A systematic review of paraneoplastic syndromes associated with thymoma: Treatment modalities, recurrence, and outcomes in resected cases
Zhao J, Bhatnagar V, Ding L, Atay SM, David EA, McFadden PM, Stamnes S, Lechtholz-Zey E, Wightman SC, Detterbeck FC, Kim AW. A systematic review of paraneoplastic syndromes associated with thymoma: Treatment modalities, recurrence, and outcomes in resected cases. Journal Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery 2019, 160: 306-314.e14. PMID: 31982129, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2019.11.052.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPatterns of failure after immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors predict durable progression-free survival after local therapy for metastatic melanoma
Klemen ND, Wang M, Feingold PL, Cooper K, Pavri SN, Han D, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Khan SA, Olino K, Clune J, Ariyan S, Salem RR, Weiss SA, Kluger HM, Sznol M, Cha C. Patterns of failure after immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors predict durable progression-free survival after local therapy for metastatic melanoma. Journal For ImmunoTherapy Of Cancer 2019, 7: 196. PMID: 31340861, PMCID: PMC6657062, DOI: 10.1186/s40425-019-0672-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsThree-year progression-free survivalProgression-free survivalDisease-specific survivalFive-year disease-specific survivalPatterns of failureDurable progression-free survivalLocal therapyStereotactic body radiotherapyMetastatic melanomaNew metastasesPatient selectionIndependent radiological reviewOngoing complete responseResultsFour hundred twentyEvidence of diseaseCNS metastasisCPI treatmentImmunotherapy failureCheckpoint inhibitorsMost patientsProgressive diseaseRadiological reviewComplete responsePD-1PD-L1Report from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons prospective thymic database 2017: a powerful resource for a collaborative global effort to manage thymic tumours
Ruffini E, Guerrera F, Brunelli A, Passani S, Pellicano D, Thomas P, Van Raemdonck D, Rocco G, Venuta F, Weder W, Detterbeck F, Falcoz PE. Report from the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons prospective thymic database 2017: a powerful resource for a collaborative global effort to manage thymic tumours. European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2019, 55: 601-609. PMID: 30649256, DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezy448.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeuroendocrine thymic tumoursThymic tumorsAdjuvant treatmentThymic carcinomaStage IStage IIIB tumorsEuropean SocietyStage IV tumorsOverall recurrence rateInvasive surgical approachNew International AssociationCollaborative global effortIIIB tumorsProspective databaseStage IIIAMetastasis classificationRecurrence rateGroup tumorsRare tumorSurgical approachRetrospective databaseInvasive techniquesStage IIIPatientsTumors
Variable impact of prior cancer history on the survival of lung cancer patients
Monsalve AF, Hoag JR, Resio BJ, Chiu AS, Brown LB, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ. Variable impact of prior cancer history on the survival of lung cancer patients. Lung Cancer 2018, 127: 130-137. PMID: 30642541, DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2018.11.040.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerPrior cancer historyNational Cancer DatabaseCancer historyOverall survivalNSCLC patientsMultivariable Cox proportional hazards regression modelsTreatment approachesCox proportional hazards regression modelProportional hazards regression modelsKaplan-Meier survival curvesNSCLC patient survivalCell lung cancerHazards regression modelsLung cancer patientsPrior cancerPrior malignancyNSCLC survivalPatient survivalCancer patientsLung cancerCancer DatabasePatient's potentialPrior historyPatientsIdentifying Drivers of Multiple Readmissions After Pulmonary Lobectomy
Jean RA, Chiu AS, Hoag JR, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ, Detterbeck FC, Kim AW. Identifying Drivers of Multiple Readmissions After Pulmonary Lobectomy. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2018, 107: 947-953. PMID: 30336117, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2018.08.070.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPulmonary lobectomyMultiple readmissionsSecond readmissionFirst readmissionIndex hospitalizationPostoperative infectionLung cancerPrimary diagnosisHeart diseaseClinical Classification Software codesNationwide Readmissions DatabaseTime of readmissionPostoperative arrhythmiasPostoperative complicationsPostoperative sepsisPerioperative periodPostoperative periodClinical factorsReadmissionLobectomyPatientsStudy periodImportant markerDiagnosisHealthcare qualityImproved discrimination between benign and malignant LDCT screening-detected lung nodules with dynamic over static 18F-FDG PET as a function of injected dose
Ye Q, Wu J, Lu Y, Naganawa M, Gallezot JD, Ma T, Liu Y, Tanoue L, Detterbeck F, Blasberg J, Chen MK, Casey M, Carson RE, Liu C. Improved discrimination between benign and malignant LDCT screening-detected lung nodules with dynamic over static 18F-FDG PET as a function of injected dose. Physics In Medicine And Biology 2018, 63: 175015. PMID: 30095083, PMCID: PMC6158045, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/aad97f.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPopulation-based input functionStandardized uptake valueImage-derived input functionLung nodulesClinical trialsTime-activity curvesLow-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screeningLung cancer mortality ratesIndeterminate lung nodulesComputed Tomography ScreeningF-FDG PETCancer mortality ratesStatic PET acquisitionVirtual clinical trialsScan durationTomography screeningFDG injectionPET scansMortality rateUptake valueAccurate diagnosisMalignant lung nodulesROC analysisPatient dataMalignant nodulesDelayed discharge does not decrease the cost of readmission after pulmonary lobectomy
Jean RA, Chiu AS, Boffa DJ, Detterbeck FC, Kim AW, Blasberg JD. Delayed discharge does not decrease the cost of readmission after pulmonary lobectomy. Surgery 2018, 164: 1294-1299. PMID: 30064733, DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2018.05.049.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk-adjusted readmission ratesReadmission ratesLate dischargeDischarge groupPulmonary lobectomyCostly readmissionsLung cancerHospital costsOverall health care utilizationExcess health care costsRoutine dischargeCosts of readmissionIndex hospital costsLate discharge groupRoutine discharge groupPatients 65 yearsNationwide Readmissions DatabaseHospital day 1Hospital day 4Health care utilizationCases of lobectomyHealth care costsIndex hospitalHospital durationCare utilizationDefining the learning curve in robot-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy
Arnold BN, Thomas DC, Bhatnagar V, Blasberg JD, Wang Z, Boffa DJ, Detterbeck FC, Kim AW. Defining the learning curve in robot-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy. Surgery 2018, 165: 450-454. PMID: 30061043, DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2018.06.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLength of stayRobot-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomyChest tube durationThoracoscopic lobectomyPostoperative complicationsTube durationBlood lossLearning curveSignificant differencesCumulative sum analysisPhase 1Complication ratePatient demographicsPulmonary lobectomySingle institutionLobectomyRATS lobectomySafe approachStayCase 1Cases 23Operating timeComorbiditiesComplicationsFurther studiesIncorporating Coexisting Chronic Illness into Decisions about Patient Selection for Lung Cancer Screening. An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement
Rivera MP, Tanner NT, Silvestri GA, Detterbeck FC, TammemÀgi MC, Young RP, Slatore CG, Caverly TJ, Boyd CM, Braithwaite D, Fathi JT, Gould MK, Iaccarino JM, Malkoski SP, Mazzone PJ, Tanoue LT, Schoenborn NL, Zulueta JJ, Wiener RS. Incorporating Coexisting Chronic Illness into Decisions about Patient Selection for Lung Cancer Screening. An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2018, 198: e3-e13. PMID: 30004250, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201805-0986st.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLung cancer screeningRisk of deathPatient selectionChronic illnessCancer screeningLung cancerOfficial American Thoracic Society Research StatementHarms of LCSImplementation of LCSScreen-detected lung cancersChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseRisk of comorbiditiesObstructive pulmonary diseaseEffect of comorbidityLung cancer deathsTreatment-related harmsLung cancer riskBalance of benefitsPulmonary diseaseCancer deathBaseline riskCancer riskComorbiditiesHealthy individualsInternational cliniciansWhen good operations go bad: The additive effect of comorbidity and postoperative complications on readmission after pulmonary lobectomy
Jean RA, Chiu AS, Boffa DJ, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Kim AW. When good operations go bad: The additive effect of comorbidity and postoperative complications on readmission after pulmonary lobectomy. Surgery 2018, 164: 294-299. PMID: 29801731, DOI: 10.1016/j.surg.2018.03.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostoperative complicationsReadmission ratesPulmonary lobectomyAdditional comorbiditiesThoracic surgeryCause readmission rateDays of dischargeNationwide Readmissions DatabaseNumber of comorbiditiesRisk of readmissionMajor thoracic surgeryProbability of readmissionLow risk profileHealth care deliveryHospital factorsHospital readmissionLow comorbidityElixhauser comorbiditiesThoracic lobectomyLung cancerPrimary diagnosisChronic diseasesHigh burdenMean changeValue-based reimbursementRobotic-Assisted Lobectomies in the National Cancer Database
Arnold BN, Thomas DC, Narayan R, Blasberg JD, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Kim AW. Robotic-Assisted Lobectomies in the National Cancer Database. Journal Of The American College Of Surgeons 2018, 226: 1052-1062.e15. PMID: 29574177, DOI: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2018.03.023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational Cancer DatabaseRobotic lobectomyLung cancerCancer DatabaseOutcomes of patientsPropensity-matched analysisThoracoscopic surgery lobectomyExperienced hospitalsOverall conversion ratePerioperative morbidityPrimary outcomePatient selectionAttendant sequelaeOpen procedureLobectomyAssisted LobectomyHigh mortalityHospitalPatientsMortalityIndividual hospitalsRate of conversionSignificant differencesYears of experienceOutcomesTiming and Risk Factors Associated With Venous Thromboembolism After Lung Cancer Resection
Thomas DC, Arnold BN, Hoag JR, Salazar MC, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Kim AW, Blasberg JD. Timing and Risk Factors Associated With Venous Thromboembolism After Lung Cancer Resection. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2018, 105: 1469-1475. PMID: 29501644, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2018.01.072.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostdischarge venous thromboembolismVenous thromboembolismHospital dischargeOperative timeRisk factorsPostdischarge prophylaxisVTE eventsMultivariable analysisLung cancerNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseQuality Improvement Program databaseExtended VTE prophylaxisLung cancer resectionImprovement Program databaseShorter operative timeLengthy resectionsVTE prophylaxisAnatomic resectionClinical characteristicsInvasive resectionLung resectionOlder patientsOpen resectionCancer resectionIndependent predictorsScreening for Lung Cancer CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report
Mazzone PJ, Silvestri GA, Patel S, Kanne JP, Kinsinger LS, Wiener RS, Hoo G, Detterbeck FC. Screening for Lung Cancer CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report. CHEST Journal 2018, 153: 954-985. PMID: 29374513, DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2018.01.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLow-dose CT screeningLow-dose chest CTCT screeningChest CTClinical questionsNational Lung Screening TrialEvidence baseScreen-detected findingsLung cancer resultsChest CT screeningScreening-eligible patientsKey clinical questionsStandard of careImportant clinical questionsSystematic literature reviewExpert Panel ReportLow-dose CTCHEST GuidelineGRADE approachCessation interventionsCochrane LibraryLiterature reviewLung cancerPICO questionScreening Trial
Paraneoplastic Syndromes and Thymic Malignancies: An Examination of the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Retrospective Database
Padda SK, Yao X, Antonicelli A, Riess JW, Shang Y, Shrager JB, Korst R, Detterbeck F, Huang J, Burt BM, Wakelee HA, Badve SS. Paraneoplastic Syndromes and Thymic Malignancies: An Examination of the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Retrospective Database. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2017, 13: 436-446. PMID: 29191778, PMCID: PMC5983900, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2017.11.118.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsThymic epithelial tumorsIndependent prognostic factorOverall survivalPrognostic factorsPrognostic roleRetrospective databaseCox proportional hazards modelKaplan-Meier methodRecurrence-free survivalProportional hazards modelParaneoplastic syndromeCumulative incidenceResection statusTotal thymectomyMyasthenia gravisThymic malignanciesHistologic typeSyndrome statusFemale sexTreatment characteristicsEpithelial tumorsHazards modelLower CIRSyndromeMultivariate analysisFate of Pneumonectomy Patients Variably Captured by Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Staging System
Dhanasopon AP, Salazar MC, Hoag JR, Rosen JE, Kim AW, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ. Fate of Pneumonectomy Patients Variably Captured by Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Staging System. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2017, 104: 1829-1836. PMID: 29074151, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2017.06.073.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLung cancer staging systemCancer (AJCC) staging systemPneumonectomy patientsLung cancerMortality riskStage IStaging systemLobectomy patientsCox modelNon-small cell lung cancerMultivariable Cox modelNational Cancer DatabaseTreatment-naive patientsOverall survival curvesCell lung cancerLung cancer patientsBenefits of treatmentHigher mortality riskStage-specific survivalRight pneumonectomyLeft pneumonectomyCancer patientsCancer DatabaseInclusion criteriaPneumonectomyThe Significance of Upfront Knowledge of N2 Disease in Nonâsmall Cell Lung Cancer
Thomas DC, Arnold BN, Rosen JE, Salazar MC, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ, Kim AW. The Significance of Upfront Knowledge of N2 Disease in Nonâsmall Cell Lung Cancer. World Journal Of Surgery 2017, 42: 161-171. PMID: 28799084, DOI: 10.1007/s00268-017-4165-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerUnsuspected N2 diseaseIII-N2 non-small cell lung cancerN2 diseaseCell lung cancerSurgical resectionAdjuvant chemotherapyAdjuvant therapyOverall survivalPathologic stageLung cancerMultivariate analysisCurative-intent surgical resectionStage IIIA NSCLCHigher comorbidity scoreNational Cancer DatabaseIndependent risk factorKaplan-Meier analysisCN2 diseaseIIIA NSCLCComorbidity scoreCancer DatabaseRisk factorsRetrospective analysisRadiation therapyValidating the Thoracic Revised Cardiac Risk Index Following Lung Resection
Thomas DC, Blasberg JD, Arnold BN, Rosen JE, Salazar MC, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Kim AW. Validating the Thoracic Revised Cardiac Risk Index Following Lung Resection. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2017, 104: 389-394. PMID: 28499655, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2017.02.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdditional cardiac evaluationIschemic heart diseaseLarger multi-institutional datasetsCardiac complicationsLung resectionRenal comorbiditiesCardiac evaluationCerebrovascular diseaseHeart diseaseRisk factorsMulti-institutional datasetSurgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program datasetNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program datasetCardiac complication ratesMajor cardiac complicationsPreoperative risk factorsUnderwent pneumonectomyCardiac indexComplication ratePrimary outcomeRisk classesMalignant diseaseOpen procedureAmerican CollegeHigh riskAssociation of Delayed Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Survival After Lung Cancer Surgery
Salazar MC, Rosen JE, Wang Z, Arnold BN, Thomas DC, Herbst RS, Kim AW, Detterbeck FC, Blasberg JD, Boffa DJ. Association of Delayed Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Survival After Lung Cancer Surgery. JAMA Oncology 2017, 3: 610-619. PMID: 28056112, PMCID: PMC5824207, DOI: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2016.5829.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy ProtocolsCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungChemotherapy, AdjuvantDrug Administration ScheduleFemaleHumansLung NeoplasmsMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm GradingNeoplasm StagingPneumonectomyPostoperative PeriodProportional Hazards ModelsRetrospective StudiesTreatment OutcomeUnited StatesConceptsLung cancer surgeryCell lung cancer resectionAdjuvant chemotherapyLung cancer resectionNational Cancer DatabaseCell lung cancerLower mortality riskCancer surgeryCox modelCancer resectionLung cancerCancer DatabaseMortality riskCell lung cancer surgeryHospital-based tumor registryIncident lung cancer casesPostoperative multiagent chemotherapyInitiation of chemotherapyTreatment-naive patientsPropensity-matched pairsRetrospective observational studyLymph node metastasisLung cancer casesChemotherapy initiationPostoperative chemotherapyIndications for invasive mediastinal staging in patients with early non-small cell lung cancer staged with PET-CT
Gao SJ, Kim AW, Puchalski JT, Bramley K, Detterbeck FC, Boffa DJ, Decker RH. Indications for invasive mediastinal staging in patients with early non-small cell lung cancer staged with PET-CT. Lung Cancer 2017, 109: 36-41. PMID: 28577947, DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2017.04.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungClinical Decision-MakingDiagnostic ImagingFemaleHumansLung NeoplasmsMaleMediastinumMiddle AgedNeoplasm MetastasisNeoplasm StagingPatient SelectionPositron Emission Tomography Computed TomographyPractice Guidelines as TopicRetrospective StudiesConceptsOccult N2 diseaseOccult N2 metastasesGround-glass componentInvasive mediastinal stagingCurative-intent therapyT2 tumorsN2 metastasisPET-CTInvasive stagingN2 diseaseT1 tumorsNegative predictive valueMediastinal stagingEarly non-small cell lung cancerExact testPredictive valueSolid tumorsNon-small cell lung cancerClinical stage I NSCLCN2 lymph nodesNode-negative NSCLCOccult nodal involvementPure-solid tumorsStage I NSCLCT1-2N0 diseaseComparison of surgical approach and extent of resection for Masaoka-Koga Stage I and II thymic tumours in Europe, North America and Asia: an International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group retrospective database analysisâ
Fang W, Yao X, Antonicelli A, Gu Z, Detterbeck F, ValliĂšres E, Aye RW, Farivar AS, Huang J, Shang Y, Louie BE. Comparison of surgical approach and extent of resection for Masaoka-Koga Stage I and II thymic tumours in Europe, North America and Asia: an International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group retrospective database analysisâ . European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2017, 52: 26-32. PMID: 28329118, PMCID: PMC6279116, DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezx042.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExtent of resectionThymic tumorsStage IAsian patientsSurgical approachOnly independent predictive factorMasaoka-Koga stage IMore stage IOutcomes of patientsPathological stage IIndependent predictive factorsIndependent risk factorOverall survival rateCumulative recurrence rateSmaller tumor sizeRetrospective database analysisNorth American patientsPartial thymectomyAdjuvant therapyParaneoplastic syndromeThymic carcinomaOverall survivalPerformance statusComplete resectionMyasthenia gravis