The Evolving Clinical Presentation of Acute Rejection in Facial Transplantation
Haug V, Kollar B, Obed D, Kiwanuka H, Turk M, Wo L, Tasigiorgos S, Kueckelhaus M, Riella L, Pomahac B. The Evolving Clinical Presentation of Acute Rejection in Facial Transplantation. Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine 2019, 21: 278-285. PMID: 30998810, PMCID: PMC6646986, DOI: 10.1001/jamafacial.2019.0076.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute rejectionSubtherapeutic tacrolimus levelsClinical signsRejection episodesImmunosuppressive therapySubclinical rejectionTacrolimus levelsMedical recordsOdds ratioFacial transplantationDiagnostic valueSignificant associationSingle-center cohort studyLate rejection episodesProtocol skin biopsiesSecond posttransplant yearSymptoms of rejectionTacrolimus blood levelsSecond postoperative yearReliable clinical signFull facial transplantationPostoperative yearPosttransplant yearYears posttransplantationAllograft rejection
The Effects of Lip-Closure Exercise on Lip Strength and Function Following Full Facial Transplantation: A Case Report
Perry B, Richburg B, Pomahac B, Bueno E, Green J. The Effects of Lip-Closure Exercise on Lip Strength and Function Following Full Facial Transplantation: A Case Report. American Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology 2017, 26: 682-686. PMID: 28654949, DOI: 10.1044/2017_ajslp-16-0101.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLip strengthFacial transplantationPatient-reported outcomesFull facial transplantationRange of motionStrength training exercisesSevere facial disfigurementPreliminary findingsExercise programAdditional researchCase reportOutcome measuresClinical measuresSingle patientMotor impairmentTransplantationClinical casesPatientsFacial disfigurementExerciseEfficacyNew optionsSpeech intelligibilityExpressionSwallowing
Codominant Role of InterferonâÎłâ and Interleukinâ17âProducing T Cells During Rejection in Full Facial Transplant Recipients
Borges T, O'Malley J, Wo L, Murakami N, Smith B, Azzi J, Tripathi S, Lane J, Bueno E, Clark R, Tullius S, Chandraker A, Lian C, Murphy G, Strom T, Pomahac B, Najafian N, Riella L. Codominant Role of InterferonâÎłâ and Interleukinâ17âProducing T Cells During Rejection in Full Facial Transplant Recipients. American Journal Of Transplantation 2016, 16: 2158-2171. PMID: 26749226, PMCID: PMC4979599, DOI: 10.1111/ajt.13705.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDe novo donor-specific antibody developmentDe novo donor-specific antibodiesInterleukin-17-producing T cellsT helper 2 cell phenotypeFacial transplantationDonor-specific antibody developmentNovo donor-specific antibodiesChemotactic protein-1 levelsPeripheral blood mononuclear cellsAcute cellular rejectionAnti-HLA antibodiesDonor-specific antibodiesFollicular helper cellsImmune cell subsetsProtein-1 levelsBlood mononuclear cellsMedium-term outcomesSkin biopsy specimensFull facial transplantationCellular rejection processLife-changing procedureCellular rejectionCodominant roleDonor alloreactivityTransplant recipients
Facial Restoration by Transplantation
Westvik T, Dermietzel A, Pomahac B. Facial Restoration by Transplantation. Annals Of Plastic Surgery 2015, 74: s2-s8. PMID: 25875907, DOI: 10.1097/sap.0000000000000525.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Psychosocial Changes 6 Months after Face Transplantation
Chang G, Pomahac B. Psychosocial Changes 6 Months after Face Transplantation. Journal Of The Academy Of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry 2012, 54: 367-371. PMID: 23194929, PMCID: PMC3593952, DOI: 10.1016/j.psym.2012.07.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdaptation, PsychologicalAdultFacial TransplantationFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansInterpersonal RelationsInterview, PsychologicalLinear ModelsMaleOutcome Assessment, Health CarePostoperative PeriodPsychiatric Status Rating ScalesQuality of LifeSelf ConceptSurveys and QuestionnairesTime FactorsConceptsMental healthComprehensive psychiatric assessmentChanges 6 monthsCommon clinical practiceFull facial transplantationNovel surgical procedureMOS SF-12Facial transplantationOverall mental healthTransplantation programPsychosocial statusSurgical proceduresEQ-5D.Life measuresPsychiatric assessmentClinical practiceTransplantationPsychosocial changesFace transplantationMonthsRecipientsSurgeryMeasures 3Assessment protocolSame period
Three Patients with Full Facial Transplantation
Pomahac B, Pribaz J, Eriksson E, Bueno E, Diaz-Siso J, Rybicki F, Annino D, Orgill D, Caterson E, Caterson S, Carty M, Chun Y, Sampson C, Janis J, Alam D, Saavedra A, Molnar J, Edrich T, Marty F, Tullius S. Three Patients with Full Facial Transplantation. New England Journal Of Medicine 2011, 366: 715-722. PMID: 22204672, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa1111432.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFull face transplantFull facial transplantationFacial transplantationAcute rejectionPostoperative complicationsSensory nervesSevere deformityFunctional restorationPatientsSingle episodeFacial allograftTransplantationFacial appearanceConventional reconstructionComplicationsAllograftsNerveGlucocorticoidsTransplantDeformityCoaptationMonths