Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Coverage of Hormone Therapies Used by Transgender Individuals
Solotke MT, Liu P, Dhruva SS, Gulanski B, Shah ND, Ross JS. Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Coverage of Hormone Therapies Used by Transgender Individuals. LGBT Health 2020, 7: 137-145. PMID: 32267818, DOI: 10.1089/lgbt.2019.0306.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Generic and Brand-Name Thyroid Hormone Drug Use Among Commercially Insured and Medicare Beneficiaries, 2007 Through 2016
Ross JS, Rohde S, Sangaralingham L, Brito JP, Choi L, Dutcher SK, Graham DJ, Jenkins MR, Lipska KJ, Mendoza M, Qiang Y, Wang Z, Wu Y, Yao X, Shah ND. Generic and Brand-Name Thyroid Hormone Drug Use Among Commercially Insured and Medicare Beneficiaries, 2007 Through 2016. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2019, 104: 2305-2314. PMID: 30690529, DOI: 10.1210/jc.2018-02197.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBrand-name useDrug useMedicare AdvantageThyroid hormone replacement therapyLarge administrative claims databaseBeneficiary populationAdministrative claims databaseHormone replacement therapyCertain patient characteristicsMedicare Part DPrescriber specialtyPatient characteristicsPrescriber characteristicsClaims databaseReplacement therapyGeneric levothyroxineWhite raceHealth plansOlder adultsHormone drugsInsurance coverageProduct useLevothyroxineNational dataPart D
The Early Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Uninsured Patients Undergoing Emergency General Surgery
Chiu AS, Jean RA, Ross JS, Pei KY. The Early Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Uninsured Patients Undergoing Emergency General Surgery. Journal Of Surgical Research 2018, 232: 217-226. PMID: 30463721, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2018.06.037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEmergency general surgeryNational Inpatient SampleMedicaid expansionEGS patientsUninsured patientsGeneral surgeryPercentage of patientsCost burdenFederal poverty levelAffordable Care ActInpatient SampleInsurance typeMedicaid coveragePatientsInsurance coverageCare ActRepresentative estimatesSurgeryEGS operationsFirst yearEarly impactAdultsBurden
Impact of State Laws That Extend Eligibility for Parentsâ Health Insurance Coverage to Young Adults
Blum AB, Kleinman LC, Starfield B, Ross JS. Impact of State Laws That Extend Eligibility for Parentsâ Health Insurance Coverage to Young Adults. Pediatrics 2012, 129: 426-432. PMID: 22331339, PMCID: PMC3356137, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2011-1505.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHealth insurance coverageParents' insurancePhysical examYoung adultsBehavior Risk Factor Surveillance SystemRisk Factor Surveillance SystemRecent physical examInsurance coveragePhysicians/cliniciansForgone careAffordable Care ActClinician identificationHealth insurance companiesSelf-reported health insurance coverageAge 26Parents' policiesHealth insuranceCare ActCareDifferential improvementEligibilityAdultsSurveillance systemOutcomesPast year
Beyond insurance coverage: Usual source of care in the treatment of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Data from the 2003-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Spatz ES, Ross JS, Desai MM, Canavan ME, Krumholz HM. Beyond insurance coverage: Usual source of care in the treatment of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Data from the 2003-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. American Heart Journal 2010, 160: 115-121. PMID: 20598981, PMCID: PMC3025407, DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2010.04.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTreatment of hypertensionNutrition Examination SurveyInsurance statusMedication treatmentExamination SurveyNational HealthUsual sourceAdult Treatment Panel III recommendationsJoint National Committee 7Multivariable logistic regression modelingInsurance coverageSeparate multivariable modelsChronic disease managementLogistic regression modelingHigh-quality careRace/ethnicityCardiovascular diseaseMultivariable modelStratified analysisHypertensionHypercholesterolemiaRegular sourceCareDisease managementIndependent effects
Use of preventive care by the working poor in the United States
Ross JS, Bernheim SM, Bradley EH, Teng HM, Gallo WT. Use of preventive care by the working poor in the United States. Preventive Medicine 2006, 44: 254-259. PMID: 17196642, PMCID: PMC1810564, DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2006.11.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCost of IllnessCross-Sectional StudiesEmploymentFemaleHealth PromotionHealth Services AccessibilityHealth Services Needs and DemandHumansMaleMass ScreeningMiddle AgedPatient Acceptance of Health CarePovertyPreventive Health ServicesRisk AssessmentSocioeconomic FactorsUnited StatesVulnerable PopulationsConceptsPreventive care usePreventive careInfluenza vaccinationCholesterol screeningCancer screeningCare useOlder community-dwelling adultsSerum cholesterol screeningCervical cancer screeningProstate cancer screeningCommunity-dwelling adultsOlder working adultsFederal poverty levelCross-sectional analysisSelf-reported useSocio-demographic characteristicsUnadjusted analysesProstate cancerBreast cancerInsurance coverageCareAdultsVaccinationWorking adultsCancer