Alcohol use and cannabis craving in daily life: Sex differences and associations among young adults
Davis C, Ramer N, Squeglia L, Gex K, McRaeâClark A, McKee S, Roberts W, Gray K, Baker N, Tomko R. Alcohol use and cannabis craving in daily life: Sex differences and associations among young adults. Alcohol Clinical And Experimental Research 2024, 48: 2331-2340. PMID: 39579151, PMCID: PMC11629456, DOI: 10.1111/acer.15461.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCannabis cravingAlcohol useMomentary levelWeeks of ecological momentary assessmentYoung adultsEcological momentary assessmentCo-used substancesFemale participantsPatterns of substance useMale participantsLevels of alcohol consumptionConditioned cuesMomentary assessmentAlcohol quantityCravingNaturalistic conditionsCannabisSubstance useSex differencesCo-useAlcohol consumptionNegative associationAlcoholParticipantsFrequent pairsGender Differences in Alcohol Use Disorder Trends from 2009-2019: An Intersectional Analysis
Verplaetse T, Carretta R, Struble C, Pittman B, Roberts W, Zakiniaeiz Y, Peltier M, McKee S. Gender Differences in Alcohol Use Disorder Trends from 2009-2019: An Intersectional Analysis. Alcohol 2024 PMID: 39579801, DOI: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2024.11.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRates of alcohol use disordersAlcohol use disorderMarital statusRates of alcohol useDrug Use and Health (NSDUHNational Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUHGender differencesIntersectional lensIntersectional analysisEffects of sociodemographic variablesDisorder trendsHousehold incomeNational surveyEmployment statusSociodemographic variablesAlcohol useEducation levelHeightened riskGenderLogistic regressionDemographic characteristicsEmploymentIncomeUrbanizationAdult menM81 Examining the Relationship of Concurrent Obesity and Tobacco Use Disorder on the Development of Substance Use Disorders and Psychiatric Conditions: Findings From the NESARC-III
Fields L, Roberts W, Schwing I, McCoy M, McKee S. M81 Examining the Relationship of Concurrent Obesity and Tobacco Use Disorder on the Development of Substance Use Disorders and Psychiatric Conditions: Findings From the NESARC-III. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2024, 260: 110361. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.110361.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe Causes and Consequences of Stigma Among Individuals Involved in the Criminal Legal System: A Systematic Review
Moore K, Phillips S, Kromash R, Siebert S, Roberts W, Peltier M, Smith M, Verplaetse T, Marotta P, Burke C, Allison G, McKee S. The Causes and Consequences of Stigma Among Individuals Involved in the Criminal Legal System: A Systematic Review. Stigma And Health 2024, 9: 224-235. PMID: 39381322, PMCID: PMC11456775, DOI: 10.1037/sah0000483.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImaging a putative marker of brain cortisol regulation in alcohol use disorder
Verplaetse T, Hillmer A, Bhatt S, Rusowicz A, Li S, Nabulsi N, Matuskey D, Huang Y, McKee S, Cosgrove K. Imaging a putative marker of brain cortisol regulation in alcohol use disorder. Neurobiology Of Stress 2024, 29: 100609. PMID: 38304303, PMCID: PMC10832501, DOI: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2024.100609.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAlcohol use disorderAnterior cingulate cortexDrinking days/weekModerate to severe alcohol use disorderHealthy controlsHypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axisSevere alcohol use disorderPositron emission tomographyHPA axis dysfunctionHPA axis functionRelease of glucocorticoid hormonesAlcohol consumptionAssociated with drinkingVentromedial PFCCingulate cortexHigh-resolution research tomographHPA activityUse disorderDrinking episodesCortisol regulationAxis functionVmPFCPeripheral cortisolBrain availabilityDisordered backgroundThe criminal justice system in alcohol use treatment: a nationwide analysis of racial disparities in treatment referral and completion
Stenersen M, Peltier M, McKee S. The criminal justice system in alcohol use treatment: a nationwide analysis of racial disparities in treatment referral and completion. Alcohol And Alcoholism 2024, 59: agad092. PMID: 38266072, PMCID: PMC10807701, DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agad092.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCJ systemCriminal justiceCriminal justice systemReferral to alcohol treatmentAnalysis of racial disparitiesInfluence of raceJustice systemTreatment completionNative peopleTreatment Episode Dataset-DischargeImpact of raceCommunities of colorTreatment referralAlcohol treatmentAlcohol use treatmentSubstance useRacial inequalityRacial disparitiesScholarly literatureUse treatmentAmerican Indian/Alaska Native peopleUnited StatesSeries of ANOVAsAlcohol useRaceThe role of neurosteroids in posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorder: A review of 10âŻyears of clinical literature and treatment implications
Peltier M, Verplaetse T, Altemus M, Zakiniaeiz Y, Ralevski E, Mineur Y, Gueorguieva R, Picciotto M, Cosgrove K, Petrakis I, McKee S. The role of neurosteroids in posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorder: A review of 10âŻyears of clinical literature and treatment implications. Frontiers In Neuroendocrinology 2024, 73: 101119. PMID: 38184208, PMCID: PMC11185997, DOI: 10.1016/j.yfrne.2023.101119.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPosttraumatic stress disorderAlcohol use disorderStress disorderContext of PTSDPTSD/AUDConcurrent posttraumatic stress disorderUnderlying neurobiological mechanismsUse disordersAlcohol-related variablesNeurobiological mechanismsPTSD diagnosisTreatment developmentTreatment implicationsBody of literatureNovel interventionsClinical literatureRole of neurosteroidsDisordersTreatment outcomesYears of researchAlcohol consumptionExogenous pregnenolonePharmacological treatmentBiological variablesAllopregnanoloneNavigating Ethical Challenges in Psychological Research Involving Digital Remote Technologies and People Who Use Alcohol or Drugs
Roberts W, McKee S, Miranda R, Barnett N. Navigating Ethical Challenges in Psychological Research Involving Digital Remote Technologies and People Who Use Alcohol or Drugs. American Psychologist 2024, 79: 24-38. PMID: 38236213, PMCID: PMC10798215, DOI: 10.1037/amp0001193.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAmerican Psychological AssociationSubstance use researchPsychological AssociationPsychological researchHealth risk behaviorsBehavioral studiesAlcohol useBehavioral scientistsRisk behaviorsEthical issuesHuman behaviorStandard paradigmComplex ethical issuesInvestigate health risk behaviorsAlcoholAllied fieldsEthical standardsPsychologistsTraditional informed consentDistributive justiceDay-to-day activitiesPsychologyEthical groundsEthical ramificationsSubstances
Gender Differences in Risks of Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors in the USA: A Narrative Review
Carretta R, McKee S, Rhee T. Gender Differences in Risks of Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors in the USA: A Narrative Review. Current Psychiatry Reports 2023, 25: 809-824. PMID: 37930559, PMCID: PMC11225381, DOI: 10.1007/s11920-023-01473-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSuicidal behaviorRisk factorsSignificant risk factorsRisk of suicideYouth/young adultsPurpose of ReviewWeGender differencesSuicide ratesSummaryRecent researchBinge drinkingMale veteransFemale veteransNarrative reviewSpecial populationsYoung adultsSubstance useSuicide outcomesVeteransDevelopmental periodFemale youthNaltrexone/bupropion for bingeâeating disorder: A randomized, doubleâblind, placeboâcontrolled trial
Grilo C, Lydecker J, Jastreboff A, Pittman B, McKee S. Naltrexone/bupropion for bingeâeating disorder: A randomized, doubleâblind, placeboâcontrolled trial. Obesity 2023, 31: 2762-2773. PMID: 37751990, PMCID: PMC10600891, DOI: 10.1002/oby.23898.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNaltrexone/bupropionBinge-eating disorderObesity statusLogistic regressionWeight lossPlacebo-controlled trialWeight loss outcomesPrevalent psychiatric disordersEvidence-based treatmentsPost-treatment assessmentBinge-eating frequencyGreater percentage weight lossMedication outcomesRemission ratePharmacological optionsPlaceboBupropionPsychiatric disordersPercentage weight lossMixed modelsDisordersObesityPatientsSignificant reductionWeight reductionDeveloping Researchers with Expertise in Sex as a Biological Variable through SCORE Career Enhancement Core Center Programs
Zakiniaeiz Y, Peltier M, Mineur Y, Gueorguieva R, Picciotto M, Petrakis I, Cosgrove K, McKee S. Developing Researchers with Expertise in Sex as a Biological Variable through SCORE Career Enhancement Core Center Programs. Journal Of Women's Health 2023, 32: 852-857. PMID: 37585509, PMCID: PMC10457604, DOI: 10.1089/jwh.2023.0015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSex effects in predictors of smoking abstinence and neuropsychiatric adverse events in the EAGLES trial
McKee S, Lawrence D, Saccone P, McRae T, Anthenelli R. Sex effects in predictors of smoking abstinence and neuropsychiatric adverse events in the EAGLES trial. Drug And Alcohol Dependence Reports 2023, 8: 100177. PMID: 37520849, PMCID: PMC10372180, DOI: 10.1016/j.dadr.2023.100177.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeuropsychiatric adverse eventsCessation outcomesContinuous abstinenceAdverse eventsPsychiatric cohortPsychiatric statusLower oddsEfficacy of vareniclineSmoking cessation medicationsPoint prevalence abstinenceHigher baseline levelsSex effectsLogistic regression modelsEAGLES trialCessation medicationsBaseline characteristicsSmoking historyMedication useNicotine patchPoint prevalenceStudy treatmentBaseline variablesBaseline cigarettesAbstinence outcomesSignificant interactionSex steroid hormone levels associated with dopamine D2/3 receptor availability in people who smoke cigarettes
Zakiniaeiz Y, Gueorguieva R, Peltier M, Verplaetse T, Roberts W, McKee S, Cosgrove K. Sex steroid hormone levels associated with dopamine D2/3 receptor availability in people who smoke cigarettes. Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience 2023, 17: 1192740. PMID: 37358969, PMCID: PMC10288103, DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1192740.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSex steroid hormone levelsSteroid hormone levelsLow estradiol levelsTobacco smokingSex-matched counterpartsHormone levelsFree testosteroneEstradiol levelsAmphetamine administrationR availabilityPositron emission tomography scanPrimary addictive componentEmission tomography scanDopamine D2/3 receptor availabilityEffects of nicotineSex steroid hormonesAge-matched controlsCortical brain regionsD2/3 receptor availabilityNicotinic acetylcholine receptorsSex differencesDorsolateral prefrontal cortexDrug-taking behaviorDopaminergic actionsAddictive componentIn vivo imaging of brain cortisol regulation in alcohol use disorder
Verplaetse T, Bhatt S, Huang Y, McKee S, Cosgrove K. In vivo imaging of brain cortisol regulation in alcohol use disorder. Alcohol 2023, 109: 104. DOI: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2023.03.147.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe role of substance use treatment in reducing stigma after release from incarceration: A qualitative analysis
Moore K, Wyatt J, Phillips S, Burke C, Bellamy C, McKee S. The role of substance use treatment in reducing stigma after release from incarceration: A qualitative analysis. Health & Justice 2023, 11: 25. PMID: 37191937, PMCID: PMC10186797, DOI: 10.1186/s40352-023-00225-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersSubstance use treatmentUse treatmentStigma reductionAspects of treatmentOutpatient treatment facilitiesRole of substancesPeer navigatorsMethodsThis studyUse disordersSources of stigmaTreatment programStigma experiencesTreatmentNonjudgmental atmosphereTreatment facilitiesStigmaContent analysis approachMore researchMajor barrierDevelopmental trajectories of alcohol and cannabis concurrent use in a nationally representative sample of United States youths
Roberts W, Schick M, Tomko R, McRae-Clark A, Pittmann B, Gueorgieva R, McKee S. Developmental trajectories of alcohol and cannabis concurrent use in a nationally representative sample of United States youths. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2023, 248: 109908. PMID: 37149960, PMCID: PMC10330385, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.109908.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExamining the relationship of concurrent obesity and tobacco use disorder on the development of substance use disorders and psychiatric conditions: Findings from the NESARC-III
Fields L, Roberts W, Schwing I, McCoy M, Verplaetse T, Peltier M, Carretta R, Zakiniaeiz Y, Rosenheck R, McKee S. Examining the relationship of concurrent obesity and tobacco use disorder on the development of substance use disorders and psychiatric conditions: Findings from the NESARC-III. Drug And Alcohol Dependence Reports 2023, 7: 100162. PMID: 37159814, PMCID: PMC10163607, DOI: 10.1016/j.dadr.2023.100162.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTobacco use disorderSubstance use disordersBody mass indexUse disordersPsychiatric conditionsRisk of SUDAdditional substance use disordersSingle health conditionsRelated Conditions Wave IIIWorse health outcomesNational Epidemiological SurveyPsychiatric disorder diagnosisHarmful substance useDSM-5 criteriaConcurrent obesityComorbid obesityMass indexSUD diagnosisRisk factorsObesityComorbid diagnosesEpidemiological surveyHealth outcomesNESARC-IIIDisorder diagnosisThe role of sex hormones in targeting stress-induced tobacco craving, stress-reactivity, and smoking with guanfacine among women who smoke
Peltier M, McKee S. The role of sex hormones in targeting stress-induced tobacco craving, stress-reactivity, and smoking with guanfacine among women who smoke. Addiction Neuroscience 2023, 7: 100084. PMID: 37396408, PMCID: PMC10311966, DOI: 10.1016/j.addicn.2023.100084.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSex hormonesTobacco cravingMedication effectsMedication trialsSmoking behaviorCortisol responsePlacebo-controlled studySmoking cessation trialAd libitum periodGuanfacine's effectsCessation trialSmoking periodDrug effectsSecondary analysisGuanfacineEstradiolHormoneProgesteroneWomenCravingTrialsSex differencesContext of stressPresent studyPost-stress inductionTesting the efficacy of real-time fMRI neurofeedback for training people who smoke daily to upregulate neural responses to nondrug rewards
Chung Y, White R, Geier C, Johnston S, Smyth J, Delgado M, McKee S, Wilson S. Testing the efficacy of real-time fMRI neurofeedback for training people who smoke daily to upregulate neural responses to nondrug rewards. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 2023, 23: 440-456. PMID: 36788202, DOI: 10.3758/s13415-023-01070-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNondrug rewardsNeurofeedback trainingNeural responsesReal-time fMRI neurofeedback trainingReal-time fMRI neurofeedbackReward-related brain activityReward-related brain areasFMRI neurofeedback trainingTraining runsSingle neurofeedback sessionFMRI neurofeedbackBrain responsesNeurofeedback researchBrain activityBOLD activationNeurofeedback sessionsSuch rewardsStriatal activityNeurofeedbackControl conditionRewardBrain areasMonetary incentivesRecent researchSmoking cessationLiquor consumption is associated with other medical conditions in females who consume alcohol
Verplaetse T, Roberts W, Peltier M, Zakiniaeiz Y, Burke C, Pittman B, McKee S. Liquor consumption is associated with other medical conditions in females who consume alcohol. Drug And Alcohol Dependence Reports 2023, 6: 100132. PMID: 36994369, PMCID: PMC10040322, DOI: 10.1016/j.dadr.2023.100132.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMedical conditionsOdds of painSelf-reported doctorU.S. National Epidemiologic SurveyExtreme binge drinkingNational Epidemiologic SurveyConsumption of alcoholCardiovascular conditionsClinical careBinge drinkingEpidemiologic SurveyAlcohol consumptionPoor healthRelated conditionsRisky drinkingLiquor consumptionPainAUD statusCancerMalesRespiratoryContent beveragesFemalesHigh alcohol content beverageSex