Characterization of GafchromicTM EBT4 film with clinical kV/MV photons and MeV electrons
Guan F, Chen H, Draeger E, Li Y, Aydin R, Tien C, Chen Z. Characterization of GafchromicTM EBT4 film with clinical kV/MV photons and MeV electrons. Precision Radiation Oncology 2023, 7: 84-91. DOI: 10.1002/pro6.1204.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchX-ray beamMeV electron beamMV photon beamElectron beamMV photonsBeam energyMeV electronsPhoton beamsEnergy dependenceKilovoltage x-ray beamsMinimal energy dependenceClinical photonPhotonsBeamRadiation typesMeVElectronsDependence experimentsFilmsDose-response dependenceResponse dependenceDependenceEnergyNoise ratioEBT3Dosimetric response of Gafchromicâą EBTâXD film to therapeutic protons
Guan F, Wang X, Yang M, Draeger E, Han D, Iga K, Guo F, Perles L, Li Y, Sahoo N, Mohan R, Chen Z. Dosimetric response of Gafchromicâą EBTâXD film to therapeutic protons. Precision Radiation Oncology 2023, 7: 15-26. PMID: 37868341, PMCID: PMC10586355, DOI: 10.1002/pro6.1187.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLinear energy transferEBT-XD filmsTherapeutic protonsFilm calibrationProton linear energy transferUltra-high Dose Rate FLASH RadiotherapyDynamic dose rangeMV photon beamDose-averaged LET valuesDose rate dependenceProton beamlineProton beamPhoton beamsFLASH beamSpot scanning proton beamsDosimetric responseLET dependenceFLASH radiotherapyHigh-dose applicationFilm responseLET valuesEnergy transferBeamProtonsGafchromic
Monte Carlo dosimetry modeling of focused kV xâray radiotherapy of eye diseases with potential nanoparticle dose enhancement
Yan H, Ma X, Sun W, Mendez S, Stryker S, StarrâBaier S, Delliturri G, Zhu D, Nath R, Chen Z, Roberts K, MacDonald CA, Liu W. Monte Carlo dosimetry modeling of focused kV xâray radiotherapy of eye diseases with potential nanoparticle dose enhancement. Medical Physics 2018, 45: 4720-4733. PMID: 30133705, DOI: 10.1002/mp.13144.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsX-ray beamMC simulation programEye plaque treatmentCentral axis depth doseMC simulationsDose distributionBeam focusingEye Physics plaquesPhantom irradiationDose enhancementEnergy spectrumDepth doseLens modelingDosimetry modelingPhotoelectric absorptionKV rangeKV X-ray beamsBeamEBT3 filmSimulation programEnergy regimeModelingX-ray techniquesHalf maximumMore flexibility
SUâEâTâ289: On the Use of a Diode Array for the Commissioning of DynamicallyâWedged Asymmetric Fields Generated by Varian EDW's in the Pinnacle Treatment Planning System
Ahmad M, Liu W, Deng J, Nguyen K, Wu D, Chen Z, Moran M, Nath R. SUâEâTâ289: On the Use of a Diode Array for the Commissioning of DynamicallyâWedged Asymmetric Fields Generated by Varian EDW's in the Pinnacle Treatment Planning System. Medical Physics 2012, 39: 3770-3770. PMID: 28517261, DOI: 10.1118/1.4735357.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchArray systemMonte Carlo code BEAMnrcEnhanced dynamic wedgeDiode arrayCylindrical chamberSolid waterDose profilesCentral axisVirtual waterAcceptable accuracyPinnacle3 treatment planning systemBeamDiode array systemOutput factorsWedge angleSegmented treatment tablesAsymmetric fieldsSimulationsConvolution calculationMC predictionWater phantomWaterAxis dose profilesCentral axis percentage depth dosesPercentage depth dosesSUâEâTâ269: The Evaluation of Copper as an Alternative for Cerrobend Electron Shielding
Chu A, Feng W, Ahmad M, Chen Z, Nath R. SUâEâTâ269: The Evaluation of Copper as an Alternative for Cerrobend Electron Shielding. Medical Physics 2012, 39: 3765-3765. PMID: 28517300, DOI: 10.1118/1.4735336.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHigh x-ray transmissionX-ray transmissionEnergy electronsHigh-energy electronsLow-energy electronsMarkus parallel-plate chamberPTW farmer chamberSmall cutoutsElectron shieldingParallel plate chamberElectron beamVarian acceleratorDose curvesElectronsCerrobendPlate ChambersScatter doseFarmer chamberDosimetric characteristicsCircular copperSmall discrepanciesAcceleratorBeamDmaxEO
Evaluation of an electron Monte Carlo dose calculation algorithm for electron beams
Hu YA, Song H, Chen Z, Zhou S, Yin F. Evaluation of an electron Monte Carlo dose calculation algorithm for electron beams. Journal Of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2008, 9: 1-15. PMID: 18716583, PMCID: PMC5722292, DOI: 10.1120/jacmp.v9i3.2720.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElectron Monte Carlo dose calculation algorithmMonte Carlo dose calculation algorithmGrid sizeDose calculation algorithmCalculation grid sizeCalculation algorithmEMC algorithmElectron beamMonte Carlo simulationsElectron beam directionMeasurement dataCutout factorsCalculation iterationsCarlo simulationsDose distributionMeV electron beamLinac headBeam characteristicsBeam dataBeam directionMinimal measurementsMaximum discrepancyAlgorithmDose calculationsBeam
SUâFFâTâ106: Clinical Implementation of Varian Enhanced Dynamic Wedges Into the Pinnacle Treatment Planning System: Monte Carlo Dosimetry and PatientâSpecific Quality Assurance Techniques
Ahmad M, Deng J, Chen Z, Lund M, Kimmett J, Moran M, Nath R. SUâFFâTâ106: Clinical Implementation of Varian Enhanced Dynamic Wedges Into the Pinnacle Treatment Planning System: Monte Carlo Dosimetry and PatientâSpecific Quality Assurance Techniques. Medical Physics 2007, 34: 2425-2425. DOI: 10.1118/1.2760762.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Evaluation of the EDR-2 film for relative dosimetry of high-energy photon and electron beams
Ahmad M, Chen Z, Song H, Deng J, Nath R. Evaluation of the EDR-2 film for relative dosimetry of high-energy photon and electron beams. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2006, 120: 159-162. PMID: 16644932, DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncj006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEDR-2 filmsElectron beamRelative dosimetryHigh-energy photonsClinical radiation dosimetryDose profilesPhotonsRadiation dosimetryBeamDose distributionRadiographic filmsSensitometric studyFilmsDosimetryTreatment planning techniquesElectronsDiodesSymmetryKVFlatnessPlanning techniquesDistribution
Matching the dosimetry characteristics of a dual-field Stanford technique to a customized single-field Stanford technique for total skin electron therapy
Chen Z, Agostinelli AG, Wilson LD, Nath R. Matching the dosimetry characteristics of a dual-field Stanford technique to a customized single-field Stanford technique for total skin electron therapy. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology âą Biology âą Physics 2004, 59: 872-885. PMID: 15183491, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2004.02.046.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal skin electron therapyX-ray contaminationElectron beamBeam axisTSET treatmentsDosimetry characteristicsStanford techniqueElectron therapyDepth dose curvesDifferent electron beamsSame mean energyImpact of beamPatient dosimetryBeam uniformityProbable energyAngular distributionsDepth dosesLuminescent detectorsDepth doseMean energyIonization chamberPencil beamDose curvesBeamMaximum buildup