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Genetic Testing for Hereditary Cancer

January 16, 2024
  • 00:00You're receiving this message because you
  • 00:03have a personal or family history of cancer.
  • 00:07Current medical guidelines recommend that
  • 00:09you have genetic testing to see if you
  • 00:11might be at an increased risk for the
  • 00:14type of cancer that might be inherited.
  • 00:16In other words, a risk that might
  • 00:18have been passed on to you from
  • 00:20your biological mother or father.
  • 00:22Imagine your DNA is like a book
  • 00:24containing all the instructions
  • 00:26for your body and its functions.
  • 00:28Sometimes changes or mutations can
  • 00:30occur in this book that increase
  • 00:32the risk of certain diseases,
  • 00:34including cancer.
  • 00:36Genetic testing is like reading that book.
  • 00:39It allows us to identify the mutations
  • 00:41that can be passed down through families.
  • 00:44It helps us understand if you have
  • 00:46an increased risk of developing
  • 00:48certain types of cancer.
  • 00:50Current methods allow us to test for
  • 00:52many different genes associated with risk
  • 00:54for cancer types such as breast cancer,
  • 00:57colon cancer,
  • 00:58prostate cancer, and others.
  • 01:01This is called the hereditary cancer gene.
  • 01:03Panel Testing is done using a small
  • 01:06sample of your blood or saliva.
  • 01:09This sample contains your DNA,
  • 01:11which will be analyzed in a specialized lab.
  • 01:15There are three possible results
  • 01:17of genetic testing, positive,
  • 01:19negative and a variant of
  • 01:22uncertain significance or Vus.
  • 01:25A positive result means a harmful
  • 01:27change or mutation was found.
  • 01:29This means you were born with an increased
  • 01:32risk to develop certain cancers.
  • 01:34It does not mean that you will get cancer,
  • 01:36just that you have a higher risk.
  • 01:39A positive result can also provide
  • 01:41important information to your relatives
  • 01:43who may want to get tested to see
  • 01:45if they are also at a higher risk.
  • 01:47A negative result means no
  • 01:50known mutations were detected.
  • 01:52Even though this negative finding
  • 01:53is reassuring,
  • 01:54it is possible that you are at an
  • 01:57increased risk for some cancers
  • 01:58that were not part of this test.
  • 02:00For that reason,
  • 02:02it is very important that you follow
  • 02:04your healthcare providers recommendations.
  • 02:07A variant of uncertain significance,
  • 02:09also known as Vus,
  • 02:11means that a genetic change was identified,
  • 02:14but there's limited information at this
  • 02:16time about the meaning of this finding.
  • 02:19Similar to a negative result,
  • 02:20you may still have an increased risk
  • 02:23for cancer based on family history.
  • 02:25You should discuss this with your doctor
  • 02:27for further screening recommendations.
  • 02:29There are some reasons that people may
  • 02:31decide not to pursue genetic testing,
  • 02:33such as concerns about discrimination.
  • 02:36There are laws such as the Genetic
  • 02:39Information Non Discrimination Act
  • 02:41known as Gina that provides some
  • 02:43protection from discrimination
  • 02:45based on genetic test results.
  • 02:47Gina applies to health insurance
  • 02:48and employment,
  • 02:50but does not apply to life,
  • 02:51long term care, or disability insurance.
  • 02:55Ultimately, it is up to you to decide
  • 02:58what is best for your health. Remember,
  • 03:01knowledge is power.
  • 03:02Identifying your hereditary cancer
  • 03:04risk early can make a significant
  • 03:07difference in your overall health.
  • 03:09It can serve as a guide for your
  • 03:11future healthcare decisions.
  • 03:12It also allows for a personalized
  • 03:15cancer prevention and cancer screening
  • 03:17plan for you and your family.
  • 03:20If you are interested in moving
  • 03:22forward with genetic testing,
  • 03:23have any questions,
  • 03:24or want to learn more,
  • 03:26please proceed to the following form.
  • 03:29Knowing the story of your
  • 03:31DNA gives you a tool,
  • 03:32one that you can use to influence
  • 03:34your health over your lifetime.