Exploring approaches for predictive cancer patient digital twins: Opportunities for collaboration and innovation
Stahlberg E, Abdel-Rahman M, Aguilar B, Asadpoure A, Beckman R, Borkon L, Bryan J, Cebulla C, Chang Y, Chatterjee A, Deng J, Dolatshahi S, Gevaert O, Greenspan E, Hao W, Hernandez-Boussard T, Jackson P, Kuijjer M, Lee A, Macklin P, Madhavan S, McCoy M, Mirzaei N, Razzaghi T, Rocha H, Shahriyari L, Shmulevich I, Stover D, Sun Y, Syeda-Mahmood T, Wang J, Wang Q, Zervantonakis I. Exploring approaches for predictive cancer patient digital twins: Opportunities for collaboration and innovation. Frontiers In Digital Health 2022, 4: 1007784. PMID: 36274654, PMCID: PMC9586248, DOI: 10.3389/fdgth.2022.1007784.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMonitoring treatment responsePatient digital twinsUS National Cancer InstituteNational Cancer InstituteTreatment responsePlanning treatmentEarly progressionCancer preventionDigital twin approachIndividual patientsPersonalized treatmentPilot projectCancer InstituteCancer typesCancerDigital twinDeep phenotypingCancer researchPatients
A Preliminary Simulation Study of Dose-Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy Based on Halcyon MV Cone-Beam CT Images With Retrospective Data From a Phase II Clinical Trial
Huang Y, Wang H, Li C, Hu Q, Liu H, Deng J, Li W, Wang R, Wu H, Zhang Y. A Preliminary Simulation Study of Dose-Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy Based on Halcyon MV Cone-Beam CT Images With Retrospective Data From a Phase II Clinical Trial. Frontiers In Oncology 2020, 10: 574889. PMID: 33134173, PMCID: PMC7550711, DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2020.574889.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPhase II clinical trialEvaluation patientsClinical trialsAnatomic changesAdaptive radiotherapyPlanning CTPreliminary clinical dataMVCBCT imagesCone-beam CT imagesTarget dose coverageDeformable image registrationClinical dataDose coverageCT imagesPatientsTarget underdosageFractional doseRetrospective dataTumor siteAdaptive plansDoseCTTarget coverageLocal gamma analysisTrialsImpact of radiation source activity on short- and long-term outcomes of cervical carcinoma patients treated with high-dose-rate brachytherapy: A retrospective cohort study
Li C, Li X, You J, Liang B, Su X, Huang Y, Chen Y, Hu Q, Deng J, Wang H, Pu Y, Liu H, Ma Y, Wang W, Wu H, Zhang Y. Impact of radiation source activity on short- and long-term outcomes of cervical carcinoma patients treated with high-dose-rate brachytherapy: A retrospective cohort study. Gynecologic Oncology 2020, 159: 365-372. PMID: 32933759, DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2020.08.037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMetastatic recurrence-free survivalLocal recurrence-free survivalCervical carcinoma patientsRecurrence-free survivalLong-term outcomesCarcinoma patientsPatient outcomesRetrospective cohort studyShort-term outcomesMedian followCohort studyIridium-192 sourceSubgroup analysisSurvival timeRate brachytherapyStage IDay 199PatientsPractice patterns and recommendations for pediatric imageâguided radiotherapy: A Children's Oncology Group report
Hua C, VernâGross T, Hess CB, Olch AJ, Alaei P, Sathiaseelan V, Deng J, Ulin K, Laurie F, Gopalakrishnan M, Esiashvili N, Wolden SL, Krasin MJ, Merchant TE, Donaldson SS, FitzGerald TJ, Constine LS, Hodgson DC, HaasâKogan D, Mahajan A, Laack NN, Marcus KJ, Taylor PA, Ahern VA, Followill DS, Buchsbaum JC, Breneman JC, Kalapurakal JA. Practice patterns and recommendations for pediatric imageâguided radiotherapy: A Children's Oncology Group report. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2020, 67: e28629. PMID: 32776500, PMCID: PMC7774502, DOI: 10.1002/pbc.28629.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChildren's Oncology GroupImage-guided radiotherapyOncology GroupPractice patternsOncology disciplinesChildren's Oncology Group reportPaediatric radiotherapy patientsTreatment modalitiesExpert guidelinesDose reductionRadiotherapy patientsPractice recommendationsSetup correctionAdaptive therapyRadiotherapyImage guidanceReportMember surveyGroup ReportPatientsTherapyClinicians
Pancreatic Cancer Prediction Through an Artificial Neural Network
Muhammad W, Hart GR, Nartowt B, Farrell JJ, Johung K, Liang Y, Deng J. Pancreatic Cancer Prediction Through an Artificial Neural Network. Frontiers In Artificial Intelligence 2019, 2: 2. PMID: 33733091, PMCID: PMC7861334, DOI: 10.3389/frai.2019.00002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNational Health Interview SurveyPancreatic cancer riskPancreatic cancerCancer riskHigh-risk patientsCancer-specific symptomsHealth Interview SurveyReliable screening toolHigh riskTesting cohortAdvanced stagePatientsScreening toolEarly detectionInterview SurveyCancerCharacteristic curveHigh discriminatory powerHealth dataRiskOvarian cancer datasetDiscriminatory powerCancer predictionArtificial neural networkColorectal
Imaging Dose, Cancer Risk and Cost Analysis in Image-guided Radiotherapy of Cancers
Zhou L, Bai S, Zhang Y, Ming X, Zhang Y, Deng J. Imaging Dose, Cancer Risk and Cost Analysis in Image-guided Radiotherapy of Cancers. Scientific Reports 2018, 8: 10076. PMID: 29973695, PMCID: PMC6031630, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-28431-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBone Marrow CellsBrainChildChild, PreschoolCone-Beam Computed TomographyCost-Benefit AnalysisFemaleHumansInfantLungMaleMiddle AgedMonte Carlo MethodNeoplasmsPhantoms, ImagingRadiation DosageRadiotherapy DosageRadiotherapy, Image-GuidedRisk FactorsThoraxYoung AdultConceptsCancer riskAssociated cancer riskImage-guided radiotherapyImaging proceduresLifetime attributable riskImaging dosesAverage lifetime attributable riskRadiological imaging proceduresRed bone marrowRetrospective studyCancer patientsLung cancerAttributable riskCancer incidenceBilling codesIndividual patientsBone marrowBrain cancerImage guidance proceduresPelvic scanPatientsCancerOrgan dosesRadiotherapyDoses
Energy Modulated Photon Radiotherapy: A Monte Carlo Feasibility Study
Zhang Y, Feng Y, Ming X, Deng J. Energy Modulated Photon Radiotherapy: A Monte Carlo Feasibility Study. BioMed Research International 2016, 2016: 7319843. PMID: 26977413, PMCID: PMC4763028, DOI: 10.1155/2016/7319843.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIMRT plansPediatric brain tumorsNovel treatment modalitiesNormal tissue sparingDifferent tumor sitesDosimetric gainLung cancerTreatment modalitiesIndividual patientsBrain tumorsTissue sparingIMRT techniqueTumor sitePersonalized carePhoton radiotherapyThyroid lesionsDose distributionIntegral doseRadiotherapy treatmentInverse planning systemPatientsRadiotherapyFeasibility studyModern radiotherapy treatmentsClinical IMRT plans
Intermediate Megavoltage Photon Beams for Improved Lung Cancer Treatments
Zhang Y, Feng Y, Ahmad M, Ming X, Zhou L, Deng J. Intermediate Megavoltage Photon Beams for Improved Lung Cancer Treatments. PLOS ONE 2015, 10: e0145117. PMID: 26672752, PMCID: PMC4682946, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145117.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDosimetric benefitsPotential dosimetric benefitsTarget coverageComparable target coverageLung cancer patientsLung cancer treatmentBetter target coverageCurrent treatment approachesImproved tumor coverageNormal tissue dosesTumor dose coverageLung cancer radiotherapyAdjacent critical structuresCritical structuresLung doseCancer patientsLung cancerThin patientsLung volumeLung tumorsDose coverageTreatment approachesPatientsReduced dosesTumor coverageConcomitant Imaging Dose and Cancer Risk in Image Guided Thoracic Radiation Therapy
Zhang Y, Wu H, Chen Z, Knisely JP, Nath R, Feng Z, Bao S, Deng J. Concomitant Imaging Dose and Cancer Risk in Image Guided Thoracic Radiation Therapy. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology âą Biology âą Physics 2015, 93: 523-531. PMID: 26460994, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2015.06.034.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAge FactorsAgedAged, 80 and overAorta, ThoracicBody SizeBreastChildChild, PreschoolCone-Beam Computed TomographyFemaleHeartHumansLungMaleMiddle AgedMonte Carlo MethodOrgans at RiskPhantoms, ImagingPhotonsPrecision MedicineProtonsRadiation DosageRadiography, ThoracicRadiotherapy, Image-GuidedRisk AssessmentSex FactorsSpinal CordThoracic WallThoraxConceptsConcomitant imaging doseThoracic radiation therapyCancer riskRadiation therapyMean dosesCardiac substructuresKilovoltage cone-beamImaging doseAdverse eventsPediatric patientsMedian dosesCancer patientsRight ventricleExtra radiation doseSpinal cordHigh dosesPatientsCone beamPlanning CT imagesChest dimensionsDosesPatient sizeImaging guidanceTherapyDose
SUâDâ9Aâ07: Imaging Dose and Cancer Risk in ImageâGuided Radiotherapy of Cancers
Zhou L, Bai S, Zhang Y, Ming X, Zhang Y, Deng J. SUâDâ9Aâ07: Imaging Dose and Cancer Risk in ImageâGuided Radiotherapy of Cancers. Medical Physics 2014, 41: 123-123. DOI: 10.1118/1.4887923.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExcess relative riskCancer riskRed bone marrowImage-guided radiotherapyImaging proceduresBone marrowRadiation doseRelative cancer riskSpecific imaging proceduresClinical benefitRetrospective studyTreatment courseWhole cohortRadiotherapy courseCancer patientsRelative riskLarge dosesPatientsHigh dosesPersonalized imagingDosesAbdominal regionDoseCT simulationTreatment planning
SUâEâTâ462: Energy Modulated Photon Radiotherapy: A Monte Carlo Investigation
Zhang Y, Feng Y, Ming X, Nath R, Deng J. SUâEâTâ462: Energy Modulated Photon Radiotherapy: A Monte Carlo Investigation. Medical Physics 2013, 40: 311-311. DOI: 10.1118/1.4814895.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIMRT plansProstate cancer patientsPhoton radiation therapyBeam energyPhoton beamsCancer patientsNeck cancerPrescription doseEclipse treatment planning systemDose reductionRadiation therapyBEAM Monte Carlo codePencil beam dose distributionsDVH analysisTumor sitePhoton radiotherapyDose distributionNormal tissuesPatientsLow-energy photonsPhoton beam intensityBeam dose distributionsTarget coverageOptimal beam energyIntegral dose
Personalized estimation of dose to red bone marrow and the associated leukaemia risk attributable to pelvic kilo-voltage cone beam computed tomography scans in image-guided radiotherapy
Zhang Y, Yan Y, Nath R, Bao S, Deng J. Personalized estimation of dose to red bone marrow and the associated leukaemia risk attributable to pelvic kilo-voltage cone beam computed tomography scans in image-guided radiotherapy. Physics In Medicine And Biology 2012, 57: 4599-4612. PMID: 22750636, DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/57/14/4599.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsKilo-voltage cone beamRed bone marrowLeukemia riskRBM doseImage-guided radiation therapyTomography scanBone marrowCone beamRadiogenic cancer riskRadiation therapy courseCancer patientsBone densityImage-guided radiotherapyRadiation therapyCancer riskHigh riskPersonalized estimationAnthropometric variablesTherapy courseDoseSubject groupsDosesBone dosesScansPatients
Testicular Doses in Image-Guided Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer
Deng J, Chen Z, Yu JB, Roberts KB, Peschel RE, Nath R. Testicular Doses in Image-Guided Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology âą Biology âą Physics 2011, 82: e39-e47. PMID: 21489702, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2011.01.071.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsImage-guided radiotherapyTesticular dosesFull-fan modeProstate cancerFemoral headLess doseCBCT scansHalf-fan modeProstate cancer patientsKilovoltage cone-beamCancer patientsIntensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatmentKilovoltage CBCTSuperior-inferior directionCone beamDosesCBCT fieldProstate patientsRectumDoseProstateMore doseRadiotherapy treatmentPatientsRadiotherapyKilovoltage Imaging Doses in the Radiotherapy of Pediatric Cancer Patients
Deng J, Chen Z, Roberts KB, Nath R. Kilovoltage Imaging Doses in the Radiotherapy of Pediatric Cancer Patients. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology âą Biology âą Physics 2011, 82: 1680-1688. PMID: 21477943, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2011.01.062.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPediatric cancer patientsCancer patientsTesticular shieldingSpinal cordKilovoltage cone-beamCBCT dosesMean dosesClinical conditionsDose reductionLarge dosesFemoral headPatientsCBCT scansCone beamDosesFull-fan modeOptical nerveCBCT fieldCordDose increaseImaging dosesScanning protocolOARsRadiotherapyHalf-fan mode
Monte Carlo Investigation of Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Spinal Metastases
Deng J, Chen Z, Knisely J, Decker R, Chiang V, Nath R. Monte Carlo Investigation of Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Spinal Metastases. IFMBE Proceedings 2009, 25/1: 13-16. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03474-9_4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpinal metastasesStereotactic radiosurgeryDose-volume histogramsMean doseAnalytical anisotropic algorithmRisk of recurrenceTarget dose coverageDose distributionPencil beam convolutionSpinal cordDose coverageTarget dosePTV doseTreatment planMetastasisHomogeneity indexDoseRadiosurgeryPBC resultsPatientsTreatment planning systemPatient anatomyCommercial treatment planning systemDose discrepanciesAccurate dose distribution
SUâGGâTâ493: Dosimetric Impact of Beam Energy and Number of Photon Fields On Prostate Dose Distributions: Inverse Planning and Validation Study
Ahmad M, Lund M, Halpin H, Deng J, Chen Z, Mani S, Moran M, Nath R. SUâGGâTâ493: Dosimetric Impact of Beam Energy and Number of Photon Fields On Prostate Dose Distributions: Inverse Planning and Validation Study. Medical Physics 2008, 35: 2838-2838. DOI: 10.1118/1.2962242.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPlanning target volumeComputerized tomographyTreatment planIMRT techniqueTarget volumeNormal tissuesIrradiated normal tissueDose distributionSuperior dose distributionProstate target volumeInverse planningProstate cancerProstate carcinomaLesser dosesSample patientsBeam arrangementsDose constraintsDosimetric differencesPatientsDose uniformityProstate patientsIMRT plansDosimetric impactIntegral doseInverse planning process