Novel nonâinvasive molecular signatures for oral cavity cancer, by whole transcriptome and small nonâcoding RNA sequencing analyses: Predicted association with PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway
Vageli D, Doukas P, Townsend J, Pickering C, Judson B. Novel nonâinvasive molecular signatures for oral cavity cancer, by whole transcriptome and small nonâcoding RNA sequencing analyses: Predicted association with PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway. Cancer Medicine 2024, 13: e7309. PMID: 38819439, PMCID: PMC11141334, DOI: 10.1002/cam4.7309.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedBiomarkers, TumorCarcinoma, Squamous CellCase-Control StudiesFemaleGene Expression ProfilingGene Expression Regulation, NeoplasticHumansMaleMicroRNAsMiddle AgedMouth NeoplasmsPhosphatidylinositol 3-KinasesProto-Oncogene Proteins c-aktRNA, MessengerRNA, Small UntranslatedSalivaSequence Analysis, RNASignal TransductionTOR Serine-Threonine KinasesTranscriptomeConceptsOral squamous cell carcinomaPost-treatment monitoringHealthy controlsOral cavity cancer patientsOral cavity cancerIdentification of molecular biomarkersSquamous cell carcinomaPatients relative to HCSamples of salivaMonitoring of patientsCell carcinomaPost-treatment monitoring of patientsSmoking historySerum miRNAsCancer patientsEfficient clinical toolEffective preventive careTherapeutic approachesMRNA signatureRNA sequencing analysisClinical testingSerumPatientsMolecular biomarkersClinical tool
Improving Post-procedure Outcomes With Clinical Care Pathway for Enteral Access
Miller S, Abou-Azar S, Owusu K, Judson B, Rhodes D, Morton J. Improving Post-procedure Outcomes With Clinical Care Pathway for Enteral Access. The American Surgeon 2023, 89: 6362-6365. PMID: 37203186, DOI: 10.1177/00031348231177914.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
PET/CT radiomics potentially improves progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) prognostication beyond UICC TNM staging in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) patients
Haider S, Sharaf K, Zeevi T, Mahajan A, Forghani R, Judson B, Kann B, Burtness B, Reichel C, Baumeister P, Payabvash S. PET/CT radiomics potentially improves progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) prognostication beyond UICC TNM staging in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) patients. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 2022, 101: s184-s184. DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1746471.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Changes in Population-Level and Institutional-Level Prescribing Habits of Radioiodine Therapy for Papillary Thyroid Cancer
Jacobs D, Breen CT, Pucar D, Holt E, Judson BL, Mehra S. Changes in Population-Level and Institutional-Level Prescribing Habits of Radioiodine Therapy for Papillary Thyroid Cancer. Thyroid 2020, 31: 272-279. PMID: 32811347, DOI: 10.1089/thy.2020.0237.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPapillary thyroid cancerNational Cancer DatabaseThyroid cancerRadioactive iodine therapyNumber of patientsHospital-specific effectsIodine therapyAdvanced diseaseTotal thyroidectomyRadioiodine therapyPrescribing habitsRAI useCancer DatabaseMixed regression modelsPatientsJoinpoint analysisHospitalIndividual hospitalsCancerHospital selectionNational trendsThyroidectomyTherapySignificant declineRegression modelsA novel surgeon credentialing and quality assurance process using transoral surgery for oropharyngeal cancer in ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group Trial E3311
Ferris RL, Flamand Y, Holsinger FC, Weinstein GS, Quon H, Mehra R, Garcia JJ, Hinni ML, Gross ND, Sturgis EM, Duvvuri U, MĂ©ndez E, Ridge JA, Magnuson JS, Higgins KA, Patel MR, Smith RB, Karakla DW, Kupferman ME, Malone JP, Judson BL, Richmon J, Boyle JO, Bayon R, O'Malley BW, Ozer E, Thomas GR, Koch WM, Bell RB, Saba NF, Li S, Sigurdson ER, Burtness B. A novel surgeon credentialing and quality assurance process using transoral surgery for oropharyngeal cancer in ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group Trial E3311. Oral Oncology 2020, 110: 104797. PMID: 32679405, PMCID: PMC7771718, DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2020.104797.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOropharyngeal cancerTransoral surgeryOropharyngeal bleedingPositive marginsTransoral resectionGrade III/IVSurgical oncology trialsPost-operative therapySurgical quality assuranceSurgical pathology reportsFinal pathologic marginsMulti-institutional dataPathologic marginsBleeding rateClinical trialsPathology reportsLower incidenceOngoing quality assuranceOncology trialsSurgical expertiseMeticulous evaluationSurgeon expertiseTransoral headPatientsSurgeryPandemic Recovery Using a COVID-Minimal Cancer Surgery Pathway
Boffa DJ, Judson BL, Billingsley KG, Galetta D, Fontanez P, Odermatt C, Lindner K, Mitchell MR, Henderson CM, Carafeno T, Pinto J, Wagner J, Ancuta M, Beley P, Turner AL, Banack T, Laurans MS, Johnson DC, Yoo P, Morton JM, Zurich H, Davis K, Ahuja N. Pandemic Recovery Using a COVID-Minimal Cancer Surgery Pathway. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2020, 110: 718-724. PMID: 32417195, PMCID: PMC7227551, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2020.05.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSurgery pathwayHospital-acquired COVID-19 infectionLarge academic medical centerCOVID-19 patientsCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemicCOVID-19 infectionPatient care pathwayAcademic medical centerDisease 2019 pandemicHealth care deliveryOnly surgerySurgery populationElective surgeryPatient survivalRisk of exposureProtection of patientsCare pathwayNosocomial infectionsMedical CenterCare deliverySurgical activityHospitalPatientsSurgeryMost hospitalsAssessment of Lymph Node Evaluation in Patients with Clinically Node Negative Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
Jacobs D, Park H, Young M, Olino K, Rahmati R, Mehra S, Burtness B, Judson B. Assessment of Lymph Node Evaluation in Patients with Clinically Node Negative Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology âą Biology âą Physics 2020, 106: 1191-1192. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.11.099.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdjuvant external beam radiotherapy for surgically resected, nonmetastatic anaplastic thyroid cancer
Saeed NA, Kelly JR, Deshpande HA, Bhatia AK, Burtness BA, Judson BL, Mehra S, Edwards HA, Yarbrough WG, Peter PR, Holt EH, Decker RH, Husain ZA, Park HS. Adjuvant external beam radiotherapy for surgically resected, nonmetastatic anaplastic thyroid cancer. Head & Neck 2020, 42: 1031-1044. PMID: 32011055, DOI: 10.1002/hed.26086.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAnaplastic thyroid cancerLonger OSAdjuvant EBRTThyroid cancerAdjuvant external beam radiotherapyNational Cancer DatabaseExternal beam radiotherapyConcurrent chemoradiationConcurrent chemotherapyImproved survivalMedian ageCancer DatabaseRetrospective analysisBeam radiotherapyEBRTChemotherapyPatientsCancerUVAChemoradiationResectionRadiotherapy
Clinical Outcomes of Head and Neck Cancer Patients Who Undergo Resection, But Forgo Adjuvant Therapy
LOGANADANE G, KANN BH, PARK HS, JOHNSON SB, MEHRA S, JUDSON BL, BHATIA A, BELKACEMI Y, YARBROUGH WG, BURTNESS B, HUSAIN ZA. Clinical Outcomes of Head and Neck Cancer Patients Who Undergo Resection, But Forgo Adjuvant Therapy. Anticancer Research 2019, 39: 4885-4890. PMID: 31519591, DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.13674.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLocoregional recurrence-free survivalAdjuvant therapyNeck squamous cell carcinomaOutcomes of patientsRecurrence-free survivalSquamous cell carcinomaNeck cancer patientsHNSCC patientsClinical outcomesRecurrence rateCell carcinomaMean TTPCancer patientsPatientsTherapyResectionMonthsOutcomesHNSCCSurgeryCarcinomaHeadIncidenceProgressionPreoperative biopsy in parotid malignancies: Variation in use and impact on surgical margins
Benchetrit L, Torabi SJ, Morse E, Mehra S, Rahmati R, Osborn HA, Judson BL. Preoperative biopsy in parotid malignancies: Variation in use and impact on surgical margins. The Laryngoscope 2019, 130: 1450-1458. PMID: 31411749, DOI: 10.1002/lary.28224.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreoperative biopsyParotid malignanciesSurgical marginsPositive marginsClinical T1 stageNational Cancer DatabaseClinical T stageClinical N stageHigh-volume centersSubgroup of patientsMultivariable logistic regressionEarly clinical stageChi-square testAdjuvant therapyRetrospective cohortYounger patientsT stageClinical stageSurgical outcomesVolume centersBiopsy useCancer DatabaseN stageBiopsyPatientsPositive margin rates and predictors in transoral robotic surgery after federal approval: A national quality study
Hanna J, Morse E, Brauer PR, Judson B, Mehra S. Positive margin rates and predictors in transoral robotic surgery after federal approval: A national quality study. Head & Neck 2019, 41: 3064-3072. PMID: 31058417, DOI: 10.1002/hed.25792.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPositive margin rateTransoral robotic surgeryLow positive margin rateLow-volume facilitiesHigh-volume facilitiesPositive marginsT classificationMargin rateHuman papilloma virus (HPV) statusRobotic surgeryLymph-vascular invasionNational Cancer DatabaseMargin statusRetrospective reviewTumor subsiteVirus statusCancer DatabaseMultivariable regressionLinear associationPatientsSurgeryQuality studiesStatusAssociationClinically node-negative head and neck mucosal melanoma: An analysis of current treatment guidelines & outcomes
Torabi SJ, Benchetrit L, Spock T, Cheraghlou S, Judson BL. Clinically node-negative head and neck mucosal melanoma: An analysis of current treatment guidelines & outcomes. Oral Oncology 2019, 92: 67-76. PMID: 31010627, DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2019.03.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overCombined Modality TherapyDatabases, FactualDisease ManagementFemaleHead and Neck NeoplasmsHumansKaplan-Meier EstimateLymph NodesMaleMelanomaMiddle AgedMucous MembraneNeoplasm StagingPractice Guidelines as TopicPractice Patterns, Physicians'PrognosisProportional Hazards ModelsTreatment OutcomeYoung AdultConceptsElective neck dissectionMajority of patientsSinonasal cavityMM casesNCCN guidelinesNational Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelinesNeck mucosal melanomaNode-negative headNational Cancer DatabaseCurrent treatment guidelinesImproved OSRT utilizationSN patientsNCCN recommendationsNeck dissectionMM patientsMucosal melanomaTreatment guidelinesTreatment patternsNetwork guidelinesCancer DatabaseRetrospective analysisOral cavityPatientsSurvival rateRadiation therapy treatment facility and overall survival in the adjuvant setting for locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Lee NCJ, Kelly JR, An Y, Park HS, Judson BL, Burtness BA, Husain ZA. Radiation therapy treatment facility and overall survival in the adjuvant setting for locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer 2019, 125: 2018-2026. PMID: 30748002, PMCID: PMC6541535, DOI: 10.1002/cncr.32001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh-volume surgical facilitiesPostoperative radiation therapyNeck squamous cell carcinomaSquamous cell carcinomaOverall survivalSurvival benefitCell carcinomaSurgical facilitiesPropensity score-matched cohortAnnual case volumeDefinitive surgeryAdvanced headOS improvementImproved outcomesRadiation therapyCase volumeOral cavityPatientsReduced hazardMultivariate analysisSurgeryInvasive HNSCCCarcinomaSurvivalTreatment
Hypopharyngeal Cancer Treatment Delays: Benchmarks and Survival Association
Morse E, Berson E, Fujiwara R, Judson B, Mehra S. Hypopharyngeal Cancer Treatment Delays: Benchmarks and Survival Association. Otolaryngology 2018, 160: 267-276. PMID: 30324861, DOI: 10.1177/0194599818797605.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedBenchmarkingCarcinoma, Squamous CellChemoradiotherapyCohort StudiesDisease-Free SurvivalFemaleHumansHypopharyngeal NeoplasmsLogistic ModelsMaleMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisPrognosisProportional Hazards ModelsRadiotherapy, ConformalRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentSurvival AnalysisTime-to-TreatmentTreatment OutcomeConceptsRadiation treatment durationOverall survivalInduction chemotherapyMedian durationConcurrent chemoradiationHypopharyngeal cancerCox proportional hazards regressionNational Cancer DatabaseProportional hazards regressionMultivariable logisticRetrospective cohortTreatment initiationMedicaid insuranceTreatment delayCancer HospitalHazards regressionNonwhite raceCancer DatabaseTreatment endSurvival associationsTreatment durationPatientsChemoradiationChemotherapyTreatment factorsChanging prognosis of oral cancer: An analysis of survival and treatment between 1973 and 2014
Cheraghlou S, Schettino A, Zogg CK, Judson BL. Changing prognosis of oral cancer: An analysis of survival and treatment between 1973 and 2014. The Laryngoscope 2018, 128: 2762-2769. PMID: 30194691, DOI: 10.1002/lary.27315.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOral cavity cancerLate-stage diseaseAdjuvant therapyOral cancerEnd Results 9 registriesCox survival regressionHigher nodal yieldsNational Cancer DatabaseEarly-stage diseaseKaplan-Meier analysisRetrospective database analysisAnalysis of survivalAdjuvant chemoradiotherapyNodal yieldAdult patientsNeck dissectionRetrospective studyCancer DatabasePrognosisPatientsCancerDiseaseDatabase analysisSurvival regressionChemoradiotherapyPositive surgical margins in parotid malignancies: Institutional variation and survival association
Morse E, Fujiwara RJT, Judson B, Prasad ML, Mehra S. Positive surgical margins in parotid malignancies: Institutional variation and survival association. The Laryngoscope 2018, 129: 129-137. PMID: 30194762, DOI: 10.1002/lary.27221.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPositive surgical marginsPositive margin rateOverall survivalSurgical marginsHigh-volume facilitiesMargin ratePositive marginsParotid malignanciesMucoepidermoid carcinomaCox proportional hazards regressionOverall positive margin rateLow-grade mucoepidermoid carcinomaNational Cancer DatabaseProportional hazards regressionMultivariable logistic regressionPositive margin statusRetrospective database analysisParotid cancerMargin statusHazards regressionCancer DatabaseSurvival associationsDecreased oddsCystic carcinomaPatientsAdjuvant therapy in major salivary gland cancers: Analysis of 8580 patients in the National Cancer Database
Cheraghlou S, Kuo P, Mehra S, Agogo GO, Bhatia A, Husain ZA, Yarbrough WG, Burtness BA, Judson BL. Adjuvant therapy in major salivary gland cancers: Analysis of 8580 patients in the National Cancer Database. Head & Neck 2018, 40: 1343-1355. PMID: 29756412, DOI: 10.1002/hed.24984.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational Cancer Data BaseLate-stage diseaseAdjuvant treatmentSalivary gland cancerAdverse featuresAdjuvant radiotherapyImproved survivalGland cancerMajor salivary gland cancerAddition of chemotherapyNational Cancer DatabaseAdjuvant therapySurvival benefitRetrospective studyCancer DatabaseImproved outcomesCancer casesPatientsChemotherapyDiseaseTreatmentRadiotherapySurvivalCancerTherapyAssociation of Facility and System Factors With Survival Among Pediatric Patients With Surgically Treated Head and Neck Sarcomas
Cheraghlou S, Li H, Judson BL. Association of Facility and System Factors With Survival Among Pediatric Patients With Surgically Treated Head and Neck Sarcomas. JAMA Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery 2018, 144: 455-456. PMID: 29800240, PMCID: PMC6136052, DOI: 10.1001/jamaoto.2018.0183.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Leiomyosarcoma of the infratemporal fossa with perineurial spread along the right mandibular nerve: a case report
Barbiero FJ, Huttner AJ, Judson BL, Baehring JM. Leiomyosarcoma of the infratemporal fossa with perineurial spread along the right mandibular nerve: a case report. CNS Oncology 2017, 06: 281-285. PMID: 28990793, PMCID: PMC6004886, DOI: 10.2217/cns-2017-0004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMandibular nerveRight mandibular nerveRight cavernous sinusSmooth muscle differentiationNerve biopsyCase reportMass lesionNeck cancerCavernous sinusMalignant tumorsGI tractInfratemporal fossaMedical literatureLeiomyosarcomaSkin appendagesSimilar casesNerveTumorsMuscle differentiationPeculiar patternDiplopiaHeadacheBiopsyPatientsMyometrium
Treatment delay and facility case volume are associated with survival in earlyâstage glottic cancer
Cheraghlou S, Kuo P, Judson BL. Treatment delay and facility case volume are associated with survival in earlyâstage glottic cancer. The Laryngoscope 2016, 127: 616-622. PMID: 27653749, DOI: 10.1002/lary.26259.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy ProtocolsCohort StudiesCombined Modality TherapyDisease-Free SurvivalEarly Detection of CancerFemaleGlottisHospitals, High-VolumeHumansKaplan-Meier EstimateLaryngeal NeoplasmsLaryngectomyMaleMiddle AgedOrgan Sparing TreatmentsProportional Hazards ModelsRadiotherapy, AdjuvantRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentSurvival AnalysisTime FactorsWaiting ListsConceptsEarly-stage glottic cancerGlottic cancerUnivariate Kaplan-Meier analysisSystem factorsFacility case volumeNational Cancer DatabaseMultivariate Cox regressionEarly glottic cancerKaplan-Meier analysisImprovement of outcomesTumor factorsAdult patientsWorse survivalImproved survivalNumber of treatmentsRetrospective studyTreatment delayCox regressionCancer DatabaseCase volumeGovernment insurancePatientsCancerTreatment factorsSurvival variables