activity Arterial and Venous Diseases
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor White, together with Dr. Osuga Keigo and Professor Hironobu Nakamura of the University of Osaka, works on the development of new techniques for the non-surgical treatment of arterial and venous diseases.
activity Diagnostic Radiology
Abstract/SynopsisDr. White has taught at medical schools in China and is investigating preliminary possibilities for diagnostic radiology collaborations.
activity Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor White, in collaboration with Professor Takanobu Shioya of the Akita University Center, works with a pulmonary doctor and an interventional radiologist on patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia.
activity Interventional Radiology
Abstract/SynopsisDr. White works with colleagues at Chiang Mai University, Bangkok, Mahidol Univeristy, and Prince Songkla University to train interventional radiologists and introduce the concept of physician extenders (i.e. physician associates and nurse practitioners).
activity Vascular Research
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor White conducts joint research with researchers several universities around the world. He also assisted in the launch of multidisciplinary clinical research centers modeled on the Yale University Vascular Malformation Clinical and Research Group, a center without walls, dedicated to the care and management of patients with vascular malformations.
activity Interdisciplinary Partnership for Vascular Research
Abstract/SynopsisDr. White sponsors one student each from Akita University and the University of Osaka to study with Yale clinicians. This interdisciplinary partnership has resulted in papers published on vascular malformations and on new image guided approaches to treatment of vascular malformations.
activity Vascular Malformations Research
Abstract/SynopsisDr. White collaborates with colleagues at Singapore General Hospital on the treatment of vascular malformations.