Rates of invasive disease and outcomes in NSCLC patients with biopsy suggestive of carcinoma in situ
Talcott WJ, Miccio JA, Park HS, White AA, Kozono DE, Singer L, Sands JM, Sholl LM, Detterbeck FC, Mak RH, Decker RH, Kann BH. Rates of invasive disease and outcomes in NSCLC patients with biopsy suggestive of carcinoma in situ. Lung Cancer 2021, 157: 17-20. PMID: 34052704, DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2021.05.028.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerBiopsy suggestiveInvasive diseaseSitu diseaseSquamous histologySurvival outcomesTumor sizeObserved cohortNational Cancer DatabaseExcellent survival outcomesHalf of patientsCell lung cancerMultivariable logistic regressionResection of lesionsAdenocarcinoma histologyDefinitive therapyNSCLC patientsOverall survivalLocal therapyRisk stratificationLung cancerCancer DatabaseResectionSurgical pathologyLesion sizeInvasive thymoma â Which patients benefit from post-operative radiotherapy?
Muslim Z, Baig MZ, Weber JF, Detterbeck FC, Connery CP, Spera JA, Bhora FY. Invasive thymoma â Which patients benefit from post-operative radiotherapy? Asian Cardiovascular And Thoracic Annals 2021, 29: 935-942. PMID: 33975467, DOI: 10.1177/02184923211017094.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-operative radiotherapyWorld Health Organization histologyMasaoka-Koga stageStage III thymomaPropensity-matched cohortStage III diseaseClinical pathological factorsEnd Results (SEER) databasePositive prognostic indicatorUnderwent surgerySurgical treatmentThymoma patientsAdvanced thymomaB3 tumorsPrognostic implicationsResults databaseTumor sizeInvasive thymomaPrognostic indicatorSurvival differencesPatientsRadiotherapyThymomaSurgeryTumors
Role of Adjuvant Therapy for Node-Negative Lung Cancer Invading the Chest Wall
Gao SJ, Corso CD, Blasberg JD, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Decker RH, Kim AW. Role of Adjuvant Therapy for Node-Negative Lung Cancer Invading the Chest Wall. Clinical Lung Cancer 2016, 18: 169-177.e4. PMID: 27890561, DOI: 10.1016/j.cllc.2016.08.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerAdjuvant chemotherapyAdjuvant chemoradiation therapyUnderwent surgeryChemoradiation therapyChest wall resectionRadiation therapyMargin statusTumor sizeLung cancerWall resectionNode-negative lung cancerNational Cancer Data BaseCox proportional hazards modelMargin-positive patientsChest wall invasionCell lung cancerLog-rank testStage IIB tumorsProportional hazards modelAdjuvant therapyAdjuvant treatmentOverall survivalMultivariable analysisIIB tumorsThe IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: Proposals for Coding T Categories for Subsolid Nodules and Assessment of Tumor Size in Part-Solid Tumors in the Forthcoming Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification of Lung Cancer
Travis WD, Asamura H, Bankier AA, Beasley MB, Detterbeck F, Flieder DB, Goo JM, MacMahon H, Naidich D, Nicholson AG, Powell CA, Prokop M, Rami-Porta R, Rusch V, van Schil P, Yatabe Y, Members I, Goldstraw P, Rami-Porta R, Asamura H, Ball D, Beer D, Beyruti R, Bolejack V, Chansky K, Crowley J, Detterbeck F, Eberhardt W, Edwards J, Galateau-Sallé F, Giroux D, Gleeson F, Groome P, Huang J, Kennedy C, Kim J, Kim Y, Kingsbury L, Kondo H, Krasnik M, Kubota K, Lerut A, Lyons G, Marino M, Marom E, van Meerbeeck J, Mitchell A, Nakano T, Nicholson A, Nowak A, Peake M, Rice T, Rosenzweig K, Ruffini E, Rusch V, Saijo N, Van Schil P, Sculier J, Shemanski L, Stratton K, Suzuki K, Tachimori Y, Thomas C, Travis W, Tsao M, Turrisi A, Vansteenkiste J, Watanabe H, Wu Y, Baas P, Erasmus J, Hasegawa S, Inai K, Kernstine K, Kindler H, Krug L, Nackaerts K, Pass H, Rice D, Falkson C, Filosso P, Giaccone G, Kondo K, Lucchi M, Okumura M, Blackstone E. The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: Proposals for Coding T Categories for Subsolid Nodules and Assessment of Tumor Size in Part-Solid Tumors in the Forthcoming Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification of Lung Cancer. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2016, 11: 1204-1223. PMID: 27107787, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2016.03.025.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPart-solid tumorsLepidic predominant adenocarcinomaTumor sizeLung cancerInternational Cancer Control tumorEighth editionWorld Health Organization classificationIASLC Lung Cancer Staging ProjectLung Cancer Staging ProjectForthcoming Eighth EditionNonmucinous lung adenocarcinomasPrimary tumor categoryComputed tomography findingsInvasive mucinous adenocarcinomaSquamous cell carcinomaGround-glass componentInvasive sizeTomography findingsClinical stagingMucinous adenocarcinomaPathologic evaluationResected specimensTNM classificationCell carcinomaMetastasis classification
Tumours of the thymus: a cohort study of prognostic factors from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons database
Ruffini E, Detterbeck F, Van Raemdonck D, Rocco G, Thomas P, Weder W, Brunelli A, Evangelista A, Venuta F, Khaled A, Arame A, Refai M, Casadio C, Carbognani P, Cerfolio R, Donati G, Foroulis C, Gebitekin C, de Antonio D, Kernstine K, Keshavjee S, Moser B, Lequaglie C, Liberman M, Lim E, Nicholson A, Lang-Lazdunski L, Mancuso M, Altorki N, Nosotti M, Novoa N, Brioude G, Oliaro A, Filosso P, Saita S, Scarci M, SchĂŒtzner J, Terzi A, Toker A, Van Veer H, Anile M, Rendina E, Voltolini L, Zurek W. Tumours of the thymus: a cohort study of prognostic factors from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons database. European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2014, 46: 361-368. PMID: 24482389, PMCID: PMC4155438, DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezt649.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOverall survivalAdjuvant therapyIncomplete resectionComplete resectionThymic tumorsTumor sizeWorld Health Organization histologyTen-year OSDisease-free survivalEuropean SocietyType of resectionClinical pathological characteristicsRisk of recurrenceShorter overall survivalThoracic Surgeons databaseR0 resectionCohort studyCumulative incidenceSecondary outcomesImproved survivalPrimary outcomePrognostic factorsIncident casesPrognostic predictorSurgeons database
Characteristics Associated With the Use of Nonanatomic Resections Among Medicare Patients Undergoing Resections of Early-Stage Lung Cancer
Kim AW, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Decker RH, Soulos PR, Cramer LD, Gross CP. Characteristics Associated With the Use of Nonanatomic Resections Among Medicare Patients Undergoing Resections of Early-Stage Lung Cancer. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2012, 94: 895-901. PMID: 22835558, PMCID: PMC3501201, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2012.04.091.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAge DistributionAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungConfidence IntervalsDisease-Free SurvivalEthnicityFemaleHumansLogistic ModelsLungLung NeoplasmsMaleMedicareMultivariate AnalysisNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm StagingOdds RatioPneumonectomyPostoperative ComplicationsPrognosisRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentSEER ProgramSex DistributionSurvival AnalysisUnited StatesConceptsChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseNonanatomic resectionStage I NSCLCSurgical resectionSurgical approachLung cancerNational Cancer Institute's SurveillanceEarly-stage lung cancerPatients 67 yearsPrimary tumor statusObstructive pulmonary diseaseCell lung cancerHospital factorsLung resectionWedge resectionClinical factorsPulmonary diseaseMultivariable analysisTumor sizeLarge tumorsHospital characteristicsTumor statusMedicare patientsResectionPatients
Postoperative Radiotherapy for Stage II or III NonâSmall-Cell Lung Cancer Using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Database
Lally BE, Zelterman D, Colasanto JM, Haffty BG, Detterbeck FC, Wilson LD. Postoperative Radiotherapy for Stage II or III NonâSmall-Cell Lung Cancer Using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Database. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2006, 24: 2998-3006. PMID: 16769986, DOI: 10.1200/jco.2005.04.6110.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsT3-4 tumour stageUse of PORTN2 nodal diseaseEnd Results (SEER) databasePostoperative radiotherapyCell lung cancerLymph nodesNodal diseaseResults databaseTumor stageLung cancerNode stageStage IIHigher American Joint CommitteeAdvanced node stageAmerican Joint CommitteePopulation-based cohortLarger tumor sizeMedian followPerioperative mortalityMale sexTumor sizeSubset analysisCancer stageInclusion criteria