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Fucito, DeMartini Awarded Grant by NIAAA

April 10, 2023

Lisa Fucito, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry, and Kelly DeMartini, PhD, research scientist in psychiatry, have been awarded a $3.21 million grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism for the study, “Deep Phenotyping of Heavy Drinking in Young Adults with Behavioral Scales, Neuropsychological Tasks, and Smartphone Sensing Technology.”

The goal of the study is to utilize a multi-methodological approach of traditional assessments, combined with passive and active smartphone sensing technology, to advance the scientific understanding of young adult alcohol use disorder (AUD) neurobiology and build person-specific risk models for AUDs.

Co-investigators include Stephanie O’Malley, PhD, and Ralitza Gueorguieva, PhD, at Yale School of Medicine; Katie Witkiewitz, PhD, at the University of New Mexico, and Jukka-Pekka Onnela, PhD, at Harvard.