"Bacterial Pathogens and Cancer: the Salmonella Typhi Paradigm" and "Environmental Exposures and Thyroid Cancer in Connecticut Women"
"Bacterial Pathogens and Cancer: the Salmonella Typhi Paradigm" and "Environmental Exposures and Thyroid Cancer in Connecticut Women"
March 31, 2021Yale Cancer Center Grand Rounds | March 30, 2021
Jorge Galan, PhD, DVM and Nicole Deziel, PhD
- ID
- 6371
- To Cite
- DCA Citation Guide
- 00:00Rounds we have two speakers
- 00:02today from male to wonderful
- 00:04speakers first or Hegel on my own,
- 00:07introduced and then the cold diesel,
- 00:10who Linda Irwin will introduce.
- 00:12I've known Jorge since
- 00:14before he arrived at Yale.
- 00:16He's now the Lucille P Marquis,
- 00:18professor, microbial pathogenesis
- 00:19and chair of the Department.
- 00:22In his lab studies bacterial infections,
- 00:24he's probably best known for his
- 00:26discovery and characterization of
- 00:27the Type 3 secretion apparatus,
- 00:29which is this microscopic needle
- 00:31that injects proteins into cells.
- 00:33A fantastic story,
- 00:34and in recognition of this work,
- 00:36he's received numerous awards and been
- 00:38elected to the National Academy of Sciences,
- 00:40but more recently he's got interested in
- 00:43the Association between cancer and bacteria,
- 00:45and mechanistically, how does that work,
- 00:47and he's shown, for example,
- 00:49that some bacterial toxins can
- 00:51induce DNA damage.
- 00:52And therefore are potential carcinogens.
- 00:54And so today we'll hear about
- 00:55this very exciting work.
- 00:57So Jorge, the floor is yours.
- 00:59Thanks Dan,
- 01:00thank you very much for the introduction.
- 01:03And yeah as then.
- 01:05Imply microbes and cancer are a lot
- 01:09more intertwined that many would think.
- 01:13If we start with the obvious that.
- 01:1820% of cancers are caused
- 01:21by microbial infections.
- 01:22The you know of all these examples of
- 01:26gastric cancer and helicobacter anogenital,
- 01:29cancer and HPV,
- 01:30and so on and so forth.
- 01:33So these are the known causes
- 01:36of microbial causes of cancer.
- 01:38That amount to that 20%.
- 01:41But by all accounts this is probably
- 01:44rose underestimate in terms of
- 01:47the influence in the etiology
- 01:49of cancer of microbes.
- 01:51But Microsoft,
- 01:52either toying with cancer in many other ways.
- 01:56For example,
- 01:57the study of microbial pathogens really
- 01:59have provided fundamental knowledge
- 02:01for the understanding of cancer.
- 02:04You, of course,
- 02:05are aware that Uncle genes really
- 02:08were discovered through the
- 02:10study of a chicken ritualize.
- 02:12And today the study of host pathogen
- 02:15interactions have provided insight into
- 02:17cancer that are extremely important
- 02:20for the fundamental knowledge.
- 02:22Of of these disease.
- 02:24Of course,
- 02:25infectious diseases as an entity
- 02:27are really a significant challenge
- 02:30in the context of cancer patients.
- 02:32Many of the drugs that we administer
- 02:35to treat cancer or course have
- 02:37immunosuppressive power an and
- 02:39that increases the susceptibility
- 02:41of patients to infectious diseases
- 02:43and imposes it challenge in many.
- 02:47In many therapeutic set settings.
- 02:49And of course, the the elephant in the room.
- 02:53The resident microbiome,
- 02:54which in the last you know five years or so,
- 02:58is quickly emerging as a major factor,
- 03:01both in terms of cancer etiology
- 03:03and cancer treatment.
- 03:05So what what I'm trying to tell
- 03:07you here is something that it
- 03:09should be obvious and that this is
- 03:12an extremely important aspect of
- 03:15cancer biology and quite frankly,
- 03:18is one of the most exciting times to
- 03:21be involved in this research space.
- 03:24So the that's perhaps the reason
- 03:26why maybe some of us were a bit
- 03:30disappointed when the cancer
- 03:31microbiology piece of the Cancer
- 03:34Center was interrupted.
- 03:35In fact,
- 03:36when I was invited to give this talk,
- 03:39I was invited as a member of
- 03:42the Cancer Microbiology Group,
- 03:44which now doesn't exist.
- 03:46And although I completely understand
- 03:48why the leadership of the Cancer
- 03:50Center to please this step,
- 03:52they had to tend to an impending.
- 03:55Cancer Center grant that.
- 04:00That obviously didn't take
- 04:01many of these things,
- 04:03and it is clear that you know cancer,
- 04:06microbiology or microbes really are
- 04:08not the this the so called cancer
- 04:11establishment from which reviewers will
- 04:13be drawn to review the Cancer Center grant.
- 04:17I'm not really friendly to the
- 04:19concept of Micros, Ann and cancer.
- 04:22For for whatever reason,
- 04:24and even other considerations,
- 04:25other currencies that are used in
- 04:28the evaluation of these grants,
- 04:30such As for example in CI grants.
- 04:34You know,
- 04:34people work with my girls that that
- 04:37don't score high on that because it
- 04:40will be a fundraising malpractice.
- 04:42If you can send your grant when
- 04:45I need to send it to NCI,
- 04:47which is much less generous and
- 04:50certainly less friendly to these courses.
- 04:52So I I although I totally understand these,
- 04:55I think is is an opportunity
- 04:57loss for leadership,
- 04:59particularly with the really the the history
- 05:01of deal with the tremendous leadership.
- 05:04People like Dundee Moniot or Charles Miller.
- 05:09In the space of Uncle Virus, for example,
- 05:11there is a lot of history here on this space.
- 05:14But life is life and the cancer
- 05:16establishment is the cancer establishment.
- 05:18This is the same establishment
- 05:20that 10 years ago or 20 years ago,
- 05:22worse naughty related to cancer immunology.
- 05:25It with people like blow it all the late,
- 05:28allowing all that was advocating for it.
- 05:30And he was really honestly looked down.
- 05:32I was a close collaborator,
- 05:34the law and he always complained.
- 05:36Of course he was shielded by
- 05:38the Ludwig Cancer Center.
- 05:40He didn't have to worry about,
- 05:42but anyway,
- 05:42I think he said more of a loss opportunity.
- 05:46But I totally understand why
- 05:48this this decision was made,
- 05:50so enough venting enough Priscilla Teising.
- 05:52Let's get back to business here and in
- 05:55order to put in context a little bit,
- 05:58what I will tell you briefly is is
- 06:01to consider the general mechanisms by
- 06:03which microbes induce cancer and and
- 06:06there are two types of mechanisms.
- 06:09If you will.
- 06:10The direct Uncle Genesis and that is
- 06:12obvious when a virus is introduces an
- 06:15Uncle gene itself. This is of course.
- 06:18The mechanisms behind HPB or a BB,
- 06:22for example.
- 06:23Or when it when they integration
- 06:26event itself access and origin,
- 06:28because obviously the viruses integrate
- 06:31upstream of some gene that can drive
- 06:34sort of proliferation and growth.
- 06:36That's that's direct on Go Genesis,
- 06:39but arguably more common is
- 06:42the indirect organ Genesis,
- 06:44and this takes several forms.
- 06:46For example the form in which
- 06:49viruses in a cost,
- 06:51immunosuppression and immunosuppression
- 06:52activates for example.
- 06:54Other two more viruses.
- 06:55In the case of Kaposi sarcoma,
- 06:58is an HIV HIV infection.
- 07:00It comes to mind or when viruses
- 07:02viral infection, for example,
- 07:04triggers chromosome instability or
- 07:06translocation that eventually die.
- 07:07Of course, leads to cancer and other
- 07:10aspects of the Director Genesis
- 07:12more related to what I'm being,
- 07:14I'm going to be telling you today is,
- 07:18for example, chronic inflammation,
- 07:19which is very well established to
- 07:22be linked to to Uncle Genesis.
- 07:25The production of proinflammatory
- 07:26cytokines that have growth promoting
- 07:28abilities combined with oxygen radicals.
- 07:30They have a mutation or mutagenesis ability
- 07:33leads to setting the stage for Franco,
- 07:36Genesis is the case,
- 07:38for example with Helicobacter
- 07:39pylori and gastric cancer,
- 07:41and in addition something that has been
- 07:44emerging over the last few years and
- 07:47that we sort of Pioneer in this area
- 07:50is the fact that certain organisms
- 07:52really produce direct Gina toxins
- 07:55that will drive the oncogenic event.
- 07:58So I say alluded these last two are
- 08:01the ones more relevant to bacteria,
- 08:03which is the type of microbes
- 08:06that we study in the lab.
- 08:08So bacterial is in this context
- 08:11bacterial colonization leads to
- 08:12both inflammation and genotoxin
- 08:14production and exposures of tissues to
- 08:16genotoxin and therefore predisposing
- 08:18those tissues to to cancel.
- 08:20What I'm gonna be telling you today
- 08:23is the paradigm of two organisms that
- 08:26we study in the lab. Both of them.
- 08:29These organisms are salmonella
- 08:31and campylobacter jejuni.
- 08:32Both of them have been very
- 08:35strongly epidemiological.
- 08:36He associated with the development
- 08:38of cancer Campylobacter jejuni
- 08:40associated with an intestinal lymphoma,
- 08:42and while Salmonella Typhi,
- 08:43one of these family that we study in
- 08:47the lab is really a major cause of
- 08:49Gallbladder cancer and Gallbladder
- 08:51cancer in endemic areas is actually one
- 08:55of the main cancers that affect those.
- 08:58Individuals and it infections with
- 09:02Salmonella Typhi and associated
- 09:04with a 204 risk of hip,
- 09:07hip,
- 09:07hepatobiliary carcinoma and
- 09:09Gallbladder cancer,
- 09:10so these are important causes of cancer
- 09:14which incidentally are not in that
- 09:1720% statistic that I told you about.
- 09:22Now,
- 09:22in the case of Campylobacter,
- 09:24what we discovered that was sort
- 09:27of central to understand how these
- 09:29organisms linked to oncogenesis is a
- 09:31is the characterization of a toxin
- 09:33that we did almost two decades ago
- 09:36actually scary more than two decades ago?
- 09:40That he said toxin that caught our
- 09:43attention because of what you see here in in.
- 09:46In these images,
- 09:47these are cells that are intoxicated.
- 09:49You see them very much expanded with a
- 09:52large nuclei in comparison to control
- 09:54cell at the same excuse me Jorge,
- 09:56your your slide
- 09:58is not. It did not advance.
- 10:00Papa you mean?
- 10:01I mean what they have you on the 1st slide?
- 10:06Oh gosh, that's that's not good.
- 10:09That can you see them this way now?
- 10:12Yeah, that I can see those OK when
- 10:14I when I do it that way because OK,
- 10:18yeah unfortunately because
- 10:19whatever it would have been easier.
- 10:21But thank you for letting me know.
- 10:23OK so anyway, so here it is the.
- 10:29OK, so this image is showing
- 10:31you the the cells that have been
- 10:35intoxicated with this toxin,
- 10:37showing this unusual morphology.
- 10:39In comparison we control cell
- 10:42and the reason these cells have
- 10:45that morphology is becaused.
- 10:47The cells are stuck on the G2M phase
- 10:51of the cell cycle and we found
- 10:54that the reason for that is that
- 10:57this toxin that we had discovered.
- 11:00It has a genotoxicity DNA damage in capacity,
- 11:03those this is a toxin typical
- 11:06toxin of we call AB.
- 11:08Toxins have two two types of parts.
- 11:11If you will the be part,
- 11:13which is what targets the payload to a
- 11:16particular cell and the payload part.
- 11:19The nucleus is is an endonuclease is
- 11:22actually an unusual in the nucleus
- 11:25in the sense that primary amino
- 11:27acid sequence would not overtly
- 11:29tell you that this is a new case.
- 11:32But when you look at the atomic structure,
- 11:37you can make out the catalytic side.
- 11:41So so this is a typical case of
- 11:45genotoxin that is responsible for for
- 11:49driving driving the day on today.
- 11:55Cancer development and in fact just recently,
- 11:58this has been formally demonstrated
- 12:00in an animal model that that this
- 12:04toxin is responsible for Campylobacter
- 12:07jejuni's ability to promote cancer so.
- 12:11It's kind of awkward to have to advise
- 12:13it like this, but I will go ahead.
- 12:16So the second example is Salmonella
- 12:18Typhi and I need to tell you that
- 12:21the the basic about something that I
- 12:24think people things in context again
- 12:26and that is that someone had typhus
- 12:28and exclusive pathogen of humans.
- 12:30It causes typhoid fever.
- 12:32One of those historical diseases if you will,
- 12:34but important for Genesis is the fact
- 12:37that those that survived the disease,
- 12:39many of them go on to persistently
- 12:42harbored the Organism.
- 12:43Within the Gallbladder and that is where
- 12:46the rubber meets the road and that
- 12:49is the reason why those individuals
- 12:51that are harboring salmonella typing
- 12:53in the in the in the areas are
- 12:56prone to develop Gallbladder cancer.
- 12:58And in the case of Salmonella the
- 13:01paradigm is slightly different than
- 13:03the paradigm in Campylobacter jejuni.
- 13:05But it shares it remarkably,
- 13:07is shares more than what would expect.
- 13:10You need to think in terms of evolution
- 13:14that Campylobacter and Salmonella are they.
- 13:16Couldn't be more far apart.
- 13:18One is an epsilon bacteria,
- 13:20the other is a gammaproteobacteria.
- 13:22It's like absolutely no evolutionary
- 13:25connection and yet what is remarkable is
- 13:28that we discover a toxin in Salmonella
- 13:31typhi that we call typhoid toxin.
- 13:34That also has the ability to
- 13:36induce DNA damage,
- 13:37as shown here in this image,
- 13:39and when we characterize this toxin,
- 13:42we were surprised to see that
- 13:44the active subunit of this toxin
- 13:46was virtually identical,
- 13:48that the active subunit of the
- 13:50completely unrelated toxin Curry
- 13:52by camping of active June.
- 13:53So this is really a remarkable
- 13:56piece of evolution.
- 13:57This is one of those head turning
- 13:59toxins that actually evolution put it
- 14:02together by fusing two toxins, one.
- 14:04That some of you may be familiar,
- 14:07it called pertussis toxin,
- 14:08is what makes you a what is central for
- 14:11the pathogenesis of whooping cough.
- 14:13And then these other talks in that
- 14:15I described earlier.
- 14:16They cite a little distending toxin,
- 14:18so this lower part of the talks
- 14:20in comes from pertussis toxin,
- 14:22and this upper Paradox income from
- 14:24side a little extended talks,
- 14:26so evolution hook them together
- 14:27to make this head turning toxin
- 14:29that Salmonella typhi encodes,
- 14:31and that it is responsible for the
- 14:33genotoxicity of these organisms.
- 14:35And easy sent unusual toxin in
- 14:37many different ways that I don't
- 14:39have time to go into,
- 14:40but one of the remarkable ways in
- 14:43which this toxin is unique is that it
- 14:45is other patient to the human host.
- 14:47And what do I mean by that?
- 14:49Well, the receptor for these talks,
- 14:51you know the receptors.
- 14:52I should say we discovered two proteins,
- 14:55part of policing,
- 14:56one in epithelial cells and CD 45 in.
- 14:59In immune cells,
- 15:00but what is important here is
- 15:02what does the toxin see on this
- 15:05block of proteins and
- 15:06is the glycan power and we through like
- 15:09Andres and other types of studies for
- 15:11to address these kinds of questions
- 15:13we discovered that what what Typhoid
- 15:16toxin likes if you will is glycans
- 15:18terminated in the sitting room.
- 15:20We know that many Kacian hooked to
- 15:22galactose and and to glucose or setting
- 15:25glucosamine in this particular fashion.
- 15:27And why is this relevant?
- 15:29Well, this is important because you
- 15:31may not know these or many of you
- 15:34May is that we humans are actually
- 15:37rather unusual mammals in many ways,
- 15:40and one of the ways in which terribly
- 15:42unusual is in our glycosylation pattern.
- 15:45All our sciullo glycans are
- 15:47terminated in a city neuraminic acid,
- 15:50but all other mammals in fact,
- 15:52like answer, terminated in Blakely,
- 15:54neuraminic acid,
- 15:55and the reason is that the
- 15:57enzyme that is responsible for.
- 16:00Can you see this slide and?
- 16:02Maybe.
- 16:02Well, whatever I continuously the inside
- 16:05that is responsible for putting these acts.
- 16:07Oxygen here is mutated in humans.
- 16:09We have a pseudogene there and therefore
- 16:11we are unique in that fashion and typhoid
- 16:15toxin combined likens exclusively
- 16:16terminated in a city in America.
- 16:18And in fact,
- 16:19if you just change one oxidant in
- 16:22any of these glycans that Typhoid
- 16:24toxin likes and you already meaning
- 16:26in in an array make like an array,
- 16:29typhoid toxin does not bind.
- 16:31It also has the ability to distinguish.
- 16:33Just one Atom of oxygen.
- 16:36Remarkable piece of evolution that
- 16:38makes it able to target human cells
- 16:41and have that oncogenic effect.
- 16:43But in addition to having a
- 16:46genotoxin somewhere,
- 16:47typhi is actually has the 241.
- 16:49In other words,
- 16:51is also the chronic inflammation
- 16:53part that plays a role in the
- 16:56Uncle Genesis of Salmonella Typhi.
- 16:59And so it's something that I think
- 17:02causes chronic inflammation of the
- 17:04Gallbladder and that chronic inflammation,
- 17:07as is well known,
- 17:08leads to the development of cancer
- 17:11or contributes to development of
- 17:14cancer and the paradigm here is
- 17:17is well known where as I said,
- 17:19the production of growth.
- 17:21Promoting cytokines combined with
- 17:23or radical oxygens that Armenta
- 17:25Genic eventually leads to the
- 17:27development of cancer angiogenesis.
- 17:30Growth stimulation and so on and so forth.
- 17:33So the issue is how does salmonella
- 17:36trigger inflammation now on this on?
- 17:39On the surface,
- 17:40this could be a rather simple story
- 17:43and you may know that we are in now
- 17:46with innate immune receptors famously
- 17:49put into the scientific space by the
- 17:52late Charlie Janeway here at Yale and
- 17:55this innate immune receptors have the
- 17:58capacity to recognize bacterial products.
- 18:00Uh,
- 18:01like polysaccharide peptidoglycan flagella.
- 18:03You name it,
- 18:04many bacterial products can be detected
- 18:07by this innate immune receptors.
- 18:10Them essentially coordinate an
- 18:12inflammatory response and that
- 18:15inflammatory response eventually
- 18:16leads to pathogen rejection and
- 18:19they acquired immune response.
- 18:21So this is central to the way we hosts,
- 18:25not just humans.
- 18:27But all mammals defend against microbial.
- 18:30Pathogens now it turns out that then
- 18:32from these framework it will be very
- 18:35simple to think that someone other
- 18:36triggers inflammation simply
- 18:38because he has plenty of LPS.
- 18:40He has plenty of these product
- 18:42and is the detection of the
- 18:44host that drives inflammation.
- 18:45In other words,
- 18:46this will be like a host centric view,
- 18:49but work that we have done in our
- 18:51lab for the last 15 years or so has
- 18:54completely turn around this paradigm
- 18:55and discovered that that's actually
- 18:57incorrect in the case of Salmonella,
- 19:00that salmonella really has
- 19:01a specific adaptations.
- 19:02Evolve by similar to trigger inflammation.
- 19:05So this is a pathogen driven process,
- 19:08not a host driven process,
- 19:10and the reason is very simple
- 19:12or not so simple.
- 19:14Salmonella, like many other microbes,
- 19:16when they encounter a mucosal site,
- 19:19being an intestinal being
- 19:20the Gallbladder mucosa,
- 19:21they need to compete with resident
- 19:24microbiota who has a foothold on that
- 19:27issue and really put up a good fight.
- 19:30This is actually over.
- 19:32One of our main barriers
- 19:34against bacterial pathogens,
- 19:36particularly in this time,
- 19:37is the resident microbiota.
- 19:39The inflammatory response crosses
- 19:41it causes profound dysbiosis,
- 19:42which is essential for someone else
- 19:44to be able to colonize and replicate.
- 19:48Not only that,
- 19:49inflammation makes nutrients available,
- 19:50electron acceptors camper sourcers
- 19:52that otherwise would not be
- 19:54available in the an inflamed tissue,
- 19:57and that drives the replication
- 19:59of the aluminum.
- 20:00Population of salmon are so,
- 20:02so is the inflammatory response that
- 20:04causes even though someone else
- 20:06and intracellular pathogen the bulk
- 20:09of the bacterial replication comes
- 20:11from this lumenal population that is
- 20:13fed from the inflammatory response
- 20:15triggered by this in this bacteria.
- 20:17Here. So a nice division of Labor.
- 20:20Now how does someone even managed
- 20:22to trigger an inflammatory response?
- 20:24Mucosal sites which are actually
- 20:26is pretty difficult because mucosal
- 20:28sites are subject to various stringent
- 20:30negative regulation of his native.
- 20:32Respected receptors precisely to
- 20:34prevent this microbiota that in
- 20:37theory can also stimulate in Amy
- 20:39receptors to trigger an inflammatory
- 20:41response and for all of us to be
- 20:44working with IBD or Crohn's disease.
- 20:46To avoid that they're very precise
- 20:48mechanisms to keep those innate
- 20:50immune receptors in check,
- 20:52and somebody had to trigger inflammation
- 20:55in that environment has does he do it?
- 20:58Well,
- 20:58it does sit through this amazing
- 21:00machine that Dan alluded earlier that
- 21:03we discovered more than two decades ago.
- 21:06It's an amazing sort of bacterial
- 21:09injection device if you will.
- 21:12That injects bacterially encoded
- 21:15proteins that.
- 21:17Have the capacity to modulate many
- 21:20signal transduction pathways.
- 21:22And it's the ability to stimulate
- 21:25those signal transduction pathways
- 21:26and modulate cellular process for
- 21:28the benefit of the pathogen
- 21:30specifically relevant to inflammation
- 21:32are three of these effective proteins
- 21:35that activate Rho Family GT P aces
- 21:37by either being exchange factors of
- 21:40the Pro Family GPs is or forcefully
- 21:43nocetti phosphatase.
- 21:44In the case of this particular
- 21:46effector that wouldn't activate
- 21:48endogenous change factors and activate that,
- 21:51and that leads to the activation of CDC.
- 21:5442 and then the activation of CDC 42
- 21:56leads to transcriptional responses
- 21:58that really are proinflammatory
- 22:00and really looked like
- 22:02in 18 responses.
- 22:03This was a bit puzzling for a
- 22:05number of years because CDC 42 had
- 22:08never been linked to innate immune
- 22:10responses until very recently,
- 22:12where we sort of cracked this little
- 22:15puzzle and we discovered that the
- 22:17activation of CDC 42 by Salmonella leads
- 22:20to the formation of a noncanonical
- 22:22signaling complex made by pack one.
- 22:25A target of CDC 42 and
- 22:27these other components.
- 22:28Trap 6 Tab Tak,
- 22:29One Tab 1 Tab 2 that leads to the
- 22:32inflammatory response and what is
- 22:34what explains the whole thing is
- 22:37that these signaling complexes
- 22:39identical to the signaling complex
- 22:41that is tripped by narimi receptors.
- 22:43So what someone in essence is doing
- 22:45is going down the signaling pathway
- 22:47so that so as to avoid the negative
- 22:50regulatory system and trigger
- 22:52essentially an innate immune response.
- 22:55But by non Canonical methods,
- 22:57so he uses other type of mechanism
- 22:59similar to this going downstream
- 23:01of Canonical signaling pathways.
- 23:04But since my time is up I just gonna
- 23:07put up a sort of a summary of these
- 23:10and sort of to give you a flavor or
- 23:14how these effector proteins can go down.
- 23:17Different signaling pathways
- 23:18intersect with signaling pathway.
- 23:20For example this effector can
- 23:22activate the rig I and MD I5.
- 23:25A nucleotide sensing pathway,
- 23:27but without the need of nuclear dice.
- 23:29It just simply activates regay by
- 23:32interfacing with dream 56 and trim 65.
- 23:35Two regulators of this pathway you.
- 23:37We could make them activates them and
- 23:40trips this signaling pathway without the
- 23:43need of The Agonist of those receptors,
- 23:46and the same applies to another
- 23:48effector here that it actually
- 23:50inhibits an anti-inflammatory pathway.
- 23:52So, but since I don't have time.
- 23:55I had to skip it,
- 23:57so I hope that you got a sense of
- 23:59the sophistication by which bacterial
- 24:01pathogens manipulate cells in in ways
- 24:04that benefit them but doesn't benefit us.
- 24:07And through the production of
- 24:08Gina toxins or inflammation,
- 24:10it leads to the predisposition to cancer
- 24:12and then finally last but not least,
- 24:15people that were involved in this work
- 24:17obviously and talked to work that was
- 24:20done a number of years ago as well,
- 24:22but for the inflammation pathway, who we?
- 24:25Indiana were involved and one
- 24:27whose did all this work and Mary,
- 24:31of course,
- 24:32had made the pioneering discoveries
- 24:34of the Genotoxin in Campillo Bacter
- 24:37Jejuni and set in motion all this work.
- 24:40And thank you very much.
- 24:42And with that I'm gonna stop
- 24:45sharing if I can.
- 24:47And.
- 24:51OK, well thank you very much.
- 24:52Jorge is very interesting.
- 24:53Very exciting work.
- 24:54I don't know how to swim.
- 24:56I should know how to stop sharing
- 24:58but you help me on that one.
- 25:00Yeah, OK.
- 25:02If people have questions,
- 25:03you can type them into the chat,
- 25:06or Renee's, or way
- 25:07to unmute them.
- 25:12We can, if you'd like, sure.
- 25:15I'm ask a quick question.
- 25:17I was very struck by that by
- 25:19what appears to be the convergent
- 25:21evolution of these two nucleases.
- 25:23Yeah, it's really very striking.
- 25:25Is there? What is the advantage of the
- 25:27bacteria to induce cell cycle arrest?
- 25:31What cell cycle arrest actually
- 25:32is also growing flammatory?
- 25:34So probably one of the main drivers
- 25:36is the Pro inflammatory response and
- 25:38also in the case of some type is using
- 25:41this activity to target immune cells.
- 25:43So obviously if you're a virus and
- 25:45you know you you know a thing or two
- 25:48about them and you integrate your
- 25:50genome in in the host, you're free.
- 25:53You know you.
- 25:54That's the way you can persist
- 25:56as long as you want.
- 25:58If you're somebody that I feel you have.
- 26:004761 those are the number
- 26:02of open reading frames,
- 26:04potential antigens you need to hide.
- 26:06You can't do that right?
- 26:08So the way somebody that he does it
- 26:11is by creating a sort of immunological
- 26:14suppression around the site,
- 26:16wherein colonizes and these
- 26:17toxin is central for that.
- 26:19For the persistent infection,
- 26:21by targeting immune cells.
- 26:22So so, and in the case of Campylobacter,
- 26:25of course,
- 26:26inflammation is central for the bug and and
- 26:29this proinflammatory aspect of DNA damage.
- 26:32Is probably what evolutionary
- 26:33selected for these,
- 26:34you know,
- 26:35toxins and the in the process.
- 26:37We you know we got clipped.
- 26:40Thank you are there
- 26:42are there other questions for Jorge?
- 26:51Alright, well thank you very much.
- 27:00I think I think Dan froze.
- 27:03You were frozen Dan.
- 27:05Oh, I'm sorry, frozen.
- 27:09I guess introduce you,
- 27:11Melinda Kay. Great don't we love
- 27:14the advances in technology.
- 27:16Thank you Doctor Glenn that was fabulous Ann.
- 27:20I am now delighted to introduce
- 27:22Doctor Nicole Diesel to present
- 27:24her research on environmental
- 27:26carcinogens and thyroid cancer.
- 27:28Doctor Diesel is an associate
- 27:31professor of environmental health in
- 27:34the Yale School Public Health and
- 27:36she received her pH D in her Masters
- 27:39in industrial hygiene from the Johns
- 27:42Hopkins School of Public Health.
- 27:44Her environmental exposure assessment
- 27:46strategies aimed to reduce exposure
- 27:48misclassification for epidemiological.
- 27:49Studies and in advance understanding
- 27:51of the relationship between exposure
- 27:54to environmental environmental
- 27:55chemicals in the risk of cancer
- 27:57in other adverse health outcomes,
- 28:00she serves as the Pi of a study funded
- 28:02by the American Cancer Society and
- 28:06investigating exposure to flame retardants,
- 28:08pesticides,
- 28:09and other persistent pollutants in
- 28:11thyroid cancer risk and of note,
- 28:13she is the winner of the Yale Cancer
- 28:17Center 2020 Research Prize in population.
- 28:20Science for her research on this topic,
- 28:22so we're delighted for your presentation.
- 28:24Doctor diesel.
- 28:25Take it away.
- 28:28OK, thank you so much Melinda
- 28:30for the generous introduction.
- 28:32Very pleased to be here to share
- 28:35some of my recent work with you.
- 28:38I really enjoyed Doctor Galanes presentation
- 28:40looking at exposure to microbial
- 28:42pathogens and the associated toxins,
- 28:45and I'll be switching gears a little
- 28:48bit to look at work looking at the
- 28:52Epidemiology of exposures to chemical
- 28:54toxins and thyroid cancer risk.
- 28:57OK, so I've advanced my slide and someone
- 29:00can let me know if there's any issue there.
- 29:04I first wanted to take a moment just
- 29:07to tell you about the motivation of
- 29:10my research and the research I'll
- 29:13be presenting today and talk about
- 29:16environmental risk factors for cancer.
- 29:18We know that third of cancers are
- 29:21attributable to modifiable factors.
- 29:23We often think of things related to diet,
- 29:26alcohol, tobacco,
- 29:27these so-called lifestyle factors.
- 29:29But this also includes infections which
- 29:32we just heard about as well as pollution.
- 29:36So how much of cancer cases can
- 29:39we attribute to this pollution?
- 29:42While a doll and Peto in their landmark
- 29:46study estimated about 7% of cancer deaths
- 29:50could be attributable to occupation,
- 29:52pollution and industrial products,
- 29:54in many experts agree that this
- 29:57percentage is likely grossly.
- 30:00Under arrest Maded due to the extremely
- 30:03limited data on the commercial chemicals
- 30:05that we encounter in our day-to-day lives.
- 30:09So in the United States there
- 30:12are 80,000 chemicals that are
- 30:14licensed for commercial use,
- 30:16and of those only 200.
- 30:19So not even a percentage of them have been
- 30:22screened adequately for carcinogenicity.
- 30:25And every time I share this statistic,
- 30:28I find it really striking.
- 30:32Another reason why this is so important
- 30:35is that you know many of these exposures
- 30:39are outside individual control.
- 30:41These are things in air pollution
- 30:43or water supply,
- 30:45the food supply,
- 30:46our workplaces,
- 30:47so we really rely on the government
- 30:49to protect us from exposure to these
- 30:52potentially harmful chemicals and
- 30:54our regulatory system really is quite
- 30:57inadequate to serve this purpose.
- 31:00The way it's structured.
- 31:02Chemicals have to be proven harmful
- 31:05rather than proven safe at the outset,
- 31:08so it normally requires researchers
- 31:11like myself and others in my fields who
- 31:15study chemicals you know for decades
- 31:17before we acquire enough evidence to
- 31:21demonstrate harm for particular chemical.
- 31:24And also importantly,
- 31:25we know these exposures are not
- 31:28distributed equitably across
- 31:30populations and that populations.
- 31:32Experiencing other social disadvantages
- 31:34are often disproportionately
- 31:36exposed to certain pollutants,
- 31:38and some of these points are
- 31:41highlighted in a forthcoming book
- 31:44chapter that I worked on with Doctor
- 31:48Orwin edited by Charlie Fuchs.
- 31:51So turning to the specific research
- 31:54I want to talk about today,
- 31:56which is related to thyroid cancer,
- 31:59thyroid cancer is the one of the
- 32:02fastest growing malignancy's.
- 32:03It has nearly tripled over the
- 32:06past few decades.
- 32:07As you can see in these graphs
- 32:10of SEER cancer incidence data.
- 32:13You can also know by looking at the
- 32:17Y axis that females have three times
- 32:21the incidence compared to males.
- 32:25Can thyroid cancer, you know,
- 32:28has a very good prognosis.
- 32:31It's more than 90% survival after 20 years.
- 32:35However, survivors face many. Physical,
- 32:39psychological and financial challenges.
- 32:42With the prolonged treatments,
- 32:45increased surveillance risk of second primary
- 32:50cancer and other quality of life issues.
- 32:56So this increase is likely certainly
- 32:59due at least in part to improvements
- 33:04and changes to diagnostic techniques,
- 33:07imaging techniques and
- 33:09an fine needle biopsy's.
- 33:12So there's some debate about what
- 33:15proportion can be attributed to
- 33:18this increased diagnostic scrutiny,
- 33:21but many analysis suggests that
- 33:24about half of this.
- 33:27Trend can be linked to
- 33:31these diagnostic changes,
- 33:34leaving half for environmental
- 33:37or lifestyle factors.
- 33:45I'm so we've hypothesized that increasing
- 33:48exposure to thyroid hormone disrupting
- 33:50environmental chemicals such as these
- 33:53polybrominated diphenyl ether flame
- 33:56retardants or PVD ES may be partially
- 33:59driving this increasing trend.
- 34:00So I'll just talk a little
- 34:03bit more about these people.
- 34:06These are actually a lot of thyroid
- 34:10hormone disrupting environmental
- 34:12chemicals in use an in the environment.
- 34:15These flame retardants were widely added.
- 34:18Too many different products.
- 34:20The polyurethane foam in mattress is
- 34:24an couch, cushions and vehicle seats,
- 34:26including baby car seats.
- 34:28They were also added to electronics
- 34:31like phones, cell phones, televisions,
- 34:34computers and the reason they were
- 34:37added was to meet a flammability
- 34:40standards such that if these products
- 34:43you know caught fire they would burn.
- 34:46More slowly,
- 34:47which is a good thing from a
- 34:50public health perspective.
- 34:52However,
- 34:53these chemicals once added to these products,
- 34:56did not stay bound in the matrices as
- 35:00indicated by their manufacturers and
- 35:03instead have migrated out into our homes.
- 35:08At home environments, cars,
- 35:10workplaces, etc.
- 35:11So due to this widespread use
- 35:13as well as disposal and improper
- 35:16disposal of these chemicals,
- 35:18they aren't ubiquitous and more than
- 35:2190% of the population here in the US and
- 35:26globally are exposed to these chemicals.
- 35:30And this also they are extremely persistent
- 35:34once they get into their homes or our bodies,
- 35:39they do not degrade very easily,
- 35:43so they stick around for years and decades.
- 35:47So due to concerns about this
- 35:50persistence and potential toxicities,
- 35:53these particular group of chemicals,
- 35:55the PDE's were phase outs
- 35:59were initiated over the last.
- 36:02Past decade, however,
- 36:03exposures do continue for
- 36:05the reasons I described.
- 36:07Their persistence,
- 36:08you know,
- 36:09their presence in products made before then.
- 36:14As well as their presence in
- 36:16the food supply and elsewhere.
- 36:19One other group of chemicals that
- 36:21will be talking about today are the
- 36:24polychlorinated biphenyls or PCB's.
- 36:26These were also used widely
- 36:28in electrical equipment,
- 36:30hydraulic machinery construction materials.
- 36:31These were banned in 1979,
- 36:33so again, you might say why?
- 36:36Why are we even studying these now?
- 36:39Well,
- 36:39there's still around and they're
- 36:41still around in our our bodies.
- 36:44Our bloodstreams in the environment,
- 36:46and in fact here in Connecticut
- 36:49there's been some renewed concern
- 36:51about these legacy chemicals.
- 36:53They were commonly used in buildings,
- 36:56including schools constructed
- 36:57in the 1950s to 1970s,
- 37:00and many of these schools now are
- 37:02in need of repairs and renovations,
- 37:06and there have been some notable
- 37:08schools in Connecticut that I've had
- 37:11PCB levels exceeding safe levels.
- 37:13Closures of schools you know,
- 37:16insufficient funds to do a proper
- 37:18and safe remodeling or renovations,
- 37:21and again, often these are in.
- 37:24Kind of environmental justice communities.
- 37:28So another reason to study these legacy
- 37:31chemicals is as they get phased out,
- 37:34new chemicals come to take their place,
- 37:38and many of those are also also have
- 37:41similar properties and so understanding.
- 37:44These may help us inform greener
- 37:47chemistry or future regulations
- 37:49of other other chemicals.
- 37:54So we hypothesize that these PV
- 37:57East could be contributing to that
- 37:59increasing trend in thyroid cancer.
- 38:01Here is a graph showing increasing exposure
- 38:05over a similar time period where we saw
- 38:08thyroid cancer cases start to go up.
- 38:11So these are measurements taken from blood
- 38:14samples from a blood bank. In the US.
- 38:17You can see about a doubling every five
- 38:20years of these particular chemicals.
- 38:25So looking at more recent data,
- 38:28I, as I mentioned,
- 38:29these have been somewhat phased out.
- 38:32You can see that well levels
- 38:35have come down since those
- 38:37some of those earlier years,
- 38:40but then they really have somewhat plateaued.
- 38:43Or are, you know some some
- 38:46particular congeners of these?
- 38:47In this family of chemicals are still
- 38:51increasing slightly an we see similar.
- 38:54Trends with the PCB's that levels
- 38:56have come down since they were banned,
- 38:59but then they reached this plateau
- 39:01in the population because of their
- 39:04persistence and then as new chemicals
- 39:06come on we may be introduced to
- 39:08those on top of these exposures.
- 39:12Hey and so why?
- 39:14Why do we think these may
- 39:16be linked to thyroid cancer?
- 39:19These chemicals are established
- 39:21thyroid hormone disruptors.
- 39:22Their endocrine disruptors and
- 39:24over here I have an image of our
- 39:27thyroid hormone thyroxine and then
- 39:30the PCB's and the PVD ES and their
- 39:33general chemical structure so you
- 39:35can see immediately how structurally
- 39:37similar these chemicals are.
- 39:39Shut thyrax, and we've got the two.
- 39:42Aromatic rings and then
- 39:44while thyroxine has iodine,
- 39:46these chemicals have other halogens.
- 39:49They have either chlorine or bromine's.
- 39:52Just to further illustrate when for
- 39:54example this particular PDE gets metabolised,
- 39:57it gets this hydroxyl group added.
- 40:01And now even more closely resembles
- 40:04Thyrax in so the in vitro studies
- 40:08have shown that these chemicals can
- 40:12competitively binds with thyroid
- 40:15transport proteins and results in
- 40:18reduced circulation of thyroid hormones,
- 40:21which could then result in dysregulation
- 40:25of the transport and signaling pathways,
- 40:29potentially leading to.
- 40:31Overproduction,
- 40:32of of hormones to compensate
- 40:35proliferation in the thyroid
- 40:37and potentially neoplasia.
- 40:42So as you know the the hypothalamus,
- 40:45pituitary, thyroid axis is this
- 40:48very well choreographed system.
- 40:50So these perturbations or
- 40:52dysregulation of these systems
- 40:54can perhaps trigger some of these.
- 40:56Some proliferation of the thyroid and
- 40:59potentially lead to thyroid cancer.
- 41:02I'm just I'm showing this slide
- 41:04to also illustrate that some
- 41:06chemicals have some additional
- 41:09hypothesized mechanisms, such as.
- 41:11Some have been shown to be
- 41:14capable to directly bind to DNA,
- 41:18leading to mutations and could potentially
- 41:21lead to carcinogenesis that way.
- 41:26So before we launched our study,
- 41:29there had only been two other
- 41:32studies examining this hypothesis.
- 41:33This idea that these PPDS could
- 41:36be linked to thyroid cancer.
- 41:38So the first two rows of this table or
- 41:42the two prior epidemiologic studies in
- 41:45the third row was the study that I lead.
- 41:50A couple things to point out here is
- 41:53that the case is the studies that came
- 41:57before us had moderate study populations,
- 42:00and ours was larger.
- 42:02We also looked at more
- 42:04chemicals and importantly,
- 42:06we looked at single and
- 42:08multi pollutant models so.
- 42:12So what I mean by that is that in
- 42:15the real world you know we're not
- 42:18exposed to one chemical at a time,
- 42:20where typically exposed to groups of
- 42:22chemicals or mixtures of chemicals
- 42:24and traditional environmental.
- 42:25Epidemiologic studies have looked
- 42:27at chemicals just one at a time,
- 42:29and in my work we're looking at
- 42:32these so-called mixtures using
- 42:33different modeling techniques
- 42:34to look at the joint effect of
- 42:37exposures to multiple chemicals.
- 42:42Similarly for the PCB's,
- 42:44the other chemicals there were also only
- 42:46two previous studies before we did ours.
- 42:49Also the other studies were a bit smaller
- 42:52and we also looked at mixture modeling.
- 42:55One other one shortcoming,
- 42:57I wanted to point out actually in reference
- 43:01to at least one of the other studies is
- 43:04that our study was a case control study.
- 43:07So we did collect serum samples to do our.
- 43:11Environmental chemical
- 43:12measurements after diagnosis.
- 43:14Whereas one other study
- 43:16collected pre diagnosis samples,
- 43:18we think you know.
- 43:20So we're using this post diagnosis sample
- 43:23to try to capture exposures in the past.
- 43:27While it's not optimal,
- 43:29we think this is actually a pretty
- 43:32strong and reasonable assumption,
- 43:34because we know that these chemicals
- 43:38have half lives of years and decades.
- 43:42Ends may may well reflect past
- 43:45past you some past exposure.
- 43:51OK, so just a few more details
- 43:53about the study we conducted.
- 43:55I LED a study within a study and
- 43:58that larger study was the Connecticut
- 44:01thyroid cancer case control study,
- 44:03which was led by Yahweh Chung,
- 44:06who was our former colleague
- 44:08here at the Yale Cancer Center.
- 44:10We focused on women because they
- 44:12have that three times higher risk.
- 44:15I showed earlier about 90% of
- 44:17our cases were white, so we.
- 44:20Focused on the white population
- 44:22because our numbers were really small
- 44:26for looking at other demographics.
- 44:28I do think now this is something
- 44:32I would like to follow up on
- 44:36more in another population,
- 44:38we focused on papillary thyroid cancers.
- 44:41That's about 85% of the
- 44:44new cases or papillary.
- 44:46We also collected very detailed
- 44:49information about demographics,
- 44:50lifestyle, diet.
- 44:51Many other risk factors that we
- 44:54can control for other factors.
- 44:57We collected the blood sample at
- 44:59the time of the interview and then
- 45:02measured the participants blood samples
- 45:05for 11 different peyizan 32 PCBS,
- 45:08which this analysis also gave us.
- 45:11Some pesticides like DDT,
- 45:13which are also structurally similar to these.
- 45:16These classes of chemicals.
- 45:19And again we looked at both pollutants,
- 45:22one at a time, like like most studies
- 45:26do and then multi pollutant models.
- 45:29OK, so here's some results from
- 45:32our study population.
- 45:33These are factors that differed
- 45:35between cases and controls,
- 45:37so our cases had a lower educational
- 45:40attainment compared to controls.
- 45:42They did have a history
- 45:44of benign thyroid disease.
- 45:46That's a strong risk
- 45:48factor for thyroid cancer.
- 45:50Alcohol consumption was actually.
- 45:55Higher, lower,
- 45:56lower in cases.
- 45:57This is one of the few cancers where
- 46:00alcohol actually has been consistently
- 46:03shown to have a protective effect.
- 46:06An cases also had a history of
- 46:09thyroid cancer and higher BMI,
- 46:12which has been shown now in several
- 46:15studies indicating another possible
- 46:17risk risk factor that can also
- 46:19be interrelated to like endocrine
- 46:22disrupting chemicals and also.
- 46:26OK, so here are some results from
- 46:29our single pollutant models where we
- 46:32looked at one chemical at a time.
- 46:35So these are increasing categories
- 46:37of exposure within each of
- 46:39these different pollutants.
- 46:41You know, odds Ratio 1 means no effects,
- 46:45and anything above one would indicate
- 46:48an Association with thyroid cancer.
- 46:51So you can see here that there's
- 46:54really not much going on with
- 46:56these individual models.
- 46:58If anything, the odds of thyroid
- 47:00cancer seem to be lower than those
- 47:03who are exposed compared to the
- 47:06reference group of low exposure.
- 47:08So the medium and high groups are
- 47:11not at an elevated odds of thyroid
- 47:14cancer except for this one chemical.
- 47:17This PB 153.
- 47:22So when we move to our
- 47:25multi pollutant models,
- 47:26the results are also somewhat null.
- 47:29We have two multi pollutant models
- 47:32here using Bayesian modeling,
- 47:33which I won't get into here.
- 47:36But here you can see that it's the
- 47:40picture is still pretty null except for.
- 47:43In this case we have this other,
- 47:46a different chemical PDE 100.
- 47:49Was associated with elevated odds of
- 47:52thyroid cancer using both those models.
- 47:58And then finally we did this one more
- 48:01mixture type approach of principle,
- 48:03components analysis and in this work
- 48:07we found that people who had had this.
- 48:11Combination of exposures which was higher.
- 48:15PBDE 153. An lower PDE 209 had an
- 48:19elevated odds of thyroid cancer.
- 48:26So then moving on to the PCB use in this
- 48:30for this one because we had so many,
- 48:33we had 32 different chemicals.
- 48:35I'm just going to present some some
- 48:38groups of structurally similar PCB's,
- 48:40which was another approach we used
- 48:42to look at groups of chemicals.
- 48:44So in this in this model this kind of
- 48:48we're just looking at one group at a time.
- 48:52Odds ratios are hovering around 1:00,
- 48:55so again pretty null findings. Not.
- 48:58We're not seeing a link between
- 49:01exposure and thyroid cancer.
- 49:04However, it said the most intriguing part of
- 49:08this study was when we took a closer look at.
- 49:12The the groups of people,
- 49:14people who are exposed.
- 49:17During who were younger
- 49:20during peak production,
- 49:21who were born during peak
- 49:24production of PCB's.
- 49:26So presumably would have their
- 49:28highest exposure in very early life.
- 49:32They consistently had higher
- 49:34odds of thyroid cancer,
- 49:36including this group of PCB's that
- 49:39were particularly structurally
- 49:41similar to thyroid hormones,
- 49:43so this was quite intriguing to me,
- 49:47suggesting maybe the timing.
- 49:49Of exposure could be important.
- 49:54OK. So just to summarize,
- 49:58some of the key takeaways from both.
- 50:00Of these studies.
- 50:03Strengths were that we looked at this
- 50:06larger population and incorporated
- 50:07these different models to account for
- 50:10Co exposure to multiple pollutants.
- 50:12The results were generally null.
- 50:14You know, we did see a few chemicals
- 50:17here and their associated with
- 50:19elevated odds of thyroid cancer.
- 50:22Particularly,
- 50:22this was more consistent when we
- 50:24looked at the group of women who were
- 50:28born during peak production of PCBS.
- 50:30However, this we only have 3 studies now.
- 50:33For these,
- 50:34each of these groups of chemicals so.
- 50:37There's really insufficient
- 50:38evidence to rule them out,
- 50:40and I think there can be some
- 50:42improvements to the study design to
- 50:45try to look at this more carefully.
- 50:47I think looking at early
- 50:49life would be important,
- 50:50and using a prospective design where
- 50:53we could have samples collected
- 50:54pre diagnosis could help you know.
- 50:57Really,
- 50:57try to nail nail down if
- 51:00anything is going on here.
- 51:02And then finally I just want to talk
- 51:05about how where I'm taking this work.
- 51:09I have now expanded this work in
- 51:11adults to looking at children.
- 51:14So with my collaborator Xiaomei MA,
- 51:16also very active in the Cancer Center.
- 51:19We are looking at environmental
- 51:21exposures and pediatric thyroid cancer,
- 51:23so here's some incidents.
- 51:25Data on pediatric thyroid cancer.
- 51:27It has also been increasing over time.
- 51:30An children are less likely.
- 51:32To be.
- 51:35Targeted for increased screening
- 51:37and diagnosis and imaging,
- 51:39so these trends are are concerning,
- 51:41so we have some projects underway to
- 51:44try to look at environmental exposures
- 51:47in this more vulnerable population.
- 51:49And with that I would like to
- 51:52acknowledge all my wonderful
- 51:53collaborators and my funding from
- 51:56American Cancer Society as well as
- 51:59the Yale Cancer Center for getting
- 52:01me started in this line of research.
- 52:04Thank you.
- 52:07Thank you Doctor Diesel,
- 52:08that was fantastic.
- 52:09A little alarming.
- 52:10I would say when we start to
- 52:13think about how many you know,
- 52:15carcinogens exist in our environment
- 52:17in the fact that I'm intrigued by
- 52:19the policy statement that we have to
- 52:21show harm before anything can be done
- 52:24and have these substances banned.
- 52:25Do you think there's any potential
- 52:28to being able to reverse
- 52:29that or change that policy?
- 52:31Or will it take years and more data to do so?
- 52:35Yeah, so a lot of the chemicals were kind
- 52:38of grandfathered in when we established the
- 52:41Environmental Protection Agency in 1970.
- 52:44There is a new act that is supposed
- 52:47to reverse this burden of proof,
- 52:49but I don't think it's going to be
- 52:52retroactive, so I am encouraged to with
- 52:55the current administration that we may
- 52:58start to move towards a different model.
- 53:00Also, in Europe they have stronger
- 53:03precautionary policies where if there's
- 53:05a safer alternative you have to use it.
- 53:08And you know not to wait until we
- 53:11prove something with certainty to
- 53:14take some sort of action.
- 53:16Great, right? So there's a couple of chat
- 53:19questions I'll just quickly read them.
- 53:22Heard a Chow asked about any data on
- 53:26Agent Orange and thyroid cancer.
- 53:28Yeah, so Dioxin's is one of the
- 53:31constituents of Agent Orange.
- 53:33Well, Agent Orange.
- 53:34Had you know these defoliant chemicals?
- 53:37So various herbicides?
- 53:38And then? Dioxin's
- 53:42that's a great question,
- 53:44'cause they're also very structurally
- 53:46similar to the other chemicals
- 53:47I presented, but I'd have to,
- 53:49and some of the chemicals we looked at.
- 53:52Some of the groups were dioxin, like.
- 53:56I'm not, I'm not sure of any
- 53:59specific studies coming to mind,
- 54:00but it it seems likely that
- 54:02it may follow a similar.
- 54:04Well, they're structurally similar
- 54:06to the other other chemicals. OK,
- 54:09great and then Jeffrey Townsend
- 54:11has a question where you do see
- 54:14elevated odds of thyroid cancer?
- 54:16Do you have any evidence discriminating
- 54:19between the two hypotheses of
- 54:21effects that occur due to hormone
- 54:24disruption compared to effects
- 54:25that might be arising due to
- 54:28induction of carcinogenic mutation?
- 54:29Do you see ways
- 54:31to do this? Yeah,
- 54:33that's a great question.
- 54:35I don't really do this
- 54:37type of mechanistic work.
- 54:39I know the the thyroid hormone
- 54:41disruption hypothesis.
- 54:42There's been a lot more
- 54:44mechanistic work in that area,
- 54:46but I'd be open to suggestions for
- 54:48how this could hopefully maybe
- 54:50inform some some mechanistic studies.
- 54:53I think it would be,
- 54:55you know, I really think that.
- 54:57The study could inform mechanistic
- 55:00work and vice versa.
- 55:01Yeah,
- 55:02that's a great great point.
- 55:04And then Ashida had mentioned in regards
- 55:06to the policy of showing harm that
- 55:09Europe does the reverse of the US.
- 55:12Do they see as a different trend?
- 55:18Actually, thyroid cancer cases
- 55:19are going up globally and the
- 55:21trends in exposure are consistent.
- 55:23Actually, they were first observed
- 55:26in Sweden where they have breast
- 55:28milk banks an they saw these flame
- 55:31retardants going up in human milk
- 55:33samples which caused a lot of alarm.
- 55:36At that time we didn't know if
- 55:38they were carcinogenic or not,
- 55:40but given that you know babies were
- 55:43going to be exposed to these chemicals,
- 55:46that sort of.
- 55:47Triggered this whole area of
- 55:49research on these flame retardants
- 55:51and other chemicals.
- 55:53Great
- 55:53and then I just have one final question.
- 55:56The email that we all received last
- 55:58week about benzene being in some
- 56:00of the hand sanitizers for for our
- 56:02COVID-19 protection? Do you have any
- 56:05thoughts or comments on that? Yeah,
- 56:07I read that I read some of the materials.
- 56:11I think benzene you know is
- 56:13a known human carcinogen.
- 56:14However, it is present in many sources,
- 56:17so I would really want to to
- 56:19understand how risky this is.
- 56:21I think we need to know how much.
- 56:24Benzene and how does that compare to?
- 56:26Like putting gasoline in your car,
- 56:28you know or being walking near the roadway
- 56:31so I didn't raise too many alarms yet,
- 56:33but I would need.
- 56:35I feel like I need more data to
- 56:37be able to reach that conclusion.
- 56:39And I mean, the so yell health,
- 56:42environmental, safety and health
- 56:43said like let's be precautionary.
- 56:44Let's just get rid of these sanitizers,
- 56:47you know, let's let's take an action
- 56:49before we have all the answers,
- 56:51so I think that's, uh,
- 56:52you know, very sensible.
- 56:54Approach OK great.
- 56:55Well
- 56:56thank you so much Dan.
- 56:57Do you have any other closing
- 57:00comments? I'll just thank both
- 57:01our speakers today. Two terrific talks.
- 57:03I learned alot. Thank you. Yes thank
- 57:06you. Have a great day. Thanks.