Raman Nelakanti
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Professional: I am an 8th year MD-PhD student at the Yale School of Medicine. For my PhD thesis under the mentorship of Prof. Andrew Xiao in the Dept. of Genetics, I studied the function of a newly discovered epigenetic mark, DNA N(6)-methyladenine, in stem cell fate decisions during trophoblast development and hematopoiesis. I am interested in pursuing a physician-scientist career at the intersection of epigenetics, stem cell biology, and human disease.
Hobbies: Hiking, Biking, A Cappella, Cricket
Education & Training
- BS
- Stanford University, Bioengineering (2014)
Medical Research Interests
DNA Methylation; Embryonic Stem Cells; Epigenomics; Hematopoiesis
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
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Publications Timeline
A big-picture view of Raman Nelakanti's research output by year.
Research Interests
Research topics Raman Nelakanti is interested in exploring.
Andrew Xiao, PhD
Akiko Iwasaki, PhD
Giulia Biancon, PhD
Huabing Li, PhD
Myles Alderman III, PhD
Stephanie Halene, MD, Dr Med
Embryonic Stem Cells
A New Link to Primate Heart Development
Nelakanti RV, Xiao AZ. A New Link to Primate Heart Development. Developmental Cell 2020, 54: 685-686. PMID: 32991832, DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2020.09.009.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersMeSH Keywords and ConceptsN6-methyladenine in DNA antagonizes SATB1 in early development
Li Z, Zhao S, Nelakanti RV, Lin K, Wu TP, Alderman MH, Guo C, Wang P, Zhang M, Min W, Jiang Z, Wang Y, Li H, Xiao AZ. N6-methyladenine in DNA antagonizes SATB1 in early development. Nature 2020, 583: 625-630. PMID: 32669713, PMCID: PMC8596487, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2500-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsN6-mAN6-methyladenineMouse trophoblast stem cellsLarge chromatin domainsCell fate transitionsLarge-scale chromatinUnexpected molecular mechanismTrophoblast stem cellsEarly embryonic developmentDNA secondary structuresEarly developmentFate transitionsMammalian genomesChromatin domainsEpigenetic landscapeGene regulationChromatin organizerEmbryonic developmentDNA modificationsBiological roleMolecular mechanismsSATB1 functionsMolecular pathwaysCell culture modelSecondary structurem6A Modification Prevents Formation of Endogenous Double-Stranded RNAs and Deleterious Innate Immune Responses during Hematopoietic Development
Gao Y, Vasic R, Song Y, Teng R, Liu C, Gbyli R, Biancon G, Nelakanti R, Lobben K, Kudo E, Liu W, Ardasheva A, Fu X, Wang X, Joshi P, Lee V, Dura B, Viero G, Iwasaki A, Fan R, Xiao A, Flavell RA, Li HB, Tebaldi T, Halene S. m6A Modification Prevents Formation of Endogenous Double-Stranded RNAs and Deleterious Innate Immune Responses during Hematopoietic Development. Immunity 2020, 52: 1007-1021.e8. PMID: 32497523, PMCID: PMC7408742, DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.05.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsDouble-stranded RNADeleterious innate immune responseMammalian hematopoietic developmentEndogenous double-stranded RNAHematopoietic developmentInnate immune responseAbundant RNA modificationMurine fetal liverPattern recognition receptor pathwaysImmune responseProtein codingDsRNA formationRNA modificationsWriter METTL3Hematopoietic defectsPerinatal lethalityNative stateConditional deletionAberrant innate immune responsesLoss of METTL3Hematopoietic failureReceptor pathwayAberrant immune responsePrevents formationFetal liverMammalian ALKBH1 serves as an N6-mA demethylase of unpairing DNA
Zhang M, Yang S, Nelakanti R, Zhao W, Liu G, Li Z, Liu X, Wu T, Xiao A, Li H. Mammalian ALKBH1 serves as an N6-mA demethylase of unpairing DNA. Cell Research 2020, 30: 197-210. PMID: 32051560, PMCID: PMC7054317, DOI: 10.1038/s41422-019-0237-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsN6-mAMammalian genomesStructure-based mutagenesis studiesBase unpairing regionsChromosome regulationDNA demethylasesStructural studiesEpigenetic marksDNA demethylaseMouse genomeEarly embryogenesisGenomic studiesBase flippingN6-methyladenineALKBH1Mutagenesis studiesFlipped baseGenomeProfiling studiesDNACatalytic centerDemethylaseActive regulationRegulationDemethylases
Autologous iPSC-Based Vaccines Elicit Anti-tumor Responses In Vivo
Kooreman NG, Kim Y, de Almeida PE, Termglinchan V, Diecke S, Shao NY, Wei TT, Yi H, Dey D, Nelakanti R, Brouwer TP, Paik DT, Sagiv-Barfi I, Han A, Quax PHA, Hamming JF, Levy R, Davis MM, Wu JC. Autologous iPSC-Based Vaccines Elicit Anti-tumor Responses In Vivo. Cell Stem Cell 2018, 22: 501-513.e7. PMID: 29456158, PMCID: PMC6134179, DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2018.01.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsElicit anti-tumor responsesAnti-tumor responseInduced pluripotent stem cellsTumor growthMetastatic tumor loadTumor-associated antigensAnti-tumor vaccinesMurine breast cancerTumor-bearing miceAutologous induced pluripotent stem cellsUnvaccinated recipientsProphylactic settingAdoptive transferClinical immunotherapyCancer vaccinesTumor loadMelanoma recurrenceBreast cancerResection siteMelanoma modelMyeloid cellsCell responsesVaccineCancer cellsCancer
Alloimmune Responses of Humanized Mice to Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapeutics
Kooreman NG, de Almeida PE, Stack JP, Nelakanti RV, Diecke S, Shao NY, Swijnenburg RJ, Sanchez-Freire V, Matsa E, Liu C, Connolly AJ, Hamming JF, Quax PHA, Brehm MA, Greiner DL, Shultz LD, Wu JC. Alloimmune Responses of Humanized Mice to Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapeutics. Cell Reports 2017, 20: 1978-1990. PMID: 28834758, PMCID: PMC5573767, DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.08.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsHuman immune responseHumanized miceImmune cellsImmune responseStem cell allograftsInnate immune cellsAllogeneic stem cellsStem cellsMouse immune systemAlloimmune responseCell allograftsImmunodeficient miceMouse modelGraft persistenceImmune systemHuman lymphocytesMiceAllograftsStem cell therapeuticsCell therapeuticsPluripotent stem cellsEmbryonic stem cellsCellsAlloimmunityResponse
Teratoma Formation: A Tool for Monitoring Pluripotency in Stem Cell Research
Nelakanti RV, Kooreman NG, Wu JC. Teratoma Formation: A Tool for Monitoring Pluripotency in Stem Cell Research. Current Protocols In Stem Cell Biology 2015, 32: 4a.8.1-4a.8.17. PMID: 25640819, PMCID: PMC4402211, DOI: 10.1002/9780470151808.sc04a08s32.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsEmbryonic germ layersInduced pluripotent stem cellsPluripotent stem cellsSpecific tissue typesStem cell researchGerm layersPluripotencyTeratoma formationTeratoma growthStem cellsTissue typesCell researchCell linesDetailed identificationMesodermCellsImmunodeficient miceProtocolGrowthLayerIdentification