Everyone (Public)Smilow Shares: Perspectives on the USPSTF Breast Screening RecommendationsA CME WebinarRegister via Zoom: https://yale.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nRhakZ4uSG-tTv86oPO_Yw#/registrationAdd event to CalendarRelated MediaSS USPSTF Sept 19SpeakersMehra Golshan, MD, MBAProfessor of Surgery (Oncology, Breast); Executive Vice Chair, Surgery; Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Surgical Services, Smilow Cancer Hospital; Director of Medical Education, SurgeryJohn Lewin, MDAssociate Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging; Division Chief, Breast ImagingRachel Greenup, MD, MPHAssociate Professor of Surgery (Oncology, Breast); Section Chief of Breast Surgery, Surgery; Co-Director, Center for Breast CancerContactRenee Gaudetterenee.gaudette@yale.eduHostKim Blenman, PhD, MSHost OrganizationYale Cancer CenterAdmissionFreeTagLectures and SeminarsSep 202319Tuesday6:00 PM7:00 PMDownload FlyerEdit This Event