Who let the DoGs out? â biogenesis of stress-induced readthrough transcripts
Rosa-Mercado NA, Steitz JA. Who let the DoGs out? â biogenesis of stress-induced readthrough transcripts. Trends In Biochemical Sciences 2021, 47: 206-217. PMID: 34489151, PMCID: PMC8840951, DOI: 10.1016/j.tibs.2021.08.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCellular stress responseHuman protein-coding genesStress responseProtein-coding genesDoG inductionNascent mRNAReadthrough transcriptionTranscriptional landscapeDifferent stress conditionsReadthrough transcriptsStress conditionsViral proteinsBiogenesisStress removalGenesTranscriptsCell exposureProduction playTranscriptionRNAProteinMRNAHostProductionHallmarktRNA-like leader-trailer interaction promotes 3âČ-end maturation of MALAT1
Torabi SF, DeGregorio SJ, Steitz JA. tRNA-like leader-trailer interaction promotes 3âČ-end maturation of MALAT1. RNA 2021, 27: 1140-1147. PMID: 34253686, PMCID: PMC8457004, DOI: 10.1261/rna.078810.121.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Two herpesviral noncoding PAN RNAs are functionally homologous but do not associate with common chromatin loci
Withers JB, Li ES, Vallery TK, Yario TA, Steitz JA. Two herpesviral noncoding PAN RNAs are functionally homologous but do not associate with common chromatin loci. PLOS Pathogens 2018, 14: e1007389. PMID: 30383841, PMCID: PMC6233925, DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007389.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCell LineCell NucleusChromatinGene Expression Regulation, ViralGene Knockdown TechniquesHEK293 CellsHerpesviridaeHerpesviridae InfectionsHerpesvirus 8, HumanHost-Pathogen InteractionsHumansMacaca mulattaRhadinovirusRNA, Long NoncodingRNA, MessengerRNA, NuclearRNA, ViralTumor Virus InfectionsViral ProteinsVirus ReplicationConceptsKaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirusPAN RNAPAN RNA expressionGene expressionChromatin lociSarcoma-associated herpesvirusViral mRNAsSpecific chromatin lociNuclear mRNA exportNucleotide sequence conservationAbundant nuclear RNARNA expressionLytic viral gene expressionViral gene expressionMRNA exportRNA associationSequence conservationPolyadenylated transcriptsViral chromatinLoci differHost chromatinRNA functionCell fractionationNuclear RNAProgeny virion release
Methyltransferase-like protein 16 binds the 3âČ-terminal triple helix of MALAT1 long noncoding RNA
Brown JA, Kinzig CG, DeGregorio SJ, Steitz JA. Methyltransferase-like protein 16 binds the 3âČ-terminal triple helix of MALAT1 long noncoding RNA. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2016, 113: 14013-14018. PMID: 27872311, PMCID: PMC5150381, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1614759113.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsHEK293 CellsHeLa CellsHumansMethyltransferasesNucleic Acid ConformationRNA FoldingRNA StabilityRNA, Long NoncodingConceptsGel shift assaysMetastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1RNA triple helicesPutative RNA methyltransferaseCompetitive gel shift assaysRNA-protein interactionsRNA stability elementAbundant nuclear proteinNative gel shift assaysRich internal loopSitu proximity ligation assayTriple helixHEK293T cell lysatesStem-loop structureProximity ligation assayT cell lysatesRNA methyltransferaseVivo UVNucleotide compositionNuclear proteinsLung adenocarcinoma transcript 1RNA immunoprecipitationStability elementMETTL16Rich tractReadthrough transcription: How are DoGs made and what do they do?
Vilborg A, Steitz JA. Readthrough transcription: How are DoGs made and what do they do? RNA Biology 2016, 14: 632-636. PMID: 26861889, PMCID: PMC5449079, DOI: 10.1080/15476286.2016.1149680.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDoG inductionDownstream of genesMammalian gene expressionLevel of transcriptionPervasive transcriptionIntergenic transcriptionTranscription terminationPossible molecular mechanismsTranscriptional readthroughOsmotic stressGene expressionMolecular mechanismsEndoplasmic reticulumTranscriptionIP3 receptorOutstanding questionsTranscriptsBiogenesisGenomeInductionReadthroughGenesCalcium releaseReticulumMechanismHoogsteen-position pyrimidines promote the stability and function of the MALAT1 RNA triple helix
Brown JA, Kinzig CG, DeGregorio SJ, Steitz JA. Hoogsteen-position pyrimidines promote the stability and function of the MALAT1 RNA triple helix. RNA 2016, 22: 743-749. PMID: 26952103, PMCID: PMC4836648, DOI: 10.1261/rna.055707.115.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElectrophoretic mobility shift assaysRNA triple helicesBase triplesMetastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1RNA stability elementMobility shift assaysTriple helixHuman metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1Small molecule bindingU base triplesNucleotide compositionCellular functionsTriple-helical stabilityShift assaysLung adenocarcinoma transcript 1Stability elementEMSA resultsBiological significanceMolecule bindingRNA catalysisHelixTranscript 1Triple helix stabilityC tripleReporter
Widespread Inducible Transcription Downstream of Human Genes
Vilborg A, Passarelli MC, Yario TA, Tycowski KT, Steitz JA. Widespread Inducible Transcription Downstream of Human Genes. Molecular Cell 2015, 59: 449-461. PMID: 26190259, PMCID: PMC4530028, DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2015.06.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOsmotic stressLong non-coding regionsDownstream of genesProtein-coding genesNon-coding regionsPervasive transcriptionHuman cell linesTranscription downstreamHuman genomeHuman genesTranscript inductionRNA-seqPolyA signalUpstream transcriptsUndescribed mechanismGenesCell linesTranscriptionTranscript typeActive regulationTranscriptsDetailed mechanistic studiesRNADownstreamMechanistic studies
Structural insights into the stabilization of MALAT1 noncoding RNA by a bipartite triple helix
Brown JA, Bulkley D, Wang J, Valenstein ML, Yario TA, Steitz TA, Steitz JA. Structural insights into the stabilization of MALAT1 noncoding RNA by a bipartite triple helix. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2014, 21: 633-640. PMID: 24952594, PMCID: PMC4096706, DOI: 10.1038/nsmb.2844.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe Noncoding RNA RevolutionâTrashing Old Rules to Forge New Ones
Cech TR, Steitz JA. The Noncoding RNA RevolutionâTrashing Old Rules to Forge New Ones. Cell 2014, 157: 77-94. PMID: 24679528, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.03.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsChromatinGene Expression RegulationGenomeHumansRibonucleoproteinsRNA, CatalyticRNA, Long NoncodingRNA, UntranslatedConceptsBiological functionsRNA-protein complexesLevel of transcriptionForeign nucleic acidsMost ncRNAsLong ncRNAsNcRNA researchRNA processingGenome rearrangementsNucleic acidsNoncoding RNAsGene expressionRNA structureNcRNAsBase pairingDNA synthesisRemarkable varietySnoRNPsRiboswitchGenomeSnRNPsRNAsRibosomesTranscriptionTelomerase
Formation of triple-helical structures by the 3âČ-end sequences of MALAT1 and MENÎČ noncoding RNAs
Brown JA, Valenstein ML, Yario TA, Tycowski KT, Steitz JA. Formation of triple-helical structures by the 3âČ-end sequences of MALAT1 and MENÎČ noncoding RNAs. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2012, 109: 19202-19207. PMID: 23129630, PMCID: PMC3511071, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1217338109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRich internal loopMetastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1Rich tractSarcoma-associated herpesvirusDuplex-triplex junctionsTriple helical structureCellular noncoding RNAsNuclear retention elementBase triplesInternal loopKaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirusU base triplesPAN RNATriple helixNoncoding RNAsNuclear RNAThermal denaturation profilesReporter RNALung adenocarcinoma transcript 1C nucleotidesC base pairsMolecular mechanismsUnpaired nucleotidesBase pairsRNA