Dynamic molecular modeling of pathogenic mutations in the spectrin self-association domain
Zhang Z, Weed S, Gallagher P, Morrow J. Dynamic molecular modeling of pathogenic mutations in the spectrin self-association domain. Blood 2001, 98: 1645-1653. PMID: 11535493, DOI: 10.1182/blood.v98.6.1645.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSelf-association domainPoint mutationsHuman sequenceDrosophila alpha-spectrinDynamic molecular modelingHuman erythrocyte spectrinCytoskeletal functionSpecific point mutationsConservative substitutionsPrimary sequenceConformational rearrangementsAlpha-spectrinHelical regionHydrophilic residuesAmino acidsMutationsSpectrinSalt bridgeErythrocyte spectrinStructural consequencesPathogenic mutationsRepeat unitsMolecular modelingSequenceStructural disruption
Utilization of an 86bp exon generates a novel adducin isoform (ÎČ4) lacking the MARCKS homology domain1The first two authors contributed equally to this work.1
Sinard J, Stewart G, Stabach P, Argent A, Gilligan D, Morrow J. Utilization of an 86bp exon generates a novel adducin isoform (ÎČ4) lacking the MARCKS homology domain1The first two authors contributed equally to this work.1. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta 1998, 1396: 57-66. PMID: 9524222, DOI: 10.1016/s0167-4781(97)00167-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAlternative SplicingAmino Acid SequenceBase SequenceCalmodulin-Binding ProteinsCloning, MolecularExonsHumansIntracellular Signaling Peptides and ProteinsIsomerismMembrane ProteinsMolecular Sequence DataMyristoylated Alanine-Rich C Kinase SubstrateOrgan SpecificityPolymerase Chain ReactionProtein Structure, TertiaryProteinsSequence Homology, Amino AcidSequence Homology, Nucleic AcidTranscription, GeneticConceptsNovel amino acidAmino acidsBeta-adducinNew isoformHuman bone marrow cDNA libraryBone marrow cDNA libraryDifferent reading framesCalcium/calmodulinLysine-rich sequenceNT-2 cellsProtein kinase CGenomic clonesGenomic mapNew amino acidsAlternate exonsActin crossCDNA libraryReading frameSplice consensus sequenceNew exonsNovel isoformConsensus sequenceStop codonKinase CExons
α-Catenin Can Form Asymmetric Homodimeric Complexes and/or Heterodimeric Complexes with à„-Catenin*
Koslov E, Maupin P, Pradhan D, Morrow J, Rimm D. α-Catenin Can Form Asymmetric Homodimeric Complexes and/or Heterodimeric Complexes with à„-Catenin*. Journal Of Biological Chemistry 1997, 272: 27301-27306. PMID: 9341178, DOI: 10.1074/jbc.272.43.27301.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMembrane adhesion complexesHomodimeric complexCadherin moleculesAdhesion complexesAdhesive complexesHeterodimeric complexÎ-cateninOligomeric stateSurface plasmon resonance assaysMultimeric stateResidues 54Relative stoichiometryBiophysical techniquesMolecular massCell adhesionAmino acidsRecombinant moleculesHuman alphaRotary shadowingResonance assaysPrecise stoichiometryComplexesCytoskeletonCateninHomodimer
Ankyrin binds to the 15th repetitive unit of erythroid and nonerythroid beta-spectrin.
Kennedy S, Warren S, Forget B, Morrow J. Ankyrin binds to the 15th repetitive unit of erythroid and nonerythroid beta-spectrin. Journal Of Cell Biology 1991, 115: 267-277. PMID: 1833409, PMCID: PMC2289929, DOI: 10.1083/jcb.115.1.267.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAmino-terminal halfRepeat unitsCarboxy-terminal halfCOOH-terminal thirdProkaryotic expression systemNonerythroid cellsIntegral proteinsErythrocyte membrane vesiclesBeta spectrinResidue segmentExpression systemAnkyrinNuclease digestionNonhomologous segmentsMembrane vesiclesTerminal thirdAttachment of spectrinNative spectrinSpectrinAmino acidsPosition 45RepeatsSedimentation velocity experimentsRepetitive unitsCDNA
CO2 Adducts of Certain Amino Acids, Peptides, and Sperm Whale Myoglobin Studied by Carbon 13 and Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Morrow J, Keim P, Gurd F. CO2 Adducts of Certain Amino Acids, Peptides, and Sperm Whale Myoglobin Studied by Carbon 13 and Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Journal Of Biological Chemistry 1974, 249: 7484-7494. PMID: 4436319, DOI: 10.1016/s0021-9258(19)81264-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNuclear magnetic resonanceAmino acidsProton nuclear magnetic resonanceDeuterium isotope effectChemical shiftsCO2 adductCertain amino acidsSperm whale myoglobinNMR measurementsMagnetic resonanceCarbon-13Fast exchangeMost amino acidsEquilibrium constantsCarbamino adductsIsotope effectWhale myoglobinStructural consequencesAdductsAcidPeptidesAccurate determinationNMRResonanceSensitive function