Retraction notice to Gedatolisib Associated Acute Myocarditis in a Patient With Breast Adenocarcinoma J Am Coll Cardiol. 2024;83(13 Suppl):3575.
Shen M, Khattab M, Akintoye E, Baldassarre L, Kwan J. Retraction notice to Gedatolisib Associated Acute Myocarditis in a Patient With Breast Adenocarcinoma J Am Coll Cardiol. 2024;83(13 Suppl):3575. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2024, 84: 1683. DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2024.09.017.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Microfluidic ImmunoâSerolomic Assay Reveals Systems Level Association with COVIDâ19 Pathology and Vaccine Protection (Small Methods 10/2023)
Kim D, Biancon G, Bai Z, VanOudenhove J, Liu Y, Kothari S, Gowda L, Kwan J, BuitragoâPocasangre N, Lele N, Asashima H, Racke M, Wilson J, Givens T, Tomayko M, Schulz W, Longbrake E, Hafler D, Halene S, Fan R. Microfluidic ImmunoâSerolomic Assay Reveals Systems Level Association with COVIDâ19 Pathology and Vaccine Protection (Small Methods 10/2023). Small Methods 2023, 7 DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202370057.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMicrofluidic ImmunoâSerolomic Assay Reveals Systems Level Association with COVIDâ19 Pathology and Vaccine Protection
Kim D, Biancon G, Bai Z, VanOudenhove J, Liu Y, Kothari S, Gowda L, Kwan J, BuitragoâPocasangre N, Lele N, Asashima H, Racke M, Wilson J, Givens T, Tomayko M, Schulz W, Longbrake E, Hafler D, Halene S, Fan R. Microfluidic ImmunoâSerolomic Assay Reveals Systems Level Association with COVIDâ19 Pathology and Vaccine Protection. Small Methods 2023, 7: e2300594. PMID: 37312418, PMCID: PMC10592458, DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202300594.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsB cell depletion therapyAcute COVID infectionAnti-spike IgGHigh-risk patientsCoronavirus disease-19COVID-19 pathologyDepletion therapyVaccine protectionAntibody responseCOVID infectionHematologic malignanciesImmune protectionDisease-19Healthy donorsMultiple time pointsSerology assaysBlood samplesSoluble markersB cellsImmunization strategiesPatientsFunctional deficiencySerological analysisTime pointsClonotype diversity
Adverse cardiovascular events in patients treated with mogamulizumab
Kwan J, Henry M, Cook K, Higgins A, Cuomo J, Foss F, Baldassarre L. Adverse cardiovascular events in patients treated with mogamulizumab. American Heart Journal Plus Cardiology Research And Practice 2021, 9: 100049. PMID: 38559371, PMCID: PMC10978139, DOI: 10.1016/j.ahjo.2021.100049.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdverse cardiovascular eventsMogamulizumab therapyCardiovascular eventsHeart failureAdverse outcomesNon-cardiovascular eventsWorld Health Organization databaseFatal adverse outcomesT-cell leukemiaACE occurrenceMogamulizumab treatmentNew hypertensionAdverse eventsCardiac deathVentricular arrhythmiasFatal outcomeUnique patientsCardiovascular toxicityMyocardial infarctionImportant treatmentHigh mortalityPatientsMogamulizumabTherapyOrganization databaseMogamulizumab-Associated Acute Myocarditis in a Patient With T-Cell Lymphoma
Kwan JM, Odanovic N, Arbune A, Higgins A, Henry M, Greif D, Foss F, Baldassarre LA. Mogamulizumab-Associated Acute Myocarditis in a Patient With T-Cell Lymphoma. JACC Case Reports 2021, 3: 1018-1023. PMID: 34317676, PMCID: PMC8311348, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaccas.2021.04.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA neutrophil activation signature predicts critical illness and mortality in COVID-19
Meizlish ML, Pine AB, Bishai JD, Goshua G, Nadelmann ER, Simonov M, Chang CH, Zhang H, Shallow M, Bahel P, Owusu K, Yamamoto Y, Arora T, Atri DS, Patel A, Gbyli R, Kwan J, Won CH, Dela Cruz C, Price C, Koff J, King BA, Rinder HM, Wilson FP, Hwa J, Halene S, Damsky W, van Dijk D, Lee AI, Chun HJ. A neutrophil activation signature predicts critical illness and mortality in COVID-19. Blood Advances 2021, 5: 1164-1177. PMID: 33635335, PMCID: PMC7908851, DOI: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2020003568.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCritical illnessHealth system databaseNeutrophil activationCOVID-19Neutrophil activation signatureSevere COVID-19Intensive care unitGranulocyte colony-stimulating factorHigh mortality rateColony-stimulating factorSystem databaseHepatocyte growth factorClinical decompensationNeutrophil countImmune hyperactivationCare unitEarly elevationLipocalin-2Interleukin-8Longitudinal cohortClinical dataMortality ratePatientsIllnessActivation signature
Circulating markers of angiogenesis and endotheliopathy in COVIDâ19
Pine AB, Meizlish ML, Goshua G, Chang C, Zhang H, Bishai J, Bahel P, Patel A, Gbyli R, Kwan JM, Won CH, Price C, Dela Cruz CS, Halene S, van Dijk D, Hwa J, Lee AI, Chun HJ. Circulating markers of angiogenesis and endotheliopathy in COVIDâ19. Pulmonary Circulation 2020, 10: 1-4. PMID: 33282193, PMCID: PMC7691906, DOI: 10.1177/2045894020966547.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCOVID-19 infectionMarkers of angiogenesisEndothelial injuryDisease severityCOVID-19-associated coagulopathyCritical COVID-19 infectionCOVID-19 pathogenesisCOVID-19COVID-19 diseaseEndothelial cell functionHospital mortalityMicrovascular complicationsCritical illnessElevated markersHospitalized patientsPatient populationFuture therapiesPlasma profilingSurvival analysisPatientsInfectionCell functionPotential targetInjuryMarkers
Kwan J, Arbune A, Henry M, Dupee D, Soufer A, Baldassarre L. CARDIAC MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING FEATURE TRACKING STRAIN AS A SENSITIVE MARKER OF CARDIOTOXICITY IN BREAST CANCER PATIENTS COMPARED WITH LEFT VENTRICULAR EJECTION FRACTION. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2019, 73: 1666. DOI: 10.1016/s0735-1097(19)32272-7.Peer-Reviewed Original Research