Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Care at the Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center in Guilford
Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Care at the Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center in Guilford
October 14, 2022October 13, 2022 | Hosted by Rachel Greenup, MD, MPH and Wajih Kidwai, MD, FACP
Presentations by:
• Sarah Schellhorn, MD - Medical Oncology
• Susan A. Higgins, MD - Radiation Oncology
• Gregory Zanieski, MD, FACS - Surgical Oncology
• Paris Butler, MD, MPH, FACS - Plastic Surgery
• Liane Philpotts, MD, FACR - Breast Imaging
- ID
- 8166
- To Cite
- DCA Citation Guide
- 00:00So in terms of imaging,
- 00:02obviously mammography and ultrasound tend
- 00:05to be our main modalities and that is
- 00:08what I what we do at the shoreline MRI.
- 00:11We, you know for good quality MRI
- 00:14it requires a special breast coil
- 00:17as well as the higher magnets.
- 00:19The 3T magnet is what we prefer
- 00:22to perform our MRI on.
- 00:24So that's why we only perform those
- 00:26down in New Haven or at Park Ave.
- 00:29So we're not currently doing MRI.
- 00:30At Shoreline,
- 00:31patients do need to go downtown for that.
- 00:35You know, I just want to talk a little
- 00:36bit about the 3D mammography because we,
- 00:38you know we we've been using this
- 00:40for more than a decade now and it
- 00:43has really improved our outcomes.
- 00:44Yale was one of the five original beta
- 00:47sites for the development of this technology.
- 00:49So we're quite proud of it and this
- 00:52led to the FDA approval in 2011.
- 00:54So we have a long history of it
- 00:58at Yale and after FDA approval.
- 01:01We were the first in Connecticut to
- 01:04obtain a a commercial unit and the
- 01:06actual 13th unit in the whole United States.
- 01:09So we've had it for a long time.
- 01:11We've always offered it to all patients
- 01:13at no cost and it's really permitted us
- 01:15to have a a really invaluable research
- 01:18database that we have been able to
- 01:21publish and do a lot of good studies with.
- 01:24So basically you know a lot
- 01:26of these studies have shown,
- 01:28I think you know very well
- 01:30that the 3D mammography is.
- 01:32Very.
- 01:34Advantageous over treating mammography.
- 01:36Multiple sites now throughout the world,
- 01:38in North America,
- 01:40Europe,
- 01:40Asia have repeatedly shown that
- 01:42it results in lower recall rates
- 01:45and increased cancer detection,
- 01:47particularly for invasive cancers.
- 01:49And for those of you who might not
- 01:52have seen how it how it works,
- 01:54you can see here's the 2D portion
- 01:57of the screening mammogram.
- 02:00And in the tomosynthesis,
- 02:02you can see the images moving here.
- 02:05We look at these in one millimeter
- 02:07slices through the breast and the
- 02:10cancers really can pop out beautifully
- 02:13that otherwise would have been hiding.
- 02:16So it's easy to understand how
- 02:18we can find more cancers,
- 02:20reduce the recalls for false positives,
- 02:25prove the outcomes for patients.
- 02:27All right.
- 02:29Here's just another example of a patient.
- 02:31This is,
- 02:32it's the screening mammogram and
- 02:35there's a questionable asymmetry
- 02:37in the breast and that's on the 2D
- 02:41portion when you look at the 3D.
- 02:43Not only does it tell us exactly
- 02:45where it is in the breast,
- 02:47it's actually down here on the 2D.
- 02:48We might have thought it was up there,
- 02:50but it's down there.
- 02:51So we're able to accurately
- 02:53localize lesions and we're able
- 02:55to characterize them better.
- 02:56You see on the 2D that could
- 02:58easily have been missed,
- 02:59whereas here we exquisitely see
- 03:01the detail of the speculations.
- 03:03So we're able to localize,
- 03:04characterize and then honestly patients
- 03:06go directly to ultrasound from from this,
- 03:09a lot of the diagnostic
- 03:12workup additional views.
- 03:14Are not necessary anymore.
- 03:15We can find things with ultrasound.
- 03:17So this is what we do.
- 03:18We do a lot of this at the shoreline,
- 03:21lot of ultrasound guided biopsies
- 03:23because the majority of lesions other
- 03:26than true calcification lesions
- 03:28can be biopsied with ultrasound.
- 03:30Just a note about tissue density
- 03:34with breast in mammography.
- 03:36The sensitivity of mammography is
- 03:38obviously related to tissue density.
- 03:40It's an important aspect of of
- 03:44of interpreting a mammogram.
- 03:46While while the sensitivity is
- 03:47very very high in fatty breast,
- 03:49it obviously is reduced even with
- 03:52the 3D mammography in denser tissue.
- 03:55So as you're probably well aware,
- 03:57we were the first state in the
- 03:59in the nation to.
- 04:00Uh, it's today density notification law.
- 04:03So this took effect in October of
- 04:062009 and women are informed of their
- 04:08brands breast density and since
- 04:09that time many women with breasts,
- 04:11with dense breasts have opted to
- 04:14undergo supplemental screening
- 04:15particularly with ultrasound just
- 04:17something that we developed it at Yale.
- 04:19So I just thought I would show you
- 04:20is a density an artificial intention
- 04:23in intelligence density tool.
- 04:25This is through our visage,
- 04:26our pack system and this is now
- 04:28FDA approved and this just.
- 04:31Obviously,
- 04:31breast density is a little bit
- 04:33of a subjective.
- 04:35It, you know, like classification,
- 04:37this makes it a little bit more objective.
- 04:40We get a density reading which
- 04:43is just an output on our on our
- 04:46workstations giving the breast
- 04:49density with the confidence.
- 04:51Percentage.
- 04:52So it's a nice tool that we've developed.
- 04:54I mentioned the mobile van before
- 04:55is one of our sites and just to
- 04:58to mention it again because this
- 04:59does visit the shoreline,
- 05:01you know four to five times a month,
- 05:02you may see it up in the parking lot
- 05:04taking up valuable parking spaces,
- 05:06but but nonetheless it is good
- 05:08for our patients.
- 05:08We do screening on the van with the
- 05:11course 3D mammography and breast ultrasound.
- 05:13So this fan which has been on the
- 05:15road for about 2 years now has both a
- 05:18mammography unit and an ultrasound separate.
- 05:21Sweets and while we've had a van for
- 05:2535 some years in in New Haven at Yale,
- 05:28this is the first time we've had
- 05:30mammography and ultrasound on the van.
- 05:32So certainly those women with
- 05:33dense tissue that really need the
- 05:36screening ultrasound as well can
- 05:37be well accommodated on the van.
- 05:39And here's a case that was done on the van.
- 05:41Patient with dense tissue had her
- 05:44mammography and her ultrasound and
- 05:46actually had multiple cancers in her breast.
- 05:49Interventional procedures.
- 05:49Like I said,
- 05:50we perform.
- 05:51About two to three per day at the
- 05:54shoreline and patients love it.
- 05:56I'll just say we just do ultrasound
- 05:58biopsies currently we do not do stereotactic.
- 06:00Again,
- 06:01that is just something that is
- 06:02an extra piece of equipment.
- 06:04So we're doing those downtown right now,
- 06:07but maybe in the future we will when
- 06:09we have a little bit more resources
- 06:11at the shoreline ultrasound biopsies
- 06:13though again the majority of patients
- 06:15can undergo ultrasound biopsies,
- 06:17which is preferable modality,
- 06:19we also can localize.
- 06:21Patients for surgery using
- 06:23mammographic or sonographic guidance.
- 06:25We have dedicated breast imaging nurses
- 06:27now and this is that they're invaluable
- 06:30and always one is always at the shoreline.
- 06:33So these these nurses help us
- 06:35with our procedures, patient care,
- 06:38communication, pathology,
- 06:39follow up and then data entry.
- 06:42So it's really they're, they're wonderful.
- 06:45Here's just an example.
- 06:47Again, Doctor Zaneski is going to talk more
- 06:49about the surgery side of things, you know.
- 06:51Diagnosed the patients,
- 06:52we image them, we work them up,
- 06:54we do the biopsies and then many of them
- 06:58are able to have surgery at the shoreline
- 07:00at which is just wonderful for them.
- 07:03We can do wire localizations
- 07:04as we've done for years.
- 07:06This is done on the day of surgery
- 07:09and something that we've been
- 07:11doing for the last few years is a
- 07:13radio frequency tag localization.
- 07:15The advantage of this is it could
- 07:17be inserted a few days or weeks
- 07:19before surgery and then the patient.
- 07:22Need to go directly to to surgery on that
- 07:25day and so that facilitates scheduling.
- 07:28Here's an example of a shoreline patient.
- 07:30Here is her screening mammogram.
- 07:32Obvious lesion in the breast.
- 07:34She goes directly to ultrasound,
- 07:36doesn't need any extra views.
- 07:37Mammographic views.
- 07:38Ultrasound shows a highly suspicious mask.
- 07:41We then do a core biopsy and leave a marker.
- 07:45She comes back for a localization on the
- 07:48day of surgery and her specimen shows
- 07:50the lesion and the tag all removed.
- 07:53Very convenient for patients and
- 07:55they love it. Just in the next.
- 07:58The very shortly hopefully few months we
- 08:01are going to be starting construction
- 08:03and we will have expansion of our
- 08:06breast imaging services at Yale,
- 08:08which at the shoreline which is much needed,
- 08:12we will have an additional 3D
- 08:14mammography and ultrasound units.
- 08:15So this is going to help with patient
- 08:19scheduling and also in terms of the,
- 08:22the, the physical layout,
- 08:23we're going to have a direct connection
- 08:25with the breast surgery suite.
- 08:27So that permits patients to go
- 08:28back and forth.
- 08:29Because I'm happy to go out in the hallway,
- 08:32so it's really a very comprehensive.
- 08:38Services and wonderful for patients,
- 08:40they love it and I think with this expansion
- 08:44we'll be able to to offer even more.
- 08:47More, get more patients in and offer more
- 08:49patients to be seen at the shoreline.
- 08:51Just a shout out to the wonderful
- 08:54technologists at the shoreline who
- 08:55take really good care of patients.
- 08:58So thank you very much.
- 08:59Hopefully that was helpful
- 09:01brief brief overview. Thank
- 09:04you so much Leanne and we have
- 09:06patients who specifically reach
- 09:08out to have you and doctor Butler?
- 09:10Do their mammograms and overwhelmingly
- 09:12their experience in the breast
- 09:14imaging suite and Guildford?
- 09:16Is is incredibly positive
- 09:18and patient centered so.
- 09:19Thank you for all you do.
- 09:21Next up, we're going to
- 09:23introduce doctor Greg Zaneski,
- 09:24I'm thrilled to call him.
- 09:25My partner and a member of our team,
- 09:28doctors and Esky joined Yale
- 09:30School of Medicine in 2019,
- 09:32he's an assistant professor.
- 09:34Surgical oncology and cares for women
- 09:36with benign and malignant breast disease
- 09:39and also men with breast related issues.
- 09:42His clinical practice location
- 09:43is predominantly at the Shoreline
- 09:45Medical Center in Guilford,
- 09:47but he also has a clinic weekly and some IT
- 09:50operating room time at the New Haven site.
- 09:54And he received his medical degree
- 09:56from the State University of New
- 09:58York at Stony Brook and completed
- 09:59a fellowship in surgical oncology
- 10:01at the University of Pittsburgh.
- 10:03And he's going to be giving us.
- 10:04And updates and breast cancer surgery.
- 10:08Thank you,
- 10:09Greg.
- 10:17Good. Thank you, Rachel. Look at
- 10:20the share my screen.
- 10:25OK.
- 10:29Thank you very much Rachel and and
- 10:31thank you everybody for attending
- 10:34on a on a rainy night.
- 10:36But my goal is tonight is to talk
- 10:38about breast surgery you know here
- 10:40at Guildford and also you know
- 10:42how we integrate it throughout
- 10:44the system here at smilow.
- 10:48So here's our our grant institution here
- 10:51at Shoreline and as Doctor Philpotts,
- 10:54you know, describe very well the
- 10:56amount of breast imaging that's done
- 10:58here and also the various findings.
- 11:00You know that we can come
- 11:02across not all malignant,
- 11:04sometimes benign or needing close follow
- 11:06up and surgery is an important component
- 11:10for helping integrate that at times and
- 11:13of course our multidisciplinary team
- 11:16which will be talked about further.
- 11:19So this is a picture of our surgical
- 11:22clinic and you know I think a lot of
- 11:24times with the with surgery we think
- 11:27about that it's a for malignancy.
- 11:29But I think a big part of our day
- 11:32including our nurse practitioners here at
- 11:34Guildford is things like benign disease.
- 11:37We can't see your slides.
- 11:42No, no. Sorry about that.
- 11:46Sorry, sorry about that.
- 11:48Can you try again?
- 11:50Yeah, let me. Escape, yeah.
- 11:59Yeah, share.
- 12:08Is that better?
- 12:13Can you see that?
- 12:20Do you want to send them to me
- 12:21and I can share them from my
- 12:23my computer? Sorry about that.
- 13:02OK. So I got them. Greg,
- 13:03why don't you go ahead and keep
- 13:05talking and I'll pull them up here.
- 13:08Sorry about that. I don't
- 13:09know why it's not sharing.
- 13:23Alright, I think maybe now
- 13:25we can. Now
- 13:26we can see it.
- 13:28Sorry about that everybody.
- 13:30Right. Yeah. So you know again
- 13:33this is the clinic and you know
- 13:34what we see with our our nurse
- 13:37practitioners or or things,
- 13:38you know benign disease,
- 13:40you know palpable masses that patients
- 13:43may feel or if various imaging findings,
- 13:47you know things that require a close
- 13:49interval follow up will work with
- 13:52radiology to follow those patients
- 13:54or the wealth of biopsies can often
- 13:56be benign and how do you interpret
- 13:59them as your primary care or OBGYN.
- 14:02Positions you know what is a
- 14:04papilloma need or what type of
- 14:07follow up a library card inside you.
- 14:09We're very happy to see those patients
- 14:12and you know talk about the different
- 14:16management surgical options or even
- 14:18screening strategies and of course
- 14:21breast malignancy of course which you
- 14:23know breast surgeons are are both kind
- 14:26of associated with clinical trials.
- 14:28We enroll patients in our various
- 14:31surgical clinical trials and even.
- 14:33Follow those patients up and
- 14:35coordinate the necessary imaging
- 14:37regarding the clinical trial protocol.
- 14:40And you know with the the cooperation
- 14:43of radiology,
- 14:44we're able to offer surveillance,
- 14:46clinical exams for instance you know women
- 14:48who have undergone breast cancer surgery,
- 14:51radiation therapy,
- 14:52oncology therapy and then it's
- 14:54time for annual follow-up how much
- 14:58imaging is needed and we're happy
- 14:59to see our patients for clinical
- 15:02exam and coordinate the follow
- 15:04up mammogram on the same day.
- 15:06A good portion of my clinic today
- 15:07was seeing some of our patients who
- 15:09are one year follow up with same day.
- 15:11Imaging and patients seem to be very
- 15:13happy to bundle those visits and
- 15:16make one trip to see the search and
- 15:19then the the radiologists on one
- 15:21day take less time off from work,
- 15:24family and all the other busy
- 15:26things and also.
- 15:30OK. Yeah. Yeah, we can't.
- 15:32We are stuck on the title slide.
- 15:36OK. Real connectivity that.
- 15:43Are they advancing now?
- 15:49You see surgical clinic slide?
- 15:52No, no, I'll try and pull them
- 15:55up here, Greg. Thank you.
- 16:00I'll stop sharing.
- 16:12Apologies to the audience. Thank you
- 16:14for your patience.
- 16:17Yeah.
- 16:19And it's not stopping the sharing either.
- 16:31Well, in the interest of time, why don't
- 16:33we move forward with medical oncology
- 16:36and then we'll come back or Doctor
- 16:38Butler from plastic surgery and we
- 16:40can come back to your slides when we
- 16:43get the technical issues worked out.
- 16:45Doctor Butler, Are you ready and loaded?
- 16:51So I'm going to share my screen too.
- 16:53Don't have the same challenge, but I'm ready.
- 16:55I'm gonna introduce Doctor Butler.
- 16:57He's an associate professor of surgery
- 16:59in plastics and reconstructive surgery,
- 17:02and he's the inaugural Yale Department
- 17:03of Surgery vice Chair of Diversity,
- 17:05Equity and Inclusion.
- 17:07He's board certified both by the
- 17:09American Board of Surgery and the
- 17:11American Board of Plastic Surgery and
- 17:12a Fellow of the American College of
- 17:15Surgeons and his clinical interests
- 17:16are in breast reconstruction and body
- 17:19contouring after bariatric surgery.
- 17:21Reductions left scars and aesthetic surgery,
- 17:25and we're thrilled to have him
- 17:26on our Yale team.
- 17:27So take it away, Paris,
- 17:29thank you very much for
- 17:30the kind introduction.
- 17:31I'm going to share my screen.
- 17:32Maybe, Rachel.
- 17:32Just give me a thumbs up if you can
- 17:35see my screen when the time comes.
- 17:41Excellent. Looks great, wonderful.
- 17:47So thanks for allowing me
- 17:48to join you this evening.
- 17:49I have most recently been recruited
- 17:52to Yale plastic surgery from
- 17:54the University of Pennsylvania.
- 17:55I've been on faculty here for
- 17:56a little over five months,
- 17:58kind of hard to believe and really
- 17:59fortunate to join an outstanding group
- 18:01of plastic surgeons within our division.
- 18:03We are growing our division
- 18:05rather significantly.
- 18:06We have six plastic surgeons
- 18:08amongst our faculty.
- 18:09We have a faculty of 12 now,
- 18:12which is rapidly grown in
- 18:13the last four or five years.
- 18:14Our chief is Bo Pomahac,
- 18:16so all six of these.
- 18:17Individuals perform plastic and
- 18:19reconstructive surgery on breast in one way,
- 18:21shape or form.
- 18:23The majority of us do reconstructive
- 18:25surgery as well on breast and I
- 18:28would say that is all about 50%
- 18:31of my practice in particular.
- 18:33So we have Obama hawk who is
- 18:34our division chief.
- 18:35We have doctor Hari, Ayala myself here,
- 18:38Doctor Melissa Mastriani,
- 18:40Dr Peck and Doctor Vasquez,
- 18:42myself, doctor Pomahac,
- 18:44Dr Ayala and Doctor Peck will be at.
- 18:47Shoreline facilities more times than not.
- 18:50So we are delighted to care for this,
- 18:52for this Community and this patient
- 18:54population over the next I would say.
- 18:5810 minutes,
- 18:58I'll try to keep it brief.
- 19:00It's really difficult to give an
- 19:01overview of plastic and reconstructive
- 19:03surgery in in eight to 10 minutes,
- 19:05but I'm going to do my best
- 19:06to to kind of keep it there.
- 19:08So as it pertains to the the
- 19:10goal of a breast reconstruction,
- 19:12as many of you all know it's to to
- 19:15restore breast appearance and clothes.
- 19:17We say as we're setting expectations
- 19:19with our patients and we don't try
- 19:22to oversell what our capacity is,
- 19:24but we also try to provide a
- 19:26a nice light at the end of the
- 19:27tunnel as it pertains to.
- 19:28The, the,
- 19:29the duration of the completion
- 19:31of their their oncologic care.
- 19:33So in my opinion,
- 19:35I think we can do honestly,
- 19:37I think we can do better than just
- 19:39getting them to appear normal in clothes.
- 19:41I think we can get them to to restore
- 19:42their breast appearance in a bathing suit.
- 19:45However,
- 19:45we do let them know once that bathing
- 19:47suit is removed and underwear is
- 19:49removed that they will see their their
- 19:51scars and such how often is it performed.
- 19:54So if you look at the the national
- 19:57data about 65% of the time.
- 19:59In the US,
- 19:59formal breast reconstruction is
- 20:02performed in post mastectomy patients.
- 20:04So that equates to about 138,000
- 20:07breast reconstruction procedures
- 20:09that are performed annually.
- 20:11This is data from 2020 and the
- 20:13numbers continue to just go up,
- 20:16which I obviously is a plastic surgeon.
- 20:18I'm biased. I think it's a really good thing.
- 20:21Unfortunately though,
- 20:21this varies according to age, race,
- 20:24ethnicity and insurance status.
- 20:26While I was at the University
- 20:27of Pennsylvania,
- 20:28we actually looked at who was
- 20:30getting breast reconstruction
- 20:31to determine what the rates were
- 20:32and also to determine if there
- 20:34are any patient populations that
- 20:35were not getting breast
- 20:36reconstruction at the same rate as others.
- 20:38And what we identified when we looked
- 20:41at national data over A6 year period,
- 20:4348,000 patients, we identify that
- 20:45there are two subsets of the Community
- 20:47that don't get breast reconstruction
- 20:48at the same rate as others.
- 20:50Those are more. Seasoned ladies,
- 20:51no one likes to be called old.
- 20:53So our ladies over 45 and then unfortunately
- 20:56our ladies of color and namely our
- 20:59African American and our Latino women.
- 21:01And then when we look at insurance status,
- 21:04probably not a surprise that uninsured
- 21:06women would not receive breast
- 21:08reconstruction at the same rate as others.
- 21:09But we've also identified
- 21:11the fact that unfortunately,
- 21:12women who have public insurance don't
- 21:15receive breast reconstruction at the rate
- 21:17as those that have private insurance.
- 21:19This is a soft spot for me because
- 21:21I do a lot of disparity research
- 21:24and scholastic effort,
- 21:25but I I do think that this is
- 21:27something that has been understated
- 21:28and something that needs to be
- 21:30addressed kind of nationwide.
- 21:31I'm going to do my best here at
- 21:34Yale University to help push that
- 21:36envelope and push that needle forward.
- 21:38So what is the best timing for
- 21:40reconstruction? Pretty much anytime.
- 21:41Immediate or delayed,
- 21:43or typically both an option.
- 21:44There's been good,
- 21:45really good literature out there
- 21:47describing the fact that when a woman
- 21:48wakes up from a mastectomy and has
- 21:50the semblance of a breast mount it,
- 21:51it can be helpful emotionally,
- 21:54socially, psychologically.
- 21:55And even functionally.
- 21:57So I would say it's probably strong
- 22:00language language to say that it is gold
- 22:03standard to have it done immediately,
- 22:05but it is more common occurrence
- 22:07for us to now do it in an immediate
- 22:09setting rather than a delayed setting.
- 22:11That being said,
- 22:12we can offer and do offer breast
- 22:14reconstruction in a delayed setting,
- 22:16so anytime after that initial mastectomy.
- 22:19Who's the candidate?
- 22:21Free construction,
- 22:21I would say the vast majority of patients.
- 22:24So any woman who has had or
- 22:25is going to have a mastectomy,
- 22:27there's really no specific age limit.
- 22:29Women over 60 are welcome to
- 22:31inquire and I recommend to my
- 22:33breast surgeons that any woman,
- 22:34regardless or agnostic of of age,
- 22:36race,
- 22:37ethnicity,
- 22:37have an appointment or consultation with one
- 22:39of those plastic and reconstructive surgeons.
- 22:42Breast reconstruction is
- 22:43covered by insurance.
- 22:44I get this question all the time when
- 22:46I'm out in the community talking about
- 22:48breast reconstruction and doing my best
- 22:50to enhance breast health literacy.
- 22:51Our country did a wonderful thing.
- 22:53In the late 90s,
- 22:54our legislators in DC passed the Women's
- 22:56Health and Cancer Rights Act of 98,
- 22:58which mandated that insurance companies,
- 23:01if a woman has medical insurance
- 23:03that's covering her, her surgical care,
- 23:06lumpectomy, mastectomy,
- 23:07radiation medical or medical
- 23:10oncology chemotherapy,
- 23:12they are also mandated to
- 23:13cover breast reconstruction.
- 23:15For the duration of their life,
- 23:16and that also includes a
- 23:18balancing operation on say,
- 23:19the contralateral side.
- 23:21Patient suffers from a left sided cancer,
- 23:23has a left sided mastectomy.
- 23:25We do reconstruction on the left side.
- 23:26Their insurance company is mandated
- 23:28for me to also perform a balance
- 23:31and procedure on that opposite side.
- 23:33So as breast reconstruction safe,
- 23:35this has come under a bit of attack of late,
- 23:38particularly as it pertains to
- 23:39implant based reconstruction.
- 23:41So before I get to that,
- 23:43I just want to comment that brush
- 23:44reconstruction does not make the
- 23:45breast cancer recur at any higher rate.
- 23:47We've looked at this over and over and
- 23:49over again and there's no heightened
- 23:50rates of recurrence in patients who've
- 23:52had reconstruction versus those that
- 23:54opted to not have reconstruction or were
- 23:56not healthy enough for reconstruction.
- 23:58Higher complication rates are noted
- 24:00in smokers, obesity and diabetics.
- 24:02Sometimes we can optimize patients
- 24:03prior to surgery,
- 24:05other times we cannot.
- 24:06We just have to let them know once
- 24:08again what the expectations are and
- 24:10it sometimes does limit the options
- 24:11we have for the reconstruction.
- 24:13Silicone implants have been proven to
- 24:15be safe and reconstruction patients,
- 24:17even if they rupture,
- 24:18they don't cause additional harm.
- 24:21So about six years ago,
- 24:22there was a lot of conversation about
- 24:25this association of anaplastic large
- 24:27cell lymphoma with textured implants.
- 24:30The FDA has identified a risk of
- 24:34about one in 30,000 women who had
- 24:36textured implants or risk of suffering
- 24:39anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
- 24:41The the rates when you look more broadly,
- 24:44it's like being less than being
- 24:46struck by struck by lightning.
- 24:49That being said,
- 24:50I do.
- 24:51Address this with my patients at time
- 24:53of consultation and we we actually now
- 24:55give them paperwork and have them sign
- 24:57an affidavit with an understanding
- 24:59that this association has been made.
- 25:01Most recently there's been
- 25:03conversation about an association
- 25:05with a rare type of of a skin cancer,
- 25:08squamous cell skin cancer associated
- 25:10with the capsule that can develop
- 25:12around the implant.
- 25:13There have been 15 reported cases worldwide.
- 25:16This has been in the news in the last
- 25:18four to six weeks and the FDA made it.
- 25:21A statement.
- 25:22This is a statement from Bonita Ashar,
- 25:24the director of the Office of Surgical
- 25:26Infection Control Devices for the FDA,
- 25:28that right now we do not have
- 25:30enough information to say whether
- 25:31breast implants cause these cancers
- 25:32or if any types of implants pose
- 25:34higher risks than others.
- 25:35So the reason for the louder part
- 25:37of that statement is because the
- 25:39anaplastic large cell lymphoma
- 25:40has been associated with textured
- 25:42implants and not smooth implants.
- 25:44Thankfully,
- 25:44I really did not put in many
- 25:47textured implants,
- 25:48have only put in smooth implants,
- 25:49but this this skin cancer.
- 25:52Association has been identified
- 25:53both in smooth implants as well as
- 25:56textured implants and once again
- 25:58we need to do additional studies
- 26:00and additional surveillance.
- 26:02So what are the methods of reconstruction?
- 26:04Once again,
- 26:05it would take 2 hours to go over our
- 26:07our methods of breast reconstruction,
- 26:09but I kind of separate them.
- 26:10And then three buckets.
- 26:12First and foremost,
- 26:14I'd like to consider what we do as,
- 26:16as breast reconstructive surgeons,
- 26:18as, as this continuum of care.
- 26:20So we offer aesthetic flat closures because
- 26:23not everyone wants breast reconstruction.
- 26:26Not everyone is healthy enough
- 26:27for breast reconstruction.
- 26:28So we offer these services to our
- 26:31surgical oncology colleagues.
- 26:32Breast oncology colleagues,
- 26:33as it pertains to mastectomy closures,
- 26:36then there's implant based reconstruction
- 26:38and then autologous reconstruction.
- 26:40So aesthetic cloud closures
- 26:41are also becoming more common.
- 26:44This is an article from the Annals
- 26:46of Surgical Oncology in 2020 which
- 26:48documented the fact that there was
- 26:50some women that were pretty upset
- 26:52with the fact that 22 / 22% of the
- 26:55women that were surveyed did not
- 26:56have this offer to them as an option.
- 26:59Additionally,
- 26:59they went on to identify the fact that
- 27:0274% of the women that did have a flag.
- 27:04Sure.
- 27:04We're very satisfied with their outcome.
- 27:06So this you know plastic surgeons we like
- 27:08show and tell this is a a patient that I.
- 27:11Rather recently operated on who
- 27:12decided that she did not want
- 27:14formal breast reconstruction,
- 27:15she wanted to be closed flat.
- 27:17Our our incision patterns are
- 27:19changed over time.
- 27:20There was more of a oblique
- 27:22incision initially and then we went
- 27:24to more of a horizontal.
- 27:26And now I kind of prefer this incision
- 27:29that's that mimics the inframammary fold
- 27:32and we've gotten good results with it.
- 27:34Women are able to be fitted with
- 27:36external prosthesis if they want.
- 27:37It also avoids any of the
- 27:39extra skin and intertrigo.
- 27:41That can happen after mastectomy,
- 27:43particularly in large breasted women.
- 27:45So when it comes to our methods of
- 27:48of formal breast reconstruction,
- 27:49reconstructing a breast mound 75%
- 27:52of the time in this country it's
- 27:54performed via the use of a of a of
- 27:57an implant typically in two stage
- 27:59fashion with a tissue expander placed
- 28:01slowly inflated over multiple weeks to
- 28:03months and then a permanent implant placed.
- 28:06And then 25% of the time we're
- 28:09using an autologous technique,
- 28:11so using tissue from another
- 28:12part of the body to recreate,
- 28:14reconstruct and recreated.
- 28:15West Mound,
- 28:16I would say at Yale this number
- 28:18is is not necessarily reflective.
- 28:20I would say that we do probably
- 28:22more 40 to 50% autologous and
- 28:24about 50 to 60% implant based.
- 28:27This is very,
- 28:29we're fortunate that the vast
- 28:30majority of us here have a background
- 28:32in microsurgical reconstruction
- 28:33which allows us to carry out this
- 28:36additional technique and provide this
- 28:38additional option for these patients.
- 28:41So the realities of implant based
- 28:43reconstruction for the most part it's for
- 28:45small to moderate breast sizes kind of aided,
- 28:48we're limited in the size of implants.
- 28:51There is a large implant
- 28:53trial that is ongoing.
- 28:55So we may have some additional options
- 28:57for our larger breasted women or women
- 28:59that desire to to reach a larger size.
- 29:01It's a shorter operative
- 29:02procedure about 2 hours,
- 29:04shorter hospitalization one to two days
- 29:06and once again as I said typically
- 29:09requires 2 procedures that expand or.
- 29:11Followed by a permanent implant.
- 29:13Implant replacement is recommended
- 29:14by all three of the big
- 29:16implant manufacturers to happen
- 29:17at the 10 to 15 year Mark.
- 29:19And then it's not ideal for
- 29:21patients that need radiation therapy
- 29:23which which once again could be
- 29:25another hour long conversation.
- 29:27And then for the most part
- 29:29for unilateral operation,
- 29:30the patient must have an understanding
- 29:33that they should consider a balancing
- 29:35procedure on the other side.
- 29:38Realities of flat based reconstruction.
- 29:41Once again we love, show and tell.
- 29:42This is the woman that I did,
- 29:44as in a delayed fashion,
- 29:46we usually kind of steer women in
- 29:49this direction if they are are have a
- 29:51larger BMI or a larger body habitus.
- 29:54The operative procedure is longer,
- 29:56it's longer and it's more difficult on
- 29:57the on the patient, at least up front.
- 30:00It also requires a longer hospitalization,
- 30:02usually three to four days.
- 30:03There is a risk of hernia or bulge.
- 30:05I don't oversell this,
- 30:07I inform patient.
- 30:08It's about the five to 10% risk
- 30:09of a hernia and then flat death
- 30:12is about 2% where that and at
- 30:15microsurgical anastomosis doesn't
- 30:16work that's about 2% nationwide.
- 30:18It's not for smokers,
- 30:20not for super obese,
- 30:21not for those that have severe
- 30:22comorbidities and then they also must
- 30:24know that this is typically not just a
- 30:27one and done either more times than option.
- 30:29If you look at the at the literature
- 30:31I touch up operation either one
- 30:33or two maybe sometimes three is
- 30:35required in order to get them to to.
- 30:38Do a result that they're pleased with
- 30:40and and we are also satisfied with.
- 30:42So what about lumpectomy patients,
- 30:44I've been really pushing and
- 30:45doctor Greeno can attest to this.
- 30:47I think there's an operation out
- 30:49there called Uncle Plastic breast
- 30:51reduction surgery where a patient
- 30:52who has a small cancer and a larger
- 30:55breast that are very toxic breast
- 30:57and get the benefits of a breast
- 30:58reduction or a breast lift at the
- 31:00time of their cancer resection.
- 31:01This is the silver lining for
- 31:03many of our ladies.
- 31:04I do a lot of breast reduction
- 31:06surgery and being able to.
- 31:09To combine oncologic reconstructive
- 31:12principles along with breast
- 31:14reduction principles has caused this
- 31:15operation to be one of my favorites.
- 31:17I really think it's the both
- 31:19the best of both worlds.
- 31:20Patients obviously will still necessitate
- 31:23radiation therapy more times than
- 31:24not because this is a component of
- 31:27their breast conservation therapy.
- 31:29So this is a patient who had large breast,
- 31:31she had always wanted a breast reduction.
- 31:32She had a small cancer on the right side.
- 31:34We were able to do an uncle
- 31:37plastic reconstruction.
- 31:37This is actually after her.
- 31:39Radiation as well and
- 31:40she's healed beautifully.
- 31:41She's got just a still a little
- 31:42bit of skin darkening but was
- 31:44ecstatic with her result.
- 31:45Here's another young lady.
- 31:46She had a cancer on the left side.
- 31:48Lots of tosis.
- 31:49Had always wanted a breast lift,
- 31:50thought she would be vain by setting it,
- 31:52setting herself for a breast lift.
- 31:55So we did a breast lift and and lumpectomy at
- 31:57the same time.
- 31:58And she was also quite pleased.
- 32:01The breasts just keep getting larger.
- 32:02And my slideshow here's a woman who
- 32:05was actually turned down for breast
- 32:07reductions previously developed.
- 32:09Cancer and we were able
- 32:11to give her this result.
- 32:12And then finally a much more seasoned lady,
- 32:15I had a breast surgeon that that sent
- 32:18this patient to me said I don't think
- 32:20there's anything we really can do.
- 32:21And the radiation oncologist,
- 32:23we're concerned about radiating
- 32:25such a large entatic breast causing
- 32:28lymphedema in the breast and we were
- 32:31able to to give her this result.
- 32:33So in short and in summary,
- 32:36there are many options and I believe
- 32:37that all patients should be offered a
- 32:39consultation with a plastic surgeon.
- 32:40To just discuss those reconstructive options,
- 32:43I'm a big proponent of shared
- 32:45decision making.
- 32:46I don't push patients in any direction.
- 32:49I kind of provide them the menu and
- 32:50then we have a good conversation about
- 32:52what's going to be best for them.
- 32:53And then as I mentioned before,
- 32:55the method and timing of the
- 32:57procedure is one that should fulfill
- 32:59the patients needs and lifestyle.
- 33:01So with that I will stop sharing.
- 33:04Thank you all very much.
- 33:06Yeah. Thank you so much, Doctor Butler,
- 33:08and we're so lucky to have you at Yale.
- 33:10Paris has a national reputation in
- 33:14oncoplastic reconstruction and many of
- 33:17our patients have thought about breast
- 33:18reduction or lift their whole life.
- 33:20And the ability to have it covered by
- 33:24insurance or the inability to pay cash
- 33:28has prohibited them from moving forward.
- 33:30So when they come to us with a cancer,
- 33:32it's an opportunity to both improve.
- 33:36Eristics and also make it easier
- 33:38for their downstream treatment
- 33:40with lower risk of lymphedema.
- 33:42As you mentioned,
- 33:43we're going to ship back to Doctor Zaneski.
- 33:46I think we've resolved our technical issues.
- 33:48So Eliza is going to load up his
- 33:51slides and we look forward to
- 33:53hearing about breast cancer surgery.
- 34:03OK. Alright, great. Thank you.
- 34:08Yes. And you'll be advancing them.
- 34:09Uh, thank you so much.
- 34:11You have advanced to the next slide.
- 34:15Great. And again, one more.
- 34:20Perfect. Yeah.
- 34:20We got stuff at the surgical clinic.
- 34:22Yep. Next slide. Yeah.
- 34:26So, so this is, you know,
- 34:27an operating room here at Shoreline.
- 34:31Detailed view,
- 34:31you can see the operating room table and
- 34:34anesthesia station in the very far back.
- 34:37In the back right is our intraoperative
- 34:39facts atron where we take specimen
- 34:41radiographs and of course of
- 34:43course the instrument table and
- 34:45the operations that we do here you
- 34:48know surgical excision, biopsy,
- 34:50you know things like atypia,
- 34:52some women choose to have
- 34:54fibroadenomas removed.
- 34:55These are benign tumors and so all
- 34:57can be done here with with the
- 34:59localization as doctor Philpotts.
- 35:01Mentioned or without.
- 35:03Breast conservation to classical lumpectomy,
- 35:06the big departure from radical
- 35:08mastectomy decades ago that we're
- 35:11performing hopefully over 70% of the
- 35:13time for early stage breast cancer.
- 35:16Radiological localization,
- 35:17Doctor Phil Potsin over that with wire
- 35:21localization and tag localization.
- 35:22I'll show some images as well.
- 35:25Localization can be same day,
- 35:28you know bundled with you want Academy
- 35:30or we have the option to localize
- 35:32the small tumors and radiology.
- 35:34Sleep on a separate day and then
- 35:36do the going back to me as a first
- 35:39case early in the in the morning.
- 35:41Axillary surgery,
- 35:42things like Sentinel lymph node
- 35:45biopsy routinely performed here
- 35:47actually lymph node dissection
- 35:49or a lymph node excision biopsy
- 35:51to help our hematologists and
- 35:54oncologists with lymphoma diagnosis
- 35:56were often involved in that.
- 35:59And as we go forward,
- 36:01we'll be introducing mastectomy.
- 36:03Under the directorship of
- 36:06Doctor Greenup at Shoreline,
- 36:09Same Day mastectomies,
- 36:11possibly in the near future,
- 36:14mastectomies with immediate breast
- 36:16reconstruction, implant based,
- 36:18possibly same day discharge.
- 36:21It was working on that in New Haven.
- 36:23That's a new addition to
- 36:25the Department of Surgery.
- 36:27And maybe even overnight stay
- 36:29at Shoreline one day.
- 36:30So all these things are are being
- 36:33thought about and discussed to
- 36:35again bring more complex breast and
- 36:38reconstruction surgery out to the
- 36:39community and closer to the patient's
- 36:41home that the next slide please.
- 36:48Yeah. This is again some of the localization.
- 36:50I can see the two wires there.
- 36:52That's a bracketed lumpectomy.
- 36:54And then the other image is what we
- 36:57call our tag localization, which can
- 36:59be placed prior to the day of surgery.
- 37:02And again, these are utilized to
- 37:05find small tumors within the breast
- 37:08that are not palpable. Next slide.
- 37:12There's a picture of a
- 37:14Sentinel lymph node biopsy.
- 37:15I can see the tiny blue dye.
- 37:18We can do intraoperative injection
- 37:21of the radioisotope or the blue dye.
- 37:24These are two markers that are injected
- 37:27into the breast to help identify
- 37:29the Sentinel lymph node biopsy.
- 37:31And that's part of a routine staging process.
- 37:35And as we are moving forward,
- 37:38there's a new initiative called
- 37:40the Choosing wisely initiative.
- 37:41Businesses from the Society of Surgical
- 37:43Oncology and the American Board of
- 37:46Internal Medicine where maybe we
- 37:47can deescalate and not have to do or
- 37:50routinely do a Sentinel lymph node
- 37:52biopsy for our women who are 70 and above.
- 37:55Early stage breast cancer with
- 37:58favorable biologic markers,
- 37:59meaning estrogen receptor positive,
- 38:01her two negative patients are
- 38:04taking to this very strongly when we
- 38:07discuss this because what it's able
- 38:09to do is reduce the amount of side
- 38:11effects when the even though it's
- 38:13low risk with Sentinel and biopsy,
- 38:16we're able to lower that even
- 38:17further by not removing lymph nodes
- 38:19and also a range of motion issues.
- 38:21So that's been a new,
- 38:24a new approach in surgical.
- 38:25College over the last four to five years.
- 38:29And the next slide please.
- 38:32And the specimen radiograph again, you know,
- 38:34focusing on the instrument.
- 38:35Uh, the machine in the back,
- 38:37right when we do the lower
- 38:39back we were able to do.
- 38:41Immediate specimen radiograph,
- 38:43this is very good for confirming your
- 38:46removal of the tumor of the biopsy clip,
- 38:48but it also helps with with
- 38:50helps us with margin status.
- 38:52You know one of the big things with
- 38:55successful oncologic surgery is negative
- 38:57margins for invasive cancers 2 Senate,
- 38:592 millimeters or greater for ductal
- 39:02carcinoma in situ only lobectomies
- 39:04and we're able to gain more a lot of
- 39:07information with the intraoperative
- 39:09specimen radiograph to look at the margins.
- 39:12To see as a surgeon,
- 39:13you know are things looking very good
- 39:15on that on that radio graph and to
- 39:18take shave margins at that time of
- 39:20surgery and thereby reduce the risk of
- 39:22second operations for margin resection.
- 39:24You know our goal is to keep that
- 39:28and never we can never achieve 0,
- 39:30but we want to find a very nice
- 39:32range where it's not too high,
- 39:34not too well,
- 39:34so we can have good cosmetic outcome,
- 39:36good oncologic outcomes and that
- 39:38machine is very important.
- 39:40Next slide please.
- 39:46Go back one here,
- 39:48yeah, back one more. There we are. Yeah.
- 39:52So again, this is a special radiograph.
- 39:54The larger one is A tag,
- 39:57a lumpectomy and to the the
- 39:59middle slide is a lymph node.
- 40:02You know the tiny lymph node with the
- 40:04biopsy clip in it here at at Yale over
- 40:072 routinely put a biopsy clip after a
- 40:10lymph node has been radiologically biopsied.
- 40:13And we can confirm retrieval of
- 40:15that in the operating room to
- 40:17help with our accuracy and false
- 40:19negative rates with Sentinel.
- 40:21You know biopsy.
- 40:22Next slide please.
- 40:26And with regard to clinical trials
- 40:28at the shoreline and in our clinics,
- 40:31we're able to offer you know,
- 40:34two trials, surgical trials.
- 40:36This the alliance A 011202 was open here
- 40:39and is now reached the coral and we'll be
- 40:43awaiting those results in about 5 years.
- 40:46And we've had patients who've enrolled
- 40:48and able to do their files with
- 40:50us at Shoreline and we're actively
- 40:53recruiting within the comet trial.
- 40:55You know, we're asking ourselves.
- 40:57Finally, believe it or not is
- 41:00aggressive treatment as you know,
- 41:02are invasive cancer type treatments
- 41:05necessary for precancerous disease,
- 41:07ductal carcinoma inside you and this
- 41:09is a randomized trial looking at,
- 41:12believe it or not,
- 41:14possibly omitting surgery,
- 41:15randomizing women with favorable DCIS,
- 41:19meaning a low risk to surgery or no
- 41:22surgery with the options of some
- 41:25of the other adjuvant therapies.
- 41:27Um, so we've recruited patients at
- 41:29Shoreline already in our actively
- 41:31recruiting in this,
- 41:33this trial to answer some of these
- 41:35pending questions of how aggressively do
- 41:37we need to treat ductal carcinoma in situ.
- 41:41Next slide please.
- 41:45And comprehensive care, you know,
- 41:47a lot of our discussions when
- 41:49patients come in with newly diagnosed
- 41:52breast cancer or even high risk
- 41:54things like genetic counseling,
- 41:57risk stratifying by the various risk models,
- 42:00the Gale model, the Tyra Cusick model,
- 42:03we routinely do that in our
- 42:05clinics with appropriate referrals
- 42:06due to our genetic counselors.
- 42:08They're not on site at Shoreline,
- 42:10but certainly by zoom can do referrals.
- 42:13Uh, social work we have on site social
- 42:16workers who help us uh routinely and
- 42:19we're very grateful to their help our
- 42:22outpatient oncology rehabilitation services,
- 42:25OK, not on site,
- 42:26but again a quick phone call to
- 42:29the director Scott Kaposa who is
- 42:31always willing to see our patients
- 42:34promptly and streamline them for
- 42:36various post surgical issues or
- 42:38even non post surgical issues,
- 42:40things like lymphedema.
- 42:42Um or postmastectomy, pain,
- 42:45all of those different things.
- 42:47Uh, nutrition consultation,
- 42:48again um within the system,
- 42:51we're able to access that at Smilo
- 42:53as well as smoking cessation.
- 42:56Patients have been very receptive
- 42:58to these consultations and part
- 43:00of our comprehensive care model.
- 43:03Next slide please.
- 43:07That concludes my my discussion.
- 43:09Like to thank everybody for their time.
- 43:12The Breast Center number is
- 43:13there and there's my e-mail.
- 43:15You know, certainly I encourage anybody
- 43:18to e-mail me directly and certainly
- 43:20will provide my cell phone number
- 43:23because a lot of the most difficult
- 43:26discussions I think in the primary
- 43:28care may very well be what do you do
- 43:30with some of the radiologic findings?
- 43:32We're happy to help integrate
- 43:34and answer those.
- 43:35Those questions, uh what types of follow-up
- 43:38screening strategies for high risk.
- 43:40Um, you know all of those different things.
- 43:42So always happy to help problem solve
- 43:46and would really encourage anyone
- 43:48to primary care OBGYN setting to
- 43:51certainly send an e-mail how can
- 43:53we help you remember sure surgery
- 43:55at shoreline for breast cancer,
- 43:58you know from Yale started in 2020 that
- 44:01was our first breast surgery there.
- 44:04Breast conservation so alive.
- 44:06Of changing quickly um.
- 44:08And we would like to certainly get
- 44:10your feedback on how we can help you
- 44:12navigate your patients view benign disease,
- 44:14high risk as well as malignancy.
- 44:16And there's a a shout out to Doctor
- 44:19Horowitz who started the clinic
- 44:21here several years ago with Doctor
- 44:24Kiley and it's a torture carrying
- 44:26and we've since her retirement
- 44:28we've added breast surgery and even
- 44:31expanding to reconstruction under
- 44:33the directorship of of Doctor.
- 44:36Or Salvador.
- 44:36Great things there.
- 44:37And that's Elizabeth,
- 44:39our nurse practitioner, uh Renee,
- 44:40one of our assistants, and Sherry,
- 44:43one of our our nurses and coordinators.
- 44:45Again,
- 44:46feel free to always send an e-mail
- 44:48and happy to help in any way
- 44:49we can. Thank you.
- 44:51Thank you so much, Greg.
- 44:53And I think the community had big
- 44:56concerns that we would not be able to
- 44:58fill doctor Horowitz's tremendous role in
- 45:01caring for our breast cancer patients.
- 45:04Those are big shoes to fill,
- 45:05but we're doing our best to keep up.
- 45:07So we all prioritize access and a
- 45:10high quality patient centered care
- 45:12and we're here to help anytime.
- 45:15So I'm going to turn it over to Doctor Zahir.
- 45:22It's a pleasure to introduce the
- 45:25next speaker known her for some time.
- 45:28Sarah Sarah Mcgillion is an
- 45:30associate professor of medicine,
- 45:32medical Oncology and chief chief ambulatory
- 45:35officer for Smilow Cancer Hospital.
- 45:37She cares for patients with breast
- 45:39cancer in New Haven and more recently we
- 45:42are so happy to have her in Guilford.
- 45:44She's also involved in education of students,
- 45:46residents and fellows here
- 45:48at Yale outside the clinic.
- 45:50She's involved with cancer outcomes,
- 45:53public policy and effective veness research,
- 45:56which is called Copper Center
- 45:58at Yale Cancer Center,
- 45:59with a specific interest in
- 46:01chemotherapy regimens used in the
- 46:03treatment of breast cancer and how
- 46:05they are used in clinical practice.
- 46:08So welcome, Sarah.
- 46:09Thank you for joining us today.
- 46:11Thanks, waji.
- 46:12So welcome everybody like Doctor Butler.
- 46:15I think that this is clearly a topic
- 46:18that fits very nicely into 10 minutes.
- 46:21Describe my job in 10 minutes,
- 46:23no problem. As what you said,
- 46:25I do see patients at the Guildford
- 46:28location one day a week.
- 46:30I'm also in New Haven one day a week.
- 46:32But what we're really what what
- 46:33I really want to get across is
- 46:35anything we can do in New Haven,
- 46:37we can also do in Guildford and.
- 46:38I I love working in Guildford.
- 46:41I love the parking situation.
- 46:44Air rights is my worst nightmare.
- 46:46But I love the the group that we have out
- 46:50here and I love my colleagues in Guildford.
- 46:54So with the few small exceptions
- 46:56of a couple of clinical trials
- 46:58that really have very high level
- 47:00needs and and rapid turnaround,
- 47:03we can do just about anything in
- 47:05Guildford that we can do in New Haven.
- 47:07What I really want to get across.
- 47:10If you have a patient who's been
- 47:12diagnosed with breast cancer,
- 47:13she's in for, she's in for a ride,
- 47:16most could be he,
- 47:17but she is also in for a ride.
- 47:19So if a patient has breast cancer,
- 47:20there's a multidisciplinary team
- 47:22consisting of a medical oncologist,
- 47:24a radiation oncologist,
- 47:25a surgeon and those three different
- 47:29disciplines work closely with
- 47:31our diagnostic imagers as doctor
- 47:33Philpotts has described to get
- 47:35appropriate imaging right off the bat.
- 47:37We also have social work, physical therapy.
- 47:40Nutrition, genetics,
- 47:42fertility and reproductive endocrinology,
- 47:44all prior to the patient who might
- 47:47then have to undergo chemotherapy
- 47:49prior to surgery.
- 47:50Each of those little dots is a treatment.
- 47:53Then the patient might have surgery with
- 47:56a breast surgeon and a reconstructive
- 47:58surgeon as as doctor Zaneski and
- 48:00Doctor Butler have described.
- 48:01They might continue on getting more
- 48:03chemotherapy or more anti cancer therapy
- 48:06prior to then getting radiation,
- 48:08which could be up to 30 or even more.
- 48:11Treatments, all of that.
- 48:13With nutrition,
- 48:14physical therapy all along the
- 48:18way and then once the definitive
- 48:20treatment is finished,
- 48:21there's continued follow-up visits,
- 48:23mammograms, bone density studies,
- 48:24infusions,
- 48:25physical therapy and the list goes on and on.
- 48:28So this is not one stop shopping,
- 48:30this really requires a closely knit
- 48:33group of of clinicians who are working
- 48:36together to to provide the best care.
- 48:38So just a little bit more about
- 48:41multidisciplinary care in the actual.
- 48:44Treatment of breast cancer itself.
- 48:46The goal of breast surgery is
- 48:48to remove the known cancer,
- 48:49obtain negative margins,
- 48:51evaluate the lymph nodes,
- 48:52removed the involved lymph nodes.
- 48:54Surgery alone can be curative
- 48:56radiation on top of that,
- 48:58and I don't want to steal
- 49:00Doctor Higgins's Thunder.
- 49:01However,
- 49:01the goal of radiation,
- 49:03as I like to describe it in clinic,
- 49:04is to mop up any microscopic disease in
- 49:06the breast and the regional lymph nodes,
- 49:08and this is generally administered
- 49:10after lumpectomy and can be recommended
- 49:12even after a mastectomy and this.
- 49:14The goal of radiation is to reduce local
- 49:16recurrence. So then you might say,
- 49:19well surgery, radiation,
- 49:20breast is all clean.
- 49:22Why do you need a medical oncologist?
- 49:23Well, we have a different goal
- 49:26in medical oncology and our goal
- 49:28is to mop up the microscopically
- 49:31undetectable disease systemically.
- 49:33And our goal is to reduce the risk
- 49:35of distant recurrence to reduce
- 49:36the the likelihood that a patient
- 49:38dies of metastatic breast cancer.
- 49:42Umm. Nope. I'm going to do
- 49:46a little more animation.
- 49:47This is what happens when you oops,
- 49:50when you copy forward animated things.
- 49:53So how do we decide who
- 49:55gets what medical treatment?
- 49:56It's a really complicated story.
- 49:58It takes into account patient
- 50:00characteristics, their age,
- 50:01their medical comorbidities,
- 50:03their own personal preferences.
- 50:04It takes into account tumor stage,
- 50:07which is tumor size, nodal status,
- 50:08and the presence or absence of metastatic
- 50:11disease and tumor characteristics such
- 50:12as grade hormone, receptor status.
- 50:14Her two status.
- 50:16And I know that these may
- 50:17not be quite familiar.
- 50:18Concepts,
- 50:18but they the goal of this slide is
- 50:21to just demonstrate that it's not
- 50:24one-size-fits-all for all patients.
- 50:27And based on that combination we
- 50:29then choose a systemic therapy.
- 50:31I want to review really quickly staging
- 50:33you know it's it's funny everybody
- 50:34comes into clinic and they that
- 50:36this is their number one question,
- 50:38what's my stage because apparently
- 50:40that's the most common question
- 50:42that they are asked upon revealing
- 50:44a breast cancer diagnosis stage
- 50:46is more than just the tumor,
- 50:48the nodal status and the presence
- 50:51or absence of metastases.
- 50:52More recently we started in
- 50:54incorporating some of these other.
- 50:57Features of of a breast cancer such
- 50:59as the grade, the estrogen receptor,
- 51:01the progesterone receptor and her two
- 51:04to come up with a more prognostic
- 51:06stage that's really more aligned with
- 51:09the patient's overall prognosis.
- 51:11So you might say, OK,
- 51:12well what does all that mean?
- 51:13Well grade is a measure of how
- 51:15aggressive the cancer appears
- 51:16under the microscope as described
- 51:18by our pathology colleagues.
- 51:20And in general, the higher the grade,
- 51:21the more aggressive the cancer and
- 51:23the more aggressive we have to be
- 51:25to prevent a systemic recurrence.
- 51:27Then we get on to the estrogen
- 51:29and progesterone receptors.
- 51:30These are nuclear based hormone receptors.
- 51:33They and the kind of quick and
- 51:35dirty way of thinking about these
- 51:37is if the cancer expressed expresses
- 51:39estrogen or progesterone receptors,
- 51:42it's fueled by hormones and so hormone
- 51:45deprivation or interference with
- 51:47that receptor and ligand interaction
- 51:49can be a therapeutic option and we
- 51:52have medications that do just that.
- 51:54Her two is a member of the EGFR
- 51:56family of cell surface receptors,
- 51:59and it can be overexpressed in some
- 52:01of the most aggressive breast cancers.
- 52:06Her two positive or her her
- 52:08two overexpressing cancers are
- 52:09often poorly differentiated and
- 52:10require chemotherapy and really,
- 52:12really aggressive and intense therapy.
- 52:16We also have gene expression
- 52:18profiles at our disposal that
- 52:21can help determine whether or
- 52:23not a patient needs chemotherapy.
- 52:26One such example is the Oncotype DX,
- 52:28which is a 21 cancer related gene
- 52:32expression panel that spits out a
- 52:34number on a scale of zero to 100.
- 52:37The higher the number,
- 52:38the higher the risk of the recurrence
- 52:40and if that number is over 25 in general
- 52:43chemotherapy is going to be discussed.
- 52:46It's it's a kind of a a quick and
- 52:49dirty way of thinking about what's
- 52:51the underlying biology of the cancer.
- 52:54In determining who needs chemo,
- 52:57we take a lot of things into consideration.
- 53:00We take into account medical history and
- 53:02the presence or absence of heart disease,
- 53:04diabetes, osteoporosis,
- 53:06prior venous thromboembolism,
- 53:09autoimmune disease and then importantly,
- 53:13and we haven't mentioned this much,
- 53:14but we take into account family history,
- 53:17there are a lot of different
- 53:19genetic syndromes associated with
- 53:20breast cancer and the presence or
- 53:22absence of a genetic predisposition.
- 53:24May impact not only local therapy,
- 53:26but it's becoming increasingly
- 53:28used to determine what systemic
- 53:30therapies might be used.
- 53:32So I'll quiz you all on
- 53:34this a little bit later.
- 53:35These are all the chemotherapy
- 53:37regimens actually.
- 53:37These are not all of them,
- 53:38these are some of them,
- 53:40but they're complicated and they
- 53:41all have different side effects.
- 53:43They all have different schedules,
- 53:44they all have different needs,
- 53:45different central access requirements,
- 53:49different durations.
- 53:51It's because of this that doctors
- 53:52are here and I have a job.
- 53:54So, so not to not to make light of this,
- 53:58but it's complicated and different
- 54:00regimens are used for for different.
- 54:03Different settings.
- 54:05We use a lot of different chemotherapy drugs.
- 54:08Here are some common ones and
- 54:10some of the more long-term side
- 54:11effects that can happen.
- 54:13These are really potent drugs
- 54:14that that do kill cancer,
- 54:16and it's great that they kill cancer,
- 54:17but they can cause other problems as well,
- 54:20namely cardiomyopathy with
- 54:21some of the anthracyclines,
- 54:24neuropathy with some of the taxanes,
- 54:26and and hypersensitivity
- 54:27reactions across the board.
- 54:32Just really quickly, we,
- 54:33the multidisciplinary treatment of
- 54:35breast cancer does require conversations
- 54:37for a number of different clinical
- 54:39scenarios where we have to decide, well,
- 54:41who's going first, surgery going first?
- 54:43Is chemotherapy going first? Are we,
- 54:45are we thinking about other strategies?
- 54:48And there are different
- 54:50rationales for doing either.
- 54:53It's called adjuvant systemic therapy
- 54:54when surgery is 1st and it's called
- 54:57neoadjuvant when chemotherapy is first.
- 54:59So if you ever see that in a note,
- 55:00that's kind of all that that's describing.
- 55:02But this really does require
- 55:04close communication,
- 55:05particularly between the surgeon
- 55:07and the and the medical oncologist,
- 55:09but often requires the radiation
- 55:11input as well as the reconstructive
- 55:14surgery input to to plan down the
- 55:17line once chemotherapy is complete.
- 55:20And then moving on into the more chronic
- 55:23phase of cancer of many cancer treatments,
- 55:26we use a lot of anti estrogen therapy,
- 55:29namely tamoxifen or other or aromatase
- 55:32inhibitors which work by preventing
- 55:34the peripheral aromatization
- 55:36of steroids into estrogen.
- 55:39And they work in different ways.
- 55:42They have pretty nasty
- 55:45potential side effects.
- 55:46Tamoxifen can cause vasomotor
- 55:48symptoms like hot flashes.
- 55:50Food changes.
- 55:51There's a small risk of blood
- 55:53clots and uterine cancer,
- 55:55although it may be helpful for osteoporosis.
- 55:58Aromatase inhibitors,
- 55:58on the other hand,
- 56:00can cause more of a second menopause in
- 56:03postmenopausal women with a persistent
- 56:05or even more pronounced low estrogen state,
- 56:08and can cause vasomotor symptoms,
- 56:10accelerated bone loss,
- 56:11and and even increased cholesterol.
- 56:14Once we've completed the definitive treatment
- 56:17or in and are into the surveillance phase,
- 56:21we do history and physicals one
- 56:23to four times per year.
- 56:24We do periodic screenings for family history.
- 56:27We manage some of the acute and chronic
- 56:30toxicities of our cancer treatments.
- 56:32Patients get annual mammograms.
- 56:33I think it's important to note that
- 56:36we're not doing routine surveillance
- 56:38imaging in the absence of clinical
- 56:40signs and symptoms that suggest recurrence.
- 56:43However,
- 56:43there may be a.
- 56:44A low threshold to image in the
- 56:47setting of symptoms that meet
- 56:48what I like to call the three P's
- 56:50symptoms that are perplexing,
- 56:52persistent or progressive.
- 56:53And that's that's where patients
- 56:56with a history of cancer may end up
- 56:59getting more scans as a result of.
- 57:02What may end up being being just
- 57:04a common problem then a patient
- 57:06without that same history?
- 57:08Unfortunately about 15% of the
- 57:10time are are curative treatments
- 57:13aren't effective or patients present
- 57:16with metastatic breast cancer.
- 57:19The most common sites of breast
- 57:21cancer metastases are bone,
- 57:22liver, lung,
- 57:23with brain being a distant fourth.
- 57:26Although on average the life
- 57:28expectancy after a diagnosis of
- 57:30breast cancer is about two years,
- 57:32this is a huge spectrum with
- 57:35patients that could live for
- 57:37even decades depending on some
- 57:39of their their disease burden,
- 57:41their performance status,
- 57:42what type of breast cancer they have,
- 57:44and then then the the response
- 57:47that their cancer has to treatment.
- 57:50I wanted just to mention that this
- 57:52is an area that breast cancer and
- 57:54breast oncology is an area of
- 57:56a lot of research with lots of novel
- 57:58drugs that are all at our beckon
- 58:01call and all of which can be either
- 58:06administered IV IM subcutaneously or or
- 58:09orally with new targeted agents such
- 58:13as CDK 46 inhibitors, PARP inhibitors,
- 58:16PI3 kinase inhibitors and antibody drug.
- 58:20Projects, and I'm not gonna bore you with all
- 58:22of the mechanisms of all of those things,
- 58:23but they are new and exciting,
- 58:26and we're doing an even better job
- 58:28keeping people with metastatic breast
- 58:30cancer alive for longer, to enjoy more
- 58:32quality life with their loved ones.
- 58:35That is all that I have.
- 58:38Thank you very much for the opportunity.
- 58:39I'll turn it back over
- 58:41to I think Doctor Zahir.
- 58:44Thank you, Sarah. That was wonderful.
- 58:45That was an excellent review of what we do in
- 58:4810 minutes and I completely agree with you.
- 58:50We try to do what we are doing in New
- 58:52Haven and and even more because of the very
- 58:54people that are presenting here tonight.
- 58:57So before I go on to the last speaker
- 58:59of the evening, I just want to
- 59:02mention if you have any questions,
- 59:03please be prepared to ask.
- 59:05And don't be afraid to ask
- 59:07and write them down.
- 59:08Also, there's a there's a choice to do that.
- 59:11So the next speaker is really a pleasure
- 59:14to introduce Doctor Susan Higgins,
- 59:16who I have known for forever,
- 59:18I think for many years.
- 59:19She's a professor of therapeutic
- 59:21radiology and of obstetrics,
- 59:23GYN and reproductive services.
- 59:25She she also serves as a.
- 59:27Last year of Wellness and engagement
- 59:30for therapeutic radiology and she is
- 59:32a medical director for the radiation
- 59:34Oncology at Shoreline Medical Center.
- 59:36She completed her residency in
- 59:38therapeutic radiology at Yale and
- 59:40Great Great for Yale and all of
- 59:42us that she decided to stay here.
- 59:45She for nearly 25 years has
- 59:47dedicated herself as an educator,
- 59:49mentor,
- 59:50researcher and above all a dedicated
- 59:53clinician at Yale.
- 59:54It's really a pleasure to work with her.
- 59:57We all,
- 59:58the all the patients as well as
- 01:00:01the staff at at the shoreline are
- 01:00:04so grateful that she's here with
- 01:00:06us and takes care of our patients.
- 01:00:08Thank you.
- 01:00:13So then you're muted.
- 01:00:15Yep. Thank you Angie.
- 01:00:17I'm going to share my screen
- 01:00:18and hopefully let me get to.
- 01:00:24Let's see if I can get this
- 01:00:26to show the slideshow. OK.
- 01:00:29Hold on one second. OK.
- 01:00:31Can everybody see that?
- 01:00:34So one of the things I wanted to
- 01:00:35do was just a little bit of a,
- 01:00:37a little bit of a historic overview before
- 01:00:39I talk about radiation and and basically.
- 01:00:43It continues on some of the themes
- 01:00:44that others have talked about here.
- 01:00:46But in terms of the regional
- 01:00:48oncology services and the shoreline,
- 01:00:49you know we started the Shoreline
- 01:00:52Medical Center actually it's now
- 01:00:53about 18 years ago and it was one
- 01:00:55of the first places where we were
- 01:00:57able to get Yale medical Oncology,
- 01:01:00radiation oncology and diagnostic
- 01:01:02imaging under the same roof.
- 01:01:04And I think we all had you know
- 01:01:06great hopes for the shoreline that
- 01:01:08are all now sort of coming true.
- 01:01:10So it's it's a really exciting
- 01:01:12time to be here.
- 01:01:13And Umm, we had served at this phase
- 01:01:16of the Yale New Haven Hospital,
- 01:01:18Shoreline Medical Center phase
- 01:01:19in the early 2000s,
- 01:01:21but then we in 2019 here,
- 01:01:24well in the near term we had this
- 01:01:25smile all of course expansion
- 01:01:27of our Cancer Center downtown
- 01:01:28with the Smilow Cancer Center.
- 01:01:30And then in 2019,
- 01:01:32the investment in our infrastructure here
- 01:01:34with the renovation and expansion of
- 01:01:37all of our oncology and imaging services,
- 01:01:40including upgrades that gave
- 01:01:42us a beautiful surgical center.
- 01:01:45With more accommodations for our
- 01:01:47breast surgeons including our
- 01:01:49plastic surgeons and more space for
- 01:01:51our medical oncology colleagues.
- 01:01:53And I think that you know we continue
- 01:01:56to build the team and build the services.
- 01:01:59And what we're seeing now in 2022
- 01:02:02as my colleagues have spoken about
- 01:02:04is that we really have a truly
- 01:02:08comprehensive multidisciplinary
- 01:02:09oncology Center for breast care here
- 01:02:12and we are happy to see you know in our.
- 01:02:15Our catchment area is expanding.
- 01:02:17And you know,
- 01:02:18we're just very happy to serve the
- 01:02:20community and I think that as you know,
- 01:02:22we continue to to grow.
- 01:02:24We're seeing a lot of gratitude from
- 01:02:26the patients and it's just a great
- 01:02:27place to work and a great place to Park,
- 01:02:30right, Sarah?
- 01:02:33Not only a great place to work
- 01:02:34but a great place to Park.
- 01:02:35But anyway, so I just wanted to you know
- 01:02:37just I think if I get one point across
- 01:02:39is we're happy to see your patients,
- 01:02:41we love working here and you know
- 01:02:43it's one stop shopping for patients
- 01:02:45with breast cancer and it's sort of
- 01:02:47a dream come true for a lot of us.
- 01:02:49So basically with regard to
- 01:02:52radiation therapy.
- 01:02:54To do a little bit of an overview,
- 01:02:56uh, people know a little less about
- 01:02:58radiation than they do about some
- 01:02:59of the other oncologic disciplines.
- 01:03:01So I'll just start with like a
- 01:03:03little tiny intro of radiation 101,
- 01:03:05then talk about radiation therapy
- 01:03:07and the multidisciplinary treatment
- 01:03:09of breast cancer,
- 01:03:10both for breast conservation and
- 01:03:12patients who have had a mastectomy.
- 01:03:15And one of the technical advances that I
- 01:03:17wanted to talk about today is one of our,
- 01:03:20our, our projects that we began a few
- 01:03:22years ago that's at all of our sites.
- 01:03:24That has really changed what we do with
- 01:03:26regard to treatment and that's the deep
- 01:03:29inspiration breath hold technique.
- 01:03:30And then finally,
- 01:03:31I thought it would be helpful to
- 01:03:33speak about some of the things
- 01:03:34that we do for our patients with
- 01:03:36metastatic disease because as our
- 01:03:37systemic therapies are getting better,
- 01:03:40we're being called upon.
- 01:03:42We as radiation oncologists are being
- 01:03:44called upon now even more to help
- 01:03:47with the sites of sanctuary sites
- 01:03:49like the CNS and some extracranial
- 01:03:51sites have been static disease.
- 01:03:53So, you know, for five decades now,
- 01:03:56radiation therapy has been an
- 01:03:58essential part of the oncologic
- 01:03:59triad of oncologic treatments and
- 01:04:01about 50% of people who have cancer
- 01:04:04receive radiation therapy during
- 01:04:05their course of their illness.
- 01:04:09And it's radiation is a key component
- 01:04:12of curative breast cancer treatment,
- 01:04:14both in breast conservation therapy
- 01:04:16where patients who receive lumpectomy
- 01:04:18in general with a few exceptions,
- 01:04:20but most patients who get a lumpectomy.
- 01:04:22It's followed by as as
- 01:04:24Doctor Mccallion pointed out,
- 01:04:26we are the cleanup crew radiation
- 01:04:27therapies used to take care of
- 01:04:29microscopic cells that might be
- 01:04:31left in the breast or nodes and
- 01:04:33following mastectomy select patients,
- 01:04:34not all, but many patients received
- 01:04:38postmastectomy radiation therapy.
- 01:04:39To reduce the risk of local
- 01:04:42regional recurrence.
- 01:04:43In either case, radiation has been
- 01:04:46shown to be really safe and effective,
- 01:04:47and it can reduce the risk of local
- 01:04:50and regional recurrences by 50 to 70%.
- 01:04:52And in certain patient subsets,
- 01:04:54radiation therapy is associated
- 01:04:56with an increase in survival.
- 01:04:59And in general, um, this very,
- 01:05:01very basic radiobiology.
- 01:05:03It's ionizing radiation causes damage
- 01:05:06to cellular DNA and in malignant cells.
- 01:05:09They are not able to repair this DNA
- 01:05:12damage and they cannot reproduce
- 01:05:15in normal cells.
- 01:05:16There's also damage to the DNA,
- 01:05:17but it's normal cells are better able
- 01:05:21to repair this type of DNA damage.
- 01:05:24And radiation therapy is delivered
- 01:05:25with the linear accelerator.
- 01:05:27We have two bays downstairs
- 01:05:29in our department,
- 01:05:31we'd say emits high energy photon beams and
- 01:05:33we target the breast and regional nodes.
- 01:05:36And what you see here is just a
- 01:05:37schematic of a patient on the
- 01:05:39treatment table getting what we
- 01:05:40would call breast tangents.
- 01:05:42And in the upper right hand corner,
- 01:05:43you can see that we're targeting
- 01:05:45the breast and we basically have a
- 01:05:48tangential field that comes across
- 01:05:50the chest wall and you can see that
- 01:05:52sometimes we have a little bit of underlying.
- 01:05:54Along in the field and we're going
- 01:05:56to talk about that in a minute.
- 01:05:57But basically,
- 01:05:58as Doctor Magellan referred to,
- 01:06:00we do daily treatments and it's delivered
- 01:06:02over the course of three to six weeks,
- 01:06:04so there is some time involved.
- 01:06:07Treatment again is directed at
- 01:06:09the breast or chest wall with
- 01:06:11or without the regional nodes.
- 01:06:13And the way it's done is in
- 01:06:15terms of the just logistics,
- 01:06:17patients come in for something
- 01:06:19called the simulation,
- 01:06:19which is a CAT scan and they're
- 01:06:21immobilized in the position that
- 01:06:22we're going to use for treatment.
- 01:06:24And basically it's shown here
- 01:06:26they're on a slant board.
- 01:06:28The arms are over the head because
- 01:06:29we need to have the arms out of the
- 01:06:31way when we treat the breast and
- 01:06:32the nose with with fields that are
- 01:06:34directed and those at the chest.
- 01:06:37And what we get is a CT scan that
- 01:06:39shows us the patient's entire,
- 01:06:41you know,
- 01:06:41body and we can do sort of a 3D
- 01:06:44reconstruction. Of their body.
- 01:06:46And the doctor then goes to the
- 01:06:49computer and we use that CT data
- 01:06:51set to contour.
- 01:06:52We will contour out the targets
- 01:06:54which are the breast and the nodes
- 01:06:57and then the physician prescribes
- 01:06:58the the dose to those targets.
- 01:07:00Then then our sophisticated
- 01:07:03treatment planning system
- 01:07:04comes up with what we
- 01:07:06call a 3D conformal plan.
- 01:07:07It's a basically the optimal beam
- 01:07:09arrangement and the beam strength
- 01:07:11and beam shape to maximize the dose
- 01:07:13to the targets which breast in nodes
- 01:07:16and minimize the dose to the organs
- 01:07:18at risk like the lung and heart.
- 01:07:21So this is sort of a what a
- 01:07:23this actually comes right off of
- 01:07:25our treatment planning system.
- 01:07:26This is what you would see when
- 01:07:28you do that 3D conformal treatment
- 01:07:30in the upper left hand corner.
- 01:07:32I don't know if you could see
- 01:07:33my can you see my pointer here?
- 01:07:35Probably not, but in the upper,
- 01:07:37you can't good in the upper left hand corner.
- 01:07:39Thank you, Sarah.
- 01:07:40You can see there are two tangential
- 01:07:43fields and there's a green that
- 01:07:45represents the dose to the breast tissue.
- 01:07:47So this would be a right breast cancer,
- 01:07:49a beam would be coming this way
- 01:07:50from the right,
- 01:07:51a beam from the left and then a
- 01:07:54single field that's pointed at the
- 01:07:57patient for the Super cloud fields.
- 01:07:58But this would be a typical sort of
- 01:08:01dose distribution and this is the,
- 01:08:02this is what the physician basically is.
- 01:08:05Is going to you know devise in order
- 01:08:08to treat that patients breast cancer.
- 01:08:10I'm a have one sort of schematic here
- 01:08:13just to show you again this is a
- 01:08:16cross section of a patient's heart.
- 01:08:18In Gray's lungs in black,
- 01:08:21the actual treatment fields for
- 01:08:22a right breast cancer,
- 01:08:24one would be the lateral field,
- 01:08:25one would be a medial field and the
- 01:08:28beams basically treat the breast and
- 01:08:30just some of the underlying lung.
- 01:08:34For postmastectomy radiation,
- 01:08:35it's very similar sort of theme.
- 01:08:39But in this case, we're treating the
- 01:08:41chest wall or a reconstructed breast,
- 01:08:44whether that's an implant or a
- 01:08:47deep flap and the regional notes.
- 01:08:49So again, you can see on the patient
- 01:08:51that the regional notes up above in
- 01:08:53the clavicle area and under the arm are
- 01:08:55being treated along with the chest wall.
- 01:08:58And not everyone who has a mastectomy
- 01:09:01needs postmastectomy radiation.
- 01:09:02We often have lots of discussions
- 01:09:04with patients about whether they
- 01:09:06fall into the category that is high
- 01:09:08risk and that usually includes.
- 01:09:10Patients with positive nodes AT3 or
- 01:09:13larger tumor or a positive margin.
- 01:09:18So what has happened over the years
- 01:09:20is that our technical advances have
- 01:09:23basically been aimed at making this
- 01:09:26a safer treatment, and that means
- 01:09:28maximizing the dose of the target,
- 01:09:30minimizing the dose to the underlying
- 01:09:32organs and for left press treatment,
- 01:09:34the underlying organs that we're
- 01:09:36trying to spare a lung and heart.
- 01:09:38So one of the new things we've
- 01:09:40been able to do in the last few
- 01:09:43years is to address this with the
- 01:09:45deep inspiration breath hold.
- 01:09:47Technique.
- 01:09:47But let me just show you what the
- 01:09:50challenge is from an anatomic standpoint.
- 01:09:52I think was just showing you that the
- 01:09:54tangent fields that we're trying to
- 01:09:55use are coming across the chest wall
- 01:09:57and you're trying to treat the green,
- 01:09:59which is the breast tissue without
- 01:10:01encountering too much lung,
- 01:10:03which is black and heart circled here in red.
- 01:10:07But the problem is, in many ladies,
- 01:10:09the heart and lung are immediately
- 01:10:11adjacent to our target.
- 01:10:12And in the past,
- 01:10:14we could adjust the beams,
- 01:10:15we could change the strength of the beam,
- 01:10:17the angle of the beam,
- 01:10:18we could shape the beam,
- 01:10:19but we couldn't change the anatomy.
- 01:10:22So we do now have a technique to
- 01:10:24do that and it's called the deep
- 01:10:27inspiration breath hole technique.
- 01:10:29And it's there are two things
- 01:10:31we need to do this we have to
- 01:10:34use in surface imaging system.
- 01:10:36Uh,
- 01:10:36a specific surface imaging system
- 01:10:37that I'll show you in a minute,
- 01:10:39and a special gated treatment
- 01:10:42delivery system.
- 01:10:44So the surface imaging system is
- 01:10:46a new technology that allows us to
- 01:10:50map out and actually in real time
- 01:10:53put a surface map on a patient.
- 01:10:55Using a light system,
- 01:10:57there are three cameras and
- 01:10:59we're able to check a patient's
- 01:11:02position prior to treatment.
- 01:11:04And see if they're in the correct position.
- 01:11:07By looking at the overlay of a pre
- 01:11:09sort of pre recorded or pre obtained
- 01:11:12body contour and basically when
- 01:11:14blue and green coincide they're in
- 01:11:16the exact right position position.
- 01:11:18Every part of their body is within a few
- 01:11:21millimeters on you know where it should be,
- 01:11:23but if you see red or yellow that
- 01:11:26means that body part is in or out of
- 01:11:28the plane of the field and basically
- 01:11:30that allows us to maneuver them in the
- 01:11:33exact position prior to treatment,
- 01:11:35which is really important again
- 01:11:37when we're trying to.
- 01:11:38Deliver with, you know,
- 01:11:40sub millimeter to millimeter accuracy.
- 01:11:42The other thing this does is allows
- 01:11:44us to track in real time this these
- 01:11:46cameras are on in real time and
- 01:11:48giving constant feedback so that as a
- 01:11:50patient's chest wall changes in the
- 01:11:53motion of the chest as the chest wall moves,
- 01:11:56we are all we are able
- 01:11:57to track the chest wall.
- 01:11:59And that allows us to perform
- 01:12:01what we call gated treatments.
- 01:12:03So when the patient is breathing
- 01:12:05we can choose when to deliver
- 01:12:07radiation and when to have the
- 01:12:09radiation beam stopped and we call
- 01:12:12those gated treatments.
- 01:12:13So it actually all starts
- 01:12:14when we simulate the patient.
- 01:12:16So when they come in for simulation
- 01:12:18and we used a basically a
- 01:12:20just a mockup of a torso here.
- 01:12:22But when they come in,
- 01:12:23there's a a camera here that
- 01:12:25actually starts to collect this data
- 01:12:27on their surface of the patient,
- 01:12:29collects the surface image and
- 01:12:31we pick up a spot for tracking
- 01:12:34their chest wall motion.
- 01:12:35And who so once we picked that spot?
- 01:12:40We then have the patient start
- 01:12:42breathing and where this is what
- 01:12:43we're seeing in the control room,
- 01:12:45the patients actually in,
- 01:12:47let's imagine this patients in the simulator.
- 01:12:49And we're tracking this position on
- 01:12:51their chest. They have these goggles on.
- 01:12:54We asked them to basically,
- 01:12:58this is their baseline breath
- 01:12:59and then we ask them to inhale.
- 01:13:01You'll see they'll hold their
- 01:13:02breath and then we exhale and
- 01:13:04the baseline breathing inhale.
- 01:13:06What we're trying to do is figure
- 01:13:08out exactly what position can they
- 01:13:11sort of reproducibly obtain with,
- 01:13:13you know, expanding their chest.
- 01:13:15In other words,
- 01:13:16what's their kind of comfortable
- 01:13:18breath hold volume?
- 01:13:20And it's really cool because what was
- 01:13:21really interesting about this is we thought,
- 01:13:23oh,
- 01:13:23this is going to be too much for patients.
- 01:13:24It's going to make them really nervous.
- 01:13:26But what was really cool about it
- 01:13:28was it gave them something to do.
- 01:13:30And the Goggles Act
- 01:13:32sort of like A to insulate them from other,
- 01:13:35like, distractors.
- 01:13:35And it actually helped a lot of our
- 01:13:38patients feel more comfortable.
- 01:13:39And I think people like to
- 01:13:41participate in their care.
- 01:13:42You know, people like say, oh,
- 01:13:43what can I do to help myself?
- 01:13:44And when we tell them this is something
- 01:13:46you could do and you can't do it wrong,
- 01:13:48they like that.
- 01:13:50So when we do the simulation and you look at.
- 01:13:53The comparison will do
- 01:13:55basically a simulation.
- 01:13:56We'll look at it in free breathing,
- 01:13:57and we'll look at what their
- 01:13:58chest looks like in breath.
- 01:13:59Hold on the left.
- 01:14:01You can see this patient in free breathing.
- 01:14:04The chest is right up against,
- 01:14:06I'm sorry, the the.
- 01:14:07Heart is right up against the chest wall.
- 01:14:10You could see the heart sitting on the
- 01:14:12diaphragm on the right when they expand
- 01:14:15their chest and the diaphragm moves down.
- 01:14:17The heart that creates a little space
- 01:14:19between the heart and the chest wall.
- 01:14:21So diaphragm drops and the heart moves
- 01:14:23down and away from the chest wall.
- 01:14:26So now when we go to do our planning.
- 01:14:28So Step 2,
- 01:14:29as you did your simulation,
- 01:14:31now you want to go back and
- 01:14:32do your treatment plan.
- 01:14:33And on the left you could see free breathing.
- 01:14:36The chest is sort of collapsed.
- 01:14:38And there's the line.
- 01:14:39That little green line is where we'd like
- 01:14:40to put the edge of our tangent field.
- 01:14:42You could see it's right near,
- 01:14:43actually right near the left
- 01:14:45anterior descending artery.
- 01:14:46But when the patient on the
- 01:14:47is doing their breath hold,
- 01:14:49this is the same patient on
- 01:14:50the right and breath hold.
- 01:14:51We've moved the chest on the
- 01:14:53contents of the chest such that
- 01:14:55the heart is now moved away from
- 01:14:57the field and a smaller portion of
- 01:14:59the lung is now being radiated.
- 01:15:00So actually you know it was really
- 01:15:02a game changer because now you know
- 01:15:04your your sort of therapeutic ratio,
- 01:15:06your risk benefit is really
- 01:15:09changed because you've been able
- 01:15:11to change the internal organs.
- 01:15:13And then finally,
- 01:15:13when they get on the treatment machine,
- 01:15:15you have to have what's called
- 01:15:16a gated delivery system.
- 01:15:17So now we've set up the plan.
- 01:15:20They know what to do with the goggles,
- 01:15:21but when you actually deliver radiation,
- 01:15:23you have to have a system that
- 01:15:25basically will only give the
- 01:15:27radiation when they're in the
- 01:15:28exact correct breath hold position.
- 01:15:30And I tell them you can't do it wrong
- 01:15:33because they all get nervous about that.
- 01:15:35But basically we have three cameras in
- 01:15:37the room and the three cameras again
- 01:15:39are tracking the patient's chest wall motion.
- 01:15:42And we have,
- 01:15:43the patient has their goggles in the goggles,
- 01:15:46they see this little green box
- 01:15:47and the orange is like sort of a,
- 01:15:49a vertical line that goes up and down.
- 01:15:50And this biofeedback allows them
- 01:15:52to position their chest in exactly
- 01:15:55the right spot and when they're
- 01:15:57in that spot
- 01:15:58and their chest wall is expanded.
- 01:16:00The beam goes on,
- 01:16:01treatments delivered in 20 seconds,
- 01:16:0330 seconds at a time and when
- 01:16:05they exhale the beam goes off.
- 01:16:08So this is a way that you know
- 01:16:10again with this system that we use
- 01:16:12we can significantly reduce the
- 01:16:13the dose to the heart and lung.
- 01:16:15And again it was a real game changer
- 01:16:17because this is an actually this is
- 01:16:19being used with lymphomas and other
- 01:16:21thoracic malignancies because now
- 01:16:23using breath hold we can actually
- 01:16:25change their anatomy to suit what
- 01:16:27we need to do for the malignancy.
- 01:16:30And then just two final things
- 01:16:32I wanted to speak about.
- 01:16:34Now that we have such great
- 01:16:36systemic therapies,
- 01:16:37we are seeing that we're using more
- 01:16:40and more radiation therapy and a
- 01:16:43stereotactic fashion to deliver radiation.
- 01:16:47In higher doses to more targeted
- 01:16:50sites so that we can optimize the
- 01:16:53control of both intracranial and
- 01:16:55extracranial metastatic disease.
- 01:16:57For intracranial metastatic disease,
- 01:17:00we have the only gamma knife stereotactic
- 01:17:03radiosurgery unit in the state.
- 01:17:05We have a huge gamma knife program.
- 01:17:07It's very active.
- 01:17:08I don't know how many thousands
- 01:17:10of patients they see a year,
- 01:17:11but it's I'd say the gamma knife is
- 01:17:13pretty much running almost all the time.
- 01:17:16Now we also have a new program
- 01:17:18with Doctor Ann,
- 01:17:19which is the Spine SRS program
- 01:17:23and that program with Doctor
- 01:17:25Mandel is getting very active.
- 01:17:27And I'll just.
- 01:17:28I'll give the little background in why
- 01:17:30we do spine radiosurgery in a minute,
- 01:17:32but we also have the ability to do
- 01:17:34body radio surgery and that would
- 01:17:37be for sites that again someone
- 01:17:39has a long disease free interval,
- 01:17:41something comes up in a site that
- 01:17:43we feel might be the only site or a
- 01:17:45limited site of extracranial metastatic
- 01:17:47disease. We can also do body SRS.
- 01:17:51So any type of stereotactic radiosurgery
- 01:17:53requires a very highly precise,
- 01:17:56precise treatment and a
- 01:17:58lot of immobilization.
- 01:18:00But the advantage there is
- 01:18:01that you can treat a large,
- 01:18:02a small target with extremely
- 01:18:04high doses and very high dose,
- 01:18:07steep falloff of dose.
- 01:18:08So very little dose to the
- 01:18:10surrounding tissue and it's typically
- 01:18:12done in a single fraction.
- 01:18:14This is actually being used very,
- 01:18:16very frequently for lung cancers.
- 01:18:18Now for early stage lung cancer,
- 01:18:20the benefit from metastases is,
- 01:18:22is that you can get more durable local
- 01:18:24control and again in select patients.
- 01:18:28As they spoke about with the spine SBRT
- 01:18:31program, the spine SBRT, here's just a.
- 01:18:35Schematic that shows how precise it is.
- 01:18:37You can see that you can take this very
- 01:18:39high dose curve which is red and wrap
- 01:18:42a very high dose around the vertebral
- 01:18:44body while avoiding the spinal canal,
- 01:18:47canal, spinal cord and that dose can be
- 01:18:50adjusted within again a few millimeters.
- 01:18:53It's a very precise treatment.
- 01:18:54It requires milligrams, etcetera,
- 01:18:56but very helpful for various
- 01:18:59patient populations.
- 01:19:00Spinus PRT is being used for people
- 01:19:03with oligo metastatic disease,
- 01:19:04especially if it's a new diagnosis.
- 01:19:07Some people have a limited metastatic
- 01:19:09lesion after a long interval
- 01:19:11from their primary diagnosis.
- 01:19:13Or for people who have previously
- 01:19:16radiated spine metastases,
- 01:19:18we've done maybe external beam,
- 01:19:20and then they have a recurrence,
- 01:19:21which is unusual,
- 01:19:22but maybe a recurrence a few years later.
- 01:19:24We can give this and spare the spinal
- 01:19:27cord and treat the vertebral body.
- 01:19:29And finally,
- 01:19:30just our gamma knife program and
- 01:19:33especially in this era of of very,
- 01:19:35very effective targeted therapies,
- 01:19:38we still have the,
- 01:19:41the brain is still a sanctuary site.
- 01:19:43We are still dealing with people who
- 01:19:46have uncontrolled or come to us with
- 01:19:49uncontrolled intracranial disease.
- 01:19:50And with our gamma knife program,
- 01:19:52we're able to deliver very high doses of
- 01:19:54radiation to multiple brain metastases.
- 01:19:57It's a single treatment session.
- 01:19:58People go home.
- 01:19:59I know that Doctor Bindra says his famous,
- 01:20:02his,
- 01:20:02his favorite call is like the people who say,
- 01:20:04Oh yeah,
- 01:20:04I just went golfing like the guys like
- 01:20:0624 hours out and he gives him a follow
- 01:20:08up call and the guy was out golfing.
- 01:20:10It's a very,
- 01:20:11very beneficial,
- 01:20:12very effective treatment and gives more
- 01:20:15durable local control for brain medicine,
- 01:20:17significant decrease in morbidity
- 01:20:19when compared with our standard
- 01:20:21whole brain radiation therapy.
- 01:20:23And you know,
- 01:20:24Doctor Chang and my other colleagues are
- 01:20:26just always available and a doctor is
- 01:20:28here and I work really closely with them.
- 01:20:31And and Doctor Mcgauley and we we can
- 01:20:33get those patients to the gamma knife
- 01:20:35people to the spine radio surgeons
- 01:20:37and anything they need at any time.
- 01:20:39So we we have a very like hand in
- 01:20:41glove type of relationship with them.
- 01:20:43So basically radiation therapy
- 01:20:45to summarize is an essential
- 01:20:47part of the multidisciplinary.
- 01:20:50Treatment for breast cancer,
- 01:20:51it's very safe and effective and
- 01:20:53you know I think the DBH is making
- 01:20:55it even more safe and effective and
- 01:20:57it reduces the risk of local and
- 01:21:00regional recurrence by 50 to 70%.
- 01:21:02And you know what's really I think
- 01:21:04going to help in the future with
- 01:21:06quality of life for patients,
- 01:21:08especially for gamma knife is the
- 01:21:10use of these stereotactic procedures
- 01:21:13to to control local regional
- 01:21:15disease and metastatic disease.
- 01:21:17Thank you very much.
- 01:21:22Thank you Susan for a very you
- 01:21:25know good comprehensive review,
- 01:21:27comprehensive with short review of radiation
- 01:21:29oncology and what we provide here.
- 01:21:32The the biggest thing is availability
- 01:21:34of all the providers and really the
- 01:21:36great thing that I can call you and
- 01:21:38get the person in fairly quickly
- 01:21:40within the same day or sometimes
- 01:21:42within 24 hours and that's wonderful.
- 01:21:45So thank you very much for everybody
- 01:21:47to to join us today and I just
- 01:21:49was hoping we would have some
- 01:21:50questions from the audience.
- 01:21:54I had. I don't see any.
- 01:21:56No, there is one question here.
- 01:21:58I'm going to stop sharing. There we go.
- 01:22:02I don't know how do they ask
- 01:22:03questions, I'm not sure.
- 01:22:06I'm looking at the question
- 01:22:07answer in the in the chat,
- 01:22:08but I don't see any so.
- 01:22:12So I may ask one question of all the,
- 01:22:14you know, all the speakers
- 01:22:16tonight and anyone can answer.
- 01:22:18Umm, it's a very simple question.
- 01:22:21What do you think is the most
- 01:22:23important advance in breast cancer
- 01:22:24over the past year and it can be
- 01:22:27one or two sentences and we can
- 01:22:28finish up this meeting this evening.
- 01:22:30Sarah, you want to start.
- 01:22:33So in in breast medical oncology,
- 01:22:35I think the the biggest breakthrough was
- 01:22:37the use of an antibody drug conjugate,
- 01:22:40which is kind of like a.
- 01:22:42Very directed heat seeking missile
- 01:22:44toward the her two protein which is
- 01:22:47effective in not just people who have
- 01:22:49truly hurt to overexpressing cancers,
- 01:22:51but lots of different other kinds that
- 01:22:53have very low levels of expression.
- 01:22:55Kind of revolutionary in the
- 01:22:57treatment of metastatic disease waji.
- 01:22:59I would point out that there is a
- 01:23:01question that asks about the best way to
- 01:23:03initiate a referral to the breast team.
- 01:23:06You can answer there,
- 01:23:07OK. We are happy to take referrals
- 01:23:12through any referrals to breast
- 01:23:14surgery can be breast surgery.
- 01:23:16Guildford can be breast surgery New Haven.
- 01:23:18And a part of our process is to try
- 01:23:20to make sure that we're accommodating
- 01:23:22where the patient's coming from.
- 01:23:24So that if the patient is
- 01:23:25located on the shoreline,
- 01:23:26we really try to get them into
- 01:23:28the shoreline because there's no
- 01:23:29reason for them to shut down and
- 01:23:31tolerate the air rights garage.
- 01:23:34And you know, if there's ever any question,
- 01:23:35you're welcome to call us.
- 01:23:37Any one of us call me especially
- 01:23:38if you want to. I mean,
- 01:23:40I will get the person in right away.
- 01:23:42All of the providers here.
- 01:23:44I know, I know they can,
- 01:23:45they can make space.
- 01:23:49I happen to know that people sit in
- 01:23:51the queue for our referrals for less
- 01:23:53than 24 hours, so we usually make those
- 01:23:55appointments within one business day.
- 01:24:00So Leanne, what do you want to tell
- 01:24:02us about the latest development
- 01:24:04in radiology over the past year,
- 01:24:07there have been many.
- 01:24:10In the past year.
- 01:24:13Not really sure if there's anything
- 01:24:15really in the in the past year.
- 01:24:18I mean there are things artificial
- 01:24:21intelligence is obviously
- 01:24:22taking off in breast imaging.
- 01:24:24It's a challenging area though
- 01:24:25compared to other areas of radiology.
- 01:24:27Mammography is just really
- 01:24:29one of the hardest things.
- 01:24:32But I think we'll see that coming
- 01:24:34very shortly and that should help
- 01:24:36us some you know hopefully improve
- 01:24:38our accuracy and reduce again
- 01:24:40reduce a lot of false positives.
- 01:24:42I think that's that's where I see it,
- 01:24:44it helping a lot.
- 01:24:46I can't share any more slides
- 01:24:48on Thomas synthesis,
- 01:24:48but we're going to be presenting
- 01:24:50data next month looking,
- 01:24:51you know,
- 01:24:52we've been doing it for 10 years
- 01:24:54and looking at all of our cancers
- 01:24:56on detected with Thomas synthesis
- 01:24:58and comparing it with the 2D
- 01:25:00mammography and we are finding a
- 01:25:02difference in the advanced cancers,
- 01:25:04significantly fewer advanced cancers, so.
- 01:25:09You know,
- 01:25:10that's it's encouraging you know,
- 01:25:13because we just don't want
- 01:25:13to find more cancers,
- 01:25:14we want to find the bad cancers and we're
- 01:25:16finding the bad cancers at a a lower stage.
- 01:25:18So really feel good about that.
- 01:25:22So, you know,
- 01:25:23definitely tomosynthesis is is here to stay,
- 01:25:25there's no doubt about that.
- 01:25:26But yeah,
- 01:25:27I think AI is going to
- 01:25:28be the next big thing.
- 01:25:31Any of the other speakers,
- 01:25:33Paris or Greg, Susan,
- 01:25:36I would say in the in the plastic
- 01:25:39and reconstructive surgery space.
- 01:25:41The medical devices, the the prosthesis,
- 01:25:43the implants they get better and better.
- 01:25:44We're on our fifth generation of
- 01:25:46implants at this point in time and
- 01:25:48they they increasingly get more sturdy.
- 01:25:50I have been in practice long enough.
- 01:25:52So president plants of silicone
- 01:25:54breast implants have been
- 01:25:55out for well over 50 years.
- 01:25:56And that first generation and even second
- 01:25:58generation when they ruptured it was it
- 01:26:00was a nightmare to to remove them and I
- 01:26:02I've had to do more than my fair share.
- 01:26:05This fifth generation they
- 01:26:08call them cohesive, stable so.
- 01:26:11The gummy bear implants.
- 01:26:11So you can imagine a gummy bear,
- 01:26:13if you cut a gummy bear in half,
- 01:26:14nothing leaks out.
- 01:26:15That's what all of these
- 01:26:16new devices are like,
- 01:26:17which is which is of of benefit in in many,
- 01:26:20many ways.
- 01:26:21One is they tended to have better durability.
- 01:26:26The second is that they tend to
- 01:26:27have longer and better projection
- 01:26:29for a longer period of time.
- 01:26:31So I would say and over the course
- 01:26:33of the year this most recent
- 01:26:35generations kind of come out and
- 01:26:37really has become very popular.
- 01:26:39Great.
- 01:26:41Greg, yeah, absolutely. You know,
- 01:26:46as we go through training,
- 01:26:47you know through residency and
- 01:26:49fellowship I think and also the the
- 01:26:51menu clinical trials we see at breast.
- 01:26:53I think I think what I've seen the
- 01:26:56most is the patients now inactive
- 01:26:58participant. Yeah, they they now
- 01:27:01have a big voice in terms of how
- 01:27:03much imaging they want to do,
- 01:27:05how much treatment they want to do.
- 01:27:07With the help of medical oncology
- 01:27:09we can reduce your tumor burden and
- 01:27:12give them more surgical options
- 01:27:13with the help of plastic surgery.
- 01:27:16You know we're able to give them
- 01:27:17more options and and I think what
- 01:27:19we're going to see more and more
- 01:27:20is more options of de escalation.
- 01:27:22You know as we're accumulating
- 01:27:24more trials we're finding that
- 01:27:26you know maybe less axillary lymph
- 01:27:28node dissections and surgeries,
- 01:27:30maybe patients are going to
- 01:27:31be doing just as well.
- 01:27:33We have a lot of trials that have met
- 01:27:36accuro and are going to be releasing their,
- 01:27:39you know their data in five years
- 01:27:41and I think it's nice to see
- 01:27:44you know the patient advocacy.
- 01:27:46For themselves and and they've really
- 01:27:48been an active participant and you
- 01:27:50know it's nice to see physicians
- 01:27:52who have had an open year and a lot
- 01:27:54of our conversations are are really
- 01:27:56you know geared toward them and and
- 01:27:58we're happy to provide all those
- 01:28:00different operations different options.
- 01:28:01So it's really been enlightening.
- 01:28:04Thank you. That's, that's great.
- 01:28:06Susan, you want to add something?
- 01:28:08I I would say that the thing I've
- 01:28:09seen over the last few years that's
- 01:28:12been gratifying on a personal level
- 01:28:13and I think my colleagues are,
- 01:28:15we're just enjoying working with our
- 01:28:18plastics colleagues and making sort
- 01:28:20of this I think multidisciplinary
- 01:28:24efforts of knowing when and how to
- 01:28:26kind of coordinate the radiation
- 01:28:28with regard to all the different
- 01:28:31reconstruction techniques has been
- 01:28:32really gratifying and as they check.
- 01:28:35Says the techniques change.
- 01:28:36We like to learn how to change with them.
- 01:28:38So I think that, you know,
- 01:28:42radiation therapy in the post mastectomy
- 01:28:44setting has gotten more and more complex,
- 01:28:46but in a good way because I think that.
- 01:28:49Our group, you know,
- 01:28:50we all have very good communication and
- 01:28:52we're able to sort of preempt a lot of
- 01:28:55the issues that I think maybe in the
- 01:28:58beginning of many years ago when we
- 01:29:01people started doing plastics procedures,
- 01:29:03we didn't know all the questions
- 01:29:04to ask up front.
- 01:29:05But now I think we have a really
- 01:29:07great workflow for communicating
- 01:29:09with their colleagues and patients
- 01:29:11get really good oncologic as well
- 01:29:14as plastics outcomes because we're
- 01:29:15all sort of on the same page and
- 01:29:18speaking the same language.
- 01:29:19So I think our patients really
- 01:29:20benefit from that.
- 01:29:21I think all of us have a lot of
- 01:29:24sort of satisfaction from that
- 01:29:25part of our job and it continues
- 01:29:27to evolve and get better.
- 01:29:30Thank you. Thank you very much.
- 01:29:31I think we are just about to overtime
- 01:29:33and I really greatly appreciate all
- 01:29:35of you for joining us and really
- 01:29:38appreciate for what you do every day
- 01:29:40and thanks everyone for joining in.
- 01:29:42Have a great night.
- 01:29:43Thanks very much. Thank you. Take care.