Eugenia M. Vining, MD
Assistant Professor of SurgeryDownloadHi-Res Photo
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Assistant Professor of Surgery
Otolaryngology Surgery
Assistant Clinical ProfessorPrimary
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Education & Training
- MD
- Yale University (1987)
- Intern
- Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT
- Resident
- Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT
- Fellow
- Hospital of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
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Publications Timeline
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Sacit Bulent Omay, MD, FAANS
R Peter Manes, MD, FACS
Adeniyi Fisayo, MD, PharmD
Benjamin L. Judson, MD, MBA
David Banach, MD, MPH, MS
Kevin Sheth, MD
Portable MRI to assess optic chiasm decompression after endoscopic endonasal resection of sellar and suprasellar lesions.
Hong C, Lamsam L, Yadlapalli V, Parasuram N, Mazurek M, Chavva I, Lalwani D, Zabinska J, Schiff S, Manes R, Vining E, Rimmer R, Kimberly W, Sheth K, Omay S. Portable MRI to assess optic chiasm decompression after endoscopic endonasal resection of sellar and suprasellar lesions. Journal Of Neurosurgery 2023, 139: 1664-1670. PMID: 37347618, DOI: 10.3171/2023.5.jns23174.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsEndoscopic endonasal surgeryOptic nerve decompressionEndonasal surgerySuprasellar lesionsNerve decompressionOptic chiasmThird ventricleConventional MRIOptic chiasm compressionEndoscopic endonasal resectionChiasm compressionPreoperative imagingSingle institutionEndonasal resectionMRI availabilityRoutine MRISignificant interrater reliabilitySuprasellar pathologiesSurgeryNeurosurgical oncologyLinear mixed-effects modelsPortable MRIPatientsMRIMixed-effects models
Utility of Intraoperative MRI Assessing Nasoseptal Flap Vascularity in Predicting Postoperative CSF Leak After Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches to Anterior Skull Base Lesions
Hong C, Manes R, Vining E, Omay S. Utility of Intraoperative MRI Assessing Nasoseptal Flap Vascularity in Predicting Postoperative CSF Leak After Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches to Anterior Skull Base Lesions. Journal Of Neurological Surgery Part B Skull Base 2022, 83: s1-s270. DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1743720.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
PIK3CA mutation in a case of CTNNB1 mutant sinonasal glomangiopericytoma
Hong C, Khan M, Sukys J, Prasad M, Erson-Omay EZ, Vining E, Omay SB. PIK3CA mutation in a case of CTNNB1 mutant sinonasal glomangiopericytoma. Molecular Case Studies 2021, 8: mcs.a006120. PMID: 34667073, PMCID: PMC8744496, DOI: 10.1101/mcs.a006120.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsCase of glomangiopericytomaWhole-exome sequencingInstitutional review board-approved protocolTargeted medical therapyUnderwent surgical resectionPI3K/Akt/mTORWnt/β-cateninAkt/mTORPrimary sinonasal tumorSurgical resectionClinicopathologic characteristicsMedical therapyRare tumorPIK3CA mutationsSinonasal tumorsGlomangiopericytomaTumorsΒ-cateninSomatic mutationsComprehensive genetic characterizationGenomic characterizationMutationsConcurrent dysregulationResectionSinonasalMulticenter Study on Clinical Outcomes of Olfactory Neuroblastoma
Lechner M, Takahashi Y, Hermsen M, Turri-Zanoni M, Schartinger V, Bell D, Helman S, Varghese J, Magliocca K, Dudas J, Riechelmann H, Kaur R, Sprung S, Howard D, Engel N, Zhao T, Liu J, Facchetti F, Maragliano R, Battocchio S, Franchi A, Liu J, Carnell D, Capper D, Schueller U, Forster M, Forde C, Jay A, Manes R, Judson B, Vining E, Woods R, Solares C, O'Neill J, Nicolai P, Surda P, Bossi P, Rampinelli V, Henriquez O, Hopkins C, Thavaraj S, Yarbrough W, London N, Gallia G, Wise S, Llorente J, Castelnuovo P, Hanna E, Lund V. Multicenter Study on Clinical Outcomes of Olfactory Neuroblastoma. Journal Of Neurological Surgery Part B Skull Base 2021, 82: s65-s270. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1725285.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Micro-RNA Mutations Across Multiple Resections of a Giant Nonfunctional Pituitary Adenoma
Gummadavelli A, McCarthy L, Erson Z, Vining E, Gunel M, Omay S. Micro-RNA Mutations Across Multiple Resections of a Giant Nonfunctional Pituitary Adenoma. Journal Of Neurological Surgery Part B Skull Base 2020, 81: s1-s272. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1702680.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIdiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Presenting as Spontaneous CSF Leak
Hong C, Vining E, Manes R, Omay S. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Presenting as Spontaneous CSF Leak. Journal Of Neurological Surgery Part B Skull Base 2020, 81: s1-s272. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1702591.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Skull Base Complications after Medical Treatment of Skull Base Tumors: Case Illustrations
Abdel-Aty A, Spock T, Manes R, Tomak P, Omay S, Vining E. Skull Base Complications after Medical Treatment of Skull Base Tumors: Case Illustrations. Journal Of Neurological Surgery Part B Skull Base 2019, 80: s1-s244. DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1679722.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEndoscopic Endonasal Transclival Approach to a Retroclival Abscess
Cheok S, Vining E, Tomak P. Endoscopic Endonasal Transclival Approach to a Retroclival Abscess. Journal Of Neurological Surgery Part B Skull Base 2019, 80: s1-s244. DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1679696.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesChiasmal Herniation after Suprasellar Tumor Resection
Cheok S, Hong C, Fisayo A, Vining E, Tomak P, Omay B. Chiasmal Herniation after Suprasellar Tumor Resection. Journal Of Neurological Surgery Part B Skull Base 2019, 80: s1-s244. DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1679695.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Cervicofacial necrotizing fasciitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae serotype e in a patient with Sjogren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus and hypocomplementaemia
Azar M, Folk D, Henderson T, Mehra S, Vining E, Banach D. Cervicofacial necrotizing fasciitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae serotype e in a patient with Sjogren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus and hypocomplementaemia. JMM Case Reports 2015, 2 DOI: 10.1099/jmmcr.0.000040.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesConceptsSystemic lupus erythematosusNecrotizing fasciitisH. influenzaeSjogren's syndromeLupus erythematosusInvasive diseaseHaemophilus influenzae serotype eInvasive H. influenzae infectionsSerotype E.Cervicofacial necrotizing fasciitisMonomicrobial necrotizing fasciitisCervical necrotizing fasciitisH. influenzae infectionsBroad-spectrum antibioticsAdditional debridementB vaccinationEmergent debridementNeck painInfluenzae infectionIntraoperative culturesBlood culturesClinical dataImmunocompromised individualsFasciitisClinical importance
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- May 02, 2024
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- June 11, 2018
YSM Celebrates 100 Years of Women
- September 15, 2009
Raising money for the hungry and homeless
- January 15, 2009
Auction raises $32,000 for New Haven-area charities for the hungry and homeless
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