Experimental VX2 Rabbit Liver Tumor Model in Carbon TetrachlorideâInduced Cirrhosis of the Liver
Santana J, Shewarega A, Nam D, Kahl V, Madoff D, Zhang X, Chapiro J. Experimental VX2 Rabbit Liver Tumor Model in Carbon TetrachlorideâInduced Cirrhosis of the Liver. Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2022, 34: 404-408.e1. PMID: 36473611, PMCID: PMC11037556, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2022.11.026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLiver cirrhosisMale New Zealand white rabbitsRabbit liver tumor modelCirrhotic liver backgroundReproducible tumor growthVX2 liver cancerLeft hepatic lobeNew Zealand white rabbitsDuration of treatmentLiver tumor modelCross-sectional imagingVX2 rabbit liver tumor modelZealand white rabbitsHepatic lobeHistopathological evaluationMajor underlying factorHepatic tumorsIntragastric administrationHepatocellular carcinomaLiver tumorsLiver cancerCirrhosisUnmet needTumor growthVX2 tumorsMR ImagingâBased In Vivo Macrophage Imaging to Monitor Immune Response after Radiofrequency Ablation of the Liver
Santana J, Petukhova-Greenstein A, Gross M, Hyder F, Pekurovsky V, Gottwald L, Boustani A, Walsh J, Kucukkaya A, Malpani R, Madoff D, Goldberg S, Ahmed M, Joshi N, Coman D, Chapiro J. MR ImagingâBased In Vivo Macrophage Imaging to Monitor Immune Response after Radiofrequency Ablation of the Liver. Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2022, 34: 395-403.e5. PMID: 36423815, PMCID: PMC11042914, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2022.11.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsImmune responseT1-weighted MRPrussian blue stainingRadiofrequency ablationRF ablationC57BL/6 wild-type miceMR imagingDose-escalation studyLocal immune responseMass cytometryWild-type miceRadiological-pathological correlationBlue stainingT1-weighted MR imagingHepatic radiofrequency ablationCD68 antibodyUntreated lobeVivo doseHepatic RF ablationVivo macrophagesMacrophagesMiceMR imaging scannerCoagulation areaCD68
Improved performance and consistency of deep learning 3D liver segmentation with heterogeneous cancer stages in magnetic resonance imaging
Gross M, Spektor M, Jaffe A, Kucukkaya AS, Iseke S, Haider SP, Strazzabosco M, Chapiro J, Onofrey JA. Improved performance and consistency of deep learning 3D liver segmentation with heterogeneous cancer stages in magnetic resonance imaging. PLOS ONE 2021, 16: e0260630. PMID: 34852007, PMCID: PMC8635384, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260630.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Layer Embedding Analysis in Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Probability Calibration and Classification
Zhang F, Dvornek N, Yang J, Chapiro J, Duncan J. Layer Embedding Analysis in Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Probability Calibration and Classification. IEEE Transactions On Medical Imaging 2020, 39: 3331-3342. PMID: 32356739, PMCID: PMC7606489, DOI: 10.1109/tmi.2020.2990625.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsConvolutional neural networkNeural networkClassification taskProbability calibrationTissue classification tasksImage representationBaseline methodsPublic datasetsModel performanceRandom forest modelNetworkBetter performanceForest modelDatasetClassificationTaskCT imagesImagesOriginal model outputMR imagesModel outputInstitutional datasetPerformanceEmbeddingOutputMolecular MRI of the Immuno-Metabolic Interplay in a Rabbit Liver Tumor Model: A Biomarker for Resistance Mechanisms in Tumor-targeted Therapy?
Savic LJ, Doemel LA, Schobert IT, Montgomery RR, Joshi N, Walsh JJ, Santana J, Pekurovsky V, Zhang X, Lin M, Adam L, Boustani A, Duncan J, Leng L, Bucala RJ, Goldberg SN, Hyder F, Coman D, Chapiro J. Molecular MRI of the Immuno-Metabolic Interplay in a Rabbit Liver Tumor Model: A Biomarker for Resistance Mechanisms in Tumor-targeted Therapy? Radiology 2020, 296: 575-583. PMID: 32633675, PMCID: PMC7434651, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.2020200373.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsImmuno-oncologic therapiesConventional transarterial chemoembolizationTransarterial chemoembolizationIntratumoral immune cell infiltrationMR spectroscopyRabbit liver tumor modelPrussian blue iron stainingAntigen-presenting immune cellsIntra-arterial infusionImmune cell infiltrationNew Zealand white rabbitsLiver tumor modelImmune cell exclusionLiver cancer modelContrast material administrationT2-weighted MRIZealand white rabbitsT2-weighted imagingResistance mechanismsImmunosuppressive tumorHLA-DRCell infiltrationImmune cellsImmunohistochemistry stainingRing enhancementFibronodular hepatocellular carcinomaâa new variant of liver cancer: clinical, pathological and radiological correlation
Tefera J, Revzin M, Chapiro J, Savic L, Mulligan D, Batra R, Taddei T, Jain D, Zhang X. Fibronodular hepatocellular carcinomaâa new variant of liver cancer: clinical, pathological and radiological correlation. Journal Of Clinical Pathology 2020, 74: 31-35. PMID: 32430483, PMCID: PMC7674234, DOI: 10.1136/jclinpath-2020-206574.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdvanced Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer stageBarcelona Clinic Liver Cancer stageScirrhous HCCMultiple rounded nodulesNon-peripheral washoutLiver Cancer stageRadiological featuresClinical featuresRadiological correlationCarcinoma variantsCancer stageHCC casesHepatocellular carcinomaLiver cancerFibrotic liverConventional HCCHCCLower ratesHigh rateRounded nodulesProgressionDistinct patternsCarcinomaSpecific variantsLesions
Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers for 90Y Distribution on Bremsstrahlung SPECT After Resin-Based Radioembolization
Schobert I, Chapiro J, Nezami N, Hamm CA, Gebauer B, Lin M, Pollak J, Saperstein L, Schlachter T, Savic LJ. Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers for 90Y Distribution on Bremsstrahlung SPECT After Resin-Based Radioembolization. Journal Of Nuclear Medicine 2019, 60: 1066-1072. PMID: 30655331, PMCID: PMC6681698, DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.118.219691.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAngiographyBiomarkersCarcinoma, HepatocellularEmbolization, TherapeuticFeasibility StudiesFemaleHumansImaging, Three-DimensionalLiverLiver NeoplasmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleMicrospheresMiddle AgedMultimodal ImagingPrognosisRegression AnalysisRetrospective StudiesTomography, Emission-Computed, Single-PhotonTomography, X-Ray ComputedTreatment OutcomeYttrium RadioisotopesConceptsNon-HCC patientsTransarterial radioembolizationHepatocellular carcinomaBaseline imagingTumor responseTumor volumeChild-Pugh class B patientsBaseline imaging featuresClass B patientsNormal liver ratiosTotal tumor volumeSPECT/CTContrast-enhanced MRIQuantitative European AssociationMultiphasic contrast-enhanced MRIInstitutional review boardHigh TNRPreprocedural MRIChild-PughB patientsLiver criteriaTumor burdenClinical parametersHepatic malignanciesRetrospective study
The impact of antiangiogenic therapy combined with Transarterial Chemoembolization on enhancement based quantitative tumor response assessment in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Smolka S, Chapiro J, Manzano W, Treilhard J, Reiner E, Deng Y, Zhao Y, Hamm B, Duncan JS, Gebauer B, Lin M, Geschwind JF. The impact of antiangiogenic therapy combined with Transarterial Chemoembolization on enhancement based quantitative tumor response assessment in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical Imaging 2017, 46: 1-7. PMID: 28668723, PMCID: PMC5720941, DOI: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2017.05.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEarly response assessmentTransarterial chemoembolizationImaging-based criteriaResponse assessmentHepatocellular carcinomaTumor response assessmentAnti-angiogenic therapyQuantitative European AssociationTherapy armOverall survivalLiver criteriaAntiangiogenic therapyTreatment groupsPatientsSimilar associationEuropean AssociationBevacizumabChemoembolizationCarcinomaTherapyAssociationAssessmentFollowCriteriaBaseline
Improved Visibility of Metastatic Disease in the Liver During Intra-Arterial Therapy Using Delayed Arterial Phase Cone-Beam CT
Schernthaner RE, Haroun RR, Duran R, Lee H, Sahu S, Sohn JH, Chapiro J, Zhao Y, Gorodetski B, Fleckenstein F, Smolka S, Radaelli A, van der Bom IM, Lin M, Geschwind JF. Improved Visibility of Metastatic Disease in the Liver During Intra-Arterial Therapy Using Delayed Arterial Phase Cone-Beam CT. CardioVascular And Interventional Radiology 2016, 39: 1429-1437. PMID: 27380872, PMCID: PMC5009166, DOI: 10.1007/s00270-016-1406-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIntra-arterial therapyDigital subtraction angiographyLiver metastasesDP-CBCTCone-beam CTDual-phase cone-beam CTContrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imagingSarcoma liver metastasesTumor-feeding arteriesMagnetic resonance imagingContrast agent injectionMetastatic diseaseMethodsThis IRBRetrospective studyCRCLMClinical impactArterial phaseCE-MRIDepiction rateResonance imagingAgent injectionSubtraction angiographyMetastasisTherapyHigh rate3D Quantitative tumour burden analysis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma before TACE: comparing single-lesion vs. multi-lesion imaging biomarkers as predictors of patient survival
Fleckenstein FN, Schernthaner RE, Duran R, Sohn JH, Sahu S, Zhao Y, Hamm B, Gebauer B, Lin M, Geschwind JF, Chapiro J. 3D Quantitative tumour burden analysis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma before TACE: comparing single-lesion vs. multi-lesion imaging biomarkers as predictors of patient survival. European Radiology 2016, 26: 3243-3252. PMID: 26762942, PMCID: PMC4942412, DOI: 10.1007/s00330-015-4168-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHazard ratioOverall survivalTransarterial chemoembolizationBaseline MRIHepatocellular carcinomaTumor burdenDominant lesionTumor assessmentTumor volumeMultivariate cox proportional hazard ratiosCox proportional hazard ratiosCurrent radiological methodMethodsThis retrospective analysisProportional hazard ratiosBCLC staging systemKaplan-Meier plotsTumor diameterPatient survivalStaging systemHCC patientsMultiple lesionsLiver volumeRetrospective analysisLesion assessmentPatients
Intraprocedural 3D Quantification of Lipiodol Deposition on Cone-Beam CT Predicts Tumor Response After Transarterial Chemoembolization in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Wang Z, Chen R, Duran R, Zhao Y, Yenokyan G, Chapiro J, Schernthaner R, Radaelli A, Lin M, Geschwind JF. Intraprocedural 3D Quantification of Lipiodol Deposition on Cone-Beam CT Predicts Tumor Response After Transarterial Chemoembolization in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. CardioVascular And Interventional Radiology 2015, 38: 1548-1556. PMID: 26001366, PMCID: PMC4651808, DOI: 10.1007/s00270-015-1129-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, HepatocellularChemoembolization, TherapeuticCone-Beam Computed TomographyContrast MediaEthiodized OilFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansImage EnhancementImaging, Three-DimensionalLiverLiver NeoplasmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleMiddle AgedRetrospective StudiesTreatment OutcomeConceptsLipiodol depositionConventional transarterial chemoembolizationTumor responseOverall tumor volumeTumor volumeCE-MRIHepatocellular carcinomaTransarterial chemoembolizationTumor necrosisContrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imagingNecrotic tumour volumeResponse Evaluation CriteriaT-testMagnetic resonance imagingStudent's t-testMethodsThis IRBTarget lesionsRetrospective analysisSolid tumorsResonance imagingSpearman rank-order correlationPatientsCone-beam CTCBCTChemoembolizationRadiologic-pathologic analysis of quantitative 3D tumour enhancement on contrast-enhanced MR imaging: a study of ROI placement
Chockalingam A, Duran R, Sohn JH, Schernthaner R, Chapiro J, Lee H, Sahu S, Nguyen S, Geschwind JF, Lin M. Radiologic-pathologic analysis of quantitative 3D tumour enhancement on contrast-enhanced MR imaging: a study of ROI placement. European Radiology 2015, 26: 103-113. PMID: 25994198, PMCID: PMC4654989, DOI: 10.1007/s00330-015-3812-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTranscatheter arterial chemoembolizationHCC patientsIpsilateral placementTumor enhancementHepatocellular carcinoma patientsROI placementContrast-enhanced MR imagingRadiologic-pathologic analysisArterial chemoembolizationCarcinoma patientsPathological correlationIntra-class correlationPatientsMR imagingClinical methodsMedian differencePathologyInterest placementHistopathologyFeasibility of a Modified Cone-Beam CT Rotation Trajectory to Improve Liver Periphery Visualization during Transarterial Chemoembolization.
Schernthaner RE, Chapiro J, Sahu S, Withagen P, Duran R, Sohn JH, Radaelli A, van der Bom IM, Geschwind JF, Lin M. Feasibility of a Modified Cone-Beam CT Rotation Trajectory to Improve Liver Periphery Visualization during Transarterial Chemoembolization. Radiology 2015, 277: 833-41. PMID: 26000642, PMCID: PMC4654716, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.2015142821.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCone-beam CTTransarterial chemoembolizationLiver volumeRadiation exposureInstitutional review board-approved studyPeripheral hepatic tumorsSecondary liver cancerCT radiation exposureCone beam CT examinationsBoard-approved studyTumor detectabilityRadiation exposure reductionHepatic tumorsCT examinationsLiver cancerCT protocolPatientsCone beamMagnetic resonance imagesCT indicesC-arm rotatesCTTumorsExposure reductionRank test
Delayed-Phase Cone-Beam CT Improves Detectability of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma During Conventional Transarterial Chemoembolization
Schernthaner RE, Lin M, Duran R, Chapiro J, Wang Z, Geschwind JF. Delayed-Phase Cone-Beam CT Improves Detectability of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma During Conventional Transarterial Chemoembolization. CardioVascular And Interventional Radiology 2014, 38: 929-936. PMID: 25476872, PMCID: PMC4457721, DOI: 10.1007/s00270-014-1026-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAngiography, Digital SubtractionBile Duct NeoplasmsChemoembolization, TherapeuticCholangiocarcinomaCohort StudiesCone-Beam Computed TomographyFemaleHumansLiverMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleMiddle AgedObserver VariationRadiography, InterventionalReproducibility of ResultsRetrospective StudiesConceptsDual-phase cone-beam CTConventional transarterial chemoembolizationDigital subtraction angiographyIntrahepatic cholangiocarcinomaICC lesionsTransarterial chemoembolizationCE-MRICone-beam CTContrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imagingMethodsThis retrospective studyProsthetic mitral valveMagnetic resonance imagingHigher detectability rateConsecutive patientsRetrospective studyMitral valveMore lesionsLesionsResonance imagingSubtraction angiographyRoutine useLesion visibilityTreatment planningChemoembolizationCholangiocarcinoma
The role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in autoimmune liver disease
Assis DN, Leng L, Du X, Zhang CK, Grieb G, Merk M, Garcia AB, McCrann C, Chapiro J, Meinhardt A, Mizue Y, NikolicâPaterson D, Bernhagen J, Kaplan MM, Zhao H, Boyer JL, Bucala R. The role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in autoimmune liver disease. Hepatology 2013, 59: 580-591. PMID: 23913513, PMCID: PMC3877200, DOI: 10.1002/hep.26664.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntigens, Differentiation, B-LymphocyteBiomarkersBiopsyCase-Control StudiesCohort StudiesFemaleGene FrequencyHepatitis, AutoimmuneHistocompatibility Antigens Class IIHumansIntramolecular OxidoreductasesLiverLiver Cirrhosis, BiliaryMacrophage Migration-Inhibitory FactorsMaleMicrosatellite RepeatsMiddle AgedPhenotypePolymorphism, Single NucleotideConceptsMacrophage migration inhibitory factorPrimary biliary cirrhosisAutoimmune hepatitisMigration inhibitory factorMIF receptorHealthy controlsInhibitory factorAutoimmune liver diseaseMIF promoter polymorphismsHepatic stellate cellsEnzyme-linked immunosorbentCATT7 alleleImmunopathogenic basisMIF expressionMIF locusBiliary cirrhosisLiver diseaseInflammatory phenotypeReceptor profileStellate cellsPromoter polymorphismPatientsSerum samplesCD74Single nucleotide polymorphisms