Five-Year Follow-up after Face Transplantation
Tasigiorgos S, Kollar B, Turk M, Perry B, Alhefzi M, Kiwanuka H, Nizzi M, Marty F, Chandraker A, Tullius S, Riella L, Pomahac B. Five-Year Follow-up after Face Transplantation. New England Journal Of Medicine 2019, 380: 2579-2581. PMID: 31141626, DOI: 10.1056/nejmc1810468.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
First Lower Two-Thirds Osteomyocutaneous Facial Allograft Perfused by a Unilateral Facial Artery
Fischer S, Lee T, Krezdorn N, Alhefzi M, Kueckelhaus M, Bueno E, Pomahac B. First Lower Two-Thirds Osteomyocutaneous Facial Allograft Perfused by a Unilateral Facial Artery. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2017, 139: 1175e-1183e. PMID: 28445377, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000003288.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFacial arteryFacial allograftImmunosuppressive therapyRejection episodesAirway volumeVenous outflowCLINICAL QUESTION/LEVELDual immunosuppressive therapyFacial allotransplantationTwo-thirdsMaintenance therapyMycophenolate mofetilSteroid pulseArtery anastomosisSurgical durationFacial functionTracheostomy tubeContralateral sideVascular anastomosisSubmental arteryTransplantationArteryAllograftsVascularization patternFacial form
GuillainâBarrĂ© syndrome associated with resistant cytomegalovirus infection after face transplantation
Alhefzi M, Aycart M, Bueno E, Kueckelhaus M, Fischer S, Snook R, Sharfuddin A, Hadad I, Malla P, Amato A, Pomahac B, Marty F. GuillainâBarrĂ© syndrome associated with resistant cytomegalovirus infection after face transplantation. Transplant Infectious Disease 2016, 18: 288-292. PMID: 26910286, DOI: 10.1111/tid.12516.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGuillain-BarrĂ© syndromeLower extremity paresthesiasResistant cytomegalovirus infectionLower extremity weaknessSensorimotor axonal polyneuropathyExtremity weaknessIntravenous immunoglobulinAxonal polyneuropathyCMV infectionCytomegalovirus infectionExtremity paresthesiasImmune controlAxonal formTransplantationFacial allograftFace transplantationElectrophysiological evidenceMonthsSyndromeInfectionParesthesiaPolyneuropathyAllograftsRecurrenceCMV
Transformation of Face Transplants: Volumetric and Morphologic Graft Changes Resemble Aging After Facial Allotransplantation
Kueckelhaus M, Turk M, Kumamaru K, Wo L, Bueno E, Lian C, Alhefzi M, Aycart M, Fischer S, De Girolami U, Murphy G, Rybicki F, Pomahac B. Transformation of Face Transplants: Volumetric and Morphologic Graft Changes Resemble Aging After Facial Allotransplantation. American Journal Of Transplantation 2015, 16: 968-978. PMID: 26639618, DOI: 10.1111/ajt.13544.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLong-term outcomesFacial allograftFacial allotransplantationSuperior long-term outcomesShort-term resultsRisk-benefit assessmentSoft tissue volumeSignificant volume lossTransplant recipientsVolume lossDiagnostic evaluationDonor selectionMuscle biopsyHistological evaluationComputed tomographyBone atrophyAllograftsFuture clinical routineNormal anatomyRecipient tissuesAllotransplantationClinical routineMorphometric changesSoft tissueMuscle fibersA Single Center's Experience with Donation of Facial Allografts for Transplantation
Huang A, Bueno E, Pomahac B. A Single Center's Experience with Donation of Facial Allografts for Transplantation. Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation 2015, 2: 80-87. DOI: 10.1080/23723505.2016.1189992.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEpstein-Barr virusIschemia timeImmunologic compatibilityPost-transplant immunosuppressionSingle-center experienceHeart-beating donorsFace transplant recipientsDonor serologyFacial restorationTransplant recipientsHemodynamic stabilityCenter experienceNational Donor RegistryABO compatibilityNegative crossmatchWomen's HospitalDonor procurementHLA typingDonor typeAesthetic outcomeDonor characteristicsInfectious diseasesDonor registryFacial allograftFace transplantationCost Analysis of Conventional Face Reconstruction versus Face Transplantation for Large Tissue Defects
Nguyen L, Naunheim M, Hevelone N, Diaz-Siso J, Hogan J, Bueno E, Caterson E, Pomahac B. Cost Analysis of Conventional Face Reconstruction versus Face Transplantation for Large Tissue Defects. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2015, 135: 260-267. PMID: 25539310, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000000799.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFacial allograft transplantationAllograft transplantationOne-year costsReconstruction patientsTissue defectsMedical Consumer Price IndexHospital billing recordsFacial tissue defectsLarge tissue defectsGlobal immunosuppressionTransplantation recipientsDepartment costsTransplantation cohortConventional reconstructionDead donorsImmunologic rejectionTreatment modalitiesPatient costsHypothetical cohortTransplantationBilling recordsCase severityFacial deficitsPatientsFacial allograftUtility of Sentinel Flaps in Assessing Facial Allograft Rejection
Kueckelhaus M, Fischer S, Lian C, Bueno E, Marty F, Tullius S, Pribaz J, Murphy G, Pomahac B. Utility of Sentinel Flaps in Assessing Facial Allograft Rejection. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2015, 135: 250-258. PMID: 25255116, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000000797.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFacial allograftRejection monitoringFasciocutaneous radial forearm flapCLINICAL QUESTION/LEVELSevere rejection episodesFurther surgical proceduresFacial allotransplantationFree fasciocutaneous radial forearm flapRadial forearm flapAxial blood supplyFunctional flapNonfacial sitesRejection episodesLimited skin areaSevere rejectionAllograft rejectionClinical findingsFacial dermatitisFrequent biopsiesBiopsy pairsBiopsy specimensHistologic evaluationSkin biopsiesBlood supplySurgical procedures
Facial Composite Tissue Allograft
Pomahac B, Pribaz J. Facial Composite Tissue Allograft. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery 2012, 23: 265-267. PMID: 22337422, DOI: 10.1097/scs.0b013e318241b8b8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSuperficial temporal vesselsTemporal vesselsPeripheral facial nerve branchesComposite tissue allograftsFacial nerve branchesExternal auditory canalHair-bearing scalpComplete sensoryOcular ischemiaOropharyngeal dysfunctionNerve branchesAuditory canalFacial nerveDifficult dissectionTissue allograftsNerve connectionsPreauricular areaCarotid anastomosisMuscle insertionFacial vesselsFacial allograftFunctional problemsSoft tissueDissectionAllografts
Three Patients with Full Facial Transplantation
Pomahac B, Pribaz J, Eriksson E, Bueno E, Diaz-Siso J, Rybicki F, Annino D, Orgill D, Caterson E, Caterson S, Carty M, Chun Y, Sampson C, Janis J, Alam D, Saavedra A, Molnar J, Edrich T, Marty F, Tullius S. Three Patients with Full Facial Transplantation. New England Journal Of Medicine 2011, 366: 715-722. PMID: 22204672, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa1111432.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFull face transplantFull facial transplantationFacial transplantationAcute rejectionPostoperative complicationsSensory nervesSevere deformityFunctional restorationPatientsSingle episodeFacial allograftTransplantationFacial appearanceConventional reconstructionComplicationsAllograftsNerveGlucocorticoidsTransplantDeformityCoaptationMonthsRestoration of Facial Form and Function After Severe Disfigurement from Burn Injury by a Composite Facial Allograft
Pomahac B, Pribaz J, Eriksson E, Annino D, Caterson S, Sampson C, Chun Y, Orgill D, Nowinski D, Tullius S. Restoration of Facial Form and Function After Severe Disfigurement from Burn Injury by a Composite Facial Allograft. American Journal Of Transplantation 2011, 11: 386-393. PMID: 21214855, DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-6143.2010.03368.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSevere disfigurementMedical historyBurn injuryFacial allograftAcute rejection episodesInitial clinical outcomesElectrical burn injuryFacial allotransplantationSevere facial disfigurementDonor's medical historyAntirejection treatmentRejection episodesPostoperative monthSurgical complicationsClinical outcomesNasal breathingTreatment optionsBolus treatmentPathological analysisMinimal doseNormal social lifeEsthetic resultsSignificant restorationFacial formFacial redness