Development and initial testing of mindful journey: a digital mindfulness-based intervention for promoting recovery from Substance use disorder
Roos C, Kiluk B, Carroll K, Bricker J, Mun C, Sala M, Kirouac M, Stein E, John M, Palmer R, DeBenedictis A, Frisbie J, Haeny A, Barry D, Fucito L, Bowen S, Witkiewitz K, Kober H. Development and initial testing of mindful journey: a digital mindfulness-based intervention for promoting recovery from Substance use disorder. Annals Of Medicine 2024, 56: 2315228. PMID: 38382111, PMCID: PMC10883107, DOI: 10.1080/07853890.2024.2315228.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAmbulatory CareHumansMindfulnessMobile ApplicationsMotivationSubstance-Related DisordersConceptsSubstance use disordersMindfulness-based interventionsPhone coachingQualitative feedbackPromote recoveryEvidence of feasibilityUse disorderPhase 2Promote long-term recoveryApp featuresUnmet needsAdjunctive interventionTen adultsSmartphone appLong-term recoveryInterventionTherapy videosMindfulness practiceParticipantsOutpatient treatmentMind toolPhase 1CoachingAcceptance dimensionQuantitative ratings
A Secondary Analysis of a Preliminary Contingency Management Intervention for Presurgical Cancer Patients: Evaluating Individual Participant Data
Sanford B, Toll B, Fucito L, Baker N, Krishnan-Sarin S, Carpenter M, Bernstein S, Rojewski A. A Secondary Analysis of a Preliminary Contingency Management Intervention for Presurgical Cancer Patients: Evaluating Individual Participant Data. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2023, 25: 1614-1618. PMID: 37156634, PMCID: PMC10439489, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntad071.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCarbon MonoxideHumansMotivationNeoplasmsRecurrenceSmoking CessationTobacco Use Cessation DevicesConceptsContingency management interventionSustained abstinenceMonetary reinforcersMO participantsBehavior patternsManagement interventionsSuccessful abstinenceIndividual behavior patternsSchedule of reinforcementIndividual participantsSecondary analysisAbstinenceEffect sizeEveryday smokersParticipantsFinancial reinforcementVerified abstinenceCM interventionReinforcersCancer patientsInterventionBreath COCM groupExact testLapse
Preoperative contingency management intervention for smoking abstinence in cancer patients: trial protocol for a multisite randomised controlled trial
Rojewski AM, Fucito LM, Baker NL, Palmer AM, Foster MG, Warren GW, Bernstein SL, Toll BA. Preoperative contingency management intervention for smoking abstinence in cancer patients: trial protocol for a multisite randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2021, 11: e051226. PMID: 34187835, PMCID: PMC8245459, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051226.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmoking abstinenceSelf-reported smoking abstinenceCancer-specific mortalityNicotine replacement therapyTime of surgeryDay of surgerySmoking cessation treatmentCancer treatment toxicitiesSouth Carolina Institutional Review BoardEffect of CMBreath carbon monoxideContingency management interventionCO breath testInstitutional review boardSubstantial health risksOperable cancerContinued smokingPeer-reviewed journalsPreoperative periodStandard careSurgical complicationsTreatment toxicitySecondary malignanciesCessation treatmentReplacement therapy
A Preoperative Contingency Management Intervention for Smoking Abstinence in Cancer Patients: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial
Rojewski AM, Fucito LM, Baker NL, Krishnan-Sarin S, Carpenter MJ, Bernstein SL, Toll BA. A Preoperative Contingency Management Intervention for Smoking Abstinence in Cancer Patients: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2020, 23: 1064-1067. PMID: 33340400, PMCID: PMC8248947, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntaa266.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDay of surgeryCancer surgeryAbstinence ratesContingency management interventionCM patientsCM interventionSeven-day point prevalence abstinence ratesCM groupSelf-reported smoking abstinencePoint prevalence abstinence ratesTobacco treatment programEnd of treatmentIncentives contingentMonetary incentives contingentBreath carbon monoxideCO breath testMultisite pilot studyOperable cancerStandard careNicotine patchCancer patientsSmoking abstinenceSurgical proceduresBreath testPatients
Urgency traits moderate daily relations between affect and drinking to intoxication among young adults
Bold KW, Fucito LM, DeMartini KS, Leeman RF, Kranzler HR, Corbin WR, OâMalley S. Urgency traits moderate daily relations between affect and drinking to intoxication among young adults. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2016, 170: 59-65. PMID: 27875802, PMCID: PMC5183550, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.10.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYoung adultsHeavy drinkingEffectiveness of naltrexoneBlood alcohol concentrationHeavy drinking young adultsBrief motivational interventionNaltrexone treatmentClinical trialsHazardous drinkingNaltrexoneSecondary analysisPlaceboTargeted interventionsAge 18Alcohol useIntoxicationLow urgencyAdultsMotivational interventionDrinkingTrait urgencyOddsInterventionCurrent studyRisk
Interactive and Indirect Effects of Anxiety and Negative Urgency on AlcoholâRelated Problems
Menary KR, Corbin WR, Leeman RF, Fucito LM, Toll BA, DeMartini K, O'Malley SS. Interactive and Indirect Effects of Anxiety and Negative Urgency on AlcoholâRelated Problems. Alcohol Clinical And Experimental Research 2015, 39: 1267-1274. PMID: 26031346, PMCID: PMC4490982, DOI: 10.1111/acer.12762.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNegative urgencyAlcohol problemsPotential moderatorsCoping-related drinking motivesDependence symptomsPrevention/intervention effortsNegative emotional statesIndirect effectsInteractive effectsAlcohol-related problemsCurrent cross-sectional studyAlcohol use disorderNegative affectDrinking motivesEmotional statesDrinking sampleModeration hypothesisIntervention effortsDirect interactive effectsAnxietyYoung adultsUse disordersLongitudinal dataModeratorPositive association
Relations of Alcohol Consumption With Smoking Cessation Milestones and Tobacco Dependence
Cook JW, Fucito LM, Piasecki TM, Piper ME, Schlam TR, Berg KM, Baker TB. Relations of Alcohol Consumption With Smoking Cessation Milestones and Tobacco Dependence. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology 2012, 80: 1075-1085. PMID: 22963593, PMCID: PMC3644956, DOI: 10.1037/a0029931.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol consumption patternsTobacco dependenceAlcohol consumptionSmoking cessation milestonesCessation milestonesInfrequent drinkersBinge drinkersModerate drinkersDependence MotivesInitial cessationComposite International Diagnostic InterviewSmoking cessation attemptEffect of treatmentPrimary dependence motivesClinical trialsCessation attemptsSmoking Dependence MotivesCessation failureSecondary dependence motivesDiagnostic InterviewClinical researchDrinkersCessation difficultiesWisconsin InventoryCessation
Co-occurring marijuana use is associated with medication nonadherence and nonplanning impulsivity in young adult heavy drinkers
Peters EN, Leeman RF, Fucito LM, Toll BA, Corbin WR, O'Malley SS. Co-occurring marijuana use is associated with medication nonadherence and nonplanning impulsivity in young adult heavy drinkers. Addictive Behaviors 2011, 37: 420-426. PMID: 22189052, PMCID: PMC3288288, DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2011.11.036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCo-occurring marijuana useAdult heavy drinkersYoung adult heavy drinkersHeavy drinkersMedication nonadherenceAlcohol consumptionHigh-risk clinical profileMarijuana useAlcohol-related negative consequencesUse of cigarettesAlcohol-induced disinhibitionBrief individual counselingClinical profileClinical trialsSelf-report assessmentsNonadherenceHeavy drinkingYoung adultsDemographic characteristicsDrinkersIndividual counselingClinical samplesHeavy alcoholMedicationsDrinkingThe Influence of Nicotine Dose and Nicotine Dose Expectancy on the Cognitive and Subjective Effects of Cigarette Smoking
Juliano LM, Fucito LM, Harrell PT. The Influence of Nicotine Dose and Nicotine Dose Expectancy on the Cognitive and Subjective Effects of Cigarette Smoking. Experimental And Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011, 19: 105-115. PMID: 21463067, PMCID: PMC3660849, DOI: 10.1037/a0022937.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRapid visual information processing taskNicotine dose expectancyBalanced placebo designExpectancy manipulationCognitive performanceBetter moodVisual information processing taskSubjective effectsPlacebo cigarettesNicotine doseInformation processing tasksNicotine cigarettesExpectancy interactionsAttention performanceSmoking urgesPlacebo instructionLess robust effectsSmoking outcomesProcessing tasksRobust effectInitial evidenceCigarette ratingsPlacebo designMoodReaction time
Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression Emotion Regulation Strategies in Cigarette Smokers
Fucito LM, Juliano LM, Toll BA. Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression Emotion Regulation Strategies in Cigarette Smokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2010, 12: 1156-1161. PMID: 20829326, PMCID: PMC2964920, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntq146.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEmotion regulation strategiesRegulation strategiesCognitive reappraisalExpressive suppressionGreater attentional biasEmotional Stroop taskMood induction procedureGreater positive moodActual smoking behaviorImportant psychological factorDepressive symptomsAttentional biasStroop taskSmoking cuesMotivational correlatesNegative affectPositive moodMood conditionWeaker expectanciesInduction procedureDepressed subsampleFrequent reappraisalPreliminary supportPsychological factorsCurrent depressive symptoms
Depression Moderates Smoking Behavior in Response to a Sad Mood Induction
Fucito LM, Juliano LM. Depression Moderates Smoking Behavior in Response to a Sad Mood Induction. Psychology Of Addictive Behaviors 2009, 23: 546-551. PMID: 19769439, PMCID: PMC2749968, DOI: 10.1037/a0016529.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigher depression scoresSmoking behaviorDepression scoresMood changesDepression-prone smokersAir carbon monoxideNegative mood changesVulnerable smokersSmokersPotential mediatorsSmoking motivationModifying effectScoresCigarette puffsMoodPositive moodPreliminary supportInductionPotential moderatorsParticipantsSad mood inductionSmokingBeliefs and Attitudes About Bupropion: Implications for Medication Adherence and Smoking Cessation Treatment
Fucito LM, Toll BA, Salovey P, OâMalley S. Beliefs and Attitudes About Bupropion: Implications for Medication Adherence and Smoking Cessation Treatment. Psychology Of Addictive Behaviors 2009, 23: 373-379. PMID: 19586156, PMCID: PMC3094849, DOI: 10.1037/a0015695.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPositive beliefsDisadvantages of smokingRole of beliefsTreatment adherenceSmoking cessation treatmentSmoking lapseSmoking cessation trialPreliminary supportCessation outcomesPositive attitudesCessation treatmentBetter treatment adherenceCessation trialBeliefsAttitudesMedication adherenceBupropion therapyBetter treatment responseGreater medication adherenceSecondary analysisMotivationTreatment responseIntentionBupropionLapse