Use of electronic health records to characterize patients with uncontrolled hypertension in two large health system networks
Lu Y, Keeley E, Barrette E, Cooper-DeHoff R, Dhruva S, Gaffney J, Gamble G, Handke B, Huang C, Krumholz H, McDonough C, Schulz W, Shaw K, Smith M, Woodard J, Young P, Ervin K, Ross J. Use of electronic health records to characterize patients with uncontrolled hypertension in two large health system networks. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2024, 24: 497. PMID: 39289597, PMCID: PMC11409735, DOI: 10.1186/s12872-024-04161-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElectronic health recordsHealth recordsHealth systemUncontrolled hypertensionUse of electronic health recordsHypertension managementElectronic health record systemsOneFlorida Clinical Research ConsortiumElectronic health record dataYale New Haven Health SystemBP measurementsICD-10-CM codesHealth system networkPublic health priorityICD-10-CMIncidence rate of deathElevated BP measurementsElevated blood pressure measurementsHealthcare visitsAmbulatory careHealth priorityRetrospective cohort studyEHR dataOneFloridaBlood pressure measurementsComparative Effectiveness of Second-Line Antihyperglycemic Agents for Cardiovascular Outcomes A Multinational, Federated Analysis of LEGEND-T2DM
Khera R, Aminorroaya A, Dhingra L, Thangaraj P, Pedroso Camargos A, Bu F, Ding X, Nishimura A, Anand T, Arshad F, Blacketer C, Chai Y, Chattopadhyay S, Cook M, Dorr D, Duarte-Salles T, DuVall S, Falconer T, French T, Hanchrow E, Kaur G, Lau W, Li J, Li K, Liu Y, Lu Y, Man K, Matheny M, Mathioudakis N, McLeggon J, McLemore M, Minty E, Morales D, Nagy P, Ostropolets A, Pistillo A, Phan T, Pratt N, Reyes C, Richter L, Ross J, Ruan E, Seager S, Simon K, Viernes B, Yang J, Yin C, You S, Zhou J, Ryan P, Schuemie M, Krumholz H, Hripcsak G, Suchard M. Comparative Effectiveness of Second-Line Antihyperglycemic Agents for Cardiovascular Outcomes A Multinational, Federated Analysis of LEGEND-T2DM. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2024, 84: 904-917. PMID: 39197980, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2024.05.069.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGLP-1 RAsSecond-line agentsGLP-1Antihyperglycemic agentsCardiovascular diseaseMACE riskGlucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonistsSodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitorsPeptide-1 receptor agonistsDipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitorsEffects of SGLT2isType 2 diabetes mellitusPeptidase-4 inhibitorsAdverse cardiovascular eventsCox proportional hazards modelsRandom-effects meta-analysisCardiovascular risk reductionTarget trial emulationProportional hazards modelUse of Muscle Relaxants After Surgery in Traditional Medicare Part D Enrollees
Bongiovanni T, Gan S, Finlayson E, Ross J, Harrison J, Boscardin J, Steinman M. Use of Muscle Relaxants After Surgery in Traditional Medicare Part D Enrollees. Drugs & Aging 2024, 41: 615-622. PMID: 38980644, PMCID: PMC11249446, DOI: 10.1007/s40266-024-01124-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMuscle relaxant prescriptionsOlder adultsSpine proceduresPain controlMuscle relaxationRisk of prolonged useProlonged useMedication-related problemsDecreased opioid useRates of prescribingMuscle relaxant useResultsThe study cohortPostoperative pain managementPrescribed to patientsYears of agePostoperative prescribingStudy DesignUsingNonopioid medicationsOpioid useOpioid prescribingMedicare Part DPostoperative periodMedicare Part D enrolleesRetrospective analysisPain managementIntravascular Microaxial Left Ventricular Assist Device Manufacturer Payments to Cardiologists and Use of Devices
Dhruva S, Ross J, Steinman M, Gan S, Muluk S, Anderson T. Intravascular Microaxial Left Ventricular Assist Device Manufacturer Payments to Cardiologists and Use of Devices. JAMA 2024, 331: 1499-1501. PMID: 38598231, PMCID: PMC11007652, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2024.4682.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntegrating 4 methods to evaluate physical function in patients with cancer (In4M): protocol for a prospective cohort study
Thanarajasingam G, Kluetz P, Bhatnagar V, Brown A, Cathcart-Rake E, Diamond M, Faust L, Fiero M, Huntington S, Jeffery M, Jones L, Noble B, Paludo J, Powers B, Ross J, Ritchie J, Ruddy K, Schellhorn S, Tarver M, Dueck A, Gross C. Integrating 4 methods to evaluate physical function in patients with cancer (In4M): protocol for a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 2024, 14: e074030. PMID: 38199641, PMCID: PMC10806877, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-074030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPhysical function assessmentPhysical functionFunctional assessmentEvaluation of physical functionElectronic health record dataEvaluate physical functionHealth record dataSpanish-speaking patientsDigital health technologiesBreast cancerProspective cohort studyClinician-reported outcomesCancer clinical trialsClinical decision-makingStudy questionnairePatient-centred evaluationHealth technologiesMeasure symptomsOncology practiceCohort studyRecord dataPatient's impressionMayo ClinicEnglish-speakingWearable sensors
Trends in the Use of Gabapentinoids and Opioids in the Postoperative Period Among Older Adults
Bongiovanni T, Gan S, Finlayson E, Ross J, Harrison J, Boscardin W, Steinman M. Trends in the Use of Gabapentinoids and Opioids in the Postoperative Period Among Older Adults. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6: e2318626. PMID: 37326989, PMCID: PMC10276300, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.18626.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostoperative periodCross-sectional studyGabapentinoid prescribingSurgical proceduresConcomitant prescribingGabapentinoid prescriptionOlder adultsPostoperative prescribingProcedure typeSerial cross-sectional studyPatients 66 yearsUse of gabapentinoidsProportion of patientsTotal study cohortAdverse drug eventsCommon surgical procedureConcurrent prescribingMultimodal painPostoperative opioidsOpioid prescribingOpioid usePain SocietyStudy cohortMean ageDrug eventsIdentifying treatment heterogeneity in atrial fibrillation using a novel causal machine learning method
Ngufor C, Yao X, Inselman J, Ross J, Dhruva S, Graham D, Lee J, Siontis K, Desai N, Polley E, Shah N, Noseworthy P, MN; New Haven C. Identifying treatment heterogeneity in atrial fibrillation using a novel causal machine learning method. American Heart Journal 2023, 260: 124-140. PMID: 36893934, PMCID: PMC10615250, DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2023.02.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOral anticoagulantsAtrial fibrillationPatient subgroupsComposite outcomeIschemic strokeEffect of OACsLifelong oral anticoagulationNonvitamin K antagonistNew oral anticoagulantsNonvalvular atrial fibrillationPrimary composite outcomeGlomerular filtration rateFuture prospective studiesOptumLabs Data WarehousePopulation-level effectivenessOAC useOral anticoagulationVASc scoreCause mortalityK antagonistsPrimary endpointWarfarin usersRenal functionAF patientsEntire cohortFinancial conflicts of interest among US physician authors of 2020 clinical practice guidelines: a cross-sectional study
Mooghali M, Glick L, Ramachandran R, Ross J. Financial conflicts of interest among US physician authors of 2020 clinical practice guidelines: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2023, 13: e069115. PMID: 36690402, PMCID: PMC9872463, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069115.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Artificial Intelligence in Breast Cancer Screening
Potnis K, Ross J, Aneja S, Gross C, Richman I. Artificial Intelligence in Breast Cancer Screening. JAMA Internal Medicine 2022, 182: 1306-1312. PMID: 36342705, PMCID: PMC10623674, DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2022.4969.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchProlonged use of newly prescribed gabapentin after surgery
Bongiovanni T, Gan S, Finlayson E, Ross J, Harrison JD, Boscardin J, Steinman MA. Prolonged use of newly prescribed gabapentin after surgery. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2022, 70: 3560-3569. PMID: 36000860, PMCID: PMC9771946, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.18005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUse of gabapentinProlonged useOpioid useNon-opioid pain medicationsHigher Charlson comorbidity scoreOlder adultsPostoperative opioid prescribingProlonged opioid useCharlson comorbidity scoreLength of stayAdverse drug eventsTotal hip replacementLogistic regression modelsGabapentinoid useMore comorbiditiesComorbidity scoreGabapentin useOpioid prescribingOpioid prescriptionsDischarge dispositionEmergency surgeryPain medicationPatient characteristicsPrimary outcomeMultivariable analysisSafety and Effectiveness of a Catheter With Contact Force and 6-Hole Irrigation for Ablation of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation in Routine Clinical Practice
Dhruva SS, Zhang S, Chen J, Noseworthy PA, Doshi AA, Agboola KM, Herrin J, Jiang G, Yu Y, Cafri G, Farr K, Ervin KR, Ross JS, Coplan PM, Drozda JP. Safety and Effectiveness of a Catheter With Contact Force and 6-Hole Irrigation for Ablation of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation in Routine Clinical Practice. JAMA Network Open 2022, 5: e2227134. PMID: 35976649, PMCID: PMC9386540, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.27134.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPersistent AF ablationRoutine clinical practiceMercy HealthAF ablationMayo ClinicSafety outcomesClinical practiceCatheter groupCohort studyCatheter ablationPersistent AFParoxysmal atrial fibrillation ablationThermocool SmartTouch catheterComposite of deathPrimary safety outcomeAtrial fibrillation ablationPersistent atrial fibrillationElectronic health record dataHealth system dataHealth record dataHealth care systemSmartTouch catheterThromboembolic eventsFibrillation ablationProcedural complicationsAssociation Between Generic-to-Generic Levothyroxine Switching and Thyrotropin Levels Among US Adults
Brito JP, Deng Y, Ross JS, Choi NH, Graham DJ, Qiang Y, Rantou E, Wang Z, Zhao L, Shah ND, Lipska KJ. Association Between Generic-to-Generic Levothyroxine Switching and Thyrotropin Levels Among US Adults. JAMA Internal Medicine 2022, 182: 418-425. PMID: 35226058, PMCID: PMC8886450, DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2022.0045.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsComparative effectiveness research studyIndex dateProportion of patientsTSH levelsNormal TSH levelsMIU/LThyrotropin levelsLevothyroxine productsGeneric levothyroxineNational administrative claims databasePropensity-matched patient pairsBaseline TSH levelsMean TSH levelsThyroid replacement therapyAdministrative claims databaseCurrent guideline recommendationsSerum thyrotropin levelsOptumLabs Data WarehouseStandardized mean differenceLevothyroxine doseLevothyroxine prescriptionsPropensity matchingGuideline recommendationsClaims databaseReplacement therapyRates of, and factors associated with, switching among generic levothyroxine preparations in commercially insured American adults
Brito JP, Deng Y, Ross JS, Choi NH, Graham DJ, Qiang Y, Rantou E, Wang Z, Zhao L, Shah ND, Lipska KJ. Rates of, and factors associated with, switching among generic levothyroxine preparations in commercially insured American adults. Endocrine 2022, 76: 349-358. PMID: 35107758, PMCID: PMC9210352, DOI: 10.1007/s12020-022-02987-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsL-thyroxineLarge administrative claims databaseMultivariate logistic regression analysisAdministrative claims databaseThyroid hormone valuesLogistic regression analysisNumber of pharmaciesSettingRetrospective studyPrescription fillsTreatment initiationGuideline recommendationsThyroid surgeryClaims databaseFill dateMean ageHormone valuesLevothyroxine preparationsMore pharmaciesPractice guidelinesAdditional studiesGeneric preparationsNational dataAmerican adultsPatientsRegression analysis
Loneliness, sadness, and feelings of social disconnection in older adults during the COVIDâ19 pandemic
Holaday LW, Oladele CR, Miller SM, Dueñas MI, Roy B, Ross JS. Loneliness, sadness, and feelings of social disconnection in older adults during the COVIDâ19 pandemic. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2021, 70: 329-340. PMID: 34850379, PMCID: PMC8896574, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.17599.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrimary careMedicare beneficiariesMultivariable logistic regression modelCOVID-19 pandemicOlder adultsOlder Medicare beneficiariesFeelings of lonelinessHistory of depressionPublic health measuresCross-sectional analysisLogistic regression modelsRace/ethnicitySubsequent morbidityLower oddsBlack beneficiariesHealth measuresSocial disconnectionSociodemographic variablesAssociation of Fluoroquinolone Prescribing Rates With Black Box Warnings from the US Food and Drug Administration
Sankar A, Swanson KM, Zhou J, Jena AB, Ross JS, Shah ND, Karaca-Mandic P. Association of Fluoroquinolone Prescribing Rates With Black Box Warnings from the US Food and Drug Administration. JAMA Network Open 2021, 4: e2136662. PMID: 34851398, PMCID: PMC8637256, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.36662.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overAmbulatory CareAnti-Bacterial AgentsBronchitisCross-Sectional StudiesDrug LabelingDrug PrescriptionsFemaleFluoroquinolonesHealth Plan ImplementationHumansInterrupted Time Series AnalysisMaleMedicareMiddle AgedPractice Patterns, Physicians'SinusitisUnited StatesUnited States Food and Drug AdministrationUrinary Tract InfectionsConceptsPrescribing of fluoroquinolonesCross-sectional studyBlack box warningFDA warningCare physiciansPrescribing levelsBox warningMAIN OUTCOMEUS FoodDrug AdministrationMedicare administrative claims dataUncomplicated urinary tract infectionsNon-primary care physiciansAcute care visitsUrinary tract infectionFDA black box warningPrimary care physiciansAdministrative claims dataCase mix indexFluoroquinolone prescriptionsPrescribing trendsCare visitsPrescribing ratesTract infectionsOutpatient visitsLevothyroxine Use in the United States, 2008-2018
Brito JP, Ross JS, Kawkgi O, Maraka S, Deng Y, Shah ND, Lipska KJ. Levothyroxine Use in the United States, 2008-2018. JAMA Internal Medicine 2021, 181: 1402-1405. PMID: 34152370, PMCID: PMC8218227, DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2021.2686.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUnplanned hospital visits after ambulatory surgical care
Bongiovanni T, Parzynski C, Ranasinghe I, Steinman MA, Ross JS. Unplanned hospital visits after ambulatory surgical care. PLOS ONE 2021, 16: e0254039. PMID: 34283840, PMCID: PMC8291649, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254039.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUnplanned hospital visitsSame-day surgeryHospital visitsAmbulatory surgeryHealthcare costsDischarge care qualityHospital visit ratesNumber of comorbiditiesEmergency department visitsMajority of surgeriesAmbulatory surgical careSpecific patient populationsQuality's Healthcare CostMedicaid Services measuresPatient hospital visitsQuality of careType of procedureDepartment visitsHospital admissionPatient characteristicsOutpatient settingPatient populationProcedure typeSurgical careSurgical facilitiesCardiovascular outcomes and rates of fractures and falls among patients with brand-name versus generic L-thyroxine use
Brito JP, Ross JS, Deng Y, Sangaralingham L, Graham DJ, Qiang Y, Wang Z, Yao X, Zhao L, Smallridge RC, Bernet V, Shah ND, Lipska KJ. Cardiovascular outcomes and rates of fractures and falls among patients with brand-name versus generic L-thyroxine use. Endocrine 2021, 74: 592-602. PMID: 34089480, PMCID: PMC9210353, DOI: 10.1007/s12020-021-02779-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCongestive heart failureRate of fracturesCardiovascular outcomesL-thyroxineRate of fallHeart failureHip fractureAtrial fibrillationMyocardial infarctionNational administrative claims databasePropensity-matched patientsAdministrative claims databaseRate of hospitalizationMIU/L.Main outcome measuresSignificant differencesDose subgroupsHospitalization ratesClaims databaseThyroid cancerInpatient settingBaseline thyroidHormone levelsOutcome measuresPatientsMedicare beneficiaries' plans for the COVIDâ19 vaccine in Fall 2020, and why some planned to decline
Holaday LW, Balasuriya L, Roy B, Ross JS, Oladele CR. Medicare beneficiaries' plans for the COVIDâ19 vaccine in Fall 2020, and why some planned to decline. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2021, 69: 2434-2437. PMID: 33990945, PMCID: PMC8242621, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.17285.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchReporting of Study Participant Demographic Characteristics and Demographic Representation in Premarketing and Postmarketing Studies of Novel Cancer Therapeutics
Varma T, Wallach JD, Miller JE, Schnabel D, Skydel JJ, Zhang AD, Dinan MA, Ross JS, Gross CP. Reporting of Study Participant Demographic Characteristics and Demographic Representation in Premarketing and Postmarketing Studies of Novel Cancer Therapeutics. JAMA Network Open 2021, 4: e217063. PMID: 33877309, PMCID: PMC8058642, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.7063.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNovel cancer therapeuticsPostmarketing studyBlack patientsCancer therapeuticsDemographic dataOlder adultsUS cancer populationUS Cancer StatisticsCross-sectional studyRace/ethnicityParticipants' demographic characteristicsPercentage of trialsPatient sexCancer populationClinical studiesCancer statisticsMAIN OUTCOMEDrug AdministrationFDA approvalStudy participantsCancer typesDemographic characteristicsDemographic informationStudy samplePatients