Evolving Multidisciplinary Management of Colorectal Liver Metastases
Evolving Multidisciplinary Management of Colorectal Liver Metastases
September 23, 2020Kevin Billingsley, MD, MBA, FACS, David Madoff, MD and Michael Cecchini, MD
Yale Cancer Center Grand Rounds | September 22, 2020
- ID
- 5668
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- 00:00Agenda welcome everyone to Cancer
- 00:03Center grand rounds and really
- 00:05pleased to have three various themed
- 00:08colleagues presenting and I, you know,
- 00:12I think if there's one particular theme
- 00:15that I think emerges among many from
- 00:19today's forum is that we have what's
- 00:23really great is the number of talented
- 00:26people across multiple disciplines.
- 00:28Who are making progress on pivotal questions
- 00:32in cancer care in Cancer Research,
- 00:34and I think today's forum is just you
- 00:37know one very clear of many examples
- 00:40of three individuals doing great work,
- 00:42each coming from it from a different
- 00:45discipline but working together towards
- 00:47really making a difference for patients
- 00:49for the field and and obviously advancing
- 00:52our research and educational agenda.
- 00:54And I I would, I'll do.
- 00:57I'd like to do is really.
- 00:59Introduce one of our speakers and ask him
- 01:02to then introduce the other colleague.
- 01:05So let me introduce Kevin Billingslea,
- 01:07who I think frankly in the past.
- 01:10I guess nine months or so really
- 01:13needs no introduction.
- 01:14Kevin, as many of you know,
- 01:17joined us in in or about January.
- 01:20As our chief medical officer for the Yale
- 01:23Cancer Center and Smilow Cancer Hospital.
- 01:26And is also a professor in
- 01:28the Department of surgery.
- 01:30Kevin is responsible for our
- 01:33clinical enterprise,
- 01:33working with our leaders in
- 01:36nursing and other disciplines,
- 01:37and has really done an extraordinary
- 01:40job and certainly working.
- 01:42You know,
- 01:43arriving here and nothing less stepping
- 01:45into the frying pan with Kovid.
- 01:48And really the need to work
- 01:51collaboratively across so many
- 01:53people to execute on what was heroic.
- 01:56An extraordinary response on so many parts.
- 01:59Kevin,
- 01:59beyond his success as our
- 02:02chief medical officer,
- 02:03is an international leader in
- 02:05the clinical care and research
- 02:08of patients with a paddle,
- 02:10biliary cancers,
- 02:11as well as gastrointestinal ligatures.
- 02:13Legacies before joining us here,
- 02:15Kevin was a professor at Oregon
- 02:18Health and Science University
- 02:20where he was the medical director
- 02:23of the Knight Cancer Institute and
- 02:25the chief of surgical oncology,
- 02:28and Kevin is going to.
- 02:30Take over with our discussion of
- 02:32evolving multidisciplinary management
- 02:33of colorectal liver metastases,
- 02:35and I'll let Kevin take over and
- 02:38introduce the other great faculty,
- 02:40Kevin, thank you.
- 02:42Charlie,
- 02:43thanks, thank you so much for that
- 02:46really gracious introduction.
- 02:48I'm thrilled to be here.
- 02:50We're going to do kind of A tag
- 02:53team screen sharing here and let me
- 02:54see if I can get going with that.
- 03:10OK, is that working for folks?
- 03:12I I only see you Kevin. OK.
- 03:37There you go. Got
- 03:47it, how about that OK? Well, you
- 03:55know it's as Charlie alluded to.
- 03:57I've had the pleasure of spending much of my
- 04:00career as hepatobiliary surgical oncologist.
- 04:03And you know, I will share that one of
- 04:06the most gratifying aspects of my time
- 04:09in surgical oncology is participating
- 04:12and witnessing the dramatic advances
- 04:14that we have had in the multidisciplinary
- 04:18care of patients with colorectal liver
- 04:22metastases and one of the things that
- 04:24I was most excited about is I prepared
- 04:27for my transition to the ill Cancer
- 04:30Center in Smilow.
- 04:32Cancer Hospital was the
- 04:34fact that we truly have.
- 04:36Kind of.
- 04:37We essentially have a world class
- 04:39team of experts across disciplines
- 04:42who are contributing to the care
- 04:45of this unique group of patients.
- 04:49And we have all of the elements here and I
- 04:53want to with that as a jumping off point.
- 04:58Introduce my two partners in this
- 05:01multidisciplinary grand rounds.
- 05:02Doctor Michael Cicchini is a.
- 05:05A seasoned veteran of Yale,
- 05:07he's a graduate of the Albert
- 05:10Einstein School of Medicine,
- 05:12came here to New Haven for residency,
- 05:15stayed on for fellowship,
- 05:17and has just continued to rocket
- 05:20to prominence from there.
- 05:22Michael profited as many of our
- 05:24fellows have from the mentorship
- 05:27and guidance of doctor Jill Lacey,
- 05:30who is as most of you know,
- 05:33the Dean of our GI medical Oncologist.
- 05:36Michael has carved out a really unique
- 05:39spot for himself and our organization,
- 05:42an increasingly across the country.
- 05:44In a mix of traditional clinical
- 05:46research and GI medical oncology
- 05:48as well as phase one clinical trial
- 05:51work and drug development.
- 05:53So delighted to have him with me
- 05:56today and as a clinical partner.
- 05:59Next,
- 06:00doctor David made off is a relatively
- 06:04recent addition to the Yale team.
- 06:06When I was preparing for my move here,
- 06:10he was one of the most one of the
- 06:14people that I was most excited
- 06:18to partner with.
- 06:19David,
- 06:20his essentially written the book
- 06:23on portal vein, embolization, and.
- 06:25And optimization of the hepatic
- 06:28remnant for in preparation for
- 06:30complex hepatobiliary surgery,
- 06:32he spent much there earlier part of
- 06:35his career at the MD Anderson Cancer Center,
- 06:39then transitioned back here to the
- 06:41East Coast where he's at Cornell
- 06:44for a number of years and then more
- 06:47recently we've been fortunate to
- 06:49recruit him as the vice chair for
- 06:53clinical research and the section
- 06:56chief of Interventional radiology.
- 06:58And I will say kind of quickly.
- 07:01Is this side note one of the things
- 07:04that I enjoy most about caring for
- 07:07patients with colorectal liver metastases?
- 07:09Is that it really is a team sport.
- 07:13This multidisciplinary grand rounds
- 07:14does highlight a number of us who are
- 07:18involved from surgery, medical oncology,
- 07:20Interventional radiology.
- 07:21I do feel little remiss in not
- 07:24having some other folks on a panel
- 07:26who were important contributors
- 07:27such as radiation oncology.
- 07:29And other disciplines,
- 07:31but I know we'll have other opportunities.
- 07:34So this is a very comprehensive field.
- 07:37We're not going to cover everything today.
- 07:40Our goal is a team is to kind of give
- 07:44you some broad brush overviews
- 07:46of developments and high points.
- 07:49I will be talking.
- 07:50I'll be giving an overview and talking
- 07:53about some surgical strategies mainly
- 07:55focusing on patients with advanced disease.
- 07:58Doctor made off will be talking about
- 08:01his real area of world class expertise.
- 08:05Which is various techniques to optimize the
- 08:08liver remnant to support complex resection.
- 08:11Role of Interventional radiology
- 08:13and Michael will be updating us on
- 08:17the numerous advances and systemic
- 08:19chemotherapy for the disease.
- 08:21Well, the idea of resecting colorectal
- 08:24liver metastases is not new.
- 08:27You know surgeons have been
- 08:29doing this for 40 plus years.
- 08:32What is exciting is the developments
- 08:35that have been made in the safety
- 08:39of these operations.
- 08:40The number and variety of technical
- 08:43approaches and the slow but steady
- 08:46increase in long-term survival that
- 08:49patients enjoy after these procedures.
- 08:52Why would we focus on aggressive
- 08:55liver directed therapy for this
- 08:57patient with liver metastases?
- 08:59Well,
- 08:59as many of you understand,
- 09:02the liver disease in metastatic
- 09:04colorectal cancer often serves as
- 09:07as the main source of Morbidity
- 09:09and mortality and affect the driver
- 09:12demise for folks with this disease.
- 09:15And this occurs through a number of pathways.
- 09:18Patients with bulky disease can
- 09:21experience liver failure more commonly.
- 09:23They suffer from progressive biliary
- 09:26obstruction which is understandable,
- 09:28untreatable,
- 09:28and once this occurs an they're jaundice,
- 09:32it is very difficult to.
- 09:35Provide ongoing effective
- 09:36systemic chemotherapy,
- 09:38and it leads to kind of a downhill spiral.
- 09:43The good news is that from multiple currents.
- 09:48Case series we know that complete
- 09:51resection of colorectal liver metastases
- 09:54patients can enjoy up to and sometimes
- 09:57more of 50% five year survival rate,
- 10:00yet, there remain significant challenges.
- 10:02Roughly,
- 10:02only 20% of patients with this
- 10:05disease process are resectable at
- 10:07the time that presentation,
- 10:09and even with aggressive surgical
- 10:12therapy recurrence,
- 10:13remains frustratingly high.
- 10:14Often you know 80% at about
- 10:17the five year mark.
- 10:19I don't want to steal doctor
- 10:22Cecchini's Thunder here,
- 10:23and I apologize for stepping on his turf,
- 10:27but no self respecting surgical
- 10:29oncologist would talk about progress
- 10:32in this area without some mention of
- 10:35the groundbreaking advances that have
- 10:37been made in systemic chemotherapy.
- 10:39I think this timeline kind of
- 10:42tells the story.
- 10:43We've gone from the 5F U era,
- 10:46which was the case for many years is.
- 10:50Really,
- 10:51the only chemotherapeutic option
- 10:53in this disease with a 12 to 14
- 10:57month median survival to our current
- 10:59modern regiments with Folfox,
- 11:02Folfiri and increasingly triplet
- 11:04chemotherapy or patients even
- 11:06without surgery,
- 11:07are enjoying survival of 29 plus months so.
- 11:12As much as we have,
- 11:14surgeons congratulate ourselves
- 11:15on our technical wizardry of big
- 11:18piece of the progress in the
- 11:21background is effective chemotherapy.
- 11:23So this is what I is, a surgical oncologist.
- 11:27Love to see a patient with
- 11:29easily resectable disease,
- 11:31limited number of tumors,
- 11:33one maybe two tumors that are
- 11:35peripherally placed not in close
- 11:37proximity to major vascular structures,
- 11:40and these folks are amenable to
- 11:42an atomic or segmental resection.
- 11:44The surgical options for manageing
- 11:47folks like this are manifold.
- 11:49They can be treated well within
- 11:51traditional open operation. Lapre Scopic.
- 11:54Liver resection is now in the mainstream,
- 11:57and increasingly we're used
- 11:59utilizing the robotic platform
- 12:01to address some of these tumors.
- 12:04Now more commonly,
- 12:05what we see particularly at
- 12:07large academic medical centers,
- 12:09such as we work in our patients who have
- 12:13advanced colorectal liver metastases.
- 12:15These are patients with multi focal disease.
- 12:18Often the diseases bilateral on
- 12:20both sides of the liver and often
- 12:23their bulky lesions which are in
- 12:26close proximity to major vascular
- 12:28structures or portal pedicles.
- 12:30So I'm going to share the story of
- 12:33a 48 year old woman who I treated
- 12:37in Portland about eight years ago.
- 12:40She presented with bulky,
- 12:41complex liver disease,
- 12:43Anna sigmoid non obstructed
- 12:45sigmoid primary cancer in place.
- 12:47So not to dwell on too many
- 12:50liver technicalities,
- 12:51but she had a high central liver
- 12:53lesion in close proximity to the
- 12:55vena cava sitting right under the
- 12:58confluence of the three hepatic veins.
- 13:00Should an additional bulky lesion
- 13:03in segment for the liver sitting
- 13:05in proximity to one of the pedicles
- 13:08in the in the middle hepatic vein?
- 13:11And then she had another bulky
- 13:13lesion in segment five and six
- 13:15on the right side of the liver.
- 13:18So this is a perfect segue into the
- 13:20need for multidisciplinary multi
- 13:23disciplinary strategies to address
- 13:25patients like this with advanced
- 13:29colorectal liver metastases.
- 13:31And I'm going to talk today in my
- 13:35section about 3 strategies to to
- 13:38approach this group of patients,
- 13:41all requiring the integration
- 13:43of multiple disciplines.
- 13:46Probably the most common is what we
- 13:49described is conversion chemotherapy,
- 13:52which involves the upfront utilization
- 13:55of multiagent chemotherapy.
- 13:57Usually oxaliplatin based to downstage
- 14:00tumors within the range of respectability.
- 14:04Another approach that is increasingly
- 14:06used at high volume centers around the
- 14:09world is what we call staged habit ectomy.
- 14:12This is breaking the surgical
- 14:14treatment up into two sessions
- 14:16with an intervening procedure
- 14:17called portal vein embolization,
- 14:19which leads to optimization of
- 14:21growth of the plant hepatic remnant.
- 14:24And then the last topic I will
- 14:27touch on briefly is something that
- 14:29many of us around the world are
- 14:31starting to do which is complex
- 14:34parenchymal sparing receptions,
- 14:36which allow simultaneous resection
- 14:38of multiple sites of disease.
- 14:41So the patient I described did
- 14:42go on to have eight cycles of
- 14:45Folfox with bevacizumab Avastin,
- 14:47and she was in the subset of patients
- 14:50who enjoyed a stunning response.
- 14:52As you can see,
- 14:54the central lesion shrunk dramatically.
- 14:56You can start to see some width on the Ivy,
- 15:00see a little more space around
- 15:02the dip attic veins.
- 15:04This lesion is now shrunk
- 15:06away from the left portal.
- 15:08Pedicle involves the caudate lobe of
- 15:10the liver which is a bit of a tricky
- 15:14place to operate but now has good clearances.
- 15:17The left pedicle segment for
- 15:19lesion significantly smaller and
- 15:20the right side liver lesion,
- 15:22also smaller.
- 15:23This allowed us to take her to the
- 15:25operating room and one operative setting.
- 15:29Treat her with a left hip.
- 15:30It ectomy a caudate lobe resection segment
- 15:336 or section in a sigmoid colectomy.
- 15:36This was her diseases that appeared
- 15:39in the operating room, stomach,
- 15:41liver, Gallbladder, and the caudate.
- 15:44Lesion shrunken in partially calcified.
- 15:47The segment 56 lesion again nice response
- 15:50partially calcified and what she wound
- 15:53up with his complex bilateral resection,
- 15:55but with plenty of good healthy liver
- 15:58remnant left and I know everyone
- 16:01reports their greatest success.
- 16:03What happened with this lady is
- 16:05she had a single side of recurrent
- 16:08disease about two years after that we
- 16:11treated with a little wedge resection
- 16:14and she is disease free at last.
- 16:17Follow up about 8 years out.
- 16:20So what we've learned over the
- 16:22years in the French are really led
- 16:25the way in this is that patients
- 16:28can enjoy even after chemotherapy.
- 16:30Conversion can enjoy a very high
- 16:33rate of long-term survival.
- 16:35This is data from Renee.
- 16:37A damn now presented years ago,
- 16:39but makes the point.
- 16:41They looked at their subset of
- 16:43patients from their entire spectrum
- 16:45of liver metastases who are respected
- 16:48after conversion chemotherapy.
- 16:50And although this group of patients
- 16:53who were converted to Resectable
- 16:55did not enjoy the survival that
- 16:58the primary population did,
- 17:0033% five year survival in a subset of
- 17:05patients extending out into the eight
- 17:07to 10 year mark as my patient did.
- 17:11I'd only just you.
- 17:13While I was there, my partner,
- 17:16Sky Mayo and I took a kind of
- 17:19a new is old or old.
- 17:22Is new approach to kind of
- 17:24optimizing this approach.
- 17:25We started a hepatic
- 17:27arterial infusion program.
- 17:28As many of you know,
- 17:31this involves the placement of a
- 17:33chemotherapy pump in a catheter
- 17:35into the hepatic artery to deliver
- 17:38focus chemotherapy with the
- 17:40aim of converting patients.
- 17:41It's a complex operation involves
- 17:44dissection of the hepatic artery
- 17:46placement at the pump in a subcutaneous
- 17:49pocket with installation of FDR.
- 17:51We did this in combination with
- 17:54systemic chemotherapy with Folfox.
- 17:56I'm just going to quickly report these
- 17:59results we placed about 27 pumps.
- 18:02At this time we analyze data.
- 18:05We looked at the 1st 20.
- 18:07Two of these pumps, all.
- 18:09A subset for unresectable disease.
- 18:15Many of these were high risk disease,
- 18:1836% with the K Ras mutant.
- 18:20All had synchronous disease.
- 18:22All had multiple liver lesions.
- 18:24The point relate relative to this talk
- 18:28that I'd like to point out is that.
- 18:31Of the 13 patients that we were
- 18:34aiming to convert to respectability,
- 18:37a subset we were able to eventually
- 18:39get to the operating room with
- 18:42very extensive bilateral disease,
- 18:44so this is yet another kind of
- 18:47regional chemotherapy strategy to
- 18:48convert patients to Resectable.
- 18:50Another approach that is done
- 18:52throughout the world that is
- 18:55facilitated by David's work is
- 18:57a two stage HEPA tech to me.
- 18:59This is for patients with complex.
- 19:02Lateral disease,
- 19:03they go to the operating room in one
- 19:05session and either have reception of
- 19:08the left liver disease or ablation.
- 19:10Then they go on to portal vein embolization,
- 19:13which leads to hypertrophy of
- 19:14the left liver and the
- 19:16remainder of the disease is
- 19:18respected in a second operation.
- 19:20And this is a strategy that allows
- 19:23us to treat what can be otherwise
- 19:28completely unrespectable disease.
- 19:30So series from around the world to
- 19:32demonstrate that even for patients
- 19:34with advanced bilateral disease,
- 19:36if we can complete the two stage resection,
- 19:39we can provide patients with
- 19:41excellent long-term survival.
- 19:42There is always going to be a subset
- 19:44of patients who dropped out due to
- 19:47progression between the operations
- 19:49or in the course of therapy.
- 19:51And unfortunately,
- 19:52those folks don't do well,
- 19:54but this is a great strategy to
- 19:56get patients to the operating room.
- 20:00One of the things that I in a
- 20:02number of other surgeons that
- 20:04started to do in recent years,
- 20:06is exploit the concept of
- 20:08the R1 Vascular margin.
- 20:10This is related to the fact that there
- 20:13is going to be a subset of patients
- 20:15like this who have bulky tumors and
- 20:18the diseases in close proximity to
- 20:20a major vein or poorly pedicle.
- 20:22But it is possible if you can get a
- 20:25wide resection margin on the rest
- 20:27of it and get a very narrow margin
- 20:30that's positive only on the vein to
- 20:33get excellent local Disease Control
- 20:35in that part of the liver and still
- 20:38preserve significant liver parenchyma.
- 20:40My Friend Doctor Guido Tort
- 20:42Caelian Milano has been kind of
- 20:44the primary proponent of this,
- 20:46and I think that this is a strategy
- 20:49that is gaining traction and many
- 20:52HP be centers around the world.
- 20:55Guido and his team have reported their
- 20:58experience and one of the things that
- 21:01I think his striking is that patients
- 21:04who have you compare their survival.
- 21:07When you compare R0 resection with R1
- 21:10resection from the liver parenchyma,
- 21:13there's clearly decrement in survival.
- 21:15However,
- 21:16the group that have an R1 margin
- 21:19only on a vessel have a survival.
- 21:22It is virtually identical to
- 21:25those that are R0 resection.
- 21:27I think that this is a great example
- 21:30of a theme that we see across surgical
- 21:34oncology and multiple diseases breast cancer.
- 21:37The most notable here where we
- 21:39overtime have gone to a multi modality
- 21:42approach involving chemotherapy,
- 21:44radiation and much more limited
- 21:46surgery going from radical mastectomy
- 21:48to breast conservation.
- 21:50Now moving towards even eliminate ING the
- 21:53axle airy component of breast cancer surgery.
- 21:56Same in head and neck.
- 21:58Laryngeal preservation,
- 21:59possibly preservation of the
- 22:01rectum in Rectal carcinomas.
- 22:03Sarcomas off ajil cancer.
- 22:05The theme is consistent
- 22:07throughout integration.
- 22:08Multi modality therapy allows
- 22:10a more conservative operation,
- 22:11and I think we're getting there
- 22:15and liver cancer.
- 22:16This was one of my cases from Portland,
- 22:19not a great picture,
- 22:20but a patient who I took care of.
- 22:22You had multifocal disease in the
- 22:24upper part of the right side of
- 22:26the liver and left liver requiring
- 22:28reception down on to the hepatic
- 22:30veins and right point medical.
- 22:31Kind of a wedge resection on the left side,
- 22:34all able to do this in a single operation.
- 22:37The greatest thing about this
- 22:39is that all of these
- 22:41strategies do require multidisciplinary care.
- 22:44An integration, as I take off my
- 22:47surgeon hat and put on my CMO hat,
- 22:50all of these strategies come together
- 22:52in the fact that our aim at the
- 22:56Yale Cancer Center through both our
- 22:58care signature effort as well as
- 23:01our multidisciplinary disease teams,
- 23:03is to create a wrap around set
- 23:06of services for our patients.
- 23:08As I mentioned, it's not just liver
- 23:11surgery and medical oncology.
- 23:13An Interventional radiology.
- 23:14We need to coordinate care for
- 23:16many of these patients,
- 23:18including radiation therapy.
- 23:19Image Ng, including nuclear medicine.
- 23:22Of course, oncology, nursing,
- 23:23pathology, social work,
- 23:25our colleagues in colorectal cancer
- 23:27surgery need to be involved in genetics,
- 23:30and I think that's the promise.
- 23:32An fun of what we're doing,
- 23:35so I'd like to hand off now
- 23:38to doctor made off.
- 23:40Thank you David.
- 23:43I guess I need
- 23:44to stop my screen. Share
- 23:46my screen here.
- 23:48And.
- 23:57OK, so can you can
- 24:01you will hear me.
- 24:06Yes, we can hear you. So what I would
- 24:09first like to thank Charlie and Kevin,
- 24:11as well as my for giving me the
- 24:13opportunity today to speak at the
- 24:15El Cancer Center grand rounds.
- 24:17As you may recall,
- 24:18I didn't discuss this topic of
- 24:20liver regeneration in last December,
- 24:22but today I will be focusing on how
- 24:24these techniques relate to optimizing
- 24:25the anticipated future liver remnant
- 24:27prior to resection in patients,
- 24:29really with only colorectal liver metastases.
- 24:31Very happy to be here in terms of the
- 24:34fact that this is, like Kevin said,
- 24:36this is really in my life's.
- 24:38Work and passion and having the
- 24:41opportunity is for me very, very nice.
- 24:46So. As you just heard from Kevin,
- 24:50there have been tremendous
- 24:51advances and Pat ability.
- 24:53Every surgical techniques,
- 24:54such that death is now considered rare.
- 24:56However,
- 24:56complications such as fluid retention,
- 24:58Cola stasis,
- 24:59an impaired synthetic function still
- 25:00contribute to prolong recovery times.
- 25:02An extended hospital stays.
- 25:03This is particularly true
- 25:05instead of an extent,
- 25:06but did have a tech to me where 5 or
- 25:08more per node segments are removed,
- 25:11and in fact,
- 25:12as you can see,
- 25:13the mortality in this setting
- 25:15can approach 8 to 10%.
- 25:18This can be seen from this French study.
- 25:20There is direct correlation between
- 25:22the number of overall complications
- 25:25and the size of the liver remnant,
- 25:27and this is not in regards to the
- 25:29severity of the overall complications,
- 25:31but really only the complication rate.
- 25:34So at this time there's really
- 25:36no limit to how smaller liver in.
- 25:47In order to reduce the morbidity of Petra
- 25:51section at least 20% mushrooming in patients
- 25:54with normal underlying liver that is.
- 25:56For example, patients that have colon
- 25:58cancer Mets to the liver without ever
- 26:02having touch chemotherapy 30% in injured
- 26:04liver such as those that have had extensive
- 26:07chemotherapy or Seattle hepatitis and
- 26:1040% in those with underlying cirrhosis.
- 26:12So there's many preoperative strategies
- 26:15to prepare the liver for resection and.
- 26:18These include Portland Embolization,
- 26:19which was briefly discussed
- 26:21by Kevin radiation lobectomy.
- 26:23There's an apps procedure that will
- 26:25get into briefly and also something
- 26:28called liberties deprivation.
- 26:30Support and embolization is
- 26:32the original strategy,
- 26:33first described by professional recruiters
- 26:35group from the University of Tokyo in 1990.
- 26:37It's been used to redirect portal blood
- 26:40flow to the future liver remnant or FLR,
- 26:42and by doing so,
- 26:44initiate hypertrophy of the non embolized
- 26:46segments and by doing this we can reduce
- 26:48the number of overall perioperative
- 26:50complications and increase the pool
- 26:52of potential surgical candidates who
- 26:54have what we call marginal anticipated
- 26:56future liver remnant volumes.
- 26:57Please note that the goal is really
- 26:59not to improve the overall survival
- 27:01after resection is compared to
- 27:03those that did not require PV.
- 27:05It's just really to achieve similar
- 27:08survival rates to those patients
- 27:10who want to undergo surgery.
- 27:12It did not actually require
- 27:14PV an ultimate until recently.
- 27:16The general consensus was the PV was the
- 27:19standard of care at most had ability,
- 27:21every centers worldwide or safe
- 27:23and effective generate generation
- 27:25or generation of the FLR.
- 27:27It's now been over a decade since
- 27:30the first meta analysis of usefulness
- 27:32of PV was published,
- 27:33and in this study they would do 37
- 27:36publications with over 1000 patients
- 27:38and found a previous states with a
- 27:40low mortality and morbidity rate.
- 27:42Further,
- 27:4285% of the patients were able to
- 27:44get their proposed surgery.
- 27:46However,
- 27:46as you can see down here is that
- 27:49there was a substantial group of
- 27:51patients that were not respected
- 27:53and this was due mostly to disease
- 27:55progression or insufficient.
- 27:56I purchased it.
- 27:59I stated previously the goal of PV
- 28:01in the setting of colorectal cancer
- 28:04is to get similar survival rates to
- 28:06those patients who do not require PV.
- 28:09Here we see two actually French
- 28:11studies and pretty old.
- 28:13There actually showed where
- 28:14these outcomes were born out.
- 28:17Now PV E not only causes the
- 28:19Liberty purchase fee,
- 28:20but it also results in improved
- 28:22function of the FLR and this has
- 28:24been shown by nuclear medicine
- 28:26studies with alobar function shifted
- 28:28from the embolized than an embolism
- 28:30for after tbe further in patients
- 28:32with Hilar Cholangio Carcinoma,
- 28:33who had biliary drainage catheters more
- 28:35bile is produced in the non embolized
- 28:38bourbon in the embolized liver and Lastly.
- 28:40We can see that less alterations in liver
- 28:43function tests after resection occur
- 28:45following PV even knows in which P VE.
- 28:48Was not performed.
- 28:49So for decades CT has been the
- 28:51cornerstone for surgical planning and
- 28:53when assessing the FL are we do our
- 28:57calculations based only on the size of
- 28:59the liver. Remaining siti does directly
- 29:01measure the future liver remnant and the
- 29:04total liver volume is not actually measured,
- 29:06but rather it's estimated from
- 29:08the Association between the
- 29:09liver and patient size.
- 29:11And this is based on body waiting patients,
- 29:14body surface area or a larger
- 29:16patient would need a large deliver.
- 29:18Smaller patient may need a smaller liver.
- 29:20The FL R2 total estimated liver volume
- 29:23ratio can then allow for uniform comparison.
- 29:25Adefa lower volume parts of resection,
- 29:27whether or not PVE was performed.
- 29:29And this is the formula which is
- 29:31based on a linear regression equation
- 29:33from over 500 Western adults.
- 29:35It's critical to understand the
- 29:37denominator does not change on the pre
- 29:40and post CT scans because it is an estimate.
- 29:42One must realize that PV E does cause
- 29:45atrophy of the emboli segments that
- 29:47there have been cases where the total
- 29:49liver volume is directly measured.
- 29:51And went down after PV E.
- 29:53Therefore,
- 29:54even if the numerator is unchanged, the FL,
- 29:57our percentage may inadvertently increase,
- 29:59giving once a false sense of
- 30:01belief that hypertrophy did occur.
- 30:03And unfortunately patients have died
- 30:05after surgery when this happens.
- 30:07So if we look at this patient with
- 30:10colorectal liver metastases here
- 30:12we see approximately 4 weeks later
- 30:15that the FLR grew from 17 to 30%
- 30:18or degree of hypertrophy of 13%.
- 30:20This patient also had.
- 30:21Kinetic growth rate of 3.5%,
- 30:23which is a good indicator and this
- 30:26will be discussed in much more
- 30:28detail in a little bit.
- 30:32In recent years,
- 30:32there's actually been controversy as
- 30:34to be appropriate limit for resection,
- 30:36and this may depend on the institution
- 30:39and the formula being used.
- 30:40In Europe, for example, therapies
- 30:42uses the cut off for the need for pbe.
- 30:45That said, we showed during my time at MD
- 30:47Anderson there statistically significant
- 30:49differences in outcome, whether it
- 30:51be from liver insufficiency or death.
- 30:53If you have less than percent, FL are,
- 30:56however, no differences were found.
- 30:57Once you had more than 20%
- 30:59of your FL are remaining.
- 31:02And further,
- 31:03we wanted to see the impact of
- 31:05PV in the patient population
- 31:07in this patient population.
- 31:08We found that in those patients
- 31:10that had at least 20%,
- 31:12meaning that they already either
- 31:14had 20% not requiring PV or had 20%,
- 31:17and in those days we did it
- 31:19with a higher environment to see
- 31:21if there was any difference,
- 31:23and we compared them to those patients
- 31:25who had less than 20% and actually had
- 31:28at least 20% and did not require PV,
- 31:31E and compared them to those also that.
- 31:34And did not have 20% and needed PV E.
- 31:37And we found that as long as the
- 31:39patient after PV at least 20%
- 31:42of the future liver remnant,
- 31:43it really was no difference in
- 31:47what happened after resection.
- 31:49So we talked about the brief
- 31:50hypertrophy a little earlier.
- 31:52So what is the degree of purchasing?
- 31:54Well,
- 31:54it's the post PV efl R minus the pre
- 31:56PV EOFLR which gives you a dynamic
- 31:58measure of liver regeneration and
- 32:00this is important because there
- 32:02is an amount of high purchase that
- 32:04is necessary to review.
- 32:05If you have complications in our study
- 32:07published in MD Anderson in 2007,
- 32:09you can see that those patients
- 32:11that have more than 5% degree if I
- 32:13purchase he had significantly less
- 32:15complications that had more than 5% FL.
- 32:17So here we have a tale of two rivers,
- 32:21one patient with Cirrhosis,
- 32:22and HTC who underwent a right
- 32:25hip attacked me,
- 32:26the other with colorectal liver
- 32:27metastases and only had 5% steatosis
- 32:30who underwent an extended right.
- 32:31He protected me here.
- 32:33We see that the cirrhotic patient
- 32:35had excellent hypertrophy,
- 32:36while the other patient had only 1% growth.
- 32:39Interesting Lee, the cirrhotic patient,
- 32:41did well after surgery,
- 32:42while the patient that had the
- 32:44normal liver or what we thought was
- 32:47a pretty normal liver actually.
- 32:49Died after their reception.
- 32:50Therefore,
- 32:51if we see that you can use these
- 32:53numbers to see that patients that
- 32:55have at least 20% FLR and at least 5%
- 32:59degree of hypertrophy had a zero percent,
- 33:0190 day mortality.
- 33:02And like I said,
- 33:04this information can be used when
- 33:06trying to understand whether a
- 33:08patient should be indicated for
- 33:09their reception after PV.
- 33:11So now that we know the floor cut
- 33:14off numbers that is 20% for normal liver,
- 33:1630% for injured liver from chemotherapy and.
- 33:1940% for Cirrhosis,
- 33:20and we know that if I purchased the 5%,
- 33:23is this enough to really be able
- 33:25to predict which
- 33:26patients should have their surgeries?
- 33:28So we now know that we've had
- 33:31purchase fees based on the timing
- 33:33of the image Ng and that a true
- 33:35assessment of the epilogue growth is
- 33:38difficult to compare among patients.
- 33:40Therefore, we developed a new variable
- 33:42called the kinetic growth rate or KJR,
- 33:45which is the degree of hypertrophy
- 33:47over the time elapsed from
- 33:49PV E in the number of weeks.
- 33:52So here we see three patients
- 33:54with colorectal liver metastases,
- 33:55each with a degree of hypertrophy,
- 33:57well within the amount needed for successful,
- 34:00safer section.
- 34:01However, the patient on the bottom actually
- 34:03died from liver failure after section,
- 34:05so we went back and reviewed the cases
- 34:08and found that the time for the first 2
- 34:11patients with 35 days to get these results,
- 34:13while we found that the patient had died,
- 34:16it actually occurred in 70 days.
- 34:18So when we went back and calculated
- 34:20the kinetic growth rate,
- 34:22the patient that I had only
- 34:241 zero point 3% per week,
- 34:26while the other two had
- 34:29much higher growth rates.
- 34:31Therefore, when assessing patients
- 34:32which should have surgery,
- 34:34we found that in order to really be safe,
- 34:38that we really need 2% per week.
- 34:41That led to know hepatic
- 34:43insufficiency or 90 day mortality.
- 34:46So,
- 34:46is Kevin stated earlier we can now
- 34:48extend the boundaries for safer section
- 34:50by using advanced surgical strategies
- 34:52such as the two stage protecting
- 34:54me like for this pain titlebar,
- 34:56colon article, living metastases,
- 34:58patient first had systemic
- 34:59chemotherapy with excellent response,
- 35:00then had surgery to clear
- 35:02the left lateral liver.
- 35:03The FL,
- 35:04our volumes were calculated
- 35:05to be 16% of PV was performed,
- 35:08and then FLR was then found to be 26%.
- 35:11So the definitive resection
- 35:13was then performed.
- 35:14So to assess the benefit of
- 35:16the two stage separate ectomy,
- 35:18we reviewed patients who had
- 35:20invented the advanced strategy
- 35:21with extended pack resection and
- 35:23compared those those that did not
- 35:25have tumor in their FL are therefore
- 35:27not really needing second stage.
- 35:28Our results had shown that there
- 35:30was no difference in overall and
- 35:32disease free survival in those
- 35:34patients that required the two stage
- 35:36protect me as compared with those
- 35:38that only required the one stage.
- 35:40And as Kevin showed from our study from
- 35:43MD Anderson in a really highly selected.
- 35:45And she cohort who did complete
- 35:47the second stage.
- 35:48We were able to achieve a
- 35:5060% five year survival,
- 35:51which is really considered amazing.
- 35:53Anything about a decade ago given to
- 35:56buy Alobar nature of the disease.
- 35:59However,
- 35:59there is some concerns regarding team
- 36:01be one of the major concerns is the
- 36:04potential drop out of up to 35% of
- 36:06patients due to an insufficient FL
- 36:08are or or tumor progression within
- 36:10the four to six week waiting period
- 36:13from the TV to the definitive resection.
- 36:15Therefore,
- 36:16other approaches are needed.
- 36:18So one.
- 36:18Issue that has been entertained
- 36:21has been that PV can lead to
- 36:24expedited tumor growth,
- 36:25so to that end the recent
- 36:27data supports that we
- 36:28can use chemotherapy during the
- 36:29waiting period and also can be used
- 36:32within the postoperative period
- 36:33which at one time was thought to
- 36:35maybe limit for generation. However,
- 36:37that has not borne out to be the case.
- 36:40So there are other alternative
- 36:42approaches that we can use.
- 36:44It is Interventional radiologist.
- 36:46This is a case.
- 36:47This is a study that was performed
- 36:49from Korea where TV did not leave
- 36:52the sufficient regeneration.
- 36:54Anna Korean group found that
- 36:55later performing right,
- 36:56having bane embolization in
- 36:58addition to the PV is shown here
- 37:01actually result in better outcomes.
- 37:03We've also used something
- 37:05called radiation lobectomy.
- 37:06This is done by the Transarterial Bar
- 37:09Administration of Y-90 microparticles.
- 37:11She's now an established means
- 37:13of providing local tumor control
- 37:15within the liver.
- 37:16That said,
- 37:17there was an unintended phenomenon
- 37:19of contralateral liver I8 and seven
- 37:21in several retrospective studies.
- 37:23Contralateral hypertrophy?
- 37:24A curd from 21 to 47%,
- 37:26and therefore this has been suggested
- 37:29as an alternative to PV with the
- 37:32benefit of local tumor control.
- 37:33And the test of time.
- 37:36So we had talked about this earlier,
- 37:38but nuclear medicine is showing
- 37:41improved liver function after PV E
- 37:43in this small study of 13 patients,
- 37:45with some being colorectal liver
- 37:47metastases who underwent some
- 37:49nuclear medicine scintigraphy.
- 37:50They showed that using radiation
- 37:52lobectomy actually can cause
- 37:54changes in regional liver function,
- 37:56and this correlated with the functional
- 37:58liver absorbed doses from Y-90
- 38:01and pack and then in 2014 a group
- 38:03from France compared 141 patients
- 38:05who underwent right PV with third.
- 38:0835 patients who underwent radiation
- 38:10lobectomy at two centers that were
- 38:12matched for criterion known to
- 38:15influence liver regeneration after PVD.
- 38:17The radiation was performed if the authors
- 38:19found the case would be challenging,
- 38:21provid PB and to be honest,
- 38:23I'm not sure why this would be,
- 38:26but when they match the patients they found
- 38:28significantly more hypertrophy after PV.
- 38:30They concluded that while the hyper
- 38:32chicken radiation lobectomy substantial
- 38:33and doesn't minimize tumor progression,
- 38:35PV can induce significantly greater,
- 38:36and I purchased the in radiation
- 38:38lobectomy with these therapeutic doses.
- 38:40So how do you decide if you should
- 38:42use PV or radiation lobectomy?
- 38:44The decision should be based
- 38:46on achievement intent,
- 38:47such as.
- 38:48Is the patient a candidate for section
- 38:50now and what is the plan resection if
- 38:52the reception should be done now you
- 38:55should just go ahead and perform the P PE.
- 38:57You also need to know what type of
- 38:59malignancy patient has and whether the
- 39:01patient has underlying liver disease.
- 39:03Cases where patients have bottle
- 39:05bar colorectal metastases that
- 39:06require a Tuesday check.
- 39:08Her protect me.
- 39:08There is likely really no
- 39:10role for radiation lobectomy,
- 39:11as you can see,
- 39:12I'm personally not in favor of the
- 39:15radiation lobectomy in this approach,
- 39:17as you would really need to do 190 of
- 39:19both lobes and it seems appropriate
- 39:21in the setting of HTC with cirrhosis.
- 39:24But I don't think it really is
- 39:26appropriate in the setting of
- 39:28colorectal liver metastasis.
- 39:30Another approach is Alps,
- 39:31which is short for associating liver
- 39:33partition and portal vein ligation.
- 39:35This approach was proposed to
- 39:36replace pbe with two surgeries.
- 39:38He performed interactive right
- 39:39portal vein ligation followed
- 39:41by completely divest arising.
- 39:42Segment four of the liver and
- 39:44at the same session is surgeon
- 39:46clears the floor of tumor.
- 39:48The patient is then closed with
- 39:50the tumor bearing liver in place,
- 39:52while the FLL rapidly have Portuguese
- 39:54and then the Sturgeon returns within
- 39:567 to 10 days for a second laparotomy
- 39:58to complete the definitive resection.
- 40:00And early reports actually
- 40:01showed very strong tumor growth.
- 40:03I mean, fellow growth and was believed to
- 40:06have a lower risk for tumor progression.
- 40:09That being said,
- 40:10when comparing PV 2 apps that were
- 40:12the massive infest or hypertrophy
- 40:14in the Alps Group,
- 40:15but it came at a much higher cost
- 40:18of major complications and death.
- 40:20Interestingly,
- 40:21while the kinetic growth rate
- 40:22was found to be higher electron
- 40:25microscopy studies from Japan showed
- 40:27that the hepatocytes were not mature
- 40:29and not really able to handle the
- 40:31increased blood flow to the FL are.
- 40:33Therefore,
- 40:34it was shown that it is not simply
- 40:36regenerating the liver rapidly,
- 40:38but also in a way that allows
- 40:40the hepatocytes maturan function
- 40:41appropriately so interesting.
- 40:43Lee,
- 40:43a systematic review and meta
- 40:45analysis for colorectal liver
- 40:46metastases was performed,
- 40:47confirming the findings of the faster
- 40:49kinetic growth rate with Alps.
- 40:51But with the increased morbidity
- 40:53and mortality.
- 40:53So for this reason numerous
- 40:55modifications have been proposed,
- 40:57many of which negated distinct advantages
- 40:59of why Alps was proposed in the 1st place.
- 41:02And Lastly,
- 41:03I want to show a new procedure,
- 41:05one that we will now be using it Yale,
- 41:09while while I already showed sequential
- 41:11PV into Patty being embolization,
- 41:13Liberty is deprivation is performing PV.
- 41:15And how do you been embolization
- 41:17in a single session?
- 41:18The goal is to shorten and optimize
- 41:21the phase of liver preparation.
- 41:23Or surgery without the
- 41:24aggressive nature of Alps,
- 41:26and in this early
- 41:27feasibility study from 2016,
- 41:28the procedure was found to be safe
- 41:31and feasible in a small patient
- 41:33cohort of only seven patients,
- 41:35and then the same group then added
- 41:37embolization of the middle of having pain
- 41:39to the right hepatic vein embolization,
- 41:41and they found that by doing so
- 41:43they can get safe and provide the
- 41:46most marketing rapid elevation in
- 41:48hypertrophy and liver function.
- 41:49Unprecedented for an IR procedure,
- 41:51and just soon Kevin and I will
- 41:53be the Copia eyes.
- 41:55Or yell prospective clinical trial.
- 41:57Looking at Libertines deprivation
- 41:58called Dragon One and Dragon 2
- 42:00dragon one is a feasibility study,
- 42:02and Dragon 2 actually will compare it
- 42:05to the standard of care which is PV.
- 42:08So in conclusion,
- 42:09liver regeneration is critical to
- 42:11managing colorectal liver metastases,
- 42:12and, as I hope to have shown,
- 42:15there are numerous strategies
- 42:16that can regenerate the liver,
- 42:18either percutaneously or by surgical means.
- 42:20Currently,
- 42:21the understanding of Liberal generation
- 42:22in this area is really at its infancy.
- 42:25Any apples opportunities do
- 42:27exist for research,
- 42:27so I'm looking forward to
- 42:29working with your team and
- 42:31looking forward working with
- 42:32Kevin on this dragon study and
- 42:34thank you for your attention.
- 42:36Thank you David, that was awesome.
- 42:44Thanks bikini.
- 42:49Kevin David, can you stop
- 42:51sharing? OK, stop the sharing here, yeah?
- 42:56Alright, so I'm Michael Cicchini.
- 42:59I'm a medical Oncologist and
- 43:02I'm going to talk about the chemotherapy
- 43:06in the Peri operative management of these
- 43:10liver metastases for colorectal cancer.
- 43:14So first I'm going to talk
- 43:18about the molecular profiling.
- 43:20That's important to decide.
- 43:22Chemotherapy agents as well as sightedness,
- 43:25which is not truly molecular
- 43:27profiling but certainly hasn't
- 43:29impacted the chemotherapy selection.
- 43:31The two types of patients we encounter,
- 43:34the unrespectable patiently up respectable
- 43:37biologics and then some of the damage
- 43:41our agents can do that can complicate
- 43:43the role of complicated surgery so.
- 43:46Molecular profiling for colorectal cancer.
- 43:48What information do I really need to
- 43:50know to make a chemotherapy decision?
- 43:52Wrap the grass in the raft status
- 43:54are very important and they have
- 43:56been so for some time mismatch
- 43:58repair status microsatellite status,
- 44:00which is analogous to that and
- 44:02then the sightedness has become
- 44:04increasingly important for determining
- 44:05determining which biologic to use.
- 44:07So the origin of the primary tumor was at
- 44:10a left sided tumor or right sided tumors.
- 44:13So to remind ourselves why Rasen
- 44:15rap status is so important.
- 44:17We need to go back to the EGFR pathway.
- 44:20So EGFR here in this purple
- 44:22is upstream of crowds.
- 44:24B RAF MEK Erk.
- 44:25So in our ask mutated cancer
- 44:27or at mutated cancer.
- 44:29This is this pathways constituently activated
- 44:31below the level of the ship receptor.
- 44:34We have drugs syntax Mammon,
- 44:36Panitumumab two monoclonal antibodies
- 44:37to target EGFR receptor that we add on
- 44:40to chemotherapy, so they're effective.
- 44:42If this pathway is not constituent active,
- 44:45blow it.
- 44:46So in a rash wild.
- 44:47I porra filetype we add on
- 44:52Panitumumab Humanized Monoclonal
- 44:54Antibody an and or so or sucks Mad A.
- 44:58A chimeric antibody,
- 44:59but for the patients that are
- 45:02mutated in rats,
- 45:02we have to take a different approach.
- 45:05So bad this is mab.
- 45:07Kevin talked about a little bit
- 45:09to monoclonal monoclonal antibody
- 45:10against veg that Jeff Vascular
- 45:12endothelial growth factor,
- 45:13and that's also added on to chemotherapy
- 45:15be Rapids become important just
- 45:17in the last couple of years.
- 45:19Now we have targeted agents for
- 45:21that and Grafton if insta tox mad,
- 45:24but for the Intents and purposes
- 45:26of this stock graph is used as
- 45:28a negative prognostic.
- 45:29Mutation and most of those
- 45:31patients are not can be included
- 45:32in the consideration of surgery.
- 45:34So why is the mismatch repair
- 45:36status so important?
- 45:37So to answer that,
- 45:39we first have to remember what
- 45:40mismatch repair proteins do.
- 45:42So Emily age 1:00 PM S 2 Ms H2, and six.
- 45:46These are the four most most clinically
- 45:48relevant mismatch repair proteins.
- 45:50Their function is to follow
- 45:51the DNA polymerase machine DNA
- 45:53polymerase machinery along as it
- 45:55undoubtedly makes some mistakes.
- 45:56It fixed these these single base mismatches,
- 45:59which are most prevalent in these areas,
- 46:01called microsatellites,
- 46:02which are dynamically Titan tribe
- 46:04nucleotide repeats across the genome.
- 46:05You can imagine this DNA machinery.
- 46:07It's really caught up on
- 46:09all this repetitive DNA.
- 46:10Lots of mistakes are made so
- 46:12we know when these are lost.
- 46:13Tumors have very high tumor
- 46:15mutational burden that which leads
- 46:16to a lot of Neoantigens.
- 46:18We've known for some time that these
- 46:19are some of the most sensitive cancers
- 46:21to immunostimulatory therapies such
- 46:23as anti PD one and four therapies.
- 46:25So they've been approved in the refractory
- 46:27setting for you for a few years but
- 46:30only recently just a few months ago.
- 46:32Did we get to see their activity
- 46:34in the first line setting?
- 46:35You can see very dramatic separation
- 46:37of these two curves here.
- 46:39Green being Pember Lizum app,
- 46:40purple being the chemo arm for a first line.
- 46:43Microsatellite instability.
- 46:43High collector cancer.
- 46:44I mean if we look at the two year mark here,
- 46:47you're seeing 48% of patients that
- 46:49are microsatellite instability,
- 46:50higher progression, free and alive.
- 46:52At at two years versus only 19% with chemo.
- 46:54But for today's top,
- 46:55what's really important to look?
- 46:57Actually look at this part
- 46:58of the curve on the far left,
- 47:01because that's where anybody
- 47:02that's going to surgery would be.
- 47:04Maybe early on in their treatment journey
- 47:06and you can actually see Pembroke behavior.
- 47:09A bit more inferior to chemotherapy.
- 47:11In this setting in a very rapid drop off,
- 47:14even with Pam bro,
- 47:16which obviously has a tail on this curve.
- 47:18So immunotherapy in the new edge
- 47:20of insteading for somebody that's
- 47:22initially resectable, for example,
- 47:23is definitely not ready for prime time.
- 47:26And I think future directions will
- 47:28certainly be chemo immunotherapy,
- 47:29and hopefully will negate some
- 47:31of the early drop off.
- 47:32Why is sightedness important?
- 47:34So we've known for some time
- 47:36that high and got the left sided
- 47:38Colon is a different embryologic.
- 47:40Origin in the right right colon so
- 47:42hindgut for left and got for right.
- 47:44Right sided tumors generally worse prognosis,
- 47:46more methylated tumors,
- 47:47higher beer after some degree.
- 47:49Higher crass and left side it more
- 47:51than more traditional APC mutations
- 47:53in TP 53 mutations and we know
- 47:55that even if your rash wild type,
- 47:57it matters whether or not you
- 47:59respond to a EGFR antibodies such
- 48:01as anti tumor map or cetuximab.
- 48:03So it's really the rash wildtype left
- 48:05sided tumors that we're thinking about
- 48:07using these drugs in the first line setting.
- 48:10And even if rash while typing right
- 48:12sided data SIM it at this is a
- 48:15map should still be considered.
- 48:17So what are the drugs that we have
- 48:20at our disposal to help these
- 48:22patients so full Fox?
- 48:24We've probably all heard full box,
- 48:26full fury, full Fox series.
- 48:28And when we use in pancreatic cancer here,
- 48:31full fear knocks,
- 48:32but they're slightly different approaches.
- 48:34So what is folfox?
- 48:35So five fluoro uracil,
- 48:37which is patented by Charlie Heidelberger.
- 48:39I think in 1957 and is still
- 48:41around and going strong.
- 48:43Is a family space inhibitor so
- 48:45you don't have time to look
- 48:47around for rapidly dividing cells.
- 48:49Luca born potentiates the activity
- 48:51of five FU.
- 48:52It's a vitamin that we give
- 48:54along with the chemotherapy.
- 48:55Oxaliplatin is the oxen in full box,
- 48:58and that's in platinum agent that causes
- 49:00DNA addicts and ultimately results in
- 49:02double stranded breaks and are in Attican,
- 49:05which is the IRI. In full fury is.
- 49:08Ultimately converted into its active form.
- 49:09About summarize, one inhibitor,
- 49:11SN 38 and ultimately also end
- 49:12result is double stranded breaks,
- 49:14so these are the main agents we have.
- 49:16We started out again with just
- 49:185F U and this is about what we
- 49:21were doing back in the early 90s,
- 49:23so we had about a median survival of 12
- 49:25year for patients with mosaic answer.
- 49:27When we started to have doublet
- 49:29chemotherapy's in full box and full theory,
- 49:31we move this out about the two year mark.
- 49:34Now we're really between the two and three,
- 49:36or mark or median overall survival.
- 49:38For most, for most of our active trials
- 49:41with colorectal cancer with folfox theory,
- 49:43the triple combination that's a bit more
- 49:45toxic and reserved for younger patients
- 49:48is about a 32 month median survival,
- 49:50so we have to ask ourselves at tumor board,
- 49:53what does this patient have it with?
- 49:55Cash pathway to cure?
- 49:56So what our main goals with chemotherapy?
- 49:59We've heard a little bit
- 50:01about conversion therapy,
- 50:02so converting the unrespectable
- 50:03patient to a respectable patient.
- 50:05If we have a patient that's upfront,
- 50:07resectable chemotherapy can still be
- 50:08useful to reduce the surgical complexity.
- 50:11Eradicate micrometastatic disease,
- 50:12which is also hopefully doing for
- 50:14the unrespectable patient and then
- 50:15also assess the biology of the
- 50:17aggressiveness of the disease.
- 50:19Is somebody actually getting a
- 50:20response through chemotherapy,
- 50:21or they just rapidly progressing?
- 50:23That's not a patient you want
- 50:25to surgery anyway,
- 50:26and if we know that even in the best
- 50:28of circumstances the patients never
- 50:30going to get to a surgical option
- 50:33that the treatment is prolonging life,
- 50:35hopefully by controlling disease in
- 50:37improving tumor related symptoms,
- 50:38so we should think about this as two groups,
- 50:41the unrespectable patient.
- 50:42And the resectable patients.
- 50:43So the upfront receptable patient and
- 50:45just there's no right way to integrate
- 50:48chemotherapy into these patients.
- 50:50By the way,
- 50:51different centers take different approaches,
- 50:53but there's more nuanced than
- 50:55just this slide.
- 50:56But when to consider a front reception?
- 50:59Generally, for fewer liver metastasis,
- 51:00chemotherapy response?
- 51:01Not really.
- 51:02The surgeon doesn't really think
- 51:04chemotherapy response is going to
- 51:06lower the complexity of the operation.
- 51:08But when do we do it when there's more
- 51:11than four suspicious knodel involvement?
- 51:13My Liberty disease.
- 51:14But again, there's more nuanced to this,
- 51:16so we have to we have to take everything.
- 51:19Every aspect of the patient into account.
- 51:21Do they have a lot of other comorbidities?
- 51:24Where if they if they are not
- 51:26tolerating chemotherapy well,
- 51:26we're expecting significant increase
- 51:28in liver liver damage,
- 51:29which could complicate in operation?
- 51:30Is there reason to suspect that
- 51:32they have particularly aggressive
- 51:34disease and you want to give him the
- 51:36tincture of time on chemotherapy to
- 51:38make sure they're not just rapidly
- 51:39progressing and you're going to put
- 51:41them through an unnecessary operation?
- 51:43Did they recently received full Fox for?
- 51:45For management of primary primary,
- 51:48so could a slight response results
- 51:52in maybe converting an
- 51:54open reception to a laprascopic reception.
- 51:59So what, what chemotherapy do
- 52:00we typically use? So again,
- 52:02these are patients that could be respected,
- 52:04most likely, so full Fox,
- 52:05a doublet chemotherapy,
- 52:06perhaps with the biologic bevacizumab
- 52:07panitumumab receptors amount,
- 52:08but the important part is to limit the
- 52:10number of chemo cycles as much as possible.
- 52:13These patients that can get to surgery
- 52:15quickly and should get to surgery quickly,
- 52:17and we want to do as little
- 52:18damage is possible to the to
- 52:20the liver without chemotherapy.
- 52:22So we should image patients early and
- 52:23as soon as thought as soon as feasible.
- 52:26These patients should be taken into surgery.
- 52:28We generally plan to do six
- 52:30months total of chemotherapy.
- 52:31But the rest would be reserved for later.
- 52:33So what about the unresectable patient?
- 52:34Now this patient can't get this
- 52:36surgery without a response,
- 52:37so it's a different.
- 52:38It's a different approach,
- 52:39so we talked a little bit about
- 52:41what is undetectable.
- 52:42But so,
- 52:43how likely is this understandable
- 52:44patient going to get going to
- 52:46be able to get an operation?
- 52:47Perhaps as high as a third 1/3
- 52:49of the time that we will get
- 52:51enough cited reduction to convert
- 52:52this patient to respectable?
- 52:54But what regiment is best?
- 52:55Again, if you look at guidelines,
- 52:57both guidelines are very so.
- 52:58The guidelines don't really
- 52:59take much of a stand.
- 53:01They say Folfox Folfiri Anna tumor map.
- 53:03But this is a mad.
- 53:04They kind of leave it up to the
- 53:07treating oncologists asthma.
- 53:08On the other hand,
- 53:09takes a more dogmatic approach.
- 53:10It says full flux is the recommendation
- 53:12or for unresectable metastases.
- 53:14Considerable Fox series,
- 53:15so that's that's the approach
- 53:16that we would take here,
- 53:18predominantly in the United States
- 53:19that most most centers would do.
- 53:21But certainly here at Yale
- 53:23for the younger fit patients,
- 53:24we would be for an unrespectable patient.
- 53:26We would do full foxy reefer.
- 53:28This is a map, but for our upfront,
- 53:30resectable patients we would
- 53:32again just be doing a doublet.
- 53:33So I'm going to skip through
- 53:35this in the interest of time,
- 53:37especially since Kevin showed
- 53:39some of the slides are ready.
- 53:41So what about our biologics?
- 53:42So this is another level of nuance.
- 53:45Again, to do our chemotherapy here.
- 53:47So we have.
- 53:48We have agents such as bad.
- 53:50This is a map which is a vascular
- 53:52endothelial growth factor antibody
- 53:53against speculative growth factor,
- 53:55which is created by the tumors and
- 53:57stimulates blood vessel growth.
- 53:58Because the tumor needs
- 54:00increased vascularity,
- 54:00so we know that bevacizumab
- 54:02increases response rates,
- 54:03but it can potentially increase
- 54:05perioperative complications.
- 54:05We see vascular events such as
- 54:07such as arterial thrombi, Venus,
- 54:09thrombi, on occasion perforations,
- 54:11but the big concern is wound healing,
- 54:13so we generally would hold
- 54:15bevacizumab within six weeks
- 54:16prior to any server dream.
- 54:18There is some data that supports it
- 54:20up to four weeks prior to surgery,
- 54:23but but the concern is how you
- 54:25when you hold it preoperatively.
- 54:28So this is actually been looked at.
- 54:30The addition of bevacizumab in systemic
- 54:32therapy for unresectable liver metastasis.
- 54:34So we have a cohort of patients
- 54:36here split up into two groups.
- 54:38These are all kras mutated
- 54:40patients or patients that are
- 54:42perfect fit for bevacizumab.
- 54:43So full blocks plus bevacizumab
- 54:45in arm a in Folfox alone.
- 54:47In R&B you can see that the reception,
- 54:50the rate of R0 Resection complete resection,
- 54:5222 verses about 6% without
- 54:54the berbasis matters so very,
- 54:56very big difference about
- 54:57getting to surgery there.
- 54:58What about progression free survival 9 1/2
- 55:01months median versus about 5 1/2 months
- 55:03median favoring Bevis is maben blue here.
- 55:05Same thing with overall survival.
- 55:07Less less striking difference
- 55:08about 25 versus 20 months.
- 55:10Both are statistically significant.
- 55:11So bad this is a map should be used
- 55:14in the Peri operative management with
- 55:16Folfox 4 correct meeting liver metastases.
- 55:18What about the EGFR antibody face?
- 55:20These are highly effective therapies for
- 55:22patients that are crashed while type.
- 55:24You think you think we see a
- 55:26similar a similar story here.
- 55:28In fact, we're.
- 55:29In exact opposite, so again,
- 55:31we have two groups here.
- 55:34This is a new epoch study,
- 55:36split into chemotherapy,
- 55:38perioperatively before and
- 55:39after surgery with cetuximab,
- 55:41an without stuck some,
- 55:42and so without cytoxan map is here in blue.
- 55:46Progression free survival curve
- 55:47here so you can see the red group
- 55:50chemotherapy plastic doing inferior
- 55:51to the chemotherapy alone group.
- 55:53Same thing with overall survival.
- 55:55What's really interesting?
- 55:56If you look at these curves,
- 55:58these are these are the Times of surgery,
- 56:00so this curve have not separated.
- 56:02They separate later.
- 56:04An obvious explanation to this
- 56:05oh would be an awesome app.
- 56:07Is creating some increase in
- 56:09perioperative complications?
- 56:09But that's not the case and the fact
- 56:12that the changes in progression free
- 56:14and overall survival happened later
- 56:16again speaks to. They did that.
- 56:18It's not an actual increase
- 56:19in proper complications.
- 56:21Frankly,
- 56:21I haven't seen any good explanation
- 56:23for why this we're seeing these
- 56:25these these confusing results,
- 56:27but I think we should proceed with
- 56:29caution when using our bodies
- 56:31in the perioperative setting.
- 56:32I think a lot of my colleagues
- 56:35have not bought into this,
- 56:37and I again uncertain on the
- 56:39rest of the biological rationale
- 56:41of why we're seeing this,
- 56:42but it's a very striking
- 56:44overall survival difference.
- 56:45It's almost three years.
- 56:47Median overall survival
- 56:48difference without the antibody.
- 56:49So chemotherapy associated
- 56:50liver diseases will close on
- 56:52South are drugs can do damage.
- 56:54That's why the name that our approach is to
- 56:57limit the number of cycles when feasible,
- 56:59so Oxaliplatin,
- 57:00cut static sinusoidal abnormalities.
- 57:01You can see the dilations here in
- 57:03light of these sinusoids that directly
- 57:05from oxide Platt and you can see
- 57:07nodular regenerative hyperplasia.
- 57:09This, like lighter pink nodule here.
- 57:11Crowding out the more healthy
- 57:13liver tissue here,
- 57:14which creates noncirrhotic portal
- 57:15hypertension, both from Oxaliplatin,
- 57:17where Uniti Concuss.
- 57:18Seattle hepatitis so fatty fatty
- 57:19infiltration and inflammation of the liver.
- 57:21Here very severe case,
- 57:22and the less of your case.
- 57:24But frankly there shouldn't be fact.
- 57:25Neither of these images.
- 57:27So in in conclusion,
- 57:29we took the talked about the
- 57:30importance of molecular results.
- 57:31Those are things that need to be
- 57:33sent on every patient so that the
- 57:35medical oncologist can know what
- 57:37treatment approach should be done.
- 57:38The role of sightedness,
- 57:39our approach to the unrespectable
- 57:41in the upfront respectable,
- 57:42and some of the damage our agents can do.
- 57:45Thank you so much.
- 57:49Michael, thank you for high speed yet
- 57:54incredibly comprehensive overview of
- 57:58rapidly evolving and complicated field and.
- 58:03David, I want to thank you as well.
- 58:07Given the time, I don't think we have much
- 58:11leftover for discussion, I would just.
- 58:14Close by saying that this is an
- 58:18incredibly exciting field to work in,
- 58:21I think the overview that my partners
- 58:25have given gives the audience a
- 58:28sense of the enormous complexity yet
- 58:31opportunity involved for our patients.
- 58:34And I think for all of us who work together,
- 58:37it is yet another call.
- 58:39For an extraordinary level of teamwork,
- 58:42integration, communication,
- 58:43all of these clinical services have to be
- 58:48linked together by meticulous communication
- 58:50between us is clinicians as well as
- 58:54our nurses and administrative Staffs.
- 58:56As we kind of navigate care
- 59:00throughout a very complex system.
- 59:03Charlie, anything to add.
- 59:04Oh, I just want to thank David,
- 59:07Michael and Kevin for really
- 59:09just a brilliant discussion.
- 59:10And thank you for your leadership,
- 59:12your collaboration and building a
- 59:14team around a pivotal area of care,
- 59:17research and thanks everyone for joining
- 59:19us and think giving us a lot to think
- 59:23about and really exciting progress.