mTOR inhibition prevents angiotensin IIâinduced aortic rupture and pseudoaneurysm but promotes dissection in Apoe-deficient mice
He C, Jiang B, Wang M, Ren P, Murtada SI, Caulk AW, Li G, Qin L, Assi R, Lovoulos CJ, Schwartz MA, Humphrey JD, Tellides G. mTOR inhibition prevents angiotensin IIâinduced aortic rupture and pseudoaneurysm but promotes dissection in Apoe-deficient mice. JCI Insight 2022, 7: e155815. PMID: 35132962, PMCID: PMC8855820, DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.155815.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsApoE-deficient miceAngiotensin IIVascular wall cellsAortic tearAortic ruptureMTOR inhibitionSmooth muscle cell hypertrophyMatricellular proteinWall cellsSuprarenal abdominal aortaMuscle cell hypertrophyExtracellular matrix accumulationInhibition of mTORRole of mTORSubadventitial hematomaFree ruptureAortic dissectionAortic diseaseAortic aneurysmSignificant dissectionAbdominal aortaHemorrhagic lesionsExtensive dissectionMetalloproteinase expressionCell hypertrophy
ARHGAP18: A FlowâResponsive Gene That Regulates Endothelial Cell Alignment and Protects Against Atherosclerosis
Lay AJ, Coleman PR, FormazâPreston A, Ting KK, Roediger B, Weninger W, Schwartz MA, Vadas MA, Gamble JR. ARHGAP18: A FlowâResponsive Gene That Regulates Endothelial Cell Alignment and Protects Against Atherosclerosis. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2019, 8: e010057. PMID: 30630384, PMCID: PMC6497359, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.118.010057.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsApolipoprotein EHigh-fat diet-induced modelIntercellular adhesion molecule-1Endothelial nitric oxide synthaseHigh-fat dietDevelopment of atherosclerosisNitric oxide synthaseDiet-induced modelAdhesion molecule-1Double mutant miceAortic diseaseAtherosclerosis developmentInflammatory phenotypeOxide synthaseMolecule-1AtherosclerosisEarly onsetProtective genesMiceFlow-responsive genesAtheroprotective regionsEndothelial cell alignmentAdaptive responseAnalysis of ECEC ability
High-resolution quantitative imaging of mammalian and bacterial cells using stable isotope mass spectrometry
Lechene C, Hillion F, McMahon G, Benson D, Kleinfeld A, Kampf J, Distel D, Luyten Y, Bonventre J, Hentschel D, Park K, Ito S, Schwartz M, Benichou G, Slodzian G. High-resolution quantitative imaging of mammalian and bacterial cells using stable isotope mass spectrometry. BMC Biology 2006, 5: 20. PMID: 17010211, PMCID: PMC1781526, DOI: 10.1186/jbiol42.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMulti-isotope imaging mass spectrometryMammalian cultured cellsFatty acid transportAdipocyte lipid dropletsHigh-resolution quantitative imagingSubcellular compartmentsNitrogen fixationMass spectrometryImaging mass spectrometryLevel of enrichmentBacterial cellsProtein renewalCultured endothelial cellsCultured cellsLipid dropletsKidney cellsStable isotopesUridine incorporationEndothelial cellsCellsQuantitative image analysis softwareStable isotope mass spectrometryIsotopic labelsIsotope ratiosRNA