Efficacy of laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) for newly diagnosed and recurrent IDH wild-type glioblastoma
de Groot JF, Kim AH, Prabhu S, Rao G, Laxton AW, Fecci PE, OâBrien B, Sloan A, Chiang V, Tatter SB, Mohammadi AM, Placantonakis DG, Strowd RE, Chen C, Hadjipanayis C, Khasraw M, Sun D, Piccioni D, Sinicrope KD, Campian JL, Kurz SC, Williams B, Smith K, Tovar-Spinoza Z, Leuthardt EC. Efficacy of laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) for newly diagnosed and recurrent IDH wild-type glioblastoma. Neuro-Oncology Advances 2022, 4: vdac040. PMID: 35611270, PMCID: PMC9122789, DOI: 10.1093/noajnl/vdac040.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMedian overall survivalLaser interstitial thermal therapyOverall survivalRecurrent patientsWild-type glioblastomaRecurrent glioblastomaGlioblastoma patientsProspective multicenter registry dataMulticenter registry dataRecurrent glioblastoma patientsChemo/radiationPrimary brain tumorsInterstitial thermal therapyIDH wild-type glioblastomaAdjuvant chemotherapyAdverse eventsImproved survivalClinical outcomesPromoter methylation statusMultivariable differenceSurgical approachTreatment optionsRegistry dataUS CentersTumor volume
Reirradiation With Stereotactic Radiosurgery After Local or Marginal Recurrence of Brain Metastases From Previous Radiosurgery
Kowalchuk RO, Niranjan A, Lee CC, Yang HC, Liscak R, Guseynova K, Tripathi M, Kumar N, Peker S, Samanci Y, Hess J, Chiang V, Iorio-Morin C, Mathieu D, Pikis S, Wei Z, Lunsford LD, Trifiletti DM, Sheehan JP. Reirradiation With Stereotactic Radiosurgery After Local or Marginal Recurrence of Brain Metastases From Previous Radiosurgery. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology âą Biology âą Physics 2021, 112: 726-734. PMID: 34644606, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.10.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLocal tumor controlRepeat stereotactic radiosurgeryRadiation necrosisStereotactic radiosurgeryBrain metastasesTumor controlMaximum doseMarginal recurrenceBiopsy-proven non-small cell lung cancerIsodose lineNon-small cell lung cancerRisk of RNPreoperative stereotactic radiosurgeryPrior stereotactic radiosurgerySymptomatic radiation necrosisNeuro-Oncology criteriaCell lung cancerPrescription isodose linePrevious radiosurgeryMargin dosePrimary endpointPrior immunotherapyLung cancerMajor indicationTumor volumeComparison of radiomic feature aggregation methods for patients with multiple tumors
Chang E, Joel MZ, Chang HY, Du J, Khanna O, Omuro A, Chiang V, Aneja S. Comparison of radiomic feature aggregation methods for patients with multiple tumors. Scientific Reports 2021, 11: 9758. PMID: 33963236, PMCID: PMC8105371, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-89114-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCox proportional hazards modelCox proportional hazardsProportional hazards modelBrain metastasesRadiomic featuresHazards modelProportional hazardsStandard Cox proportional hazards modelMultifocal brain metastasesMultiple brain metastasesNumber of patientsPatient-level outcomesHigher concordance indexRadiomic feature analysisRandom survival forest modelSurvival modelsDifferent tumor volumesMultifocal tumorsCancer outcomesMultiple tumorsMetastatic cancerConcordance indexTumor volumePatientsTumor types
Upfront Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Stereotactic Laser-Ablation in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: A Multicenter Review of Survival Outcomes Compared to a Matched Cohort of Biopsy-Only Patients.
Mohammadi AM, Sharma M, Beaumont TL, Juarez KO, Kemeny H, Dechant C, Seas A, Sarmey N, Lee BS, Jia X, Fecci PE, Baehring J, Moliterno J, Chiang VL, Ahluwalia MS, Kim AH, Barnett GH, Leuthardt EC. Upfront Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Stereotactic Laser-Ablation in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: A Multicenter Review of Survival Outcomes Compared to a Matched Cohort of Biopsy-Only Patients. Neurosurgery 2018, 85: 762-772. PMID: 30476325, PMCID: PMC7054708, DOI: 10.1093/neuros/nyy449.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProgression-free survivalDisease-specific deathOverall survivalChemo/radiotherapyPrognostic groupsOnly cohortNGBM patientsSpecific deathTumor volumeBiopsy-only patientsMedian tumor volumeFavorable prognostic factorRadiation/chemotherapyEffective treatment modalityStereotactic laser ablationMagnetic resonance imagingLA cohortMatched CohortMulticenter reviewPrognostic factorsUpfront treatmentIndependent predictorsSurvival outcomesTreatment modalitiesTumor locationSingle versus Multifraction Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Large Brain Metastases: An International Meta-analysis of 24 Trials
Lehrer EJ, Peterson JL, Zaorsky NG, Brown PD, Sahgal A, Chiang VL, Chao ST, Sheehan JP, Trifiletti DM. Single versus Multifraction Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Large Brain Metastases: An International Meta-analysis of 24 Trials. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology âą Biology âą Physics 2018, 103: 618-630. PMID: 30395902, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2018.10.038.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLarge brain metastasesMF-SRSSF-SRSMultifraction stereotactic radiosurgeryBrain metastasesRandom effects estimatesStereotactic radiosurgeryLocal controlMeta-AnalysisEffect estimatesRates of radionecrosisProspective clinical trialsPreferred Reporting ItemsRadionecrosis ratePostoperative settingTumor sizeInternational Meta-AnalysisEpidemiology guidelinesClinical trialsObservational studyRandom effectsTumor volumeSummary estimatesReporting ItemsMetastasis
Cumulative Intracranial Tumor Volume Augments the Prognostic Value of Diagnosis-Specific Graded Prognostic Assessment Model for Survival in Patients with Melanoma Cerebral Metastases
Hirshman BR, Wilson BR, Ali MA, Schupper AJ, Proudfoot JA, Goetsch SJ, Carter BS, Sinclair G, Bartek J, Chiang V, Fogarty G, Hong A, Chen CC. Cumulative Intracranial Tumor Volume Augments the Prognostic Value of Diagnosis-Specific Graded Prognostic Assessment Model for Survival in Patients with Melanoma Cerebral Metastases. Neurosurgery 2017, 83: 237-244. PMID: 28973506, DOI: 10.1093/neuros/nyx380.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCumulative intracranial tumor volumeIntracranial tumor volumeMelanoma brain metastasesBrain metastasesPrognostic valueDS-GPATumor volumeStereotactic radiosurgeryIndependent cohortKey prognostic variablesPrognostic assessment modelPrognostic assessment scaleKarnofsky performance statusNet reclassification indexCerebral metastasesPerformance statusMelanoma patientsPrognostic utilityIntracranial metastasesReclassification indexPrognostic accuracyPrognostic scalesPrognostic variablesPatientsMelanoma cohortImproving the Prognostic Value of Disease-Specific Graded Prognostic Assessment Model for Renal Cell Carcinoma by Incorporation of Cumulative Intracranial Tumor Volume
Ali MA, Hirshman BR, Wilson B, Schupper AJ, Joshi R, Proudfoot JA, Goetsch SJ, Alksne JF, Ott K, Aiyama H, Nagano O, Carter BS, Chiang V, Serizawa T, Yamamoto M, Chen CC. Improving the Prognostic Value of Disease-Specific Graded Prognostic Assessment Model for Renal Cell Carcinoma by Incorporation of Cumulative Intracranial Tumor Volume. World Neurosurgery 2017, 108: 151-156. PMID: 28754641, PMCID: PMC5705321, DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.07.109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCumulative intracranial tumor volumeNumber of BMKarnofsky performance scoreNet reclassification indexIntracranial tumor volumePrognostic assessment modelBrain metastasesPrognostic valueStereotactic radiosurgeryLogistic regression modelsTumor volumeMultivariable Cox proportional hazards modelsRenal cell carcinoma patientsUnivariable logistic regression modelsMultivariable logistic regression modelCox proportional hazards modelNew brain metastasesRCC brain metastasesCell carcinoma patientsImportant prognostic variablesRenal cell carcinomaProportional hazards modelRCC patient survivalBM patientsDS-GPA
Predicting treatment related imaging changes (TRICs) after radiosurgery for brain metastases using treatment dose and conformality metrics.
Taylor BF, Knisely JP, Qian JM, Yu JB, Chiang VL. Predicting treatment related imaging changes (TRICs) after radiosurgery for brain metastases using treatment dose and conformality metrics. Journal Of Radiosurgery And SBRT 2016, 4: 53-60. PMID: 29296426, PMCID: PMC5658837.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTreatment-related imaging changesPrescription isodose volumeConformity indexStereotactic radiosurgeryTumor volumeGamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgeryRadiation dose volumeSmall-volume lesionsPaddick conformity indexPost-treatment periodBrain metastasesAdditional patientsImaging changesDifferent post-treatment periodsTransient enlargementTreatment doseIsodose volumeRadiographic lesionsVolume lesionsClinical decisionDose volumeMetastasisTreatment factorsMonthsMonth period
Post-radiosurgical edema associated with parasagittal and parafalcine meningiomas: a multicenter study
Sheehan JP, Cohen-Inbar O, Ruangkanchanasetr R, Bulent Omay S, Hess J, Chiang V, Iorio-Morin C, Alonso-Basanta M, Mathieu D, Grills IS, Lee JY, Lee CC, Dade Lunsford L. Post-radiosurgical edema associated with parasagittal and parafalcine meningiomas: a multicenter study. Journal Of Neuro-Oncology 2015, 125: 317-324. PMID: 26329323, DOI: 10.1007/s11060-015-1911-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStereotactic radiosurgeryParafalcine meningiomaTumor controlTumor volumeInternational Gamma Knife Research FoundationPost-surgical residual tumorAdjuvant stereotactic radiosurgeryRetrospective multicenter reviewTumor volume controlUpfront stereotactic radiosurgeryVenous sinus compressionMedian marginal doseMedian tumor volumeSubset of patientsLong-term followPeri-tumoral edemaExtent of edemaVenous sinus invasionMedian followMarginal doseMulticenter reviewPrognostic factorsSinus compressionResidual tumorMulticenter studyGamma Knife radiosurgery for posterior fossa meningiomas: a multicenter study.
Sheehan JP, Starke RM, Kano H, Barnett GH, Mathieu D, Chiang V, Yu JB, Hess J, McBride HL, Honea N, Nakaji P, Lee JY, Rahmathulla G, Evanoff WA, Alonso-Basanta M, Lunsford LD. Gamma Knife radiosurgery for posterior fossa meningiomas: a multicenter study. Journal Of Neurosurgery 2015, 122: 1479-89. PMID: 25859812, DOI: 10.3171/2014.10.jns14139.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosterior fossa meningiomasTumor volumeStereotactic radiosurgeryTumor controlRadiation therapyNorth American Gamma Knife ConsortiumTumor progressionActuarial tumor controlMedian margin doseMedian patient agePrior radiation therapyMean tumor volumeGamma knife radiosurgerySmaller tumor volumeNeurological preservationMargin dosePrior resectionClinical stabilityNeurological declinePatient ageShunt placementRecurrent tumorsClinical entityMulticenter studyKnife radiosurgeryEquivalent whole brain dose for patients undergoing gamma knife for multiple lesions.
Jairam V, Chiang VL, Bond J, Yu JB. Equivalent whole brain dose for patients undergoing gamma knife for multiple lesions. Journal Of Radiosurgery And SBRT 2015, 3: 187-191. PMID: 29296401, PMCID: PMC5746333.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWhole-brain doseTotal tumor volumeMultiple lesionsTumor volumeBrain doseMedian total tumor volumeCumulative tumor volumeWhole brain dosesWhole brain radiotherapyTreatment of patientsBrain metastasesBrain radiotherapyIndividualized treatment planningTumor numberBrain dosesInstitutional databaseTumor locationMedian numberRadiosurgical treatmentPatientsRepresentative patientsLesionsEntire brainVital structuresGamma Knife
Stereotactic radiosurgery of petroclival meningiomas: a multicenter study
Starke R, Kano H, Ding D, Nakaji P, Barnett GH, Mathieu D, Chiang V, Yu JB, Hess J, McBride HL, Honea N, Lee JY, Rahmathulla G, Evanoff WA, Alonso-Basanta M, Lunsford LD, Sheehan JP. Stereotactic radiosurgery of petroclival meningiomas: a multicenter study. Journal Of Neuro-Oncology 2014, 119: 169-176. PMID: 24821284, DOI: 10.1007/s11060-014-1470-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGamma knife radiosurgeryPetroclival meningiomasMulticenter studyFavorable outcomeTumor volumeActuarial progression-free survival ratesNorth American Gamma Knife ConsortiumProgression-free survival ratesFree survival ratePrimary treatment modalityProgression of symptomsSmaller tumor volumeComplete microsurgical resectionNeurological preservationUpfront radiosurgeryPrior radiotherapyMost patientsMicrosurgical resectionSignificant morbidityNeurological functionMaximal doseTumor controlTreatment modalitiesKnife radiosurgeryFemale genderGamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar meningiomas: a multicenter study.
Sheehan JP, Starke RM, Kano H, Kaufmann AM, Mathieu D, Zeiler FA, West M, Chao ST, Varma G, Chiang VL, Yu JB, McBride HL, Nakaji P, Youssef E, Honea N, Rush S, Kondziolka D, Lee JY, Bailey RL, Kunwar S, Petti P, Lunsford LD. Gamma Knife radiosurgery for sellar and parasellar meningiomas: a multicenter study. Journal Of Neurosurgery 2014, 120: 1268-77. PMID: 24678777, DOI: 10.3171/2014.2.jns13139.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGamma knife radiosurgeryPrior radiation therapyParasellar meningiomasSellar meningiomasKnife radiosurgeryRadiation therapyPrior surgeryMulticenter studyTumor controlTumor volumeActuarial progression-free survival ratesNorth American Gamma Knife ConsortiumTumor progressionProgression-free survival ratesCox multivariate regression analysisTumor margin doseNew neurological deficitsCranial nerve deficitsPrimary treatment modalityKaplan-Meier analysisCranial nerves VLarger tumor volumeConventional radiation therapyMonths of imagingMultivariate regression analysis
Tracking Metastatic Brain Tumors in Longitudinal Scans via Joint Image Registration and Labeling
Chitphakdithai N, Chiang VL, Duncan JS. Tracking Metastatic Brain Tumors in Longitudinal Scans via Joint Image Registration and Labeling. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2012, 7570: 124-136. PMID: 31187098, PMCID: PMC6559745, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33555-6_11.Peer-Reviewed Original Research