An Update on the Survival of the First 50 Face Transplants Worldwide
Homsy P, Huelsboemer L, Barret J, Blondeel P, Borsuk D, Bula D, Gelb B, Infante-Cossio P, Lantieri L, Mardini S, Morelon E, Nasir S, Papay F, Petruzzo P, Rodriguez E, Ăzkan Ă, Ăzmen S, Pomahac B, Lassus P. An Update on the Survival of the First 50 Face Transplants Worldwide. JAMA Surgery 2024, 159: 1339-1345. PMID: 39292472, PMCID: PMC11411447, DOI: 10.1001/jamasurg.2024.3748.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOverall survivalRejection episodesFace transplantationTransplanted graftsMedian follow-up timeAcute rejection episodesFollow-up timePredictors of survivalMulticenter cohort studyExtensive facial defectsEpisodes per yearLong-term survivalTransplant variablesFacial defectsNonpublished dataTransplant lossMedian numberFollow-upCohort studyReconstructive optionsPrimary outcomeSecondary outcomesTransplant survivalTransplantationTransplant centersTen Year Follow-up After Face Transplantation â a Single Center Retrospective Cohort Study
Huelsboemer L, Kauke-Navarro M, Boroumand S, Parikh N, Hosseini H, Yu C, Stögner V, Ko C, Perry B, Formica R, Hung P, Mahajan A, Azzi J, Murphy G, Pomahac B. Ten Year Follow-up After Face Transplantation â a Single Center Retrospective Cohort Study. American Journal Of Transplantation 2024 PMID: 39413877, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajt.2024.10.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChronic rejectionFace transplantationFollow-upSingle center retrospective cohort studyFunctional outcomesSensory returnAnalysis of functional outcomesMedian follow-upIncidence of malignancyMetabolic side effectsGraft rejection episodesComputed tomography angiogramRetrospective cohort studyEvidence of vasculopathyFollow-up periodLong-term outcomesYear follow-upFacial motor functionRejection episodesInfectious complicationsTransplant recipientsPatient ageGraft retentionMedical complicationsCohort studyReading Between the Tabloids: An Objective Analysis of the Quality and Readability of Patient Encountered Online Material for Face Transplantation.
Boroumand S, Littleton A, Aregbe A, Gu E, Huelsboemer L, Stögner V, Lewis K, Kauke-Navarro M, Haykal S, Pomahac B. Reading Between the Tabloids: An Objective Analysis of the Quality and Readability of Patient Encountered Online Material for Face Transplantation. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery 2024 PMID: 39471279, DOI: 10.1097/scs.0000000000010668.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNews sourcesOnline materialsNewsFace transplant programsThird-party sourcesReadability metricsFace transplantationReadabilityTransplant programsPost hoc Tukey multiple comparison testTukey's multiple comparison testMultiple comparison testReputable sourcesTabloidsReadability of online materialsAuthorshipOne-way ANOVATransplantationThird-party sitesJAMA benchmark criteriaDiscernmentEncountersJAMA benchmarksThe role of C4d and donor specific antibodies in face and hand transplantationâa systematic review
Huelsboemer L, Moscarelli J, Dony A, Boroumand S, Kochen A, Knoedler L, Yu C, Hauc S, Stögner V, Formica R, Lian C, Murphy G, Pomahac B, Kauke-Navarro M. The role of C4d and donor specific antibodies in face and hand transplantationâa systematic review. Frontiers In Transplantation 2024, 3: 1442006. PMID: 39291278, PMCID: PMC11405992, DOI: 10.3389/frtra.2024.1442006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDonor-specific antibodiesSerum donor-specific antibodiesAntibody-mediated rejectionHigher rejection gradesVascularized composite allotransplantationC4d depositionRejection gradeCellular rejectionRejection episodesSpecific antibodiesDonor-specific antibody statusManagement of antibody-mediated rejectionFace transplantationAcute cellular rejectionAcute rejection episodesAssociated with high gradeTime of biopsyAntibody mediated rejectionFisher's exact testMann-Whitney U testSystematic review of electronic databasesMechanisms of rejectionSystematic reviewReview of electronic databasesC4d stainingTo Face Transplant or Not Face Transplant? Evaluating the Limitations of ChatGPT's Consideration of Ethical Themes
Boroumand S, Gu E, Huelsboemer L, Stögner V, Parikh N, Kauke-Navarro M, Pomahac B. To Face Transplant or Not Face Transplant? Evaluating the Limitations of ChatGPT's Consideration of Ethical Themes. Annals Of Plastic Surgery 2024, 93: 527-529. PMID: 39331750, DOI: 10.1097/sap.0000000000004072.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Update on long-term mental health outcomes in eight face transplant recipients from a single center
Huelsboemer L, Stögner V, Hosseini H, Hauc S, Boroumand S, Parikh N, Blood A, Mookerjee V, Kauke-Navarro M, Nizzi M, Pomahac B. Update on long-term mental health outcomes in eight face transplant recipients from a single center. The International Journal Of Psychiatry In Medicine 2023, 59: 583-594. PMID: 38152028, DOI: 10.1177/00912174231225764.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFace transplant recipientsSelf-reported qualityLong-term psychosocial outcomesMental healthMental health dynamicsLong-term mental healthOngoing psychological supportBetter mental healthBrief COPEPsychological dimensionsPsychological benefitsPsychosocial outcomesLong-term journeyPsychological supportInstrumental supportMixed-method approachDepression scoresFacial disfigurementHealth DynamicsFace transplantationTransplant recipientsOlder ageScoresSupportLast follow18 years of face transplantation: Adverse outcomes and challenges
Longo B, Pomahac B, Giacalone M, Cardillo M, Cervelli V. 18 years of face transplantation: Adverse outcomes and challenges. Journal Of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2023, 87: 187-199. PMID: 37879143, DOI: 10.1016/j.bjps.2023.09.043.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAllograft lossAdverse outcomesFace transplantationMedian timeStandard of careGoogle Scholar databasesFace transplant teamHeterogeneity of casesAllograft removalChronic rejectionInfectious complicationsIrreversible rejectionMajor complicationsTransplant centersTransplant casesTransplant teamPatient deathPRISMA guidelinesComplicationsSystematic reviewTransplantationScholar databasesSingle center approachSignificant riskPeer-reviewed literatureAdvancing Face Transplantation: A Critical Analysis of Revisions and Long-Term Surgical Outcomes in 10 Cases
Mookerjee V, Kauke-Navarro M, Hauc S, Huelsboemer L, Formica R, Pomahac B. Advancing Face Transplantation: A Critical Analysis of Revisions and Long-Term Surgical Outcomes in 10 Cases. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2023, 154: 577e-584e. PMID: 37699110, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000011058.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMedical recordsLong-term surgical outcomesFace transplantationChronic allograft rejectionMedian time intervalLong-term outcomesComplex facial injuriesPatients' medical recordsFace transplantFace transplant recipientsAllograft rejectionTransplant recipientsSurgical revisionSurgical outcomesMajority of revisionsOperative reportsRevision surgeryProvider teamRetrospective analysisTEN casesFacial injuriesPeriorbital tissuesPatientsTransplantationMost interventionsInternational consensus recommendations on face transplantation: A 2-step Delphi study
Longo B, Alberti F, Pomahac B, Pribaz J, Meningaud J, LengelĂ© B, Ăzkan Ă, Ăzkan Ă, Barret J, Lassus P, Blondeel P, Roche N, Gurunian R, Infante-Cossio P, Lindford A, Brandacher G, Giovanoli P, Plock J, Gorantla V, Herrington E, Saleh D, Natalwala I, Cardillo M, Jowsey-Gregoire S, La Padula S, Manas D, Benedict J, Nuccitelli G, Bosc R, Morello R, FarĂas-Yapur A, Giacalone M, Hall S, DâOrsi G, Cervelli V. International consensus recommendations on face transplantation: A 2-step Delphi study. American Journal Of Transplantation 2023, 24: 104-114. PMID: 37666457, PMCID: PMC10881406, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajt.2023.08.023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFace transplantationLow-dose interleukin-2 promotes immune regulation in face transplantation: A pilot study
Murakami N, Borges T, Win T, Abarzua P, Tasigiorgos S, Kollar B, Barrera V, Ho Sui S, Teague J, Bueno E, Clark R, Lian C, Murphy G, Pomahac B, Riella L. Low-dose interleukin-2 promotes immune regulation in face transplantation: A pilot study. American Journal Of Transplantation 2023, 23: 549-558. PMID: 36740193, PMCID: PMC10318113, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajt.2023.01.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLow-dose IL-2 therapyIL-2 therapySkin allograftsFace transplant recipientsTransplant recipientsIL-2Immune regulationLow-dose interleukin-2 (IL-2) therapyHigher acute rejection ratesLow-dose IL-2Face transplantationAcute rejection ratesCytotoxicity-associated genesDose interleukin-2Greater suppressive functionInterleukin-2 therapyAutoimmune hemolytic anemiaRegulatory T cellsNarrow therapeutic windowLife-changing procedureImmunological monitoringTim-3Peripheral bloodImmune modulationHemolytic anemia
Neuromotor Speech Recovery Across Different Behavioral Speech Modifications in Individuals Following Facial Transplantation
Eshghi M, Perry B, Richburg B, Ventresca H, Pomahac B, Green J. Neuromotor Speech Recovery Across Different Behavioral Speech Modifications in Individuals Following Facial Transplantation. Frontiers In Neurology 2021, 11: 593153. PMID: 33488496, PMCID: PMC7815523, DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2020.593153.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpeech modificationsSpeech clarityArticulatory demandsLoud speechMotor systemSpeech-language pathologistsArticulatory stabilityArticulatory mechanismsSpeech intelligibilityEvidence-based practice approachCompensatory strategiesDysarthric speechSlow speechFacial transplantationSpeech recoverySpeech deficitsLanguage pathologistsNeuromotor recoveryNormal rangeExtent individualsStages of recoverySpeechFacial animationFace transplantationSpeech function
Blood proteome profiling using aptamer-based technology for rejection biomarker discovery in transplantation
Shubin A, Kollar B, Dillon S, Pomahac B, Libermann T, Riella L. Blood proteome profiling using aptamer-based technology for rejection biomarker discovery in transplantation. Scientific Data 2019, 6: 314. PMID: 31819064, PMCID: PMC6901551, DOI: 10.1038/s41597-019-0324-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDevastating facial injuriesSevere rejection episodesAcute transplant rejectionType of transplantationPeripheral blood serumSOMAscan proteomics platformSatisfactory treatment optionAcute rejectionRejection episodesTransplant statusTransplantation centersTransplant rejectionTreatment optionsBiomarker discoverySkin biopsiesClinical dataHigh riskFacial injuriesInvasive biomarkersTransplantationAptamer-based technologiesFace transplantationPatientsBlood serumSerum proteinsFive-Year Follow-up after Face Transplantation
Tasigiorgos S, Kollar B, Turk M, Perry B, Alhefzi M, Kiwanuka H, Nizzi M, Marty F, Chandraker A, Tullius S, Riella L, Pomahac B. Five-Year Follow-up after Face Transplantation. New England Journal Of Medicine 2019, 380: 2579-2581. PMID: 31141626, DOI: 10.1056/nejmc1810468.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFace transplantation
Sinha I, Vyas R, Pomahac B. Face transplantation. 2019, 379-382. DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199699537.003.0045.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchReturn of sensationSevere traumatic injuryComposite tissue allotransplantationComposite tissue transplantationFacial composite tissue allotransplantationTransplanted allograftPost transplantationLifelong immunosuppressionMotor functionTraumatic injuryTissue allotransplantationPsychiatric issuesPatientsTissue transplantationInfection riskTransplantationFace transplantationFacial formImmunosuppressionAllograftsAllotransplantationInjuryPossible rejectionMonths
Increased levels of circulating MMP3 correlate with severe rejection in face transplantation
Kollar B, Shubin A, Borges T, Tasigiorgos S, Win T, Lian C, Dillon S, Gu X, Wyrobnik I, Murphy G, Pomahac B, Libermann T, Riella L. Increased levels of circulating MMP3 correlate with severe rejection in face transplantation. Scientific Reports 2018, 8: 14915. PMID: 30297859, PMCID: PMC6175842, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33272-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSevere rejectionFace transplantationLarge independent patient cohortsAcute rejection episodesAnti-rejection treatmentFirst postoperative yearLongitudinal serum samplesNon-invasive candidate biomarkersViable treatment optionSOMAscan proteomics platformIndependent patient cohortsFace transplant recipientsRejection episodesPostoperative yearTransplant recipientsDevastating injuriesMMP3 levelsTransplant rejectionHistological gradePatient cohortTreatment optionsSurrogate markerMMP3 proteinCandidate biomarkersTransplantationPediatric face transplantation
Dorante M, Tasigiorgos S, Pomahac B. Pediatric face transplantation. Current Opinion In Organ Transplantation 2018, 23: 598-604. PMID: 30080696, DOI: 10.1097/mot.0000000000000572.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFace transplantationPediatric hand transplantationImmunosuppression burdenRejection episodesDonor allograftsPatient demographicsPediatric patientsAppropriate patientsHand transplantationHand transplantTransplantationPediatric colleaguesPatientsYoung populationFace transplantSurgical innovationTransplantOutcomesSoftwareâbased video analysis of functional outcomes of face transplantation
Fischer S, Diehm Y, Dorante M, Kotsougiani D, Kueckelhaus M, Alhefzi M, Bueno E, Pomahac B. Softwareâbased video analysis of functional outcomes of face transplantation. Microsurgery 2018, 39: 53-61. PMID: 30159931, DOI: 10.1002/micr.30360.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFace transplantationNormal populationAssessment of outcomesDifferent time pointsFunctional outcomeFacial movementsPatient's abilitySame patientTransplantationMouth openingOutcome assessmentPatientsValuable assessment toolOpen mouthEye closureTime pointsRetrospective assessmentMonthsLip purseFacial transplantationAssessment toolSound evidenceOutcomesNoseEyebrowsTrismus in Face Transplantation Following Ballistic Trauma
Krezdorn N, Alhefzi M, Perry B, Aycart M, Tasigiorgos S, Bueno E, Green J, Pribaz J, Pomahac B, Caterson E. Trismus in Face Transplantation Following Ballistic Trauma. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery 2018, 29: 843-847. PMID: 29381613, DOI: 10.1097/scs.0000000000004271.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFace transplant recipientsTemporomandibular jointFace transplantationTransplant recipientsFunctional outcomeBallistic traumaMouth openingImpaired mouth openingOral food intakeImmediate postoperative periodBallistic injuriesRange of motionPartial face transplantationCovert injuriesIntraoperative releasePersistent trismusTotal condylectomyYear posttransplantPostoperative periodPostoperative planningPostoperative treatmentPrimary injuryIntraoperative evaluationSevere scarringMedical recordsQuality of Life and Psychosocial Functioning 2 Years Following Facial Transplantation
Oser M, Nizzi M, Zinser J, Turk M, Epstein R, Bueno E, Gitlin D, Pomahac B. Quality of Life and Psychosocial Functioning 2 Years Following Facial Transplantation. Journal Of The Academy Of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry 2018, 59: 591-600. PMID: 29861176, DOI: 10.1016/j.psym.2018.04.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPhysical health QoLDepressive symptomsHealth statusPhysical health-related QoLFace transplantationOverall depressive symptomsHealth-related QoLMental health QOLSubthreshold depressive symptomsSevere facial disfigurementFacial transplantationQuality of lifeImmunosuppression inductionMonths posttransplantationDepressive episodePhysical QoLHigh health statusPatientsTransplantationQoLPsychosocial functioningLife outcomesCeiling effectsFacial disfigurementSymptomsFacial restoration by transplantation
Kollar B, Pomahac B. Facial restoration by transplantation. The Surgeon 2018, 16: 245-249. PMID: 29490887, DOI: 10.1016/j.surge.2018.01.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWorld War I.World War IIModern plastic surgerySir Harold GilliesPeter Bent Brigham HospitalWar IIFace transplantationFirst successful kidney transplantationJoseph MurraySuccessful kidney transplantationNobel PrizeWorldFacial restorationKidney transplantationTransplant cohortUnique patientsWomen's HospitalSkin graftsOrgan transplantationTransplantationHospitalPlastic surgeonsPlastic surgerySoldiersBattlefield