How I treat challenging transfusion cases in sickle cell disease
Chou S, Hendrickson J. How I treat challenging transfusion cases in sickle cell disease. Blood 2024 PMID: 38728382, DOI: 10.1182/blood.2023023648.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDelayed hemolytic transfusion reactionSickle cell diseaseRed blood cellsTransfusion of red blood cellsRed blood cell alloantibodiesRed blood cell transfusionCell diseaseHemolytic transfusion reactionsManagement of complicationsAlloimmunized patientsRh alloimmunizationCurative therapyTransfusion guidelinesTransfusion recipientsClinical dilemmaFuture transfusionsTransfusionPatient populationTransfusion casesTransfusion reactionsBlood donorsRH variantsBlood cellsAlloimmunizationMedicine providersDecreasing alloimmunizationâspecific mortality in sickle cell disease in the United States: Costâeffectiveness of a shared transfusion resource
Ito S, Pandya A, Hauser R, Krishnamurti L, Stites E, Tormey C, Krumholz H, Hendrickson J, Goshua G. Decreasing alloimmunizationâspecific mortality in sickle cell disease in the United States: Costâeffectiveness of a shared transfusion resource. American Journal Of Hematology 2024, 99: 570-576. PMID: 38279581, DOI: 10.1002/ajh.27211.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSickle cell diseaseDelayed hemolytic transfusion reactionQuality-adjusted life expectancyAlloimmunized patientsPatient populationRed blood cell alloimmunizationCell diseaseCost-effective interventionMedical expenditure of patientsHealth system perspectiveExpenditure of patientsIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioHemolytic transfusion reactionsUnited StatesMarkov cohort simulationCost-effectiveAverage patient populationCost-effectiveness ratioBirth cohortAnalytical time horizonAntibody historyCohort simulationTransfusionTransfusion reactionsLife expectancy
Management of hemolytic transfusion reactions
Hendrickson JE, Fasano RM. Management of hemolytic transfusion reactions. Hematology 2021, 2021: 704-709. PMID: 34889404, PMCID: PMC8791106, DOI: 10.1182/hematology.2021000308.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHemolytic transfusion reactionsRBC alloantibodiesSevere DHTRTransfusion reactionsRed blood cell transfusionDisease-specific risk factorsPathway activationMultiple RBC alloantibodiesBlood cell transfusionSymptoms of painStem cell transplantationSafety of transfusionSickle cell diseaseClassic pathway activationAlternative pathway activationTransfusion avoidanceCell transfusionCurative therapyCell transplantationPatient's hemoglobinRisk factorsTransfusion safetyCell diseaseDHTRHgb A
Increased Expression of Type 1 Interferon Stimulated Genes in Sickle Cell Disease and a Potential Association with RBC Alloimmunization
Madany E, Kadi N, Pandya S, Hendrickson J, Gibb D. Increased Expression of Type 1 Interferon Stimulated Genes in Sickle Cell Disease and a Potential Association with RBC Alloimmunization. Blood 2019, 134: 716. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2019-124899.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSickle cell diseaseFrequency of alloimmunizationSickle cell patientsInterferon Stimulated GenesSS patientsCell diseaseType 1 interferonMore alloantibodiesMxA levelsCell patientsSS diseaseRBC alloimmunizationSiglec-1Gene signatureElevated levelsNon-alloimmunized patientsInflammatory autoimmune diseaseChronic inflammatory stateProduction of alloantibodiesHemolytic transfusion reactionsIFN gene signatureExpression of MxAMann-Whitney U testMean fluorescence intensityMyxovirus resistance protein 1
3 The Importance of CD4 Cells and CD40/CD40 Ligand Interactions in Humoral Immune Responses to Transfused KEL RBCs in Mice
Madrid D, Gibb D, Natarajan P, Santhanakrishnan M, Liu J, Hendrickson J. 3 The Importance of CD4 Cells and CD40/CD40 Ligand Interactions in Humoral Immune Responses to Transfused KEL RBCs in Mice. American Journal Of Clinical Pathology 2018, 149: s164-s164. DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqx149.372.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCD40/CD40 ligand interactionsCD40 ligand interactionsCD40/CD40L blockadeWild-type animalsRed blood cellsNonresponder animalsCD40L blockadeWeeks posttransfusionType animalsIgG antibodiesT cellsImmune responseMonoclonal antibodiesAbsence of CD4CD40 ligand blockadeHuman KEL glycoproteinFlow cytometric crossmatchHemolytic transfusion reactionsDurable immune responsesHumoral immune responseWild-type miceDevelopment of alloantibodiesT cell interactionsMurine red blood cellsAlloantibody responsesChapter 4 Common Significant Non-ABO Antibodies and Blood Group Antigen Alloimmunization
Baine I, Hendrickson J, Tormey C. Chapter 4 Common Significant Non-ABO Antibodies and Blood Group Antigen Alloimmunization. 2018, 25-39. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-54458-0.00004-0.ChaptersNon-ABO antibodiesBlood group antibodiesGroup antibodiesCompatible RBC unitsEnd-organ damageHemolytic transfusion reactionsSetting of pregnancyCommon adverse outcomeFormation of alloantibodiesSickle cell diseaseRBC alloimmunizationPregnant patientsOrgan damageMyelodysplastic syndromePregnant womenAdverse outcomesGeneral patientsTransfusion reactionsHemolytic diseaseCell diseaseHigh riskRed blood cell surfaceImmunologic conceptsClinical practiceAlloimmunization
Interleukin-6 receptor α signaling on CD4+ T cells drives RBC alloantibody generation and T follicular helper cell differentiation in a murine model of RBC alloimmunization.
Arneja A, Salazar J, Jiang W, Hendrickson J, Zimring J, Luckey C. Interleukin-6 receptor α signaling on CD4+ T cells drives RBC alloantibody generation and T follicular helper cell differentiation in a murine model of RBC alloimmunization. The Journal Of Immunology 2017, 198: 201.27-201.27. DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.198.supp.201.27.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRBC alloimmunizationRed blood cellsIL-6RαT cellsAntigen-negative red blood cellsFollicular helper cell differentiationInterleukin-6 receptor αFollicular helper cellsHemolytic transfusion reactionsViable therapeutic optionLife-saving therapySignificant clinical problemSignificant clinical consequencesInterleukin-6 receptorHelper cell differentiationSpecific CD4Multiple alloantibodiesOccasional mortalitySignificant morbidityTherapeutic optionsAvailable biologicsFunctional outcomeHelper cellsTransfusion reactionsClinical consequences
Antigen Density Impacts RBC Survival and Antigen Modulation Following Incompatible RBC Transfusion
Yoo J, Arthur C, Zerra P, Girard-Pierce K, Hendrickson J, Stowell S. Antigen Density Impacts RBC Survival and Antigen Modulation Following Incompatible RBC Transfusion. Blood 2015, 126: 2350. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v126.23.2350.2350.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIncompatible RBC transfusionHemolytic transfusion reactionsWild-type C57BL/6 miceRBC transfusionIncompatible transfusionsAntigen densityAntigen modulationFlow cytometric analysisKEL antigenRBC survivalKEL RBCsImmunized recipientsAntigen levelsCytometric analysisFatal hemolytic transfusion reactionRecipient WT miceChronic transfusion therapyTransfusion of RBCsNon-immunized miceLow antigen densityAntibody-mediated removalAlloimmunized individualsAdverse eventsDonor antigensPost transfusion
KEL RBC Transfusion Induces IgG Anti-KEL Antibodies Independent Of CD4 T Cells
Stowell S, Girard-Pierce K, Arthur C, Smith N, Zimring J, Hendrickson J. KEL RBC Transfusion Induces IgG Anti-KEL Antibodies Independent Of CD4 T Cells. Blood 2013, 122: 41. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v122.21.41.41.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCD4 T cellsMHC class IIRBC alloantibody formationRBC transfusionT cellsKEL RBCsIsotype controlAlloantibody formationC57BL/6 recipientsRBC alloantibodiesRBC alloantigensClass IICD-4 T-cellsCD4 T-cell depletionRed blood cell transfusionCD4 T cell helpMHC class II antigensChronic transfusion therapyBlood cell transfusionT-cell depletionHemolytic transfusion reactionsIsotype control antibodyClass II antigensT cell helpMHC antigen presentation
Marginal Zone B Cells Mediate Alloantibody Formation to a Clinically Significant Human RBC Antigen in a Murine Model
Girard-Pierce K, Stowell S, Smith N, Henry K, Zimring J, Hendrickson J. Marginal Zone B Cells Mediate Alloantibody Formation to a Clinically Significant Human RBC Antigen in a Murine Model. Blood 2012, 120: 843. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v120.21.843.843.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMZ B cellsHemolytic transfusion reactionsTransfusion of RBCsC57BL/6 recipient miceRecipient miceAlloimmune responseB cellsRBC antigensRBC alloimmunizationAlloantibody responsesPost transfusionMouse modelRBC clearanceFlow cytometryNovel transgenic mouse modelBlood borne antigensConsequences of alloimmunizationControl recipient miceDays post transfusionHuman KEL glycoproteinRBC-specific expressionB-cell depletionRed blood cell antigensAntibody-mediated immunityMarginal zone B cells
Leukoreduction Decreases Alloimmunogenicity of Transfused Murine HOD RBCs.
Hendrickson J, Hod E, Spitalnik S, Hillyer C, Zimring J. Leukoreduction Decreases Alloimmunogenicity of Transfused Murine HOD RBCs. Blood 2009, 114: 640. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v114.22.640.640.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWhite blood cellsHOD RBCsPost-transfusion survivalCytometric crossmatchingRBC alloimmunizationLeukoreduction filtersHen egg lysozymeRBC antigensFlow cytometryRBC-specific expressionRed blood cell antigensReductionist murine modelHemolytic transfusion reactionsMinority of miceLateral tail veinAntigen hen egg lysozymeBlood cell antigensEffect of leukoreductionResidual white blood cellsPropridium iodideAltered clearanceHLA alloimmunizationSingle transfusionHLA antigensTransfusion reactions
Host Inflammation Increases Alloimmunization to Transfused Red Blood Cells.
Hendrickson J, Chadwick T, Roback J, Hillyer C, Zimring J. Host Inflammation Increases Alloimmunization to Transfused Red Blood Cells. Blood 2005, 106: 1887. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v106.11.1887.1887.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTransfusion recipientsIgG subtypesHen egg lysozymeRecipient miceHost inflammationViral infectionCo-existing infectionsDifferent IgG subtypesHemolytic transfusion reactionsActivation of macrophagesInnate immune systemUnits of RBCsBlood group antigensHumoral immunizationMimic inflammationRecipient inflammationAlloantibody responsesRed blood cellsSerious sequelaeIgG responsesAntibody titersHumoral immunityHumoral responseIgG synthesisImmunomodulatory agents