Rates of invasive disease and outcomes in NSCLC patients with biopsy suggestive of carcinoma in situ
Talcott WJ, Miccio JA, Park HS, White AA, Kozono DE, Singer L, Sands JM, Sholl LM, Detterbeck FC, Mak RH, Decker RH, Kann BH. Rates of invasive disease and outcomes in NSCLC patients with biopsy suggestive of carcinoma in situ. Lung Cancer 2021, 157: 17-20. PMID: 34052704, DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2021.05.028.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenocarcinomaBiopsyCarcinoma in SituCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungHumansLung NeoplasmsNeoplasm StagingRetrospective StudiesConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerBiopsy suggestiveInvasive diseaseSitu diseaseSquamous histologySurvival outcomesTumor sizeObserved cohortNational Cancer DatabaseExcellent survival outcomesHalf of patientsCell lung cancerMultivariable logistic regressionResection of lesionsAdenocarcinoma histologyDefinitive therapyNSCLC patientsOverall survivalLocal therapyRisk stratificationLung cancerCancer DatabaseResectionSurgical pathologyLesion sizeThymomectomy plus total thymectomy versus simple thymomectomy for early-stage thymoma without myasthenia gravis: a European Society of Thoracic Surgeons Thymic Working Group Study
Guerrera F, Falcoz PE, Moser B, van Raemdonck D, Billeâ A, Toker A, Spaggiari L, Ampollini L, Filippini C, Thomas PA, Verdonck B, Mendogni P, Aigner C, Voltolini L, Novoa N, Patella M, Mantovani S, Bravio IG, Zisis C, Guirao A, Londero F, Congregado M, Rocco G, Du Pont B, Martucci N, Esch M, Brunelli A, Detterbeck FC, Venuta F, Weder W, Ruffini E, Centers T, Klepetko W, Olland A, Du Pont B, Nonaka D, Ozkan B, Iacono G, Braggio C, Filosso P, Brioude G, van Schil P, Nosotti M, Valdivia D, Bongiolatti S, Inci I, Dimitra R, SĂ nchez D, Grossi W, Moreno-Merino S, Teschner M. Thymomectomy plus total thymectomy versus simple thymomectomy for early-stage thymoma without myasthenia gravis: a European Society of Thoracic Surgeons Thymic Working Group Study. European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2021, 60: 881-887. PMID: 34023891, PMCID: PMC10060729, DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezab224.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsHumansMyasthenia GravisNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingRetrospective StudiesSurgeonsThymectomyThymomaThymus GlandThymus NeoplasmsConceptsEarly-stage thymomaMyasthenia gravisTT groupST groupPropensity score-adjusted comparisonsNon-MG patientsPathological stage IPostoperative morbidity rateEuropean SocietyRate of complicationsCompleteness of resectionOverall survival rateLong-term outcomesProcedure of choiceMost relevant articlesOncological standpointCurative intentPostoperative complicationsPostoperative lengthTotal thymectomyOverall recurrenceThymic tumorsMorbidity rateSurgical approachThymus glandInvasive thymoma â Which patients benefit from post-operative radiotherapy?
Muslim Z, Baig MZ, Weber JF, Detterbeck FC, Connery CP, Spera JA, Bhora FY. Invasive thymoma â Which patients benefit from post-operative radiotherapy? Asian Cardiovascular And Thoracic Annals 2021, 29: 935-942. PMID: 33975467, DOI: 10.1177/02184923211017094.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-operative radiotherapyWorld Health Organization histologyMasaoka-Koga stageStage III thymomaPropensity-matched cohortStage III diseaseClinical pathological factorsEnd Results (SEER) databasePositive prognostic indicatorUnderwent surgerySurgical treatmentThymoma patientsAdvanced thymomaB3 tumorsPrognostic implicationsResults databaseTumor sizeInvasive thymomaPrognostic indicatorSurvival differencesPatientsRadiotherapyThymomaSurgeryTumors
Distribution of Mediastinal Lesions Across Multi-Institutional, International, Radiology Databases
Roden AC, Fang W, Shen Y, Carter BW, White DB, Jenkins SM, Spears GM, Molina JR, Klang E, Segni M, Ackman JB, Sanchez EZ, Girard N, Shumeri E, Revel MP, Chassagnon G, Rubinowitz A, Dicks D, Detterbeck F, Ko JP, Falkson C, Sigurdson S, Segreto S, Del Vecchio S, Palmieri G, Ottaviano M, Marino M, Korst R, Marom EM. Distribution of Mediastinal Lesions Across Multi-Institutional, International, Radiology Databases. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2019, 15: 568-579. PMID: 31870881, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2019.12.108.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsChinaEuropeHumansLung NeoplasmsMediastinal NeoplasmsMediastinumRadiologyRetrospective StudiesThymus NeoplasmsConceptsMediastinal lesionsDistribution of lesionsBenign cystsMediastinal compartmentPositron emission tomography-computed tomographyEmission tomography-computed tomographyCommon mediastinal lesionsMulti-institutional cohortTomography-computed tomographyBenign mediastinal cystsParavertebral lesionsThymic carcinomaThymic hyperplasiaMediastinal massNeurogenic tumorsSurgical databaseMediastinal cystsRadiology databaseSingle institutionCommon lesionsMediastinal abnormalitiesDifferential diagnosisMediastinal noduleComputed tomographyDemographic dataLung Cancer Surveillance After Definitive Curative-Intent Therapy: ASCO Guideline.
Schneider BJ, Ismaila N, Aerts J, Chiles C, Daly ME, Detterbeck FC, Hearn JWD, Katz SI, Leighl NB, Levy B, Meyers B, Murgu S, Nekhlyudov L, Santos ES, Singh N, Tashbar J, Yankelevitz D, Altorki N. Lung Cancer Surveillance After Definitive Curative-Intent Therapy: ASCO Guideline. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2019, 38: 753-766. PMID: 31829901, DOI: 10.1200/jco.19.02748.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCurative-intent therapyLung cancerStage IFluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/Evidence-based guideline recommendationsNew primary lung cancerRetrospective comparative observational studySurveillance strategiesSmall cell lung cancerBrain magnetic resonance imagingLiterature searchPositron emission tomography/Lung cancer surveillanceCurative-intent treatmentPrimary lung cancerRecurrence-free survivalCell lung cancerDetection of recurrenceComparative observational studyEmission tomography/Optimal imaging modalityEvidence-based recommendationsOutcomes of interestQuality of lifeMagnetic resonance imagingA Recurrence Predictive Model for Thymic Tumors and Its Implication for Postoperative Management: a Chinese Alliance for Research in Thymomas Database Study
Liu H, Gu Z, Qiu B, Detterbeck FC, Roden AC, Ruffini E, Okumura M, Girard N, Xiang Y, Liu Y, Du Z, Hao Y, Fu J, Zhang P, Pang L, Chen K, Wang Y, Yu Z, Mao T, Fang W, Group A. A Recurrence Predictive Model for Thymic Tumors and Its Implication for Postoperative Management: a Chinese Alliance for Research in Thymomas Database Study. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2019, 15: 448-456. PMID: 31726106, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2019.10.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAsian PeopleHumansLung NeoplasmsNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalNeoplasm StagingRetrospective StudiesThymomaThymus NeoplasmsConceptsHigh-risk patientsAdjuvant therapyPostoperative yearThymic carcinomaComplete resectionPostoperative managementNeuroendocrine tumorsBootstrap-corrected C-indexChinese AlliancePostoperative adjuvant therapyIndependent predictive factorsLow-risk patientsMultivariate Cox regressionOverall survival rateAppropriate postoperative managementThymic epithelial tumorsHigh-risk groupLow-risk groupIIIA tumorsLocoregional recurrenceDisease recurrenceB3 thymomaHistologic typeNomogram modelT stageQuality Versus Quantity
Chiu AS, Arnold BN, Hoag JR, Herrin J, Kim CH, Salazar MC, Monsalve AF, Jean RA, Blasberg JD, Detterbeck FC, Gross CP, Boffa DJ. Quality Versus Quantity. Annals Of Surgery 2019, Publish Ahead of Print: &na;. PMID: 29697446, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000002762.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsComplex cancer surgeryCancer surgerySafe hospitalComplex oncologic surgeryPotential mortality reductionNational Cancer DatabaseHigh-volume hospitalsHospital quality measuresSurgical mortalityPrimary cancerHospital rating systemsOncologic surgeryCancer DatabaseMortality reductionSurgical volumeHospital safetyPatient realignmentPatientsHospitalSurgeryMeaningful reductionPublic reportingMortalityRSMRCancer
Identifying Drivers of Multiple Readmissions After Pulmonary Lobectomy
Jean RA, Chiu AS, Hoag JR, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ, Detterbeck FC, Kim AW. Identifying Drivers of Multiple Readmissions After Pulmonary Lobectomy. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2018, 107: 947-953. PMID: 30336117, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2018.08.070.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPulmonary lobectomyMultiple readmissionsSecond readmissionFirst readmissionIndex hospitalizationPostoperative infectionLung cancerPrimary diagnosisHeart diseaseClinical Classification Software codesNationwide Readmissions DatabaseTime of readmissionPostoperative arrhythmiasPostoperative complicationsPostoperative sepsisPerioperative periodPostoperative periodClinical factorsReadmissionLobectomyPatientsStudy periodImportant markerDiagnosisHealthcare qualityDelayed discharge does not decrease the cost of readmission after pulmonary lobectomy
Jean RA, Chiu AS, Boffa DJ, Detterbeck FC, Kim AW, Blasberg JD. Delayed discharge does not decrease the cost of readmission after pulmonary lobectomy. Surgery 2018, 164: 1294-1299. PMID: 30064733, DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2018.05.049.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedPatient DischargePatient ReadmissionPneumonectomyRetrospective StudiesYoung AdultConceptsRisk-adjusted readmission ratesReadmission ratesLate dischargeDischarge groupPulmonary lobectomyCostly readmissionsLung cancerHospital costsOverall health care utilizationExcess health care costsRoutine dischargeCosts of readmissionIndex hospital costsLate discharge groupRoutine discharge groupPatients 65 yearsNationwide Readmissions DatabaseHospital day 1Hospital day 4Health care utilizationCases of lobectomyHealth care costsIndex hospitalHospital durationCare utilizationWhen good operations go bad: The additive effect of comorbidity and postoperative complications on readmission after pulmonary lobectomy
Jean RA, Chiu AS, Boffa DJ, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Kim AW. When good operations go bad: The additive effect of comorbidity and postoperative complications on readmission after pulmonary lobectomy. Surgery 2018, 164: 294-299. PMID: 29801731, DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2018.03.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostoperative complicationsReadmission ratesPulmonary lobectomyAdditional comorbiditiesThoracic surgeryCause readmission rateDays of dischargeNationwide Readmissions DatabaseNumber of comorbiditiesRisk of readmissionMajor thoracic surgeryProbability of readmissionLow risk profileHealth care deliveryHospital factorsHospital readmissionLow comorbidityElixhauser comorbiditiesThoracic lobectomyLung cancerPrimary diagnosisChronic diseasesHigh burdenMean changeValue-based reimbursementTiming and Risk Factors Associated With Venous Thromboembolism After Lung Cancer Resection
Thomas DC, Arnold BN, Hoag JR, Salazar MC, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Kim AW, Blasberg JD. Timing and Risk Factors Associated With Venous Thromboembolism After Lung Cancer Resection. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2018, 105: 1469-1475. PMID: 29501644, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2018.01.072.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostdischarge venous thromboembolismVenous thromboembolismHospital dischargeOperative timeRisk factorsPostdischarge prophylaxisVTE eventsMultivariable analysisLung cancerNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseQuality Improvement Program databaseExtended VTE prophylaxisLung cancer resectionImprovement Program databaseShorter operative timeLengthy resectionsVTE prophylaxisAnatomic resectionClinical characteristicsInvasive resectionLung resectionOlder patientsOpen resectionCancer resectionIndependent predictors
Paraneoplastic Syndromes and Thymic Malignancies: An Examination of the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Retrospective Database
Padda SK, Yao X, Antonicelli A, Riess JW, Shang Y, Shrager JB, Korst R, Detterbeck F, Huang J, Burt BM, Wakelee HA, Badve SS. Paraneoplastic Syndromes and Thymic Malignancies: An Examination of the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Retrospective Database. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2017, 13: 436-446. PMID: 29191778, PMCID: PMC5983900, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2017.11.118.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsThymic epithelial tumorsIndependent prognostic factorOverall survivalPrognostic factorsPrognostic roleRetrospective databaseCox proportional hazards modelKaplan-Meier methodRecurrence-free survivalProportional hazards modelParaneoplastic syndromeCumulative incidenceResection statusTotal thymectomyMyasthenia gravisThymic malignanciesHistologic typeSyndrome statusFemale sexTreatment characteristicsEpithelial tumorsHazards modelLower CIRSyndromeMultivariate analysisFate of Pneumonectomy Patients Variably Captured by Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Staging System
Dhanasopon AP, Salazar MC, Hoag JR, Rosen JE, Kim AW, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ. Fate of Pneumonectomy Patients Variably Captured by Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Staging System. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2017, 104: 1829-1836. PMID: 29074151, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2017.06.073.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLung cancer staging systemCancer (AJCC) staging systemPneumonectomy patientsLung cancerMortality riskStage IStaging systemLobectomy patientsCox modelNon-small cell lung cancerMultivariable Cox modelNational Cancer DatabaseTreatment-naive patientsOverall survival curvesCell lung cancerLung cancer patientsBenefits of treatmentHigher mortality riskStage-specific survivalRight pneumonectomyLeft pneumonectomyCancer patientsCancer DatabaseInclusion criteriaPneumonectomyThe Significance of Upfront Knowledge of N2 Disease in Nonâsmall Cell Lung Cancer
Thomas DC, Arnold BN, Rosen JE, Salazar MC, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ, Kim AW. The Significance of Upfront Knowledge of N2 Disease in Nonâsmall Cell Lung Cancer. World Journal Of Surgery 2017, 42: 161-171. PMID: 28799084, DOI: 10.1007/s00268-017-4165-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerUnsuspected N2 diseaseIII-N2 non-small cell lung cancerN2 diseaseCell lung cancerSurgical resectionAdjuvant chemotherapyAdjuvant therapyOverall survivalPathologic stageLung cancerMultivariate analysisCurative-intent surgical resectionStage IIIA NSCLCHigher comorbidity scoreNational Cancer DatabaseIndependent risk factorKaplan-Meier analysisCN2 diseaseIIIA NSCLCComorbidity scoreCancer DatabaseRisk factorsRetrospective analysisRadiation therapyAssociation of Delayed Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Survival After Lung Cancer Surgery
Salazar MC, Rosen JE, Wang Z, Arnold BN, Thomas DC, Herbst RS, Kim AW, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ. Association of Delayed Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Survival After Lung Cancer Surgery. JAMA Oncology 2017, 3: 610-619. PMID: 28056112, PMCID: PMC5824207, DOI: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2016.5829.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy ProtocolsCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungChemotherapy, AdjuvantDrug Administration ScheduleFemaleHumansLung NeoplasmsMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm GradingNeoplasm StagingPneumonectomyPostoperative PeriodProportional Hazards ModelsRetrospective StudiesTreatment OutcomeUnited StatesConceptsLung cancer surgeryCell lung cancer resectionAdjuvant chemotherapyLung cancer resectionNational Cancer DatabaseCell lung cancerLower mortality riskCancer surgeryCox modelCancer resectionLung cancerCancer DatabaseMortality riskCell lung cancer surgeryHospital-based tumor registryIncident lung cancer casesPostoperative multiagent chemotherapyInitiation of chemotherapyTreatment-naive patientsPropensity-matched pairsRetrospective observational studyLymph node metastasisLung cancer casesChemotherapy initiationPostoperative chemotherapyIndications for invasive mediastinal staging in patients with early non-small cell lung cancer staged with PET-CT
Gao SJ, Kim AW, Puchalski JT, Bramley K, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Decker RH. Indications for invasive mediastinal staging in patients with early non-small cell lung cancer staged with PET-CT. Lung Cancer 2017, 109: 36-41. PMID: 28577947, DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2017.04.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungClinical Decision-MakingDiagnostic ImagingFemaleHumansLung NeoplasmsMaleMediastinumMiddle AgedNeoplasm MetastasisNeoplasm StagingPatient SelectionPositron Emission Tomography Computed TomographyPractice Guidelines as TopicRetrospective StudiesConceptsOccult N2 diseaseOccult N2 metastasesGround-glass componentInvasive mediastinal stagingCurative-intent therapyT2 tumorsN2 metastasisPET-CTInvasive stagingN2 diseaseT1 tumorsNegative predictive valueMediastinal stagingEarly non-small cell lung cancerExact testPredictive valueSolid tumorsNon-small cell lung cancerClinical stage I NSCLCN2 lymph nodesNode-negative NSCLCOccult nodal involvementPure-solid tumorsStage I NSCLCT1-2N0 diseaseComparison of surgical approach and extent of resection for Masaoka-Koga Stage I and II thymic tumours in Europe, North America and Asia: an International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group retrospective database analysisâ
Fang W, Yao X, Antonicelli A, Gu Z, Detterbeck F, ValliĂšres E, Aye RW, Farivar AS, Huang J, Shang Y, Louie BE. Comparison of surgical approach and extent of resection for Masaoka-Koga Stage I and II thymic tumours in Europe, North America and Asia: an International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group retrospective database analysisâ . European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2017, 52: 26-32. PMID: 28329118, PMCID: PMC6279116, DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezx042.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExtent of resectionThymic tumorsStage IAsian patientsSurgical approachOnly independent predictive factorMasaoka-Koga stage IMore stage IOutcomes of patientsPathological stage IIndependent predictive factorsIndependent risk factorOverall survival rateCumulative recurrence rateSmaller tumor sizeRetrospective database analysisNorth American patientsPartial thymectomyAdjuvant therapyParaneoplastic syndromeThymic carcinomaOverall survivalPerformance statusComplete resectionMyasthenia gravis
Role of Adjuvant Therapy for Node-Negative Lung Cancer Invading the Chest Wall
Gao SJ, Corso CD, Blasberg JD, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Decker RH, Kim AW. Role of Adjuvant Therapy for Node-Negative Lung Cancer Invading the Chest Wall. Clinical Lung Cancer 2016, 18: 169-177.e4. PMID: 27890561, DOI: 10.1016/j.cllc.2016.08.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerAdjuvant chemotherapyAdjuvant chemoradiation therapyUnderwent surgeryChemoradiation therapyChest wall resectionRadiation therapyMargin statusTumor sizeLung cancerWall resectionNode-negative lung cancerNational Cancer Data BaseCox proportional hazards modelMargin-positive patientsChest wall invasionCell lung cancerLog-rank testStage IIB tumorsProportional hazards modelAdjuvant therapyAdjuvant treatmentOverall survivalMultivariable analysisIIB tumorsTiming of Surgery after Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation in Locally Advanced NonâSmall Cell Lung Cancer
Gao SJ, Corso CD, Wang EH, Blasberg JD, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Decker RH, Kim AW. Timing of Surgery after Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation in Locally Advanced NonâSmall Cell Lung Cancer. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2016, 12: 314-322. PMID: 27720827, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2016.09.122.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenocarcinomaCarcinoma, Large CellCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungCarcinoma, Squamous CellChemoradiotherapy, AdjuvantCombined Modality TherapyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansLung NeoplasmsMaleMiddle AgedNeoadjuvant TherapyNeoplasm StagingPneumonectomyPrognosisRetrospective StudiesSurvival RateTime FactorsConceptsNational Cancer Data BaseNeoadjuvant chemoradiationTiming of surgeryOverall survivalAdvanced non-small cell lung cancerNon-small cell lung cancerStage IIIA-N2 NSCLCStage IIIA NSCLCKaplan-Meier methodOverall survival rateSubset of patientsCell lung cancerLog-rank testMultivariate survival analysisProportional hazards modelIIIA NSCLCN2 NSCLCNeoadjuvant therapyTrimodality therapySurgical resectionClinical stageRetrospective studyLung cancerHazards modelSurvival rateHospital Volume and Outcomes of Robot-Assisted Lobectomies
Tchouta LN, Park HS, Boffa DJ, Blasberg JD, Detterbeck FC, Kim AW. Hospital Volume and Outcomes of Robot-Assisted Lobectomies. CHEST Journal 2016, 151: 329-339. PMID: 27687847, DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2016.09.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedCase-Control StudiesCohort StudiesDatabases, FactualFemaleHospital MortalityHospitals, High-VolumeHospitals, Low-VolumeHumansLength of StayLinear ModelsLogistic ModelsLungLung NeoplasmsMaleMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisPneumonectomyPostoperative ComplicationsRetrospective StudiesRobotic Surgical ProceduresThoracic Surgery, Video-AssistedTreatment OutcomeConceptsLength of stayLow-volume centersHospital volumeClinical impactHealth care system-related factorsShorter mean LOSUtilization Project National Inpatient Sample databaseVolume/outcome relationshipLong-term clinical impactMean LOSNational Inpatient Sample databaseShorter LOSVideo-assisted thoracoscopic surgeryHospital operative volumeHigh-volume hospitalsIncidence of complicationsHigher hospital volumeThoracoscopic surgery lobectomyAnnual case volumeSystem-related factorsOutcomes of interestLOS outcomesInfectious complicationsInpatient mortalityIndependent predictors