mTOR inhibition prevents angiotensin IIâinduced aortic rupture and pseudoaneurysm but promotes dissection in Apoe-deficient mice
He C, Jiang B, Wang M, Ren P, Murtada SI, Caulk AW, Li G, Qin L, Assi R, Lovoulos CJ, Schwartz MA, Humphrey JD, Tellides G. mTOR inhibition prevents angiotensin IIâinduced aortic rupture and pseudoaneurysm but promotes dissection in Apoe-deficient mice. JCI Insight 2022, 7: e155815. PMID: 35132962, PMCID: PMC8855820, DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.155815.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsApoE-deficient miceAngiotensin IIVascular wall cellsAortic tearAortic ruptureMTOR inhibitionSmooth muscle cell hypertrophyMatricellular proteinWall cellsSuprarenal abdominal aortaMuscle cell hypertrophyExtracellular matrix accumulationInhibition of mTORRole of mTORSubadventitial hematomaFree ruptureAortic dissectionAortic diseaseAortic aneurysmSignificant dissectionAbdominal aortaHemorrhagic lesionsExtensive dissectionMetalloproteinase expressionCell hypertrophy
Role of Mechanotransduction in Vascular Biology
Humphrey JD, Schwartz MA, Tellides G, Milewicz DM. Role of Mechanotransduction in Vascular Biology. Circulation Research 2015, 116: 1448-1461. PMID: 25858068, PMCID: PMC4420625, DOI: 10.1161/circresaha.114.304936.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExtracellular matrixRole of mechanotransductionExtracellular matrix constituentsActomyosin filamentsMembrane receptorsDysfunctional mechanosensingVascular biologyAortic aneurysmNew therapeutic strategiesContractile proteinsThoracic aortic aneurysmIntramural cellsCellsMechanobiological processesMatrix constituentsAcute dissectionAortic cellsAortic diseaseMechanosensingTherapeutic strategiesHemodynamic loadGenesProgressive enlargementReceptorsMechanoregulation