Smoking Across the Menopausal Transition in a 10-Year Longitudinal Sample: The Role of Sex Hormones and Depressive Symptoms
Peltier MR, Flores JM, Smith PH, Roberts W, Verplaetse TL, Moore KE, Hacker R, Oberleitner LM, McKee SA. Smoking Across the Menopausal Transition in a 10-Year Longitudinal Sample: The Role of Sex Hormones and Depressive Symptoms. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2019, 22: 872-877. PMID: 31058288, PMCID: PMC7249927, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntz069.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRegular smoking behaviorMenopausal transitionSmoking behaviorRegular smokingSex hormonesDepressive symptomsSmoking-related health consequencesMenopausal transition statusCigarette smoking ratesImpact of progesteroneRandom effects logistic regression modelHigher depression scoresMenopausal transition stageLogistic regression modelsContinued smokingSmoking cessationSmoking patternsSmoking ratesOlder womenDepression scoresSmokingWomen's healthSmoking transitionsHormone measuresHealth consequences
Cigarette smoking among those with mental disorders in the US population: 2012â2013 update
Smith PH, Chhipa M, Bystrik J, Roy J, Goodwin RD, McKee SA. Cigarette smoking among those with mental disorders in the US population: 2012â2013 update. Tobacco Control 2018, 29: 29-35. PMID: 30377242, PMCID: PMC11533450, DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054268.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersMental disordersCigarette smokingUse disordersCommon mental disordersPrevalence of lifetimePast-year smokingNational Epidemiologic SurveyRelated Conditions-IIICurrent cigarette useQuit ratioSmoking cessationSmoking prevalenceDaily smokingEpidemiologic SurveySmokingSpecific diagnosisPrevalence estimatesCigarette useUS populationTobacco controlPrevalenceCommon moodDisordersRepresentative estimatesIntersection of E-Cigarette Use and Gender on Transitions in Cigarette Smoking Status: Findings Across Waves 1 and 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study
Verplaetse TL, Moore KE, Pittman BP, Roberts W, Oberleitner LM, Peltier M, Hacker R, Cosgrove KP, McKee SA. Intersection of E-Cigarette Use and Gender on Transitions in Cigarette Smoking Status: Findings Across Waves 1 and 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2018, 21: 1423-1428. PMID: 30239953, PMCID: PMC6751514, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/nty187.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsE-cigarette useE-cigarette usersCigarette smoking statusE-cigarettesSmoking statusSmoking cessationCigarette smokersSmoking relapseGreater riskDaily e-cigarette usersWave 1Stratified analysisHigher oddsHealth StudyPotential riskSmokingRelapseDrug AdministrationElectronic cigarettesSmokersPopulation AssessmentPotential aidMenWomenRiskTobacco use during a clinical trial of mecamylamine for alcohol dependence: Medication effects on smoking and associations with reductions in drinking
Roberts W, Ralevski E, Verplaetse TL, McKee SA, Petrakis IL. Tobacco use during a clinical trial of mecamylamine for alcohol dependence: Medication effects on smoking and associations with reductions in drinking. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2018, 94: 91-96. PMID: 30243424, PMCID: PMC6154389, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2018.08.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol use disorderClinical trialsSmoking outcomesNicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonistAlcohol useHigh-dependence smokersEffects of mecamylamineSubgroups of smokersAcetylcholine receptor antagonistHigh tobacco dependencePlacebo groupMedication conditionReceptor antagonistMedication effectsTobacco dependenceTobacco useTreatment respondersMecamylamineSmokingTreatment phaseUse disordersAlcohol dependenceSmokersTrialsSignificant differencesDeveloping a Laboratory Model of Smoking Lapse Targeting Stress and Brief Nicotine Deprivation
Oberleitner LMS, Moore KE, Verplaetse T, Roberts W, McKee SA. Developing a Laboratory Model of Smoking Lapse Targeting Stress and Brief Nicotine Deprivation. Experimental And Clinical Psychopharmacology 2018, 26: 244-250. PMID: 29863382, PMCID: PMC5990030, DOI: 10.1037/pha0000187.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNicotine deprivationAd libitum smokingSmoking lapse behaviorHuman laboratory modelImagery inductionSmoking periodOnly significant differenceDaily smokersTobacco cravingMonetary reinforcementSmokingSeparate daysHuman laboratoryLapse behaviorSignificant differencesMood statesEffects of stressReduced abilityDelay periodNegative mood statesPrimary aimStress imagerySecondary goalCurrent studyNeutral imageryA preliminary investigation into the effects of doxazosin on cognitive functioning in tobaccoâdeprived and âsatiated smokers
Roberts W, Verplaetse TL, Moore KE, Oberleitner LM, McKee SA. A preliminary investigation into the effects of doxazosin on cognitive functioning in tobaccoâdeprived and âsatiated smokers. Human Psychopharmacology Clinical And Experimental 2018, 33: e2660. PMID: 29878501, PMCID: PMC5995328, DOI: 10.1002/hup.2660.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsContinuous performance taskInhibitory controlCognitive functioningPerformance taskTobacco withdrawalEffects of doxazosinSustained attentionCognitive performanceWithdrawal symptomsCognitive AssessmentSmoking outcomesMost measuresSelf-reported withdrawal symptomsReaction timeTaskParticipantsFunctioningPredrug levelsÎ1 antagonistTitration periodGreater improvementDoxazosinSmokingSymptomsPreliminary investigationEffects of Varenicline Alone and in Combination With Low-dose Naltrexone on Alcohol-primed Smoking in Heavy-drinking Tobacco Users
Roberts W, Shi JM, Tetrault JM, McKee SA. Effects of Varenicline Alone and in Combination With Low-dose Naltrexone on Alcohol-primed Smoking in Heavy-drinking Tobacco Users. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2018, 12: 227-233. PMID: 29438157, PMCID: PMC5970035, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000000392.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLow-dose naltrexoneTobacco usersTreatment outcomesPlacebo-controlled human laboratory studySmoking cessation treatmentEffects of vareniclineCigarettes ad libitumHuman laboratory studiesSubjective drug effectsVarenicline monotherapyCessation medicationsMedication therapyCessation treatmentMedication armTobacco useVareniclineLow doseSmoking relapseSmokingDrug effectsSmoking outcomesSmoking behaviorNaltrexoneCarbon monoxide levelsHeavy drinkersSex differences in the nicotinic acetylcholine and dopamine receptor systems underlying tobacco smoking addiction
Verplaetse T, Morris ED, McKee SA, Cosgrove KP. Sex differences in the nicotinic acetylcholine and dopamine receptor systems underlying tobacco smoking addiction. Current Opinion In Behavioral Sciences 2018, 23: 196-202. PMID: 31341936, PMCID: PMC6656369, DOI: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2018.04.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSmoking addictionNicotinic acetylcholine receptor systemReceptor systemNon-nicotine factorsRecent imaging literatureSex differencesNicotine replacement therapyDopamine receptor systemAcetylcholine receptor systemNicotine-motivated behaviorsFuture medication developmentNicotine-related reinforcementTobacco smokingImaging findingsNicotine administrationReplacement therapyDopaminergic systemNeurochemical mechanismsNicotinic acetylcholineDopamine systemMedication developmentLines of evidenceSmokingImaging literatureWomenPilot investigation of the effect of carvedilol on stress-precipitated smoking-lapse behavior
Verplaetse TL, Weinberger AH, Ashare RL, Pittman BP, Shi JM, Tetrault JM, Lavery M, McKee SA. Pilot investigation of the effect of carvedilol on stress-precipitated smoking-lapse behavior. Journal Of Psychopharmacology 2018, 32: 1003-1009. PMID: 29692206, PMCID: PMC6258014, DOI: 10.1177/0269881118767647.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEffects of carvedilolSmoking lapse behaviorAdrenergic antagonistsTobacco cravingSmoking outcomesPhysiologic reactivitySystolic blood pressureNumber of cigarettesNicotine-motivated behaviorsà time effectSelf-administration periodEffects of α1Human laboratory modelNicotine-deprived smokersPlacebo groupBlood pressureAdrenergic antagonismMedication conditionClinical indicationsNoradrenergic systemSubsequent smokingHeart rateProperties of drugsSmokingCarvedilol
Maternal smoking and autism spectrum disorder: meta-analysis with population smoking metrics as moderators
Jung Y, Lee AM, McKee SA, Picciotto MR. Maternal smoking and autism spectrum disorder: meta-analysis with population smoking metrics as moderators. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 4315. PMID: 28659613, PMCID: PMC5489536, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-04413-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMale smoking prevalenceMaternal smokingNicotine exposureSmoking prevalenceAdult male smoking prevalenceSignificant associationPostnatal nicotine exposureUtero nicotine exposureAutism spectrum disorderRandom-effects modelWorld Health Organization dataMeta-regression analysisSmoking metricsSmoke exposureSecondhand smokingPooled ORsObservational studySpectrum disorderSmokingBrain developmentControl participantsPrevalenceASD riskExposureAssociationEffect of doxazosin on stress reactivity and the ability to resist smoking
Verplaetse TL, Weinberger AH, Oberleitner LM, Smith KM, Pittman BP, Shi JM, Tetrault JM, Lavery ME, Picciotto MR, McKee SA. Effect of doxazosin on stress reactivity and the ability to resist smoking. Journal Of Psychopharmacology 2017, 31: 830-840. PMID: 28440105, PMCID: PMC5823502, DOI: 10.1177/0269881117699603.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTobacco cravingCortisol levelsSubsequent ad libitum smokingEffects of doxazosinAd libitum smokingNumber of cigarettesNicotine-motivated behaviorsSmoking lapse behaviorÎ1-adrenergic antagonistNicotine-deprived smokersTitration periodPreclinical findingsSmoking cessationNoradrenergic systemTreatment strategiesDoxazosinSmoking behaviorSmokingHuman laboratoryPhysiologic reactivityPilot studyStress reactivityEffects of stressCigarettesStress imagery
Guanfacine alters the effect of stress and smoking on heart rate variability in regular daily smokers
Verplaetse TL, Smith PH, Smith KM, Oberleitner LM, McKee SA. Guanfacine alters the effect of stress and smoking on heart rate variability in regular daily smokers. Psychopharmacology 2016, 234: 805-813. PMID: 28028603, PMCID: PMC5309140, DOI: 10.1007/s00213-016-4517-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHeart rate variabilityRegular daily smokersEffects of guanfacineSmoking lapse behaviorHF-HRVPlacebo groupDaily smokersRate variabilitySmoking-related decreaseÎ2A-adrenergic agonistAd libitum smokingAd lib smokingHigh-frequency heart rate variabilityEffects of stressStress imageryNoradrenergic targetsVagal activityParent studySmokingGuanfacineTonic levelsPhasic changesNeutral imagery conditionsPotential mechanismsImportant markerSex/gender differences in smoking cessation: A review
Smith PH, Bessette AJ, Weinberger AH, Sheffer CE, McKee SA. Sex/gender differences in smoking cessation: A review. Preventive Medicine 2016, 92: 135-140. PMID: 27471021, PMCID: PMC5085924, DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.07.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProspective observational studyObservational studyCross-sectional investigationSex/gender differencesSmoking cessationEffectiveness trialCommunity-based interventionsLong-term abstinenceGender differencesSmoker prevalenceEfficacy trialsOutcome assessmentTreatment studiesEpidemiological investigationsMeet criteriaStudy sampleTrialsCessationWomenRelapseSmokingBio-psychoMenQualitative reviewReviewAssociations of Gender, Smoking, and Stress with Transitions in Major Depression Diagnoses.
Verplaetse TL, Smith PH, Pittman BP, Mazure CM, McKee SA. Associations of Gender, Smoking, and Stress with Transitions in Major Depression Diagnoses. The Yale Journal Of Biology And Medicine 2016, 89: 123-9. PMID: 27354839, PMCID: PMC4918874.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor depression diagnosisFormer smokersDepression diagnosisMDD diagnosisMore stressful eventsStressful eventsFormer cigarette smokersU.S. National Epidemiologic SurveyCigarette smoking statusNational Epidemiologic SurveyAssociation of genderCurrent smokingSmoking statusCigarette smokersClinical assessmentDepression riskEpidemiologic SurveyLife event stressRelated conditionsSmokersSmokingDiagnosisBiological underpinningsEvent stressHigh rate
Association of Cigarette Smoking With Interpersonal and Self-Directed Violence in a Large Community-Based Sample
Lewis AS, Oberleitner LM, Morgan PT, Picciotto MR, McKee SA. Association of Cigarette Smoking With Interpersonal and Self-Directed Violence in a Large Community-Based Sample. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2015, 18: 1456-1462. PMID: 26718905, PMCID: PMC5942535, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntv287.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCigarette smoking statusSmoking statusCigarette smokingSelf-directed violenceRisk factorsDaily smokersViolence risk assessmentWave 1Substance useFormer cigarette smokersFormer daily smokersDaily cigarette smokingMajor risk factorNational Epidemiological SurveyCommunity-based sampleLogistic regression modelsRelevant demographic covariatesViolence risk factorsCessation strategiesCigarette smokersPsychiatric diagnosisEpidemiological surveySmokersSmokingAdult subjectsTranscranial Direct Current Brain Stimulation Increases Ability to Resist Smoking
Falcone M, Bernardo L, Ashare RL, Hamilton R, Faseyitan O, McKee SA, Loughead J, Lerman C. Transcranial Direct Current Brain Stimulation Increases Ability to Resist Smoking. Brain Stimulation 2015, 9: 191-196. PMID: 26572280, PMCID: PMC4789149, DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2015.10.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTranscranial direct current stimulationDorsolateral prefrontal cortexLeft dorsolateral prefrontal cortexActive transcranial direct current stimulationMA anodal stimulationAnodal stimulationSmoking cessation treatmentSmoking behavior changeSelf-reported smokingDirect current stimulationSecondary outcomesCessation treatmentWashout periodFirst cigaretteCigarette cravingOvernight abstinenceTDCS sessionsSmoking sessionCigarette consumptionSmokingTherapeutic potentialCurrent stimulationPrefrontal cortexCognitive control circuitsCathodal stimulationThe Yale Craving Scale: Development and psychometric properties
Rojewski AM, Morean ME, Toll BA, McKee SA, Krishnan-Sarin S, Green BG, Bartoshuk LM, OâMalley S. The Yale Craving Scale: Development and psychometric properties. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2015, 154: 158-166. PMID: 26183404, PMCID: PMC4834029, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.06.040.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCeiling effectsPsychometric evaluationCraving ScaleDrinking scoresTreatment-seeking smokersInternal consistencyGood internal consistencyHeavy drinkersSmokingGroup comparisonsDrinking urgesStudy sampleDrinking outcomesSensation intensitySubjective cravingLabeled Magnitude ScaleCigarettesPsychometric propertiesScoresCurrent studyLatent factor structureTest-criterion relationshipsSound scaleSmokersDependent populationThe Relationship Between Childhood Physical and Emotional Abuse and Smoking Cessation Among U.S. Women and Men
Smith PH, Saddleson ML, Homish GG, McKee SA, Kozlowski LT, Giovino GA. The Relationship Between Childhood Physical and Emotional Abuse and Smoking Cessation Among U.S. Women and Men. Psychology Of Addictive Behaviors 2015, 29: 338-346. PMID: 25347015, PMCID: PMC4486346, DOI: 10.1037/adb0000033.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSerious psychological distressChildhood maltreatmentQuit attemptsActual quit attemptsCurrent cigarette smokersSuccessful quit attemptsU.S. adult smokersNational U.S. sampleLikelihood of smokingFemale smokersPsychological distressSmoking cessationCigarette smokersAdult smokersSmoking outcomesSmokingMore difficultyMaltreatmentSmokersU.S. sampleLower likelihoodTelephone surveyPath modelingMotivationWomenSystematic and Meta-Analytic Review of Research Examining the Impact of Menstrual Cycle Phase and Ovarian Hormones on Smoking and Cessation
Weinberger AH, Smith PH, Allen SS, Cosgrove KP, Saladin ME, Gray KM, Mazure CM, Wetherington CL, McKee SA. Systematic and Meta-Analytic Review of Research Examining the Impact of Menstrual Cycle Phase and Ovarian Hormones on Smoking and Cessation. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2015, 17: 407-421. PMID: 25762750, PMCID: PMC4429881, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntu249.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMenstrual cycle phaseHormone levelsOvarian hormonesLuteal phaseSmoking behaviorSearch termsOvarian hormone levelsMenstrual phase effectsCessation-related behaviorsTiming of interventionNegative subjective effectsMenstrual cycle effectsProgesterone administrationFollicular phaseMedication responseQuit ratesTonic cravingInclusion criteriaMenstrual phaseNonsignificant trendSmoking outcomesCycle phaseSmokingSystematic reviewGreater tonic
A translational investigation targeting stress-reactivity and prefrontal cognitive control with guanfacine for smoking cessation
McKee SA, Potenza MN, Kober H, Sofuoglu M, Arnsten A, Picciotto MR, Weinberger AH, Ashare R, Sinha R. A translational investigation targeting stress-reactivity and prefrontal cognitive control with guanfacine for smoking cessation. Journal Of Psychopharmacology 2014, 29: 300-311. PMID: 25516371, PMCID: PMC4376109, DOI: 10.1177/0269881114562091.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPlacebo-treated subjectsFunctional magnetic resonance imagingCentral noradrenergic pathwaysPrefrontal cognitive dysfunctionSystolic blood pressureClinical outcome dataAd libitum smokingNovel translational approachStress-induced reinstatementMagnetic resonance imagingNicotine-deprived smokersBlood pressureNoradrenergic pathwaysAgonist guanfacineCognitive dysfunctionTreatment periodTobacco cravingQuit attemptsOutcome dataSmokingComplete abstinenceCortisol levelsTranslational investigationsCigarette useGuanfacine