45we're still getting resistance way out
- 42:47here with the single agent at higher doses.
- 42:49So what's that all about and
- 42:52I'll quickly summarize this.
- 42:54Essentially what we're seeing here
- 42:55is that the leukemia cells and
- 42:57this is another phenomenon that's
- 42:59known in other settings now are
- 43:01not mutating the men and they're
- 43:03actually changing their state
- 43:04significantly to lead to a state that
- 43:07we don't understand completely yet,
- 43:09but where they're now no longer
- 43:11dependent on that Hawks niece program.
- 43:14And and in fact interestingly they
- 43:16look much more differentiated.
- 43:17The leukemias themselves almost
- 43:20look like monocytes in terms
- 43:22of their their flow cytometry,
- 43:24but definitely will transplant the
- 43:26disease from 1 bow to the next.
- 43:28So they're not monocytes,
- 43:30but so we're trying to understand
- 43:32this mechanism mode of adaptive
- 43:33resistance a little bit better.
- 43:35Now have developed a model,
- 43:37a cell line model for it and have
- 43:40developed some PDX models as well.
- 43:41But the cell line model actually
- 43:44lets us move to what everyone
- 43:47likes to do now which is a genome
- 43:49wide CRISPR screen to say OK,
- 43:51how did the dependence do the
- 43:53dependencies change when you
- 43:54go from one state to the next?
- 43:56And to summarize,
- 43:57a lot of analysis in fact they do
- 44:00appear to and this is on a subtle
- 44:03transferase CAT6A or MAZ which
- 44:05also rearranged rarely in some
- 44:07leukemias now becomes seems to become
- 44:11relevant in this in this setting.
- 44:13So here is just an experiment
- 44:15showing you that.
- 44:17So we developed resistant leukemia cells
- 44:20that don't have the MIN in mutation.
- 44:21They're resents to the MIN inhibitor.
- 44:23Here it is in blue.
- 44:24But if you treat with the cat
- 44:266A in this case guide,
- 44:28it re sensitizes the the cell
- 44:31line to the MIN inhibitor.
- 44:34But interestingly and interestingly enough,
- 44:36the CAT 6A by itself in the
- 44:38absence of the MIN inhibitor has
- 44:40a little bit of an effect.
- 44:41It's really something about the relationship
- 44:45between CAT6A and Menon that is important.
- 44:48So what's CAT6A?
- 44:49It's a histone has still transferase
- 44:51as well modifies histone H3
- 44:53on various lysine shown here.
- 44:55And if you do now chip seek in either O
- 44:58sensitive leukemia cell lines or resistant,
- 45:01the MLL Menon and CAT6A chip seek
- 45:06data looks very similar and in so here
- 45:08both in the sensitive or the resistant
- 45:10and this is just showing that more
- 45:12broadly so men and Catsix is there,
- 45:14it's on the scene and it becomes seems
- 45:17to become much more important when the
- 45:20cells adapt to the men and inhibitor.
- 45:23Needless to say,
- 45:24we're now doing the experiments to
- 45:26see if this combination in mice will
- 45:29reverse the resistance in patient samples.
- 45:33It won't reverse the resistance
- 45:35to the mutations,
- 45:36but it might reverse the
- 45:38resistance to the adapted form.
- 45:40But the men inhibitor works well enough,
- 45:42it's hard to generate that adaptive form,
- 45:44so it's taking us a little while.
- 45:47I'm going to skip this just for time's sake,
- 45:50but to and just to summarize saying that
- 45:54these complexes here, the .1 complex,
- 45:57the Super elongation complex,
- 45:58I've been talking about MLL and CAT6A.
- 46:02If you look broadly,
- 46:04some of you probably know that Broad
- 46:06Institute's been doing broad CRISPR
- 46:08screens on five 600 cancer cell lines,
- 46:10and they make all this data publicly
- 46:12available in many different ways.
- 46:14You can search that data.
- 46:15If you ask what genes have a
- 46:18similar dependency to Menin
- 46:20throughout all of cancer space,
- 46:23.1 is the next thing on the list.
- 46:26And then and then these other
- 46:28proteins here E&L which is part of
- 46:30the Super elongation complex CAT6.
- 46:33A point being these,
- 46:35it's clear that these complexes
- 46:37are working together somehow
- 46:39throughout many cancer cell lines,
- 46:41Leukemia for sure,
- 46:43but also probably others as well.
- 46:46And in fact that led us to this
- 46:50publication for actually for
- 46:51about a year and a half ago now.
- 46:54Matt Hemming,
- 46:56a paediatric or medical oncology
- 46:58fellow was interested in
- 47:00gastrointestinal stromal tumors
- 47:01and just did a genome wide CRISPR
- 47:04screen because that's how you start
- 47:06every project these days it seems.
- 47:08And in fact cat 6A was one of
- 47:10the top hits in that screen.
- 47:12And then we looked a little bit more in more
- 47:16detail .1 and Menin were in there as well.
- 47:18And the bottom line is,
- 47:19is it appears that this CAT6,
- 47:23A .1 Menin complex cooperation is
- 47:28important in this type of cancer as well.
- 47:32And we don't understand,
- 47:33you might ask why should ask why?
- 47:36We don't completely understand
- 47:37why it's the case.
- 47:39But it does appear that when we
- 47:42inhibit CAT6A and men and in cell
- 47:44lines or in mice or in PDX or
- 47:48xenograft models that a program
- 47:50that Matt had described earlier
- 47:52driven by transcription factors
- 47:54like one called hand one,
- 47:56which is known to be important
- 47:58for controlling lineage associated
- 48:00gene expression in this cancer,
- 48:03certain goes down pretty rapidly.
- 48:05So there's something about the
- 48:07developmental program and this
- 48:08cancer as well that seems to be
- 48:11dependent on these complexes,
- 48:12but you don't really see it as
- 48:15dramatically as in leukemia until you
- 48:17start to combine the the small molecules.
- 48:19Many will do a little bit of it,
- 48:20Mos cats, XA will do a little bit,
- 48:22but when you combine them,
- 48:23you really get a a dramatic response.
- 48:25So the point being that we're
- 48:27looking at this in leukemia,
- 48:28but we're starting to move into
- 48:30some other cancers as well to see if
- 48:34indeed these developmental regulators,
- 48:36if you will, might be relevant there.
- 48:39I just summarized this data and
- 48:42I'll end with this.
- 48:44Pfizer just published a paper
- 48:46about six months ago.
- 48:48They've now developed a clinical
- 48:50grade CAT6A inhibitor and in fact
- 48:52this small molecule is in phase
- 48:54one clinical trials in estrogen
- 48:57receptor positive breast cancer.
- 48:58And it looks like from this paper
- 49:01and we've now done a number of
- 49:03experiments as well that somehow
- 49:05Menon is supporting the ER driven
- 49:08gene expression program.
- 49:09And Needless to say, I mean sorry Cat 6A.
- 49:13Needless to say, we're now looking
- 49:14at this Cat 6A men in combination.
- 49:16And again as much as like that we saw
- 49:18in GIST, it looks like this the ER
- 49:21driven program is highly dependent on
- 49:23those two complexes and we're trying
- 49:25to work through that now as well.
- 49:28So to summarize what I've told you,
- 49:31the MEN in MLO complex is a relevant
- 49:34therapeutic target and snippet subset of
- 49:37AM LS and that acquired somatic mutations
- 49:40in men and are a mechanism of resistance,
- 49:43not the only mechanism of resistance
- 49:45but that clearly validates men and has
- 49:48a therapeutic target in this disease.
- 49:50We're continuing to work on the various
- 49:52types of resistance and we do think
- 49:54that rational combinations like men
- 49:56and CAT6A or men and other things with
- 49:58a lot going on in terms of trying to
- 50:01understand which combinations may
- 50:02prevent development of resistance.
- 50:03And perhaps the most exciting in the
- 50:05longer term is if we can understand
- 50:08where these mechanisms might be
- 50:09important even beyond leukemia.
- 50:11And I think they're going to
- 50:12be opportunities,
- 50:13but we certainly still have work to do to,
- 50:15to prove that.
- 50:16So I've talked much about the people
- 50:18in in the lab that have done the work.
- 50:21These are our collaborators at Dana
- 50:23Farber actually Nathaniel Gray now
- 50:25at Stanford and Ross I mentioned and
- 50:28Chang and Richard who work with Ross
- 50:31at MSK and some of our collaborators
- 50:34throughout HMS community.
- 50:35So thank you,
- 50:37happy to take any questions and
- 50:39thanks for thanks for staying.
- 50:41All
- 50:49right, absolutely spectacular grand
- 50:51rounds really going from basic science to
- 50:54the patient and back and forth and it's
- 50:56absolutely spectacular. Thank you. Yeah
- 50:59and and great talk. So I think
- 51:01the main issue and you know as a
- 51:04clinical investigator in my mind
- 51:05with all epigenetic therapies is,
- 51:07is the therapeutic window as you were
- 51:09saying like how do you actually disrupt
- 51:11translational or transcriptional
- 51:13programs that are relevant to the
- 51:15leukemia but not to the normal tissue.
- 51:18So for example with this index
- 51:20particular drug was this as a result
- 51:23of screening of thousands of molecules
- 51:25and because as you mentioned it,
- 51:27it seems like to disrupt only where
- 51:29it's relevant to the leukemia,
- 51:30but it's not disrupting the MLL
- 51:32interactions that are important for
- 51:34normal hematopoiesis and other functions.
- 51:36So that how did this transition happen?
- 51:38It's just a matter of luck or is
- 51:40it tons of screening of other yeah
- 51:42you know the old saying
- 51:43better lucky than good.
- 51:44I I think that that's what we found here,
- 51:48meaning that for some reason and
- 51:50we're looking into this men and is
- 51:53only critical for MLL wild type.
- 51:55Obviously this mechanism probably wasn't
- 51:58developed during evolution for MLL
- 52:00fusions to localize to certain loci.
- 52:03So MLL as I mentioned is a monstrous protein.
- 52:06It has many domains that combine chromatin.
- 52:09So it's very likely and there's some
- 52:11data to support this that different
- 52:13domains or different binding partners
- 52:16determine localization to different
- 52:18places throughout chromatin.
- 52:19And it just so happens in this it
- 52:21kind of was predicted by some of the
- 52:23early Cleary work that Menon was a
- 52:25unique dependency in these leukemias.
- 52:27Well that's because it's really
- 52:30intersecting exactly with the
- 52:34important MLL fusion driven targets.
- 52:37We don't know the molecular
- 52:39mechanism for that yet,
- 52:40but basically it's a long way of
- 52:42saying we think there's a multi
- 52:43valent interaction between MLL and
- 52:45chromatin and Menon is only important
- 52:47for a subset of that interaction.
- 52:50Scott, fantastic talk.
- 52:51And the the question about
- 52:53the solar cancer part,
- 52:54so you alluded to that you are it's
- 52:56great to see that you and other
- 52:58companies are looking into this aspect.
- 53:00So, so we know that oxygens are
- 53:02often deregulated in solar cancer
- 53:04as well in addition to leukemia.
- 53:06So what happens to men inhibitor,
- 53:09the men and MLL inhibitor monotherapies,
- 53:12do they have any efficacy in
- 53:14solar cancer or you have to
- 53:15really using combinations before
- 53:16you can see something happening?
- 53:18Yeah, it's good question.
- 53:20So actually it's a good point.
- 53:21There are a number of say subtypes of
- 53:24lung cancer that express HOX genes.
- 53:26We actually haven't looked
- 53:27at that probably should,
- 53:29but in the both in the gastrointestinal
- 53:32stromal tumors and the ER
- 53:34positive breast cancer cell lines,
- 53:36the men inhibitor will slow their growth.
- 53:40So they have some effect and that
- 53:42is it looks like through somehow
- 53:44modulating the ER driven program,
- 53:46but it's much more dramatic both
- 53:48the gene expression changes and
- 53:50the inhibition of proliferation if
- 53:52you combine the minute inhibitor
- 53:54and and the cat 6A inhibitor.
- 53:56So how that works, we don't,
- 53:58we don't completely understand yet.
- 54:01It's a way of saying and and predicting
- 54:04and hopefully get the word out
- 54:06before all the trials get shut down,
- 54:08that the single agents might
- 54:10have some activity,
- 54:11but I suspect they won't be home
- 54:13runs and the companies have to
- 54:15have the wherewithal to actually
- 54:17move forward to the combinations.
- 54:19And those of you who've done this
- 54:22before know that can be difficult.
- 54:23So we're going to try to get the
- 54:26word out that you should move
- 54:28the combinations quickly before
- 54:30people lose interest.
- 54:32There's a lot of psychology and
- 54:34sociology that goes into keeping
- 54:36the drug companies interested,
- 54:38so that's a little bit of a soapbox to
- 54:40say the single agents do something.
- 54:42The combination definitely looks better.
- 54:46Manoj, a great talk.
- 54:48My question is about the specificity
- 54:50of both the MLL fusion proteins and
- 54:52the NPM 1C that you alluded to.
- 54:53And Amar was also asking.
- 54:56So I think you probably worked on this
- 54:58on the cancer discovery latest paper,
- 55:00but most of them also seem to be
- 55:02overlapping with like say PRC 2
- 55:04targets or you know are there other
- 55:06mechanisms you think are relevant to
- 55:08why these are so tightly overlapping
- 55:10the fusion proteins and the
- 55:12yeah, so, so it's a good point.
- 55:14So they do overlap significantly with
- 55:16PRC 2 targets and you know as you may
- 55:20remember the the this has been predicted
- 55:23for 3 decades from the Drosophila work.
- 55:25The initial Drosophila work show
- 55:28Polycom and Trithorax actually are
- 55:30known to be genetically genetic
- 55:32antagonists of one another and the the
- 55:35trithorax slash MLL complex controls
- 55:38developmental genes that the PRC two
- 55:40or Polycom complex wants to shut off.
- 55:43So in absolutely this is A these
- 55:46proteins complexes MLL probably
- 55:49Catsix A are inventing.
- 55:50We've shown this in some other settings
- 55:53are preventing the Polycom complexes from
- 55:55coming in and repressing gene expression.
- 55:57So the the way we think that this
- 55:59is working is during hematopoietic
- 56:00development as you go from stem cells to
- 56:03progenitors to fully developed myeloid cells,
- 56:06the Polycom complex at least for a
- 56:08subset of developmental loci are
- 56:10shutting those programs off and the
- 56:12MLL fusion won't let them do that.
- 56:14So they're antagonizing and then
- 56:17Newt 98 fusions and probably NPM
- 56:19one are antagonizing PRC 2 section.
- 56:22Yeah,
- 56:23awesome. I'm going to bring
- 56:24it over to you in a second.
- 56:26We have an online question which I
- 56:27think you probably partially answered
- 56:29and that is what is the mechanism of
- 56:31gene specific targeting of MLL EF9
- 56:33and similarly what you think is the
- 56:35underlying mechanism for the gene target
- 56:37specificity of men and inhibitors.
- 56:39So for the online person, yeah.
- 56:40So it's a good, it's a very good question.
- 56:43We do it. I don't the bottom line is,
- 56:45is we don't know the answer
- 56:46to the second part of that.
- 56:47I mean that's the that's at the moment.
- 56:50Probably the most critical question
- 56:52is why is it that Menon's only
- 56:54important for localization of the
- 56:56MLL compacts to certain loci.
- 56:58So Needless to say,
- 56:59we're looking at various aspects
- 57:00of those loci to try to understand
- 57:03what that's what that's all about.
- 57:04MLL targeting to chromatin broadly has many,
- 57:07probably has many mechanisms,
- 57:09some of its direct there's a domain
- 57:11on MLL that binds to what's called
- 57:13a CPG island which is upstream of
- 57:16many transcriptional start sites.
- 57:17Menon plays a role.
- 57:19There are other accessory proteins
- 57:20that play roles.
- 57:21So I think the cell has just given
- 57:23itself many options to figure out
- 57:25where to put MLL and and each of
- 57:28those mechanisms slightly different.
- 57:31We have a trainee question.
- 57:34So my name is trainee,
- 57:37I just wanted to follow my name used
- 57:38to be that at some point you graduated.
- 57:40I just want to follow up on your
- 57:42comment about combination therapies.
- 57:44So I specifically wanted to ask is there
- 57:46any thought that men and inhibition
- 57:47could convert these resistant like
- 57:49subtypes especially in the pediatric
- 57:50setting to a chemosensitive form if
- 57:52there's thought of combining with
- 57:54chemo to then re sensitize them and
- 57:56potentially cure those patients. Yeah,
- 57:57it's it's a good short answer is
- 58:00we don't know the answer to that.
- 58:02I I think there's a lot to be learned
- 58:05and the beauty of having now multiple
- 58:08small molecule selective small molecules,
- 58:11we can do those types of experiments,
- 58:14but the short answer is we
- 58:16haven't haven't gotten there yet.
- 58:20Yeah, great talk.
- 58:21Have you seen any phenotypic
- 58:23differences in the fusion
- 58:24partners with MML or MLL?
- 58:26You mentioned there's you know,
- 58:27100 different ones.
- 58:27Do they all have the same kind of,
- 58:29you know, break points?
- 58:30Does it change expression?
- 58:31Do you see any variability
- 58:32in the kind of those fusion
- 58:33partners? Yeah, it's a good question
- 58:36that's been asked for many decades
- 58:38and not been answered very well,
- 58:41at least in patient samples because
- 58:42it's hard to get enough patient
- 58:44samples of these subtypes to to ever
- 58:46really do that experiment. Well,
- 58:49at least for the fusion,
- 58:51the different fusion AM LS we've
- 58:53assessed and that have been
- 58:54assessed in patients, it doesn't.
- 58:56It's not clear that the fusion partner
- 58:58is determining men and responsiveness.
- 59:02Is the fusion partner influencing
- 59:04the phenotype of the leukemia?
- 59:06I think that question still still
- 59:10open and there's aren't enough good
- 59:12models to really answer that question.
- 59:18If you delete the at least for AF9,
- 59:21if you delete the C turn much of the AF9,
- 59:23it will no longer be transforming.
- 59:25So that fusion partner is important
- 59:29and and in in the AF9 setting,
- 59:31we think it's important because
- 59:32that's the anchor to drop to pull
- 59:34all those other complexes in.
- 59:35But it's that's a nice simple answer.
- 59:37It's not that simple because
- 59:39some of the fusion proteins
- 59:40don't bind to those complexes.
- 59:42So what they're doing is, is less clear,
- 59:47beautiful talk. Thank you.
- 59:48Obviously there are lots of
- 59:50other chromatin complexes,
- 59:52switch, sniff, polychrome, etcetera.
- 59:54Any any thoughts on those?
- 59:56Are you looking at any exploring
- 59:58any of those other chromatin?
- 01:00:02Yeah, accessibility.
- 01:00:04Epigenetic complexes?
- 01:00:05Sure. So we have over time looked at
- 01:00:11the Polycom complex mostly in leukemia
- 01:00:15and it for whatever reason and this is
- 01:00:18going to be right contradictory to how
- 01:00:19I answered one of my previous questions.
- 01:00:21The Polycom complex does seem
- 01:00:24to be important in the continued
- 01:00:27proliferation of many types of leukemia.
- 01:00:30How that's working and why hard to know,
- 01:00:34but the small molecule PRC 2
- 01:00:37inhibitors or or EZH 2 inhibitors
- 01:00:40don't have tremendous activity.
- 01:00:42So whether or not it's the enzymatic
- 01:00:44activity versus some other part of the
- 01:00:47complex at least in leukemia anyway,
- 01:00:49I don't know.
- 01:00:50And I think that probably it brings
- 01:00:53up a good point that and we've
- 01:00:56done this in the past as well,
- 01:00:57but we have to be careful about
- 01:00:59the thought process that enzymatic
- 01:01:02inhibition of a protein in one of
- 01:01:04these complexes is the same thing as
- 01:01:06complete interactivation of the protein.
- 01:01:08It's not and we now seen that
- 01:01:09many different times.
- 01:01:10So the enzymatic part of the
- 01:01:13proteins is important,
- 01:01:14but there's probably a structural
- 01:01:16component to this that when you
- 01:01:18take the protein completely out and
- 01:01:19this is the same way for EZH 2 the
- 01:01:22the changes are much more dramatic.
- 01:01:23So it gets to the question as to what
- 01:01:25his some modifications are doing and
- 01:01:27that gets to even more deep and complicated.
- 01:01:30But so long answer to yes,
- 01:01:32we've looked at the complexes,
- 01:01:33we haven't looked much at the
- 01:01:36chromatin remodeling complexes.
- 01:01:37Segal Kadosh who some of you may know is
- 01:01:40at Dana Farber and we just let her do that.
- 01:01:42She they're doing a lot in that regard.
- 01:01:46I'm sure they're playing a role here.
- 01:01:48What but how and what we don't know.
- 01:01:51We have one last question and after this
- 01:01:54is actually a session for the trainees,
- 01:01:56very private was Doctor Armstrong.
- 01:01:59Yeah, one last question.
- 01:02:00This is actually related
- 01:02:01to the fusion partners,
- 01:02:03but as you know we often get,
- 01:02:05you know when we do the genetech
- 01:02:07sequencing we get MLL deletions,
- 01:02:08MLL mutations,
- 01:02:09sometimes Trisom 11 or you know PDD.
- 01:02:14And is your sense that beyond
- 01:02:16the fusion MLL Fusion's those
- 01:02:19alterations also have susceptibility
- 01:02:21to an inhibition or yeah,
- 01:02:23as you probably know since you've been
- 01:02:25important in running some of the trials,
- 01:02:27the MLLPTD subtype of AML for
- 01:02:31some of the trials is included.
- 01:02:33There's been an assumption to some extent
- 01:02:36that they should be responsive the PD.
- 01:02:38So we have generated some MLL.
- 01:02:39So MLLPTDS are actually a partial
- 01:02:41tandem duplication of a part of the
- 01:02:44MLL protein and that subset of AML is
- 01:02:46incredibly difficult to treat and it's
- 01:02:48also found in MD's those mutations,
- 01:02:52but that almost tells you immediately
- 01:02:54it's also found in MDSMLL.
- 01:02:56Rearrangements are not found in MDS that
- 01:02:58they're probably something different
- 01:02:59going on in the minute inhibitor
- 01:03:01doesn't have at least in our PDX
- 01:03:03models the same type of activity in
- 01:03:04those PDX as it does MLL rearranged.
- 01:03:07So I think it gets back to this issue
- 01:03:10that we've been discussing that in
- 01:03:12that setting either because of that
- 01:03:15duplication or otherwise the that MLL
- 01:03:18Oncoprotein sticks on chromatin through
- 01:03:20a different mechanism than Menon.
- 01:03:22So we're got a project looking
- 01:03:25at exactly that,
- 01:03:26trying to understand what that is.
- 01:03:28We haven't looked at the deletions.
- 01:03:30I wouldn't predict they would be.