Invasive thymoma â Which patients benefit from post-operative radiotherapy?
Muslim Z, Baig MZ, Weber JF, Detterbeck FC, Connery CP, Spera JA, Bhora FY. Invasive thymoma â Which patients benefit from post-operative radiotherapy? Asian Cardiovascular And Thoracic Annals 2021, 29: 935-942. PMID: 33975467, DOI: 10.1177/02184923211017094.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-operative radiotherapyWorld Health Organization histologyMasaoka-Koga stageStage III thymomaPropensity-matched cohortStage III diseaseClinical pathological factorsEnd Results (SEER) databasePositive prognostic indicatorUnderwent surgerySurgical treatmentThymoma patientsAdvanced thymomaB3 tumorsPrognostic implicationsResults databaseTumor sizeInvasive thymomaPrognostic indicatorSurvival differencesPatientsRadiotherapyThymomaSurgeryTumors
Predictors of Mortality After Surgical Management of Lung Cancer in the National Cancer Database
Rosen JE, Hancock JG, Kim AW, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ. Predictors of Mortality After Surgical Management of Lung Cancer in the National Cancer Database. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2014, 98: 1953-1960. PMID: 25443003, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2014.07.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerNational Cancer DatabaseLobectomy/bilobectomyAdverse eventsSurgical resectionMultivariable analysisMale sexFacility volumeLung cancerCancer DatabaseLung cancer surgeryPredictors of mortalityRight-sided tumorsDay of surgeryCell lung cancerStandard of careExtended lengthLarge cancer registryPerioperative outcomesPrimary endpointNSCLC patientsSurgical complicationsWedge resectionSurgical treatmentCancer Registry