Platinum Sensitivity in IDH1/2 Mutated Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Not All âBRCAnessâ Is Created Equal
Doroshow D, Wei W, Mehrotra M, Sia D, Eder J, Bindra R, Houldsworth J, LoRusso P, Walther Z. Platinum Sensitivity in IDH1/2 Mutated Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Not All âBRCAnessâ Is Created Equal. Cancer Investigation 2023, 41: 646-655. PMID: 37505929, DOI: 10.1080/07357907.2023.2242957.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBile Duct NeoplasmsBile Ducts, IntrahepaticCholangiocarcinomaHumansIsocitrate DehydrogenaseMutationRetrospective StudiesConceptsClinical benefit rateIntrahepatic cholangiocarcinomaPlatinum sensitivityUnresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomaObjective response rateMulticenter retrospective studyHomologous recombination repairDefective homologous recombination (HR) repairPrimary endpointPlatinum chemotherapyRetrospective studyPreclinical dataBenefit rateWildtype tumorsResponse rateMT tumorsWT diseasePatientsGene defectsCholangiocarcinomaTumorsInterplay of Immunosuppression and Immunotherapy Among Patients With Cancer and COVID-19
Bakouny Z, Labaki C, Grover P, Awosika J, Gulati S, Hsu C, Alimohamed S, Bashir B, Berg S, Bilen M, Bowles D, Castellano C, Desai A, Elkrief A, Eton O, Fecher L, Flora D, Galsky M, Gatti-Mays M, Gesenhues A, Glover M, Gopalakrishnan D, Gupta S, Halfdanarson T, Hayes-Lattin B, Hendawi M, Hsu E, Hwang C, Jandarov R, Jani C, Johnson D, Joshi M, Khan H, Khan S, Knox N, Koshkin V, Kulkarni A, Kwon D, Matar S, McKay R, Mishra S, Moria F, Nizam A, Nock N, Nonato T, Panasci J, Pomerantz L, Portuguese A, Provenzano D, Puc M, Rao Y, Rhodes T, Riely G, Ripp J, Rivera A, Ruiz-Garcia E, Schmidt A, Schoenfeld A, Schwartz G, Shah S, Shaya J, Subbiah S, Tachiki L, Tucker M, Valdez-Reyes M, Weissmann L, Wotman M, Wulff-Burchfield E, Xie Z, Yang Y, Thompson M, Shah D, Warner J, Shyr Y, Choueiri T, Wise-Draper T, Fromowitz A, Gandhi R, Gartrell B, Goel S, Halmos B, Makower D, O' Sullivan D, Ohri N, Portes M, Shapiro L, Shastri A, Sica R, Verma A, Butt O, Campian J, Fiala M, Henderson J, Monahan R, Stockerl-Goldstein K, Zhou A, Bitran J, Hallmeyer S, Mundt D, Pandravada S, Papaioannou P, Patel M, Streckfuss M, Tadesse E, Gatson N, Kundranda M, Lammers P, Loree J, Yu I, Bindal P, Lam B, Peters M, Piper-Vallillo A, Egan P, Farmakiotis D, Arvanitis P, Klein E, Olszewski A, Vieira K, Angevine A, Bar M, Del Prete S, Fiebach M, Gulati A, Hatton E, Houston K, Rose S, Steve Lo K, Stratton J, Weinstein P, Garcia J, Routy B, Hoyo-Ulloa I, Dawsey S, Lemmon C, Pennell N, Sharifi N, Painter C, Granada C, Hoppenot C, Li A, Bitterman D, Connors J, Demetri G, Florez (Duma) N, Freeman D, Giordano A, Morgans A, Nohria A, Saliby R, Tolaney S, Van Allen E, Xu W, Zon R, Halabi S, Zhang T, Dzimitrowicz H, Leighton J, Graber J, Grivas P, Hawley J, Loggers E, Lyman G, Lynch R, Nakasone E, Schweizer M, Vinayak S, Wagner M, Yeh A, Dansoa Y, Makary M, Manikowski J, Vadakara J, Yossef K, Beckerman J, Goyal S, Messing I, Rosenstein L, Steffes D, Alsamarai S, Clement J, Cosin J, Daher A, Dailey M, Elias R, Fein J, Hosmer W, Jayaraj A, Mather J, Menendez A, Nadkarni R, Serrano O, Yu P, Balanchivadze N, Gadgeel S, Accordino M, Bhutani D, Bodin B, Hershman D, Masson C, Alexander M, Mushtaq S, Reuben D, Bernicker E, Deeken J, Jeffords K, Shafer D, CĂĄrdenas A, Cuervo Campos R, De-la-Rosa-Martinez D, Ramirez A, Vilar-Compte D, Gill D, Lewis M, Low C, Jones M, Mansoor A, Mashru S, Werner M, Cohen A, McWeeney S, Nemecek E, Williamson S, Peters S, Smith S, Lewis G, Zaren H, Akhtari M, Castillo D, Cortez K, Lau E, Nagaraj G, Park K, Reeves M, O'Connor T, Altman J, Gurley M, Mulcahy M, Wehbe F, Durbin E, Nelson H, Ramesh V, Sachs Z, Wilson G, Bardia A, Boland G, Gainor J, Peppercorn J, Reynolds K, Rosovsky R, Zubiri L, Bekaii-Saab T, Joyner M, Riaz I, Senefeld J, Shah S, Ayre S, Bonnen M, Mahadevan D, McKeown C, Mesa R, Ramirez A, Salazar M, Shah P, Wang C, Bouganim N, Papenburg J, Sabbah A, Tagalakis V, Vinh D, Nanchal R, Singh H, Bahadur N, Bao T, Belenkaya R, Nambiar P, OâCearbhaill R, Papadopoulos E, Philip J, Robson M, Rosenberg J, Wilkins C, Tamimi R, Cerrone K, Dill J, Faller B, Alomar M, Chandrasekhar S, Hume E, Islam J, Ajmera A, Brouha S, Cabal A, Choi S, Hsiao A, Jiang J, Kligerman S, Park J, Razavi P, Reid E, Bhatt P, Mariano M, Thomson C, Glace M, Knoble J, Rink C, Zacks R, Blau S, Brown C, Cantrell A, Namburi S, Polimera H, Rovito M, Edwin N, Herz K, Kennecke H, Monfared A, Sautter R, Cronin T, Elshoury A, Fleissner B, Griffiths E, Hernandez-Ilizaliturri F, Jain P, Kariapper A, Levine E, Moffitt M, O'Connor T, Smith L, Wicher C, Zsiros E, Jabbour S, Misdary C, Shah M, Batist G, Cook E, Ferrario C, Lau S, Miller W, Rudski L, Santos Dutra M, Wilchesky M, Mahmood S, McNair C, Mico V, Dixon B, Kloecker G, Logan B, Mandapakala C, Cabebe E, Jha A, Khaki A, Nagpal S, Schapira L, Wu J, Whaley D, Lopes G, de Cardenas K, Russell K, Stith B, Taylor S, Klamerus J, Revankar S, Addison D, Chen J, Haynam M, Jhawar S, Karivedu V, Palmer J, Pillainayagam C, Stover D, Wall S, Williams N, Abbasi S, Annis S, Balmaceda N, Greenland S, Kasi A, Rock C, Luders M, Smits M, Weiss M, Chism D, Owenby S, Ang C, Doroshow D, Metzger M, Berenberg J, Uyehara C, Fazio A, Huber K, Lashley L, Sueyoshi M, Patel K, Riess J, Borno H, Small E, Zhang S, Andermann T, Jensen C, Rubinstein S, Wood W, Ahmad S, Brownfield L, Heilman H, Kharofa J, Latif T, Marcum M, Shaikh H, Sohal D, Abidi M, Geiger C, Markham M, Russ A, Saker H, Acoba J, Choi H, Rho Y, Feldman L, Gantt G, Hoskins K, Khan M, Liu L, Nguyen R, Pasquinelli M, Schwartz C, Venepalli N, Vikas P, Zakharia Y, Friese C, Boldt A, Gonzalez C, Su C, Su C, Yoon J, Bijjula R, Mavromatis B, Seletyn M, Wood B, Zaman Q, Kaklamani V, Beeghly A, Brown A, Charles L, Cheng A, Crispens M, Croessmann S, Davis E, Ding T, Duda S, Enriquez K, French B, Gillaspie E, Hausrath D, Hennessy C, Lewis J, Li X, Prescott L, Reid S, Saif S, Slosky D, Solorzano C, Sun T, Vega-Luna K, Wang L, Aboulafia D, Carducci T, Goldsmith K, Van Loon S, Topaloglu U, Moore J, Rice R, Cabalona W, Cyr S, Barrow McCollough B, Peddi P, Rosen L, Ravindranathan D, Hafez N, Herbst R, LoRusso P, Lustberg M, Masters T, Stratton C. Interplay of Immunosuppression and Immunotherapy Among Patients With Cancer and COVID-19. JAMA Oncology 2023, 9: 128-134. PMID: 36326731, PMCID: PMC9634600, DOI: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.5357.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCOVID-19 severitySystemic anticancer therapyWorse COVID-19 severityCytokine stormBaseline immunosuppressionCohort studyAnticancer therapyCOVID-19Registry-based retrospective cohort studyIntensive care unit admissionCare unit admissionRetrospective cohort studyMulti-institutional registryLaboratory-confirmed infectionSevere clinical outcomesImmune system activationSARS-CoV-2Non-Hispanic whitesCOVID-19 diagnosisIO therapyPrevious cancerUnit admissionSecondary outcomesMedian agePrimary outcome
Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Outcomes Among Black and White Patients With Cancer
Fu J, Reid S, French B, Hennessy C, Hwang C, Gatson N, Duma N, Mishra S, Nguyen R, Hawley J, Singh S, Chism D, Venepalli N, Warner J, Choueiri T, Schmidt A, Fecher L, Girard J, Bilen M, Ravindranathan D, Goyal S, Wise-Draper T, Park C, Painter C, McGlown S, de Lima Lopes G, Serrano O, Shah D, Halmos B, Verma A, Gartrell B, Goel S, Ohri N, Sica R, Thakkar A, Stockerl-Goldstein K, Butt O, Campian J, Fiala M, Monahan R, Zhou A, Patel J, Piper-Vallillo A, Bindal P, Thompson M, Bohachek P, Mundt D, Streckfuss M, Tadesse E, Lammers P, Panagiotou O, Egan P, Farmakiotis D, Khan H, Olszewski A, Loaiza-Bonilla A, Del Prete S, Angevine A, Bar M, Gulati A, Steve Lo K, Stratton J, Weinstein P, Caimi P, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Garcia J, Nakayama J, Gupta S, Pennell N, Ahluwalia M, Dawsey S, Lemmon C, Nizam A, Hoppenot C, Li A, Bakouny Z, Bouchard G, Busser F, Connors J, Curran C, Demetri G, Giordano A, Kelleher K, Nohria A, Shaw G, Van Allen E, Nuzzo P, Xu V, Zon R, Zhang T, Halabi S, Leighton J, Lyman G, Graber J, Grivas P, Khaki A, Loggers E, Lynch R, Nakasone E, Schweizer M, Tachiki L, Vinayak S, Wagner M, Yeh A, Huynh-Le M, Rosenstein L, Yu P, Clement J, Daher A, Dailey M, Elias R, Jayaraj A, Hsu E, Menendez A, Rathmann J, Gadgeel S, Hershman D, Accordino M, Bhutani D, Schwartz G, Reuben D, Mushtaq S, Bernicker E, Deeken J, Shafer D, Lewis M, Rhodes T, Gill D, Low C, Mashru S, Mansoor A, Zaren H, Smith S, Nagaraj G, Akhtari M, Lau E, Reeves M, Berg S, Elms D, Morgans A, Wehbe F, Altman J, Gurley M, Mulcahy M, Durbin E, Kulkarni A, Nelson H, Shah S, Rosovsky R, Reynolds K, Bardia A, Boland G, Gainor J, Zubiri L, Halfdanarson T, Bekaii-Saab T, Desai A, Xie Z, Mesa R, Bonnen M, Mahadevan D, Ramirez A, Salazar M, Shah P, Faller B, McKay R, Ajmera A, Cabal A, Shaya J, Weissmann L, Jani C, Knoble J, Glace M, Rink C, Stauffer K, Zacks R, Joshi M, Menon H, Rovito M, Griffiths E, Elshoury A, Jabbour S, Shah M, Bashir B, McNair C, Mahmood S, Mico V, Miller C, Rivera A, Flora D, Logan B, Kloecker G, Mandapakala C, Shah S, Cabebe E, Glover M, Jha A, Schapira L, Wu J, Subbiah S, Revankar S, Stover D, Addison D, Chen J, Gatti-Mays M, Jhawar S, Karivedu V, Lustberg M, Palmer J, Pillainayagam C, Wall S, Williams N, Wulff-Burchfield E, Kasi A, Edwin N, Smits M, Owenby S, Doroshow D, Galsky M, Wotman M, Zhu H, Fazio A, Riess J, Patel K, Rubinstein S, Wood W, Islam J, Kumar V, Ahmad S, Grover P, Gulati S, Kharofa J, Marcum M, Bowles D, Geiger C, Markham M, Bishnoi R, Russ A, Shah C, Acoba J, Rho Y, Feldman L, Hoskins K, Gantt G, Khan M, Pasquinelli M, Schwartz C, Vikas P, Friese C, Mavromatis B, Bijjula R, Zaman Q, Cheng A, Davis E, Duda S, Enriquez K, Gillaspie E, Hausrath D, Hsu C, Johnson D, Li X, Rini B, Slosky D, Shyr Y, Solorzano C, Sun T, Tucker M, Vega-Luna K, Wang L, Puc M, Carducci T, Goldsmith K, Van Loon S, Topaloglu U, Alimohamed S, Rice R, Cabalona W, Pilar C, Peddi P, Rosen L, McCollough B, Hafez N, Herbst R, LoRusso P, Masters T, Stratton C, Koshkin V, Kwon D, Peters S. Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Outcomes Among Black and White Patients With Cancer. JAMA Network Open 2022, 5: e224304. PMID: 35344045, PMCID: PMC8961318, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.4304.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBlack patientsWhite patientsCOVID-19 outcomesElectronic health recordsCOVID-19Intensive care unit admissionNon-Hispanic white patientsWorse COVID-19 severityWorse COVID-19 outcomesNon-Hispanic Black individualsRacial disparitiesCare unit admissionRetrospective cohort studyCOVID-19 presentationUnique clinical courseCOVID-19 severityPatients' electronic health recordsCOVID-19 diagnosisCause deathUnit admissionClinical characteristicsCohort studyClinical courseMechanical ventilationClinical complicationsAssessment of Regional Variability in COVID-19 Outcomes Among Patients With Cancer in the United States
Hawley J, Sun T, Chism D, Duma N, Fu J, Gatson N, Mishra S, Nguyen R, Reid S, Serrano O, Singh S, Venepalli N, Bakouny Z, Bashir B, Bilen M, Caimi P, Choueiri T, Dawsey S, Fecher L, Flora D, Friese C, Glover M, Gonzalez C, Goyal S, Halfdanarson T, Hershman D, Khan H, Labaki C, Lewis M, McKay R, Messing I, Pennell N, Puc M, Ravindranathan D, Rhodes T, Rivera A, Roller J, Schwartz G, Shah S, Shaya J, Streckfuss M, Thompson M, Wulff-Burchfield E, Xie Z, Yu P, Warner J, Shah D, French B, Hwang C, Halmos B, Verma A, Gartrell B, Goel S, Ohri N, Sica R, Thakkar A, Stockerl-Goldstein K, Butt O, Campian J, Fiala M, Henderson J, Monahan R, Zhou A, Thompson M, Bohachek P, Mundt D, Streckfuss M, Tadesse E, Lammers P, Panagiotou O, Egan P, Farmakiotis D, Khan H, Olszewski A, Loaiza-Bonilla A, Del Prete S, Bar M, Gulati A, Steve Lo K, Rose S, Stratton J, Weinstein P, Caimi P, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Garcia J, Nakayama J, Gupta S, Pennell N, Ahluwalia M, Dawsey S, Lemmon C, Nizam A, Hoppenot C, Li A, Choueiri T, Bakouny Z, Bouchard G, Busser F, Connors J, Curran C, Demetri G, Giordano A, Kelleher K, Nohria A, Schmidt A, Shaw G, Van Allen E, Nuzzo P, Xu V, Zon R, Zhang T, Halabi S, Leighton J, Lyman G, Graber J, Grivas P, Khaki A, Loggers E, Lynch R, Nakasone E, Schweizer M, Tachiki L, Vinayak S, Wagner M, Yeh A, Gatson N, Goyal S, Huynh-Le M, Rosenstein L, Yu P, Clement J, Daher A, Dailey M, Elias R, Jayaraj A, Hsu E, Menendez A, Rathmann J, Serrano O, Hwang C, Gadgeel S, Singh S, Hawley J, Hershman D, Accordino M, Bhutani D, Schwartz G, Reuben D, Alexander M, Mushtaq S, Bernicker E, Deeken J, Shafer D, Lewis M, Rhodes T, Gill D, Low C, Mashru S, Mansoor A, Zaren H, Smith S, Nagaraj G, Akhtari M, Lau E, Reeves M, Berg S, Elms D, Morgans A, Wehbe F, Altman J, Gurley M, Mulcahy M, Durbin E, Kulkarni A, Nelson H, Sachs Z, Shah S, Rosovsky R, Reynolds K, Bardia A, Boland G, Gainor J, Zubiri L, Halfdanarson T, Bekaii-Saab T, Desai A, Xie Z, Mesa R, Bonnen M, Mahadevan D, Ramirez A, Salazar M, Shah D, Shah P, Faller B, McKay R, Ajmera A, Brouha S, Cabal A, Hsiao A, Kligerman S, Shaya J, Weissmann L, Jani C, Thomson C, Knoble J, Glace M, Rink C, Stauffer K, Zacks R, Blau S, Joshi M, Menon H, Rovito M, Griffiths E, Elshoury A, Jabbour S, Misdary C, Shah M, Bashir B, McNair C, Mahmood S, Mico V, Rivera A, Flora D, Logan B, Kloecker G, Mandapakala C, Shah S, Cabebe E, Glover M, Jha A, Schapira L, Wu J, Subbiah S, Lopes G, Revankar S, Stover D, Addison D, Chen J, Gatti-Mays M, Jhawar S, Karivedu V, Lustberg M, Palmer J, Wall S, Williams N, Wulff-Burchfield E, Kasi A, Edwin N, Smits M, Chism D, Owenby S, Doroshow D, Galsky M, Wotman M, Zhu H, Fu J, Fazio A, Sueyoshi M, Huber K, Riess J, Patel K, Rubinstein S, Wood W, Jensen C, Kumar V, Wise-Draper T, Ahmad S, Grover P, Gulati S, Kharofa J, Latif T, Marcum M, Park C, Shaikh H, Bowles D, Geiger C, Markham M, Bishnoi R, Russ A, Shah C, Acoba J, Rho Y, Feldman L, Hoskins K, Gantt G, Liu L, Khan M, Nguyen R, Pasquinelli M, Schwartz C, Venepalli N, Vikas P, Friese C, Fecher L, Mavromatis B, Bijjula R, Zaman Q, Warner J, Cheng A, Davis E, Duda S, Enriquez K, French B, Gillaspie E, Hennessy C, Hausrath D, Hsu C, Johnson D, Li X, Mishra S, Reid S, Rini B, Slosky D, Shyr Y, Solorzano C, Sun T, Tucker M, Vega-Luna K, Wang L, Kennecke H, Aboulafia D, Schroeder B, Puc M, Carducci T, Goldsmith K, Van Loon S, Topaloglu U, Alimohamed S, Rice R, Cabalona W, Pilar C, Peddi P, Rosen L, McCollough B, Bilen M, Ravindranathan D, Hafez N, Herbst R, LoRusso P, Masters T, Stratton C. Assessment of Regional Variability in COVID-19 Outcomes Among Patients With Cancer in the United States. JAMA Network Open 2022, 5: e2142046. PMID: 34982158, PMCID: PMC8728628, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.42046.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedCause of DeathCensusesCOVID-19FemaleHealth FacilitiesHumansIntensive Care UnitsMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasmsOdds RatioPandemicsRegistriesRespiration, ArtificialRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsRural PopulationSARS-CoV-2Severity of Illness IndexSocial VulnerabilitySpatial AnalysisUnited StatesUrban PopulationConceptsCOVID-19 outcomesRural-Urban Continuum CodesCohort studyLaboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infectionMortality rateUS census divisionsRegistry-based retrospective cohort studyIntensive care unit admissionRegistry-based cohort studySARS-CoV-2 infectionPatient-level risk factorsSecondary composite outcomeCare unit admissionRetrospective cohort studyCare of patientsCensus divisionsInvasive malignant neoplasmCOVID-19Significant differencesCOVID-19 diagnosisCause deathUnit admissionCause mortalityComposite outcomePatient characteristics
Phase I Dose-Escalation and -Expansion Study of Telisotuzumab (ABT-700), an Antiâc-Met Antibody, in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors
Strickler JH, LoRusso P, Salgia R, Kang YK, Yen C, Lin CC, Ansell P, Motwani M, Wong S, Yue H, Wang L, Reilly E, Afar D, Naumovski L, Ramanathan RK. Phase I Dose-Escalation and -Expansion Study of Telisotuzumab (ABT-700), an Antiâc-Met Antibody, in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 2020, 19: 1210-1217. PMID: 32127466, DOI: 10.1158/1535-7163.mct-19-0529.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdvanced solid tumorsSolid tumorsStable diseaseDose escalationCommon treatment-related adverse eventsAnti-c-Met antibodyTreatment-related adverse eventsDose-expansion phaseI Dose-EscalationAcceptable safety profileResponse Evaluation CriteriaDose-limiting toxicitySubset of patientsLinear pharmacokinetic profilePeak plasma concentrationAcute infusion reactionsHuman phase IDose cohortsDose expansionRECIST criteriaAdverse eventsEscalation cohortsInfusion reactionsObjective responsePartial response
Immunohistologic evaluation of invasion-associated proteases in breast carcinoma.
Visscher D, Sarkar F, LoRusso P, Sakr W, Ottosen S, Wykes S, Crissman J. Immunohistologic evaluation of invasion-associated proteases in breast carcinoma. Modern Pathology 1993, 6: 302-6. PMID: 8346178.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast carcinomaUrokinase-type plasminogen activatorShort-term recurrence-free survivalCathepsin DNode-positive patientsRecurrence-free survivalProteolytic enzyme expressionHeterogeneous staining patternFree survivalImmunohistologic evaluationMetastatic diseasePositive patientsInflammatory cellsNeoplastic epitheliumExtracellular matrix dissolutionSystematic metastasisClinical aggressivenessMost tumorsTumor componentsMetastatic capacityCryostat sectionsCarcinomaMonoclonal antibodiesStaining patternPlasminogen activator