Variable impact of prior cancer history on the survival of lung cancer patients
Monsalve AF, Hoag JR, Resio BJ, Chiu AS, Brown LB, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ. Variable impact of prior cancer history on the survival of lung cancer patients. Lung Cancer 2018, 127: 130-137. PMID: 30642541, DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2018.11.040.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerPrior cancer historyNational Cancer DatabaseCancer historyOverall survivalNSCLC patientsMultivariable Cox proportional hazards regression modelsTreatment approachesCox proportional hazards regression modelProportional hazards regression modelsKaplan-Meier survival curvesNSCLC patient survivalCell lung cancerHazards regression modelsLung cancer patientsPrior cancerPrior malignancyNSCLC survivalPatient survivalCancer patientsLung cancerCancer DatabasePatient's potentialPrior historyPatients
Effectiveness of local therapy for stage I nonâsmall-cell lung cancer in nonagenarians
Arnold BN, Thomas DC, Rosen JE, Salazar MC, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ, Kim AW. Effectiveness of local therapy for stage I nonâsmall-cell lung cancer in nonagenarians. Surgery 2017, 162: 640-651. PMID: 28697883, DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2017.04.025.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungConfidence IntervalsDatabases, FactualDisease-Free SurvivalFemaleGeriatric AssessmentHumansKaplan-Meier EstimateLogistic ModelsLung NeoplasmsMaleMultivariate AnalysisNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm StagingOdds RatioPneumonectomyProportional Hazards ModelsRadiotherapyRegistriesRisk AssessmentSecondary PreventionSurvival AnalysisConceptsCell lung cancerLocal therapyLung cancerStage IRelative survivalStereotactic body radiation therapyNational Cancer DatabaseBetter overall survivalBody radiation therapyOlder patientsOverall survivalPatient ageYounger patientsOverall mortalityPrimary outcomeCancer DatabaseTreatment outcomesTreatment decisionsRadiation therapyPatientsTherapyCancerNonagenariansTreatmentSurvivalThe IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: External Validation of the Revision of the TNM Stage Groupings in the Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification of Lung Cancer
Chansky K, Detterbeck FC, Nicholson AG, Rusch VW, ValliĂšres E, Groome P, Kennedy C, Krasnik M, Peake M, Shemanski L, Bolejack V, Crowley JJ, Asamura H, Rami-Porta R, IASLC Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee A, Goldstraw P, Rami-Porta R, Asamura H, Ball D, Beer D, Beyruti R, Bolejack V, Chansky K, Crowley J, Detterbeck F, Eberhardt W, Edwards J, Galateau-SallĂ© F, Giroux D, Gleeson F, Groome P, Huang J, Kennedy C, Kim J, Kim Y, Kingsbury L, Kondo H, Krasnik M, Kubota K, Lerut A, Lyons G, Marino M, Marom E, van Meerbeeck J, Mitchell A, Nakano T, Nicholson A, Nowak A, Peake M, Rice T, Rosenzweig K, Ruffini E, Rusch V, Saijo N, Van Schil P, Sculier J, Shemanski L, Stratton K, Suzuki K, Tachimori Y, Thomas C, Travis W, Tsao M, Turrisi A, Vansteenkiste J, Watanabe H, Wu Y, Baas P, Erasmus J, Hasegawa S, Inai K, Kernstine K, Kindler H, Krug L, Nackaerts K, Pass H, Rice D, Falkson C, Filosso P, Giaccone G, Kondo K, Lucchi M, Okumura M, Blackstone E, Cavaco F, Barrera E, Arca J, Lamelas I, Obrer A, Jorge R, Ball D, Bascom G, Orozco A, Castro M, Blum M, Chimondeguy D, Cvijanovic V, Defranchi S, de Olaiz Navarro B, Campuzano I, Vidueira I, Araujo E, GarcĂa F, Fong K, Corral G, GonzĂĄlez S, Gilart J, ArangĂŒena L, Barajas S, Girard P, Goksel T, Budiño M, CasaurrĂĄn G, Blanco J, HernĂĄndez J, RodrĂguez H, Collantes J, Heras M, Elena J, Jakobsen E, Kostas S, Atance P, Ares A, Liao M, Losanovscky M, Lyons G, Magaroles R, De Esteban JĂșlvez L, Gorospe M, McCaughan B, Kennedy C, Ăñiguez R, Sorribes L, Gozalo S, de Arriba C, Delgado M, AlarcĂłn J, Cuesta J, Park J, Pass H, FernĂĄndez M, Rosenberg M, Ruffini E, Rusch V, de Cos EscuĂn J, Vinuesa A, Mitjans M, Strand T, Subotic D, Swisher S, Terra R, Thomas C, Tournoy K, Van Schil P, Velasquez M, Wu Y, Yokoi K. The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: External Validation of the Revision of the TNM Stage Groupings in the Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification of Lung Cancer. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2017, 12: 1109-1121. PMID: 28461257, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2017.04.011.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Defining outcomes of patients with clinical stage I small cell lung cancer upstaged at surgery
Thomas DC, Arnold BN, Rosen JE, Salazar MC, Blasberg JD, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Kim AW. Defining outcomes of patients with clinical stage I small cell lung cancer upstaged at surgery. Lung Cancer 2016, 103: 75-81. PMID: 28024700, DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2016.11.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungChemotherapy, AdjuvantCombined Modality TherapyDatabases, FactualFemaleGuidelines as TopicHumansLung NeoplasmsLymphatic MetastasisMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingOutcome Assessment, Health CarePneumonectomyPostoperative PeriodRadiotherapySmall Cell Lung CarcinomaSurvival AnalysisConceptsStage I small cell lung cancerClinical stage ISmall cell lung cancerCell lung cancerAdjuvant chemotherapySurgical resectionPathologic upstagingStage IRadiation therapyNodal diseaseLung cancerPositive lymph node involvementNational Cancer DatabaseOutcomes of patientsLymph node involvementProportion of patientsCurative intentNodal upstagingSCLC patientsUpstaged patientsAdjuvant therapyNode involvementIndependent predictorsInferior survivalT descriptorComparison of outcomes between neuroendocrine thymic tumours and other subtypes of thymic carcinomas: a joint analysis of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Groupâ
Filosso PL, Yao X, Ruffini E, Ahmad U, Antonicelli A, Huang J, Guerrera F, Venuta F, van Raemdonck D, Travis W, Lucchi M, Rimner A, Thomas P, Weder W, Rocco G, Detterbeck F, Korst R. Comparison of outcomes between neuroendocrine thymic tumours and other subtypes of thymic carcinomas: a joint analysis of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Groupâ . European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2016, 50: 766-771. PMID: 27032473, PMCID: PMC6279171, DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezw107.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeuroendocrine thymic tumoursRecurrence-free survivalThymic carcinomaOverall survivalSurvival rateThymic tumorsThoracic surgeonsFive-year recurrence-free survivalWorld Health Organization histological classificationRetrospective multicentre cohort studyInternational Thymic Malignancy Interest GroupMedian overall survivalMulticentre cohort studyEuropean SocietyKaplan-Meier methodThymic epithelial tumorsLarge clinical seriesLog-rank testComparison of outcomesGroup of tumorsR0 resectionCohort studyPrognostic factorsNET patientsTC patients
Evaluating the fate of patients who undergo resections of very large, node-negative lung cancers using the National Cancer DataBase
Liu J, Hancock JG, Moreno AC, Wang Z, Boffa DJ, Detterbeck FC, Kim AW. Evaluating the fate of patients who undergo resections of very large, node-negative lung cancers using the National Cancer DataBase. European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2015, 49: 596-601. PMID: 25890936, DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezv139.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenocarcinomaAdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungCarcinoma, Squamous CellChemoradiotherapy, AdjuvantDatabases, FactualFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansLung NeoplasmsLymph NodesMaleMiddle AgedNeoadjuvant TherapyNeoplasm StagingPneumonectomyRetrospective StudiesSurvival AnalysisTreatment OutcomeTumor BurdenUnited StatesConceptsPostoperative radiation therapyNational Cancer DatabaseNeoadjuvant chemoradiation therapyAdjuvant chemoradiation therapyChemoradiation therapyAdjuvant chemotherapyOverall survivalSurgical therapyLung cancerCancer DatabaseNode-negative lung cancerImproved OS relativeLymph node involvementKaplan-Meier methodCell lung cancerCox regression modelFate of patientsLog-rank testDifferent treatment modalitiesOS relativeNode involvementMetastatic diseaseSurgical resectionLymph nodesOS ratesResection of oligometastatic lung cancer to the pancreas may yield a survival benefit in select patients â A systematic review
DeLuzio MR, Moores C, Dhamija A, Wang Z, Cha C, Boffa DJ, Detterbeck FC, Kim AW. Resection of oligometastatic lung cancer to the pancreas may yield a survival benefit in select patients â A systematic review. Pancreatology 2015, 15: 456-462. PMID: 25900320, DOI: 10.1016/j.pan.2015.03.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsHumansLung NeoplasmsPancreatectomyPancreatic NeoplasmsSurvival AnalysisTreatment OutcomeConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerOligometastatic lung cancerCurative-intent resectionLung cancerSystematic reviewMedian survivalSurvival benefitPancreatic metastasisPrimary lung malignancyOverall median survivalSignificant survival benefitCox regression analysisCell lung cancerMeta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelinesPreferred Reporting ItemsSurveillance CTPalliative surgeryMetachronous presentationPancreatic headSelect patientsSurgical therapyLung malignancyKaplan-MeierPatientsReporting ItemsBolstering the Case for Lobectomy in Stages I, II, and IIIA Small-Cell Lung Cancer Using the National Cancer Data Base
Combs SE, Hancock JG, Boffa DJ, Decker RH, Detterbeck FC, Kim AW. Bolstering the Case for Lobectomy in Stages I, II, and IIIA Small-Cell Lung Cancer Using the National Cancer Data Base. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2015, 10: 316-323. PMID: 25319182, DOI: 10.1097/jto.0000000000000402.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmall cell lung cancerNational Cancer Data BaseSurgical resectionStage ISCLC patientsSublobar resectionOverall survivalLung cancerIIIA small cell lung cancerFive-year overall survivalAddition of surgeryClinical stage IPatient underwent surgeryPrimary surgical resectionKaplan-Meier methodLikelihood of deathCurative intentComorbidity scoreUnderwent surgeryChemoradiation therapyHazard ratioMetastatic diseaseMultimodality treatmentSelect patientsTreatment regimenThe Impact of Thymoma Histotype on Prognosis in a Worldwide Database
Weis CA, Yao X, Deng Y, Detterbeck FC, Marino M, Nicholson AG, Huang J, Ströbel P, Antonicelli A, Marx A, Database C. The Impact of Thymoma Histotype on Prognosis in a Worldwide Database. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2015, 10: 367-372. PMID: 25616178, PMCID: PMC4318643, DOI: 10.1097/jto.0000000000000393.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The IASLC/ITMIG Thymic Epithelial Tumors Staging Project: Proposals for the N and M Components for the Forthcoming (8th) Edition of the TNM Classification of Malignant Tumors
Kondo K, Van Schil P, Detterbeck FC, Okumura M, Stratton K, Giroux D, Asamura H, Crowley J, Falkson C, Filosso PL, Giaccone G, Huang J, Kim J, Lucchi M, Marino M, Marom EM, Nicholson AG, Ruffini E, Committeeâ â â O, BoardsâĄâĄâĄ M, Domain§§§ P. The IASLC/ITMIG Thymic Epithelial Tumors Staging Project: Proposals for the N and M Components for the Forthcoming (8th) Edition of the TNM Classification of Malignant Tumors. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2014, 9: s81-s87. PMID: 25396316, DOI: 10.1097/jto.0000000000000291.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTumours of the thymus: a cohort study of prognostic factors from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons database
Ruffini E, Detterbeck F, Van Raemdonck D, Rocco G, Thomas P, Weder W, Brunelli A, Evangelista A, Venuta F, Khaled A, Arame A, Refai M, Casadio C, Carbognani P, Cerfolio R, Donati G, Foroulis C, Gebitekin C, de Antonio D, Kernstine K, Keshavjee S, Moser B, Lequaglie C, Liberman M, Lim E, Nicholson A, Lang-Lazdunski L, Mancuso M, Altorki N, Nosotti M, Novoa N, Brioude G, Oliaro A, Filosso P, Saita S, Scarci M, SchĂŒtzner J, Terzi A, Toker A, Van Veer H, Anile M, Rendina E, Voltolini L, Zurek W. Tumours of the thymus: a cohort study of prognostic factors from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons database. European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2014, 46: 361-368. PMID: 24482389, PMCID: PMC4155438, DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezt649.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOverall survivalAdjuvant therapyIncomplete resectionComplete resectionThymic tumorsTumor sizeWorld Health Organization histologyTen-year OSDisease-free survivalEuropean SocietyType of resectionClinical pathological characteristicsRisk of recurrenceShorter overall survivalThoracic Surgeons databaseR0 resectionCohort studyCumulative incidenceSecondary outcomesImproved survivalPrimary outcomePrognostic factorsIncident casesPrognostic predictorSurgeons database
Pulmonary resections following prior definitive chemoradiation therapy are associated with acceptable survival
Kuzmik GA, Detterbeck FC, Decker RH, Boffa DJ, Wang Z, Oliva IB, Kim AW. Pulmonary resections following prior definitive chemoradiation therapy are associated with acceptable survival. European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2013, 44: e66-e70. PMID: 23557918, DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezt184.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDefinitive chemoradiation therapySalvage lung resectionChemoradiation therapyLung resectionPostoperative survivalCurative-intent chemoradiation therapyMultivariate Cox proportional modelMedian disease-free intervalLung cancer resectionRecurrent lung cancerDisease-free intervalCox proportional modelsLung cancer recurrenceDefinitive chemoradiationPerioperative deathsSalvage resectionComplication ratePulmonary resectionCancer resectionDefinitive treatmentImproved survivalLung cancerCancer stageMedical recordsCancer recurrence
Outcomes for Lung Transplantation for Lung Cancer in the United Network for Organ Sharing Registry
Ahmad U, Wang Z, Bryant AS, Kim AW, Kukreja J, Mason DP, Bermudez CA, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ. Outcomes for Lung Transplantation for Lung Cancer in the United Network for Organ Sharing Registry. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2012, 94: 935-941. PMID: 22835555, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2012.04.069.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenocarcinoma, Bronchiolo-AlveolarAdultAnalysis of VarianceCause of DeathDisease-Free SurvivalFemaleGraft RejectionGraft SurvivalHospital MortalityHumansImmunohistochemistryKaplan-Meier EstimateLung NeoplasmsLung TransplantationMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm StagingPatient SelectionPreoperative CarePrognosisProportional Hazards ModelsRegistriesRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentSurvival AnalysisTissue and Organ ProcurementTreatment OutcomeConceptsLung transplantationBronchoalveolar carcinomaLung transplantUnited NetworkLung cancerDouble lung transplantOrgan Sharing databaseOrgan Sharing registrySubgroup of patientsMaximum survival advantageBAC patientsSecond percentExpiratory volumeMedian survivalTransplantation cohortSharing databasePoor prognosisPure adenocarcinomaPathology reportsInvasive tumorsSurvival advantageExtended survivalTransplantationPatientsTransplantCharacteristics Associated With the Use of Nonanatomic Resections Among Medicare Patients Undergoing Resections of Early-Stage Lung Cancer
Kim AW, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Decker RH, Soulos PR, Cramer LD, Gross CP. Characteristics Associated With the Use of Nonanatomic Resections Among Medicare Patients Undergoing Resections of Early-Stage Lung Cancer. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2012, 94: 895-901. PMID: 22835558, PMCID: PMC3501201, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2012.04.091.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAge DistributionAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungConfidence IntervalsDisease-Free SurvivalEthnicityFemaleHumansLogistic ModelsLungLung NeoplasmsMaleMedicareMultivariate AnalysisNeoplasm InvasivenessNeoplasm StagingOdds RatioPneumonectomyPostoperative ComplicationsPrognosisRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentSEER ProgramSex DistributionSurvival AnalysisUnited StatesConceptsChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseNonanatomic resectionStage I NSCLCSurgical resectionSurgical approachLung cancerNational Cancer Institute's SurveillanceEarly-stage lung cancerPatients 67 yearsPrimary tumor statusObstructive pulmonary diseaseCell lung cancerHospital factorsLung resectionWedge resectionClinical factorsPulmonary diseaseMultivariable analysisTumor sizeLarge tumorsHospital characteristicsTumor statusMedicare patientsResectionPatientsThoroughness of Mediastinal Staging in Stage IIIA Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Vest MT, Tanoue L, Soulos PR, Kim AW, Detterbeck F, Morgensztern D, Gross CP. Thoroughness of Mediastinal Staging in Stage IIIA Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2012, 7: 188-195. PMID: 22134069, PMCID: PMC3253367, DOI: 10.1097/jto.0b013e318236ecbb.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overBiopsy, NeedleCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungCohort StudiesComorbidityConfidence IntervalsGuideline AdherenceHumansLung NeoplasmsLymph NodesMediastinoscopyMediastinumMedicareMultivariate AnalysisNeoplasm StagingOdds RatioPositron-Emission TomographySEER ProgramSurvival AnalysisUnited StatesConceptsStage IIIA non-small cell lung cancerIIIA non-small cell lung cancerNon-small cell lung cancerInvasive stagingCell lung cancerMediastinal stagingLung cancerClinical stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancerEnd Results-Medicare databaseStage IIIA NSCLC patientsPositron emission tomography scanningPathologic lymph nodesIIIA NSCLC patientsMultivariable logistic regressionInvasive mediastinal stagingNSCLC patientsOlder patientsPatient characteristicsLymph nodesPatient factorsHistologic confirmationPractice patternsMedicare claimsMedicare beneficiariesPET scanning
Critical Points When Using Vectors
Detterbeck FC. Critical Points When Using Vectors. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2009, 27: e166-e166. PMID: 19720891, DOI: 10.1200/jco.2009.23.8519.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe New Lung Cancer Staging System
Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Tanoue LT. The New Lung Cancer Staging System. CHEST Journal 2009, 136: 260-271. PMID: 19584208, DOI: 10.1378/chest.08-0978.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNew TNM classification for non-small-cell lung cancer
Tanoue LT, Detterbeck FC. New TNM classification for non-small-cell lung cancer. Expert Review Of Anticancer Therapy 2009, 9: 413-423. PMID: 19374596, DOI: 10.1586/era.09.11.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImpact of Preoperative Chemotherapy on Pulmonary Function Tests in Resectable Early-Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Rivera MP, Detterbeck FC, Socinski MA, Moore DT, Edelman MJ, Jahan TM, Ansari RH, Luketich JD, Peng G, Monberg M, Obasaju CK, Gralla RJ. Impact of Preoperative Chemotherapy on Pulmonary Function Tests in Resectable Early-Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. CHEST Journal 2009, 135: 1588-1595. PMID: 19188545, DOI: 10.1378/chest.08-1430.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy ProtocolsCarboplatinCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungChemotherapy, AdjuvantCisplatinConfidence IntervalsDeoxycytidineDose-Response Relationship, DrugDrug Administration ScheduleFemaleFollow-Up StudiesGemcitabineHumansLung NeoplasmsMaleMaximum Tolerated DoseMiddle AgedNeoadjuvant TherapyNeoplasm StagingPaclitaxelPneumonectomyPreoperative CareProbabilityRespiratory Function TestsRisk AssessmentSurvival AnalysisConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerCell lung cancerSurgical resectionLung cancerPulmonary toxicityResectable early stage non-small cell lung cancerEarly-stage non-small cell lung cancerRandomized phase 2 trialPulmonary function test resultsSecondary end pointsCombination of gemcitabinePhase 2 trialPulmonary function testsGemcitabine-based chemotherapyFunction test resultsTotal lung capacityEligible patientsNonplatinum regimensDyspnea scoreInterstitial pneumonitisPreoperative chemotherapyFunction testsSmoking statusClinical symptomsPreoperative setting
The Feasibility of Adjuvant Carboplatin and Docetaxel in Patients with Curatively Resected Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Stinchcombe TE, Harper HD, Hensing TA, Moore DT, Crane JM, Atkins JN, Willard EM, Detterbeck FC, Socinski MA. The Feasibility of Adjuvant Carboplatin and Docetaxel in Patients with Curatively Resected Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2008, 3: 145-151. PMID: 18303435, DOI: 10.1097/jto.0b013e318160c5f1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy ProtocolsCarboplatinCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungChemotherapy, AdjuvantDocetaxelDrug-Related Side Effects and Adverse ReactionsFeasibility StudiesFemaleHumansLung NeoplasmsMaleMiddle AgedPatient ComplianceSurvival AnalysisTaxoidsConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerCell lung cancerAdjuvant therapySupportive therapyChemotherapy complianceLung cancerAdequate exposureResected non-small cell lung cancerAdjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapyMulticenter phase II trialMedian age 65 yearsCycles of therapyPrimary end pointAcceptable toxicity profileBetter functional statusPhase II trialCisplatin-based chemotherapyMajority of patientsSquamous cell carcinomaAge 65 yearsAdjuvant carboplatinCommon histologyII trialIntercurrent illnessActive therapy